In a few hours, I will be picked up and taken to the set for my last day on Eureka. Though I've known this day was coming for a couple of weeks, and I've been trying to prepare myself for it, I'm not ready. I don't want this to be over. I don't want to say goodbye to my friends.
Monday, we had our last day of work in Cafe Diem. At the end of the day, Chris Gauthier and Nial Matter were wrapped for the entire series, along with some other actors who are [SPOILER]. I stood there, next to Neil and Felicia, and applauded for them. Then, without warning, I began to cry. It's real. It's really over. We're really done. In two days, I'll finish my last scene, and the first AD will call out, "That is a series wrap for Wil Wheaton," and I'll cry again.
I'm glad to feel sad, as strange as that may sound. I know I've said this about some other things, but it's true: I'm happy to be sad when something is ending, because if I wasn't, it would mean that nothing good happened that I will miss.
I will miss everything about Eureka. I'm going to be a wreck tonight.
So let's talk a bit about This One Time, At Space Camp, shall we? It's going to be Spoileriffic, so you have been warned (or you've already been spoiled, because you follow me on Twitter. Sorry about that.)
I learned to ride a recumbant bike for this episode. It was challenging, but not as difficult as I expected, and ended up being quite a lot of fun. I also think that "May the best man BLAH BLAH BLAH" is my favorite Parrish line of the series.
Wasn't Aaron Douglas magnificent? I loved seeing him play totally against his usual type, and I loved the way he interacted with the kids.
We talked a lot about how douchey Parrish should be in this episode. I wanted to let him be as supremely arrogant as possible, because he's convinced that all of this is just a formality at this point. I wanted him to lift himself up as high as he possibly could, so the fall at the end of the episode would be that much more brutal for him (and awesome for the audience, who are almost certainly cheering for Holly and Fargo at this point, if we've all done our jobs.)
I watched the episode with Neil and Chris in Neil's trailer during breaks in filming, and when Fargo makes it but Parrish doesn't, Neil pointed at sad Parrish on the television, and did a Nelson Muntz HA HA right at him and then at me. It was really, really funny.
Can we just take a moment to marvel at how incredible Wallace Shawn was, too? I mean, holy shit was he incredible. We're so lucky he is part of the show, and you guys haven't even seen the best of it, yet.
Weeping for Titan,
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I will certainly miss seeing you on Eureka and will miss Eureka when it is finally over. Always been a big WW fan from back in the STTNG days. Hope to see more WW gracing the screen in the very near future. Best of luck to you and thanks for the great entertainment!!
It’s obvious what you have to do next. Eureka – The Movie.
I have to say that the last few episodes of Eureka have been some of the best of the series. The plots, the subplots, the dialogue, and the amazing little character moments have all been spot-on. Some of the science is still cringingly ridiculous, but everything else makes up for that.
I’m also glad that Parrish is now Parrish in my head, and not Evil Wil Wheaton. It happened sometime around ONE THOUSAND CRANES! and was firmly in place by the time BLAH BLAH BLAH *pedal off* made me laugh. Good stuff, Mr. Wheaton.
Oh, and Wallace Shawn. I know, right?
I’m actually kind of sad that Parrish didn’t make it. I get why but still. Thanks for all the fun you’ve put into Eureka, it helped make the show that much more “need to see” than before. Not that it wasn’t before, just more so.
My favorite Parrish line of the episode (I can’t claim the encyclopaedic knowledge of the series someone who’s read all the scripts can) was “She told me she wasn’t into role playing.” Knowing your and Felicia’s interest in gaming made the interest of the characters all that more real. It was a great sequence.
I’ve been really enjoying Eureka with you and Felicia on it. And of course, Neil and Chris are in top form. How assume was it to see Felicia with DnD minis on primetime? 🙂
Thank you for sharing your time on Eureka with us. I almost want to cry when you tell us how much you’re going to miss the cast and crew and experience of Eureka.
I know it’s not over yet and I’m so glad for that. So I intend to savor every episode left to air and to read every word you write on it.
Now that you’ve mentioned it here, I can finally say how much I loved that weepoing for Titan line. That was just Dr. Parrish in a nutshell so big props to the writers for coming up with it and to you for delivering it perfectly.
There were some fab one-liners and references in this and in the Space Camp sequence, I half expected a young Cory Feldman and the rest of the Stand by Me or Goonies cast to appear.
Colin Ferguson mentioned on twitter that got some ace viewing figures for that episode, too, so well done indeed to everybody involved.
I really try to think too hard about Eureka ending. Yet.
Eureka has been amazing this series and you are part of the reason why. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching Parrish.
Thanks for making him the arrogant man who I love to watch whilst hoping my favourite Eurekerites bring him down.
The show ending is really bums me out. This season with you and Felicia has been, by far, my favorite. You two play so well of each other. Really, the season has been great. I am sorry for both your loss and mine.
Well, I guess now I have to catch up on my Leverage and start watching that to get my Wil Wheaton fix… 🙂 I was a so-so fan of Eureka before you were on it. I watched when I had the chance, but didn’t make time. Since you started I had to go back and buy all the seasons on Itunes in order to catch up so I could watch your episodes when they came out. It’s an awesome show and I’m so sad that it’s ending.
Can’t wait to see what’s next for Wil! 🙂
I really don’t get WTF SyFy-liss is thinking with their programming choices. I gripe a bit about this on my blog:
Eureka is the only SciFi show my wife actively looks forward to. Its tone is light and upbeat. It didn’t take itself too seriously and didn’t pretend to be more than it was… It had that balance. I hope it was as fun to do as it was to watch.
Looking forward to the Eureka the movie-
Totally expecting a Richard Dryfuss voice over for Space Camp.
I’m really disappointed that Eureka is ending, but I think I feel worse for you and the other fantastic actors on the show because you all seem to love working on it so much. Had to laugh when the obnoxious kid from the Galaxy Camp turned out to be Parrish and “May the best man blah blah blah…” line was priceless!
I’m such a HUGE fan of Wallace Shawn. He ranks right up there with Robert Picardo. Last weeks episode was certainly one of my favorites this season. Great acting…great writing…just all around fun and enjoyable. Keep up the awesome work!
You, sir, are the King of Douches… that sounded more complimentary in my head…
“It’s obvious what you have to do next. Eureka – The Movie.”
Instead, how about
“Eureka – The Movie MUSICAL!!!”
Regardless of the next move, both my sister and I agree that Comcast/SyFy* suck for cancelling Eureka.
*I feel it is proper to associate “SyFy” with Eureka’s cancellation, rather than the network that I have been such a fan of, SciFi.
I was torn with this episode. It was the first time that I really did NOT like Dr. Parrish. So kudos to you for making that happen, because it completely separated Wil from Parrish for me. The reason I was torn is because I like Wil, and therefore still liked Parrish.
What I’m trying to say is, mission accomplished. Great job!
I, for one, am going to MISS Dr. Parrish. You really brought a good rivalry to the show between him and Fargo, and I’m going to miss it. I was cheering for Holly and Fargo, don’t get me wrong, but would I have been cheering without you? Who can tell. And really, Fargo needs a nemesis, especially one that actually has the intelligence (if not the charm) to actually make SENSE as a rival.
Well played, Wil, and I’m happy with you that you’re sad with the rest of us who will be missing this show so very, very much when it’s over. Your attachment (and the rest of the cast’s) to the show shines in your roles, and for that I am glad. Good luck in what you do next!
Wallace Shawn is INCONCEIVABLE-ly hawesome in EVERYthing he does. He’s just one of those quirky little oddballs you can’t help but absolutely love.
Mr. Picardo was absoutely brilliant as the EMH in Voyager. Enjoyed him immensely in the role.
Please tell me you and Wallace Shawn got up to some “Wesley meets the Nagus” improv for everyone’s amusement.
I have only had a job or two where I enjoyed working with the people so much I got distraught about leaving. I still think back to working with those people and wonder how they are and what they are doing today. Enjoy being part of something special. Some people don’t even get one of those, much less two or three. When the time comes, go home, have one of your beers and relax for a while. Reflect on all the awesome things you have done, and prepare for the awesome things you are yet to do. Then start to work on the next great thing, the next chap book, or novel, or blog, or podcast, or series, or whatever. Put Mr. Doubt in his place! We (your fans) will be waiting for what’s next. You are a Renaissance man, and while we don’t know what your next media of expression will be, be we look forward to seeing what it is. Kudos on Eureka, and cheers to the future!
Despite your stellar attempts to have Dr. Parrish be, well, a smug and arrogant SOB, the moment of vulnerability your character had when losing out on the Astraeus mission made me feel bad for Parrish. So, yes, you all did your jobs, and I was happy for those two crazy kids, but you managed to convey the disappointment of your character in a way that was emotionally moving, and not in a “HA HA!” way. So I’d say you did your job, and then some.
Anyway, I hope that you’re told you’re very good at your job a lot, but I wanted to let you know that one moment added a ton of depth to a character that could have simply been a foil. Well done, sir.
Eureka – The Movie MUSICAL… IN THREE DEE!!11
Loved “This One Time at Space Camp” & Dr. Parrish, but just wanted to remind people that the fact that Parrish is not going to Titan doesn’t mean you’re not in any more episodes of Eureka. The long delay before the next season is confusing, since we all know the last episode is being completed today. You are in episodes of the season that hasn’t started yet (season 5?), right?
Eureka: The Movie Musical RIDE presented in DIGITAL 3D! (Because if you’re going to go over the top, you might as well shoot for orbit.)
You are correct on all counts.
Wil, it is good to be emotional. Everyone needs to cry once in a while. I remember in your older posts how you cried for Sketch and Felix the Bear. Data always wanted to be able to cry to be more human. I am sure you did not cry when you left Star Trek.
I wanted to compliment your performance in the moment Parrish learns he isn’t going to Titan. Your initial expression held all the smug satisfaction of a man who was sure he was accepted. As the message was “read”, your eyes reflected confusion, followed by disbelief, and finally extreme disappointment. I was pleasantly surprised by the disappointment. I expected anger and denial, but saw the nice side of Parrish. I actually felt sorry for him.
So much happened in your eyes in so little time. It was lovely to watch.
Even though I am #TeamParrish I have to say the story of what Neil did while you guys watched this ep had me cracking up too.
Man I am really going to miss all my smartypants friends from that crazy town. I’m glad you had the opportunity to become part of that family. Everyone involved with the show seems like such wonderful people.
Is it too much to hope for a miracle pick-up from another channel? *sigh*
I feel like it was just getting its legs back under it, and then Eureka is over. I love all the actors they have brought in for this season (Wallace Shawn, inconceivable!) and the lovely tongue-in-cheek interplay between the various couples. (I laughed at the D&D foreplay-like scene with Fargo and Holly. It hit a little too close to home, lol.) I can just imagine how sad it must be to leave all of that wonderful energy and closeness. Hopefully your next project will touch you just as much, and, quite selfishly, be soon. 🙂
I finally started watching this show this summer, catching up on all the episodes, and then it was cancelled- it’s sort of like when you made a new friend at grade school, only to find out their family was about to move.
I love the show and the main actors are all fabulous, and it is so exciting to see you performing as something that is, again, totally different from your best-known roles and even really different from Fawkes on The Guild. I would love if there was a movie, a musical, a movie musical theme park, or anything from Eureka after this. If there isn’t, I guess we’ll just remember it as this one little perfect show…I’m also excited that there is a whole season coming we haven’t seen, and hoping there was as beautiful an ending as I want there to be.
Will, I hate to say it, but my favorite line didn’t involve Parrish. It was when Wallace Shawn said, “Were you expecting the Spanish Inquisition?”, which was followed by Colin Feguson brilliantly delivering an understated, “Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.” I fell off my chair, then rewound it a few times to hear it again and again.
Amy Berg, who wrote the script, did that intentionally. It was her gift to all of us who are Python fans!
Well this is yet another example of SyFy doing the wrong thing. Eureka was one of their best original series and your recent addition to the case (and Felicia Day) only help to make it that much better. I hope you get some more air time on “The Guild” & “The Big Bang” good sir. You always add zest to the plots.
My wife and I (I love saying that after 6 years!) have loved Eureka since it started and have really enjoyed your character. Very sorry to see them leave. And gratz on getting to ride a recumbent, we see a few of them around here now and then.
Why, oh why couldn’t Wallace Shawn have said “inconceivable” just once? lol
Wil – I know that write-in and type campaigns rarely work to revive a show. But is anyone even trying to organize something like that? Eureka has been my favorite thing about Mondays (which, for the most part, suck). The show manages to have serious consequences for its characters without ever forgeting the humorous side. This must be very hard to pull off on any show. You and the rest of the cast, crew, writers and directors manage to do this admirably. Eureka definitely deserves another chance.
My wife and I were both befuddled by how a network – any network – can let such a fun show go away.
I’ve been reading your blog for a very long time, since around 2002 or thereabouts. It’s nice to see how you have grown as a writer, an actor and blogger since then, getting over hard times and coming through to do well.
As I tip a home brew tonight, check the comments on my home brew computer and go to my six year old’s first cub scout meeting (he signed himself up without telling us!) I’ll be thinking of you having your own beer – or Guinness – and toasting to the end of a good show. Sisyphus (Ahem – that sy station) won’t have me to watch them anymore.
Oooh, recumbents rule! What kind was it?
I guffawed out loud at “May the best man blah blah blah.” It was perfectly delivered.
Just a quick question: when Parrish exits the interview room, he is pulling a large case on wheels. Was that supposed to be a storage case for his precious Galaxy Camp trophy?
Hey Wil, I feel like I owe you a “thank you”. I made an off hand reference and link to my blog in an earlier post. The amount of bounce its gotten from YOUR blog… well, I feel a little guilty.
Thanks for being so un Parrish like and gracious and for your contribution on a tight little show.
I gave that some thought too. But I can’t really see very many channels that are shooting for Eureka’s “obvious” demographic.
I say “obvious” because while the execs will see it as a geek/sf demo, I, and apparently many others have got their significant others, who are at best geek-adjacent, to watch and enjoy Eureka. So I think there is great evidence that this show has a larger (more primetime) demographic than it’s given credit for.
So there should be lots more channels willing to pick it up, but I fear that the people in charge of such simply don’t know how valuable Eureka could be for them.
But here’s to hoping!
The recumbent bike was worth the effort, because that totally sold the douche factor.
(Maybe cliche and unfair to actual recumbent bike afficianados, but it worked right for this character so I’m not complaining.)
Kind of full circle on the “sci-fi character the fans love to hate” thing here. Except by choice this time, which makes all the difference.
I am sad for you, the rest of the cast, the show, and for me. Mondays are going to be super extra lame without the awesomeness of Eureka to look forward to. I’m glad the pain of it ending is put off a bit longer for us fans. But like I said: I am sad for everyone who has worked on the show and has had to say goodbye. We’re all losing a very good thing.
Yeah, there was a whole thing were Parrish took the trophy out of his case, but it was cut for time.
There's no point, really. Within two weeks, all the sets will be torn down.
DANG IT! I was out of the room, so I didn’t hear Colin Ferguson’s line! Dang it, dang it, dang it!
On the other hand, I DID hear Wallace Shawn’s line, so I said it, too.
Those lines were simply awesome.