I’m on JoCoCruiseCrazy 2, and I’m taking an Internet vacation until I get home. So every day while I’m gone, something from my archives will post here automatically, for your entertainment. I had a lot of fun picking these different things out, and I hope you enjoy them again, or for the first time.
Originally published February 2011.
Hunter is a short Sci-Fi story set in a dark and desperate world.
Here's a small preview:
Pyke chased the girl down a street still wet with the afternoon’s rainfall. A thin sliver of moon was glowing behind the thinning clouds, but it wasn’t bright enough to pierce the darkness between thefew street lamps that still worked. The girl was fast. He had to stay close, or she’d escape.
Pyke had let the girl put about 500 feet between them when she ranthrough a bright pool of light and was swallowed by darkness. When she didn’t reappear, Pyke knew he had her, for there was only one place she could have gone. He followed her through a once-ornate gateway into the old city, where the colony had been founded a century before.
Her footfalls echoed off rows of empty windows down narrow streets that seemed to turn back on themselves, an ancient trick intended to confuse invaders. When the Gan arrived, they solved this puzzle by simply bombarding most of the buildings and walls from low orbit until there weren’t many places left to hide. Hunters like Pyke—a second-generation Goa colonist who’d grown up in the old city—knew every twist, every turn, every blind alley and every hidden basement.
It wasn’t the first time Pyke had pushed a rebel into the avenues. In the six months he’d been working for the Gan, he’d let dozens of terrified patriots think they were making their escape into the old city’s maze-like streets, only to trap them in one of its countless dead ends, where he’d have a little fun before turning them over to his masters.
He heard a splash just down the block, followed by a yelp. She must have fallen in a puddle, Pyke thought. Shallow craters were everywhere in these streets; filled with water, they made quite effective traps. Pyke slowed to a jog and grinned. It was only a matter of time now.
It is just about 2500 words, which is about the length of a story you'd read in a magazine. I'm not really sure what the appropriate cost is, so I'm experimenting with the Pay What You Want model that seems to be working really well for a lot of artists I respect and admire.
If I sold Hunter to a magazine, I'd probably get around $125 or so (assuming I could get the SFWA professional rate of five cents a word. I figure that at least 125 people will want to read this, so if all of them donated a dollar, I'd feel really good about this, and I'd be able to do it again in the future. If you're interested (and I hope you are) you can downloadHunter and pay what you want (even the low low price of NOTHING AT ALL) at Wil Wheaton Books dot Com.
A couple of FAQs:
Is this about the amazing 80s cop drama HUNTER starring Fred Dryer?
No, it's an original work of fiction set in a world I made up.
Where could I find out more about HUNTER and Fred Dryer?
Oh, I bet Wikipedia will help you with the show and its star.
Don't you mean "it's"?
No, I don't. This rhyme from Strongbad has served me well: "If you want to be possessive, it's just I-T-S … if you want to use an apostrophe, it's I-T-APOSTROPHE-S!"
Can I use something other than PayPal to give you filthy money?
Not at the moment, no.
But PayPal is evil!
I know. Luckily, you can stick it to me and PayPal at the same time, if you want. Yay!
What about Google Checkout?
I'm working on it. Well slap my fanny, I figured out how to use it. Yes, you can use Google Checkout. The only thing is, I couldn't find an option that lets you set your price, so I set it at $2.00, which seems to be the average people are choosing to pay.
Can I download the artwork and use it for the cover?
Yes! I tried to embed the neat image Will Hindmarch designed into the files, but apparently I haven't unlocked that skill yet.
Are you going to expand this story?
Maybe. I know a lot about the world and other stuff that would be spoilery, because I've thought about it a lot, but I don't know if I'm ready to expand this particular story much more. I think I'll be revisiting [spoiler] at some point, though, because it's very intriguing to me.
So I've decided to pay for this. What do you suggest?
A billon dollars seems about right to me, but most people are choosing between 1 and 5 bucks.
Can I print out the PDF?
I bought the [mobi | pdf | epub] but now I want [some other format] do I have to pay you again?
Of course not, but thank you for asking. You're a good guy or girl.
Can I give my copy to a friend?
Yes, but I'd prefer you link them to the Hunter page at Wil Wheaton Books dot Com where they can download their own copy. I hope that this will introduce new readers to my work, and if they're at my virtual bookshelf, maybe they'll check out my other work.
Are you doing an audio version?
I don't know. Maybe in the future.
Isn't Wall of Voodoo an amazing band?
Hell yes! I've been listening to The Index Masters
pretty much non-stop for three days.
Okay, that just about covers it. If you like this, please tell your friends.
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“It was only a matter of time now.”
That sentence needs to be abolished.
Hope you’re having an awesome time on the cruise.
The blog is great! And, though there is no obligation for you to play along, I passed a blogging award to you in my post today –
I remember really enjoying Hunter and wishing it was longer… how about fleshing it out into a novella?
I’m 43 and just recently started getting into D&D. I too had the red box when I was a kid but I never had anyone to play with and never really took the time to understand it, though I was fascinated by it. A few weeks ago I saw a story that they (“they” being WoTC) were looking for D&D fans to help come up with the new rule set for a new edition. I started doing some searches on google and found the Chris Perkins run adventures including the PAX live games. I’ve been hooked ever since. I’ve already spent $200 on things like mini’s, 4e core books, tiles, whatever I can get my hands on and I have to say, it’s easy to get pulled into a world full of friends, adventure and good times, especially when the world around you feels like it’s crumbling apart at times.
BTW, you sucked on TNG… just kidding. My wife thinks you looked like a young Elvis… hope that makes your day. 😉