FINALLY, I can talk about this, and because a picture is worth a thousand words…
Felicia Day and I wrote a Fawkes story for The Guild comic together. There are two covers, the one above is by Paul Duffield, and this one is by Emma Rios:
Jamie McKelvie is drawing the book, which comes out on May 23rd.
Here's how Dark Horse is describing it:
Felicia Day and The Guild are back, along with costar Wil Wheaton, for a brand-new story spotlighting Fawkes, the dashing, debonair, and douchey leader of the evil guild Axis of Anarchy! His relationship with Codex threatened to tear the Knights of Good apart until he was thrown off a balcony for his treatment of her. Set after season 4 of the show, this issue reveals how Fawkes deals with his split from Codex and navigates the aggressive personalities of the Axis, and follows his journey to his surprising state when he returns in season 5!
Felicia and I talked to io9 about it last week, so if you want to know a little bit more, head on over there and check it out.
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Awesome. I’ll have to check out the book.
I MUST OWN THIS. Right the eff now. May 23 is too loooonnggg.
EPIC! <3 Looking forward to it. 🙂
At this point, shouldn’t Fawkes have moved on to another MMO?
Any self respecting gamer has abandoned WoW. I mean, fighting pandas? C’mon!
I am so buying this, and telling everyone I know to buy it, too!
OEJ: Hey, I’m actually coming -back- to WoW when Pandaria comes out. 😉 I’ve been crazy excited ever since I heard about it! (And hopefully Emerald Dream afterwards? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease, Blizz?)
I can’t wait to read this!
Hahaha. It isn't WoW, it's called The Game. And Fawkes isn't going to leave until he's good and ready to leave, on his own terms.
"Conviction is worthless unless it is converted into conduct." -Thomas Carlyle
The first issue of The Guild sold out in 3 days at my store,…. i might have to do pre-orders for this one Wil hahahaha. Awesome.
We LOVE pre-orders!
I’ll wait for a signed copy at Phoenix Comicon. 🙂
My future seeing eye prediction is that someone will make for you the totally awesome costume in the first picture.
This is Awesome Wil – I cannot wait!
I bet you do Wil, i bet you do.
Is there any super awesome Fawkes’ie Stuff or promotions coming with this issue? So that i can get the people coming into my stores extra hyped or shall i just utter your name over and over again to people? lol
I don't know if Dark Horse is planning any kind of special incentive promotion, but if they are, you should totally get in on that thing!
Oh indeed i will, Wil. xD
But perhaps you should nudge them to do so? 😛
Use that enchanted robe you appear to be wearing on Paul’s Art up there to Darkly convince the Dark Horse to send out super epic things for pre-orders or first edition stuff ha ha.
However it’ll sell fast either way esp with me promoting it haha, i have already got a few people psyched about it.
Alright i have gushed enough,
I am just super excited.
p.s. You’re Awesome.
Also, I’m glad you wear a fez, now. Fezzes are cool.
Is it somehow possible to get a signed copy? If not I’ll go the regular preorder way, but it would be so cool…
Love from Holland,