Yesterday, I told Twitter: If Anne was a super villain, she'd be The Earworm, and she would terrorize the citizens by putting horrible songs into their head.
Twitter worked its magic, and a short time later, this appeared:
Thank you, @jadegordon, for making something awesome.
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To cute. What did she think??? And now if she accompanys to cons she has something to sign. Im sure could have her own panel about the exploits of living with Wil Wheaton.
Well done! +1d6 additional damage vs. geeks with the Earthworm Jim homage…
Suhweet! Makes me almost want to be on twitter just to follow along!
OMG, that is too funny. I laughed, I cried, it moved me, Wil.
Couldn’t find any good way to contact you beside commenting here or through twitter so I’ll just go through here. I’m a freelance photographer and webdesigner and now trying to be more serious about it, which is why I’m currently trying to fill my portfolio with actual clients. Looked around your blog and thought that you could benefit from a redesign and a fresh update overall, and would happily work something out for you. Only thing I want in exchange is for me to use it in my portfolio.
Thought it was worth to ask atleast. If you’re interrested, contact me at [email protected].
Excellent! But, as I sip my morning coffee, I’m wondering – what song was it?
I’m ecstatic that the word “earworm” has finally found its way into the English language. Thank you sincerely for promoting its use!
Wil, this is probably the only time you could call your wife a worm and get away with it. Well played, sir!
Ann should get this as a tattoo, and start selling t-shirts.
That is too cute!! Yay, Jade! I know Jade from The Node community. She is a brilliant artist. 🙂
Will Anne be joing the Axis of Anarchy in season five?
That picture is fabulous. Someone needs to needlepoint it.
Also: I said, “What about Breakfast at Tiffany’s?” She said, “I think I remember the film… as I recall, I think we both kind of liked it.” And I said, “Well, that’s one thing we’ve got.”
Oh, internet. Never change.
Oh. Oh, my. Why do I suddenly think that Sparks McGee might not be the cosplay for me? Oh. Oh, my.