I had a fantastic time at Emerald City Comicon. Until I have time to get my thoughts together and share some of the more awesome things that happened, I want to share the following pictures that I took while I was there:
I didn't take as many pictures as I wanted, because my line was pretty long the whole weekend. I figured that if I was stopping to take lots of pictures, it would probably result in at least a few people not being able to make it through the line (which some people told me took three hours, in spite of my efforts to move it along as quickly as I could. Holy crap, that's a long line. I would never wait three hours to meet me. Hell, I wouldn't even wait one hour.)
I used the Vignette app on my Android (HTC Inc. CM7) to take these pictures. I think you can clicky-click them if you want to see them in all their epic huge glory.
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I want to know where that girl got her nails done!
Looks like a good time was had by all 🙂
That Nyan Cat cosplay is awesome! It reminds me of the Nyan Cat running around Gen Con last year. It took about five or six people: one at the head was holding the cat (a cardboard box, I think) and the others streaming behind him with the rainbow fabric on both sides. They literally ran around the con that way for a day, I think.
I didn’t get a picture, but I did see Darth Vader on a unicycle playing the bagpipes.
I saw you early on Friday and saw you still meeting and greeting nearly five hours later. I have no idea how you kept that up all weekend.
That’s what she said.
In unrelated news, I did meet Anne on Sunday just as I was giving up on meeting her. Hi Anne. Hope you both had fun this weekend. I did.
Nyan cat! Dang. I took a picture of him, too. I couldn’t remember the meme.
Also – It was great seeing you at the con, Wil.
Double also – hey everybody, I got to meet (and get my picture taken with) Mrs. Wheaton. She is even more awesome in person, if you can believe it.
I was in line about an hour behind that Sparks McGee. She made me jealous I hadn’t thought of it 😉
I got a picture of that Darth Vader guy. He was also wearing a kilt!
Pics or it didn’t happen.
I actually waited over 4 hours to meet you with my 13yo nephew, and I waited 2 hours on sunday too. And I would do it again. I also was geeked out that I got to touch your phone! So awesome Wil, you are the greatest ever!
I sooo wish I could have chatted more on Saturday. I had a black cowboy hat and a mustache. Mustache was so totally your fault. I did it because of the whole Sparks MaGee thing. I just didn’t have time to make a shirt and I really wanted to wear my Cpt. Tight Pants shirt. I waited in line for 3 hours and had to pee so bad I really didn’t say much to you. (and your so awesome I forgot everything I wanted to say). Thanks again for being you . You were my highlight I will fly on for quite some time.
I am jealous of that girl’s nails; those are pretty awesome.
(Also, my boyfriend and I were both Minions, so he texted me loling about the Nyan Cat in Wil Wheaton’s line while I was off herding people for panels. XD At least I got to see them wandering around later, though I did miss getting down to Wil’s line.)
I’ll do you one better, how about some video?
I love it when a plan comes together.
Yes, long lines but worth the wait! Nice to thank someone that has provided so much entertainment. And happy you liked my birthday drawing so much… I haven’t actually signed any of my work for a looooongbtime!
Wil, so glad you liked the shirt, it was fun to make and I was SO very excited to give it to you. This is the link I used to make the image: http://www.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/ – now go create something!
I totally almost tripped and fell up the escalator when my husband pointed you out standing in a corner at comic-con people laughed but it was totally worth it cause I saw you LOL.
Thanks for positing that BluePlaticJess. My day is brighter because I got to see that, and I though it was going to be a bad day.
Just out of curiosity, what pieces were read by Wil? I was not lucky enough to go, and I was wondering if there are any great posts I have missed in the past.
Is that the reddit crest above the “keep calm and don’t be a dick”? – AWESOME. I would buy that 🙂
Hey Wil! I was there at Emerald City and saw your panel. It was the first time I’ve seen you speak. You did a great job! It was extremely entertaining. I’m going to be getting your book, Memories of the Future, because I really enjoyed your excerpt from vol. 2 you did during your talk. I’ve seen those shows so many times I can replay them in my mind and quote lines of dialog (I know, I know). Your perspective on it was hilarious, and I’ve had many of the same thoughts! Anyway, I’m yet another geek who grew up in a place where being into science wasn’t “cool”. I’ve definitely been inspired by your role in Star Trek. I’ll soon be working in biotechnology. I also appreciate how genuine you are as a person. I’ll be following your blog and your new show with Felicia Day. Keep keepin it real!
OMG, such awesome costumes. Nyan Cat FTMFW!
Sounds like a great time, wish I could’ve been there.
Will you be returning to Phoenix in May, Wil?
Glad you had fun. I’d like to see a “Don’t Panic and Don’t Be A Dick” t-shirt.
I, my husband and my JLA nails (yes, that’s my hand up there) were super-happy to meet you this weekend, Wil! Your panel was my favorite of the whole weekend. Hope to see you next year 🙂
Thanks so much for doing such a great job as a presenter, and a media guest. It was my best friend’s sister’s first time at comicon and they both loved your panel. My best friend and I were two of the people crazy enough to wait 3 hours in line to see you (it was a SUPER LONG LINE) and we appreciated that you stuck around to sign everything and still mustered up enthusiasm for every one of us.
We were the girls with the stuffed two-face bunny. He’s now at home sporting a sweet new nerd-tat and I’m going to make him a Wesley Crusher sweater to go with it. Just for giggles. Thanks for everything and hope to see you next year!
Dang! The stuff you miss when you’re recuperating from walking pneumonia! But it would have been so wrong to infect comicon! So I stayed home. You’re welcome. And now I want a Bazinga! shirt 🙂
Aw, thanks so much for sharing con pics, Wil!
I need a visit to nerdvana soon, but I don’t have any planned for a while, so this helps tide me over! 😉
I love the Sparks McGee cosplay, and Nyan Cat ones are always a blast. I saw a few of those at Dragon*Con last year, but this one is just adorkable! The Game Boy wins points for originality, though, for sure.
Best of all is the “Keep Calm” shirt. Replacing the crown with the Wheaton eight bit crest is just genius. I have a “Get excited and make things” shirt, but I think I’d have to get another one of this theme if you did make these real.
I heard you on TBTL, and you were great! I kind of like the mix of nerdiness with not-nerdiness of that show.
OMG, I am laughing so hard!!! That guy so totally rules.
Old school Game Boy & Nyan Cat cosplays RULE! This just gets me even more hyped up for Phoenix Comicon (48 days left….)