Category Archives: imported from Where’s My Burrito

I’ve been thinking about the

I’ve been thinking about the radio a lot recently. Maybe it’s because I’ve been stuck in a Radiohead vortex. I’m not sure.
Well, today, I got an email from a girl who wanted to know why Radio Free Burrito hasn’t been on. I told her that I turned it off because nobody ever listened, as far as I know, and, quite honestly, the pAved earth is just a whole hell of a lot cooler.
So I ask you, experiencer of my lameness…have you tuned into my little station of bliss?
I’m also kicking around the idea of creating a message board. What do you think?

So the votes are officially

So the votes are officially in.
Out of the total of 4 votes I got, all of them said it would be cool to have an online journal, so here it is.
Extra special thanks go to loren who directed me to blogger, a website that will hopefully make this whole weblog (the cool kids call it a “blog”) easy and painless.
I’m off now to make dinner for the family. You know what we’re having tonight?
Burritos. No shit.