Category Archives: Music

The Dresden Dolls

fter reading my post about the Ditty Bops, jwz (yes, that jwz. Because I am totally that cool. Shut up! I am! Jeeze!) pointed me toward videos by The Dresden Dolls, specifically Coin-Operated Boy and Girl Anachronism.

Holy shit. I immediately went to the iTunes Music Store and bought their album.

This is another reason I’m so happy to be living in this age, with access to this technology. As recently as five years ago, I never would have heard of this band on my own, and even if I was fortunate enough to accidentally stumble upon them, I’d have to drive to a music store that not only carried their album, but would let me preview the album before I bought it. Instead, Jamie told me, "they’re your new favorite videos ever, you just don’t know it yet." and he was totally right. [I could put a huge rambling dissertation about the Long Tail and the
value of word-of-mouth marketing here, but I’ll spare you.] The thing is, the Dresden Dolls and the Ditty Bops sound nothing alike, and the only thing they really have in common (in this instance) is the visual style of their videos.But the music they make together, and the passion in Amanda’s lyrics grabbed me by the cerebellum and wouldn’t let go. The last album I had this sort of visceral oh-my-god-i-have-to-listen-to-it-over-and-over-and-over-again reaction to was Mike Doughty’s Skittish / Rockity Roll.

You’ve got to go to their website right now and read Amanda’s bio. Wow.

This is not music for everyone, but if it hits you, holy shit will it hit you.

dust off that accordion

I discovered Jonathan Coulton when he was memed around last week with his brilliant folksy cover of Baby Got Back.

I listened to some of his other music, and liked enough of it to add him to bloglines. Each week, he releases a new song to The Internets, and this week, he gives us a terriffic little ditty called Someone Is Crazy.

This one comes from a verse that’s been floating around in my head
for about 10 years. I think that originally it came from an argument
with some girl about something, but I can’t remember anymore. I can
still find the disdain in my heart though, that hasn’t left me. The
amazing Cynthia Hopkins
stuff on Wednesday night inspired me to dust off the old accordion and
give it a whirl. Man that thing is hard to play. But that’s what Thing
a Week is about. Dusting off old accordions. Hard to play. Rough weeks.

Here is the song: link

If you share my musical tastes, or just want to spend a moment with something new, check it out.

gems among the alibis

Since the release of Haughty Melodic, I’ve been on a major Doughty kick. Go listen to The Only Answer, and then read the lyrics. Jeebus H. Menendez, man. I read things like this and wonder how I can call myself a
writer. I’ve got a long way to go before I truly believe I’ve earned it.
Skittish and Rockity Roll have totally fucked up the rating curve in my
iTunes library. Mike Doughty writes and plays music that I don’t just hear; it’s music that I feel.

I was so sad when Soul Coughing broke up, but if it had to happen, so
Mike Doughty could head out on his own, and create music like this . .
. well, the Ruby Vroom CD is just a bookshelf away.

True story: years ago, Mike Doughty mentioned me on his message board.
Somehow, word got back to him that I was a fan. He sent me a really
cool e-mail, and I was so star struck, and so afraid that I would come
off like a drooling fanboy dipshit, I never got the courage to reply. I
wonder if he remembers . . . maybe I’ll finally send him an e-mail of
my own, and save all my drooling fanboy dipshittery for a nice public
forum like my blog.

little by little

Harvey Danger, who had a hit song in the mid-90s with Flagpole Sitta, have a new album out, called Little by Little. It’s their first studio album in five years, and boy is it worth the wait! I’ve been listening to it all morning, and I really like it. If you’ve read WWdN for any amount of time, and you like the same kind of music that I do, you should pick it up.

. . . which you can do right now, for free, because Harvey Danger has released the entire album using Bittorrent:

We’re not streaming, or offering 30-second song samples, or annoying
you with digital rights management software; we’re putting up the whole
record, for free, forever. Full stop. Please help yourself; if you like
it, please share with friends.

Well, I like it, so I’m doing my little part to share it. If you like it, you can order the album from their website.

I think this is a great idea. Thanks, Harvey Danger!