Several people have written in with the news of Jonathan Brandis’s apparent suicide at age 27.
I guess many TV watchers put us in a category together, because we both played “The Kid” on a SF show. I’ve heard him called “The Wesley of SeaQuest” more than once, and not in a kind way. Jesus, I bet that sucked for him.
I didn’t know him, though I did see him from time to time when we were kids, mostly at Big Bopper Teen Cheese-O-Rama parties at whatever 50s diner was currently trendy.
Anyway, I think it’s terribly sad. I know how hard it is to make the transition from child to adult actor. I know how merciless Hollywood is. I know the pain, frustration, and depression that he must have felt. I know it intimately.
The thing is, if I’d turned right instead of left, if I’d taken the elevator instead of the stairs, if I’d chosen differently when faced with one of those 1 or 0 decisions . . . that could be me you’re reading about today.
Afterthought: Several comments suggest that it’s jumping the gun to assume that his death had anything to do with the struggles I associate with the child to adult actor thing, and that it’s a pretty big assumption. I have to agree with that. I just wrote what came to my mind when I heard about his death. Whatever the reason, it’s just awful whenever someone takes their own life. A very good friend of mine killed himself when he was just 23, and it haunts me to this day.
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I was deeply saddened to hear of Jonathan’s death. Growing up, he was one of the few I ever had a crush on, as I never really was the type to swoon over many stars. Being that he was only two years older than me…I guess that also made the crush more ‘realistic’ in a sense. I loved watching his movies, and his character on “SeaquestDSV”. His talent both as an actor, and the episode he both wrote and directed proved he had a very bright future ahead of him.
I’m not stranger to depression myself. I suffer from it, have been hospitalized (voluntarily) for it, and am being treated for it, as I have been since 1998. Had a college counselor not encouraged me to take that step and seek inpatient treatment, I don’t know where I’d be. I think that’s why in part I’m taking Jonathan’s death so hard, even though I did not know him personally. Because I DO know that if someone might have known, if he would have asked for help, perhaps something could have changed the situation. But I also know from what I’ve learned over the years that sadly, you can’t help someone who doesn’t want help either. They first have to admit they have a problem. For those of you who think suicide is the selfish choice, that may very well be… but to the one who is suffering… they see know other way out… and that is what breaks my heart… if these reports are indeed true, and the autopsy confirms that Jonathan did take his own life, that is what will make it sad…to learn that he felt so withdrawn and hopeless that there was no other way out. Wherever you are now Jonathan, I hope you are at peace. Know that you were loved, and still are… and will be sadly missed by many, friends, family, and fans worldwide. I pray that you rest easy now…and in my own illness battling depression, I will go own fighting…for my sake, as well as in your memory…Rest in Peace Jonathan
I’ve been so sad about hearing that Jon died. oh man, my friend told me about this a day or two ago and I think I’m still in shock. I can remember just thinking he was the greatest thing ever when I was younger and I was constantly hoping and waiting to get my hands on everything he’d been in til this day. Its just so awful for someone to be lost so young. My heart goes out to his loved ones and to him for whatever reasons he had for ending his life. Rest in Peace Jon, you left much too soon.
I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday who said she’d just been thinking about SeaQuest just the other day, and we had a huge talk about Jonathan Brandis. we looked up some sites that have recent pics and OMG!!! I can’t believe he was so HOT! how could such a hot young man not be able to get better jobs?! he could kick Leonardo DiCaprio’s ASS!! I mean, he was still acting. what was wrong with his agent? did Jon just not want to be in the business anymore or something? He always struck me as a good actor as well as someone who’d grow up to be devestatingly handsome. it’s not fair.
Composer Michael Kamen, and a lovely actress named Kellie Waymire who was in ‘Six Feet Under’ have also died. What a sad week for film, stage and television :(.
Having almost gone through suicide myself I can feel the final hopelessness that must have crossed his mind when he made the final decision. I couldn’t have been an easy one, but whatever it was, I’m sure it wasn’t a last minute decision. These thoughts trail your mind for a while before you actually take action. I only wish he had voiced those thoughts to someone before he made his final decision. I really do.
Great site
I have just now learned of this news…
any death I hear of makes me stop and think…
and this news.. is old news around the holidays…
maybe if he had a web site like yours…
and he had the daily reminder that he
had many fans…
he wouldn’t have taken this action…
there are many people in the world
maybe many here with your web site
who are in pain…
if you are… look for help… it’s out there…
tell someone
for if no one knows, how can they help…
but also, remember this…
he will be remembered…
and he will live again.
Reading your post regarding Brandis’s death and the perceived connection with your own life made me want to comment that I see a different correlation – both of you were in Stephen King related movies at the same age (Stand by Me/SK’s It). Sure, it’s not that much of a tie-in, but neither is the sci-fi theme.
I never knew Jon in life… and I had many opportunities to do so. In fact, the day he died he was on my mind, I had been in a video store and decided I was gonna write him a fan letter. A few days later, I found the news, and was shocked.
I couldn’t believe it. HOW could this have happened? Why? What the heck led him to be found hanging unconscious by his neck? Why did he die MANY hours later in the hospital? He should be alive right now… and I just don’t understand why he’s not here.
I didn’t take the news well, as you can imagine. I was shell-shocked, for a solid week. I had always been a fan of his’… he was a guy from a town in the same state as me. And he was making a hell of a name for himself, in a positive way. He’s worked with a martial arts legend. He’s worked with one of my comedy HEROES. He liked the same movies and subjects I did. I remember, the only reason I ever read Bop, was because they covered him in a new interview every month. I honestly respected what the guy had to say… I almost wished he had been given a job writing a column for the magazine, since they liked him so much!
Jonathan Gregory Brandis, you were loved by anybody who ever took the time to at least listen to what you had to say. If you were a blogger, you’d have heard back from us the way Wil has. You’d know, how people feel about you even now.
Has anybody ever seen “Steel Magnolias”? I always loved that movie, a lot of great strong women actresses carry that story. I liked it, because there were aspects of my personality, in a few of the characters. But I never really understood M’Lynn before. Until we lost Jonathan. I found myself thinking and nodding and balling my fist up ready to scream and swear, when M’Lynn was at Shelby’s funeral. My head says, that Jon is probably in a better place… I wish somebody could explain it to my heart.
I’m not okay with this. I hadn’t thought about Jon in over a year and a half, and yet the minute I learned about his death, it felt like I had lost a favored relative I had heard frequently about at holidays, for all the articles and interviews I’d read that he’d done. And ever since this happened, he has been the first person I think about in the morning (I keep being reminded of him because I’m not a morning person EITHER!), and the last person in my thoughts before bed. I’ve begun talking to him, because I believe the dead can hear us when we call to them.
I miss you, Jon.
I’ve since made some christmas ornaments for my tree this year using Cafepress, in honor of Jon… does anybody else want these? Please, let me know and I’ll give ya the link.
Oops… here’s my address: [email protected]
I understand that Jon was recently filmed for a show on E! called “Celebrities Uncensored”, just prior to his death. I have yet to see the clip, but thinking about it inspired me to write a little quote/poem about him and that moment. Here goes:
“Life is precious,
And sometimes too short.
And when it’s over,
That’s the final report.”
A friend of mine very recently attempted to commit suicide, and hearing about Brandis’ suicide just drove home to me the fact that I could very easily have lost a very, very important person to me.
I don’t know what she’s going through, though she’s tried to explain it to me, and I’ve tried to talk to her about it. Whether you know *exactly* what struggles Jonathan was going through, talking about your own struggles doesn’t make any less of his.
I’m sorry. Suicide in general is now a very sensitive topic for me, and I can’t even hear the word without being reminded how close I came to losing one of the most important people in my life.
I’m very sorry to hear about Mr. Brandis, and about the friend who killed himself at 23.
Wil’s Afterthought: “A very good friend of mine killed himself when he was just 23, and it haunts me to this day.” Is he referring to;
River Phoenix age 23
Date of birth Madras, Oregon, USA
23 August 1970
31 October 1993
Date of death Hollywood, California, USA
(drug-induced heart failure)
Rest In Peace
I am a member of LiveJournal. I was reading my friend’s journal entries when I found out today that Jonathan Brandis died. He was only three years younger than me. Wow. I do have a autograph of his. I had wanted to meet him but never got my oppurtunity. But if you want to know the story you can visit my journal. It is one of the few public entries. I now have to make a concentrated effort at LosCon to meet Wil. It would seem wrong not to now for some reason. I was already planning on going to the panel he is going to be in but now I just have to think about the fact that I do really think it would be cool to actually meet him and talk to him for a moment or two. This will be interesting.
Beth Rose
Damm, not another casualty. I know Jonathon’s career kinda slowed down a bit but he is still succcesful than most people. If any other child star from my childhood is thinking about doing the same thing John did, just remember my life is shittier than yours. Nothing beats having a CS degree and having to work in a gas station.
From Zap2it:
The Los Angeles County Coroner’s office has ruled that the death of actor Jonathan Brandis in November was a suicide. An examination of Brandis’ body indicated that the former seaQuest DSV star hung himself, the Associated Press reports. Brandis died Nov. 12, a day after a friend called 911 from the actor’s apartment to report a possible suicide attempt. He was 27. The Connecticut native had worked in show business for much of his life, starting out in commercials and the moving into TV series roles in the 1980s. He played Lucas Wolenczak on seaQuest, a role that earned him a large teenage fan base.
When I first read about Jonathans death on of all places a Nadia Bjorlin site, I was in shock,I thought,that can’t be real,It’s not on the news,somebody has the name wrong.Just another crazy rumour.When I found out it was all true,of course I cried,I had all the teen magazines.Jonathan,Wil,Joey,plastered my walls.You could not see past any picture. I just could not bring myself to believe that he took his own life. He’s Jonathan Brandis,but I guess the posters aren’t as immortal as I had thought they’d been when I was 10/11. As others have said, I too am glad you took the stairs instead of the elevator. as sad as it is for Jonathan.I will miss him so much,I already do.~Maris~
I just found out today quite by accident that Johnathan Brandis has died. I was looking up the story of King Wenceslas while borde at work (i’ve had the song stuck in my head since seeing Love Actually on Friday Night)and I needed the spenllin, remembering that he played King Wenceslas about 9 years ago i went onto IMDB to get the spelling and there I saw the date of death. I refused to believe it at first but when I typed in his name on google there was not dening it. Needless to say I was very struck and saddened. I am realy at a loss for words.
It’s sad when someone like him leaves us. I never thought of him as “The Wesley of SeaQuest”, but then again, I was never a Wesley slammer.
Let’s hope he’s in a better place.
First of all the loss of Jonathan Brandis is a terrible loss for his parents first and foremost as he was an only child. I feel so much pain for them because I am the mother of an almost 5 year-old who is an only child as well, and I would be beside myself if he committed suicide.
As I was reading the posts I saw that others have lost loved ones as well to suicide. At 16, my best friend from birth (we shared the same birthday) who was a hemophiliac and developed AIDS do to “bad blood” and “Factor VIII” when we were 4 years-old, called me on a warm sunny Florida day, said he “Loved me
There was a time when I bought those magazines that you’re talking about for his pictures. My room was littered with his photos all over my walls. I just recently had a revival of interest in him. I never knew him, not did I ever have a chance of meeting him, but now I know it will never happen. I won’t ever happen to see him walking around Los Angeles.
I don’t like death of people I admire, be it in the past or currently. I adored him, and I’m so sad to have read about his death. But thank you, for letting me know it happened.
Will ,
I had no idea you had a site and am glad I found it. I had wondered what happened to you after you departure from Star Trek and am glad to see your still out there. As for Brandon , I always admired him as an actor and thought that he was very talented , actually one of the films I liked him in best was “It”.It is always a shame when one dies so young of a tragic death and a pain is in my heart that he felt so much despair and that he felt so alone. It is with great sorrow we say farewell to a wonderful actor and I am sure a great young man. And you Will , thanks for taking the hard road and going on…transitions are difficult but necessary and you seem to have come into your own ! Keep struggling ,its what makes life worth living.
I once met Johnathan on vacation in Florida before he became really know as an actor. He was a great kid and I always followed his career with a personal satisfaction that he had gone on and done well. there will be a small spot of saddness forever more inside me for the child I once knew and the man that will never be.
I remember watching star trek and seaquest back then.
I was a pretty geeky kid at the time. I escaped a lot through science fiction. Wesley and Lucas, these were two characters I really admired. I remember thinking “Damn, these guys are just like me. Only they’re better with computers, they live on cool ships, and they get the girl!”.
Silly as it may seem, those two characters had a lot of influence on me.
So reading about Jonathans death on Wil’s blog… Is just… a strange feeling.
Even though I heard about it earlier this week, I kinda had a mourning period to think about what JB really meant to me before writing this, as a budding writer, and a fan of Wil’s amazing blog, I thought I really had to think to do this justice.
Yeah, Dave, I kinda relate to your feeling. For me, seaQuest DSV, was kinda my gateway drug into Sci-Fi (not that it’s a bad thing), and I remember wishing that I was either in Wesley’s or Lucas’s position.
So now, I am a trekkie, thanks to DSV, an especially passionate trekkie when it comes to Enterprise but hey, it’s veering far off the port bow. I mean, the POINT! that I’m trying to make. Both Wil and Jonathan were not just pin-ups for me, but also childhood heroes, and my admiration for them doesn’t just stem from the characters they played, but from the different paths their lives took. It’s unfortunate that Jonathan’s ended tragically at such a young age. But I hope I will be reading WWdN for a long time to come.
Rest in Peace Jonathan.
And Wil, good luck for everything, you’re doing a brilliant job.
I was Jon’s publicist during most of his teen star “Tiger Beat” days. It’s tough for young actors to avoid the “Big Bopper” magazine blitz. When you start out, you want that recognition. But after you become the all american cover boy, it’s tough to walk away. I’m sure Wil knows, even if you avoid magazine interviews and photo shoots, if you’re in demand by the readers the magazines will continue to publish stories and photos. I know from experience. In addition to Jon, I have also worked with River Phoenix, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Chad Allen and many others. I never really knew Wil, but I was always a fan of his work. We did meet once. It was at the Hollywood Christmas Parade. I was talking to Wil’s mother when Wil jokingly accused me of trying to pick up his mom. I hope Wil and his family are doing well. He seems to have his s__t together. Back to Jon. For those of you who didn’t know Jon personally, he was a great kid with a wonderful sense of humor. He was a talented actor who never took his “Teen Star” status seriously. Don’t get me wrong. Jon loved the attention and most of all he loved his fans. As Wil mentioned, we should not assume that Jon’s death was caused by his transition from teen star to adult actor. It is quite possible that he may have had other problems. Unfortunately we may never know. My thoughts and my prayers go to his parents, Greg & Mary, two people who don’t deserve this kind of tragedy. What ever Jon’s reasons were for ending his life, I hope and pray that he has found peace.
I heard about what happened to Johnathan Brandis about a week ago. I called my childhood friend and told her. (We used to stay up late and watch his movies). As soon as I got to a computer I began searching for links that pertained to him. I read this site. At first I wasn’t going to write anything. But then I saw a recent picture of him on a website. When I saw that picture, he looked so sad. I never knew him but I wish I could have been there to give him a hug or a shoulder to cry on if he needed it. He will be missed. Rest in peace Johnathan.
I keep looking for an answer to why Jonathan Brandis hung himself, but so far no one has come up with one (one that isn’t pure speculation, anyway). From the little I’ve been able to find, it does seem that his acting career was severely in the doldrums the last several years. But that alone doesn’t seem to be sufficient cause. I keep wondering what else happened, what was the thing that pushed him over the edge of despair.
It is telling, though, that it was a good ten days before his death even became news, even minor news, in most of the country. Not only because it shows just how forgotten he’d become in the public mind, but also how disconnected he’d become. I keep wondering, didn’t he have any friends? I never met him in RL, let alone knew him, but his TV persona seemed nice enough. How did he end up so alone?
I’m still in a state of disbelief at all of this. I, like others, was a fan of Brandis ever since I’ve seen him in “Neverending Story 2”. I remember watching his “Ladybugs” movie with my girl friends at a slumber party. We’ve all developed crushes on Brandis, (could you really blame us? his crooked smile and blond hair – we were hooked!) and we were always sure to buy the latest “Teen Beat” and “Bop” magazines that featured articles and pictures. My friends and I also started a “Jon Brandis Fan Club” between the 6 of us, and we’d swap articles and pictures, and daydream, gush about how great he was, and little scenarios and what ifs (what if I met him, what if we dated…usual girly stuff). Years later, at the beginning of November in fact, he actually came up in conversation with my friends and I (the same friends in the fanclub) and we were discussing as to what became of him, and if we’d ever see him in another movie… Sadly, my girl friends (aka former club buddies) and I won’t get a chance to see the child star make a name for himself as an adult actor…It truly is a shame…and though I’ve never known Jonathan Brandis, or met him, this news brings a tear to my eyes. So…I guess I’ll leave a message for Jonathan one last time:
Thanks for the memories you’ve given my friends and I. We’ve always enjoyed your movies and you will surely be missed by everyone, especially by 6 girls from Toronto.
Rest In Peace Jonathan.
I first saw Jonathan in Stephen King’s movie,”IT”. I thought he was brilliant, just as Will was in “Stand by Me”. What magic spilled from the screen! Do we ever really know why anyone ends their life, maybe only the few who survive can truly understand why this had to happen. I know that whatever it was that caused him to say farewell to us and to this world must have been great, and I hope he has found peace whereber he has gone. My heart is with his family at this time of sorrow. I know he is somehwhere good and filled with light from all the love and support everyone has shown.
In one of the stars,
I will be living.
In one of the stars,
I will be laughing.
And it will be,
as if all the stars
are laughing.
When you look to the sky at night.
You journey has ended here, but love will go on forever.
I just found out yesterday from a friend that Jonathan Brandis died couple of weeks ago. I used to watch him in Neverending story II, Ladybugs and Sidekicks. I just never thought that he’d die so young!! We will miss you Jonathan.
Actually, I have no clue of Wil. I knew of Jon, didn’t follow his career but watched his older movies. I had no idea he wanted to be a director and had these brilliant ideas! It has hit me very hard, knowing I won’t be able to work with this awesome man. EVER.
It also deeply saddens me that you guys are all, “I’m so happy that wasn’t you!” and are praising Wil and kind of disrespecting Jon… which is not kind to do. Yes, it is sad that he chose to do this. Very sad, but in his mind, there was no way out. Wil possibly had those thoughts, but waited til the next day. Which is what Jon should have done… but his friends obviously weren’t listening to his cries for help! What idiots. Never think someone’s kidding about suicide… okay, I have actually typed more than I had intended… one more thing. Who is WIL? When they mentioned Star Trek, I pictured William Shatner or someone older… but didn’t notice there was a young man aboard. Then again, I never watched it.
I’m glad to see that Wil is talking about this and that is what makes him stand out as one of those who will not take the direction Jonathan did…My sister had a friend who shot himself in the head…She never guessed his pain because he always acted as if everything was fine in his life…She blamed herself at first but, in reality, it is not her or anyone elses fault…He should’ve talked it out w/someone…We all need accountability in life and he chose not to have it…Although I am deeply saddened by what Jonathan did, I also think that he was very selfish…My prayers go out to his family and friends who are suffering and picking up the pieces he left behind…Suicide is never a good solution…Life isn’t about getting what you want but learning from life and it’s ups and downs…
the funny thing is i was talking about jonathon brandis a few days ago. it was like i had a whole wall full of his pictures that were in the big bopper and the bop and all the other tenny bopper mags he was in. i didn’t find out about his passing intill last night. wil you are right my husband asked me who he was and i tolded him he was the weasley of seaquest. That was the first thing that popped into my head. He did so much more than just seaquest but thats how he will be remembered as lucas from dsv. It was really shocking to finally think of someone i was obseesed with as a preteen all the way till i was 16. Then find out he has died its like a punch in the gut maybe if i had’nt forgot about him maybe he would still be here. i don’t know if that makes since but its got to be hard going from getting 4,000 fan letters a week to not getting that many. I am not famous so i wouldn’t know.
thanks for letting me speak my heart.
I just wanted to say thank you, Wil, for writing about Jonathan.
I, like many other who have written here, am a really big fan of both of you and was shocked to get the news (only about one week ago) that he had taken his life. I was also shocked to find that it had taken me that long to hear about it. I thought for sure there would be at least *something* in the media. Some sort of tribute or memorial, but all there was was a small story in People.
It’s such a shame to lose such an obviously talented individual. I had been getting really excited lately because the roles he was getting were becoming more and more high profile, but now we’ll never get the chance to see what that might have led to….
I thank you again for letting me see that not everyone has forgotten about him.
-Jessica D.
Wil, it was really nice to read your comments about Jonathan. I only found out about his death yesterday via the internet and was truly shocked. Jonathan wasn’t that much older than me and I’ve followed his career on and off ever since I first saw him in “Never Ending Story 2”. I can’t begin to try to understand what he must have been going through to make him do what he did but feeling alone and in pain is something most people unfortunatly have to go through at some stage in their lives – I guess some of us have an easier time dealing with it than others and some of us have a hell of a lot less to deal with…
Jonathan’s suicide is a real sad loss, it just leaves me feeling empty inside.
Sheffield Liz
Wow…well what is there to say?….I grew up a Jonathan Brandis fan. Now at 25 my “crush” obviously dwindled but my admiration for his acting ability has never went away. Its a shame that he felt the only way to end his pain was to kill himself. It is presumtious to assume that he took his life due to his career. There very well could have been some serious issues with him. He took all those unanswered questions to the grave with as far as I am concerned it would be ignorant to make any assumptions surrounding his death. The only thing that we can do for him is remember him for the outstanding actor that he was and not judge him for the decision he made regarding his life. Its not up to us to judge and he doesn’t deserve to have his name trashed because of his decision. My deepest sympathies go out to his family,friends and fans..He will be very dearly missed and maybe now he is resting in peace….
I am so sorry to hear about Jonathans death. I do not understand suicide especially at 27. My brother attempted suicide when he was 18 and was institutionalized for a month afterwards. The doctors there helped him and our family and years afterwards my brother thinks back and cannot believe he tried to do that. I am so sorry for Jonathans family, I wish people could be more observant sometimes and reach out more when it becomes apparent that others are in pain. I know that sometimes it is difficult to read the signs of that but empathy and compassion are the most important of human emotions. To Wil, I am glad you wrote what you did I can see what your intention was. Keep on Wil, I always admire you as an actor and as Wesley on SNG.
Asshole comment deleted.
Asshole comment deleted.
C Diddy – piss off and post messages on your own website,
I just found out, today about Jonathan Brandis and I am utterly shocked. I watched him growing up, and being around the same age as him, I always had an afinity with him. Sure I had a crush on him like any other girl in there right mind, but to find out this…I don’t know. I have been there too, and when I need help I look to TV to get my mind off of things, and to get out of the real world. Star Trek has also been there for me. I am very sad about this, and very pleased that Wil did not take the same route.
Oh, yeah…..C Diddy?? GET A LIFE!!!!!
Wil, I’m not sure what Jonathon Brandis’ state of mind was, but it is important to note that taking your own life isn’t a good option. I can’t imagine the pain that is family feels. There is a ton of depression out there, I have battled that demon myself. Anyone who suffers from depression, I would ask that you get help. The fall out from that action is goes much farther than ones self.
I was devestated to hear of Jonathons death, he was far too young and I know had so much more to offer the world through his talent, personality and humour, he will be sadly missed and my love goes out to his family and friends. He will be forever in his fans hearts xxoo
I have a friend that was very close with Jonathan Brandis and he is the one who found him after he committed suicide. This was very hard for him to deal with and a very sad tragedy.
I’d like the fully apologize for my comments I made earlier…they were EXTREMELY uncalled for and unforgivable. It’s upsetting when an actor and musicians(or anyone really) throw their life away in such a way. There are so many people who are dying needlessly and here we have a depressed person who could have had a great future in acting but instead kills himself for whatever reason. If he had a death wish why didn’t he join the military and fight in Iraq or join a mission in Africa helping people and those who have aids and HIV. Let’s say I got 10 billion dollars and suddenly I decide to have a bonfire with all of it. Ridiculous right? What’s even more ridiculous is destroying something that is worth endlessly more than money? Why don’t people think? Why damn it?! I don’t know why I spoke in anger. My first reaction to suicide is to call the person a dumb bastard, thats why I’m not a suicide counselor. All I can say now is sorry to those who read the message, Wil Wheaton, and Mr. Brandis. I wish he would thought of those who have died in Iraq and their wives and children they’ve left behind or the children who die of starvation daily. He should have rethought what he was doing. I’ve made my peace take what I’ve said or delete it and call me an asshole again(I deserve the second, but whatever).
I did not know until tonight. I’m a writer and have been buried in writing a treatment with Brandis in mind.
This is an absolute shocker. I’m numb and how I wish it were not true!
First of all, My deepest condolences to Jonathon’s family, friends, and fans.
When I first heard of his death-(my mother told me on Nov. 22) I was very deeply stricken-with this feeling…of emptiness, like a part of me had died…and I don’t understand why I feel this way….
I mean, I saw him in The Never Ending story2 and I watched Sea Quest:DSV every night that it came on!!! I just wouldnt miss any episode when I was about 7-8 and I always felt that there was just something about him, this “ora” so to speak…I don’t know what drew me in towards him…maybe it was his smile, maybe his goregous deep blue eyes, or maybe it was the personality he gave off on television, I don’t know?
Even tonight-December,22, I was looking up information about him…and movies he had been in(I am thinking of having a “Jonathon Brandis movie night”)and I was listening to this one particular song on my Evanescence CD-“My Immortal” and I just started to let go and let it all out: the way I was feeling about this…even today I still cry about it…for some reason I can’t seem to let it go, he’s gone and my mind wont let me come to terms with that….I tell my friends that all the time, that I can’t just forget wont go away, when I’m alone and just thinking…I think about Jonathon Brandis, and how he must have felt, for him to just want to end his life….
What I’m about to say will sound stupid to some, but I think that if he just knew me, personally, and could have talked to me-express how he was truly feeling, I could have maybe(?) helped him and that hurts…that he may have felt like there was nobody he could confide to…I dont exactly know that for sure(so please dont get mad at me for saying that)…R.I.P.Jonathon-we will miss u and forever love you! If u would like to e-mail me, concerning Jonathon Brandis, my e-mail address is [email protected]
About Jonathan Brandis and Will.
I recently saw Will in a little-seen movie The Girl’s Room on cable and he did great work. Very real. What’s hard in Hollywood is being “good” doesn’t always get a person attention or monetary rewards. The secret seems to be to just hold on and keep doing good work and take your satisfaction from that, rather than acknowledgment from the outside.
I don’t know why Jonathan did this. I hope it wasn’t that he felt like a failure.
Anyway, Will is doing great work, and it seems that if any person keeps doing good work long enough, the “acknowledgment train” comes back around…