I am so disgusted by my government, and the cowards in Congress who refuse to stand up to the popular vote losing madman who currently sits in the White House, so profoundly out of his depth, he can be controlled by a neonazi and sent off to watch a children’s movie while thousands upon thousands of my fellow Americans take to the streets to challenge and resist his deplorable, unconstitutional, Fascist actions.
Yet I am also proud, inspired, and comforted by the millions of people not just in America, but around the world, who are standing up and declaring that we will fight this despicable scourge, this illegitimate, incompetent, corrupt, hateful, bigoted, petty tyrant, and everything he stands for. We will fight him until he is defeated, and we will never forget the appeasers and cowards who did nothing to stop him. Those who stand by silently, or offer empty words are no better than the evil men and women who enable this would-be dictator.
This is a binary moment in history, and all of us must make a choice that we will live with for the rest of our lives: you may choose to stand with Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, Richard Spencer, and the racist white nationalists who support them, or you may choose to stand on the side of justice, equality, and the rule of law.
Choose wisely.
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You are insane.
How is President Trump illegitimate? is it because he lost the popular vote? Guess what, the popular vote has never mattered. If it did, it would completely change the how campaigns were run. If popular vote mattered, the only place you would ever see candidates are California and New York because if you win those two, the rest of the country wouldn’t matter.
If you want to talk about fair and legitimate, look at why the electoral college exists. You may not realize but different regions of the country have different issues that have no bearing on other regions. If not for the electoral college, the great plains, and great lakes regions would never be considered by the government.Why would a President give any consideration to “fly over country” if all they have to do is pay attention to the coasts.
Popular vote doesn’t matter because not all votes are of equal importance. You probably think that is an awful statement and yet you do support it. The gay population is estimated at about 4%. If it were up to just that 4%, we would not have gay marriage or other equal rights for gays. Thankfully, enough of the non-gay population is willing to help the small minority win their fights. This is what the electoral college does for fly-over country. It is the voice they need in order to get their issues addressed in federal government.
Trump lost the popular vote by 2.9 Million votes. is that a lot? Not really. There were 138,884,643 votes cast. That difference is 2% of the total number of votes cast. The State of California was 14.6 Million votes and gets a whopping 55 electoral college votes. California gets over 10% of the total electoral college votes. The State of California is so powerful, it cancelled out the states of Alaska, Texas and Wisconsin combined. Do you think California should be able to dictate policy for people in those other states? Do you think the needs of California, California’s economy and industry is the same as those in Alaska, Texas and Wisconsin?
If Denver gets a foot of snow over night, people have the hassle of clearing their driveway in the morning before going to work. If Atlanta gets a half inch of snow, the entire city shuts down. Different areas of the country have very different needs when it comes to infrastructure. How can they be heard if we only cared about a nationwide popular vote?
Amen, brother. I’ve always found that political leanings are more of a personality type more than a real ideology. There are some people, and we all know them or have them in our families, that are the black sheep. The ones who would disagree with you if you told them that it was going to get dark tonight. They just want to argue, like children. Someone said it best, when they said “If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain”
No you’re not.
I know it’s only a movie quote, but it helps me, Wil, and I’ll be right there with you. All the way. To the end.
“What chance do we have? The question is what choice? … If you give way to an enemy this evil , with this much power, and you condemn the galaxy to an eternity of submission!”
Not on my watch.
Thanks Will. I really appreciate you speaking out.
Thanks for this.
If Trump is such a horrible person, where was the outrage before the election cycle? Where were there not demonstrations and calls of boycotts for his TV shows, hotels and everything else Trump? Why is it he was only a problem the closer he was to the White House?
Before he was President, he was a celebrity. Are celebrities given a pass for being corrupt, hateful, bigoted and petty?
Hello everyone I have been in distress since he was elected. When initially reading the older blogs yesterday they were so well said I didn’t know how to put in words as eloquent. It concerns me there are still supporters of Trump.??? Why I wanted let everyone know tonight 2-2-17 @ 6:00 pm Central time on MSNBC power and the presidency. They are Foes of the Trump from what I got. What few word I heard from some of the people we could learn something on getting legislation set. I don’t have a website I’m really knew to this stuff . I just learned how to copy and paste I’m old haha . But still learning.
Concerned about all the actions he is taking by executive order? See why so many conservatives were making noise about Obama doing the same thing!!! It wasn’t about Obama’s race or whatever, it’s because doing law by executive order is not very stable in the long run, not as stable as law generated through Congress and signed off then by the President.
This is cool. I a reminded of a recent Scott Adams blog entry (Dilbert guy) who predicted that as Trumps actions don’t match the perceived thoughts of the critics, the critics will become increasingly unhinged. Trump’s critics thought he would nuke Denmark within a few days. But now, that’s not happening, and all he’s really done is appoint a conservative to the court, and issue an executive action limiting immigrants from countries where ISIS has taken hold. This is a lot of common sense stuff that doesn’t bother most people. But the rhetoric of the critics keeps ramping up, creating an unstable situation. This is all due (according to Adams) to the inability of most humans to admit their perception is wrong.
It has been freaky how spot on Scott Adams has been.
I’m reminded of the jaw-dropping denial it took Donald Trump’s supporters not to find a single disqualifying characteristic. Scott Adams lives in a spooky alternate dimension of strawmen who thought Trump would nuke Denmark, and went crazy when he didn’t. Here on Earth Prime, his detractors thought he’d do exactly what he’s doing, and are reacting with an appropriate amount of anger, frustration, and outrage as Trump’s actions harm a mounting list of peoples.
Randy, if you think wil’s comment represents “an appropriate amount” of anger, frustration and outrage and is not at all “increasingly unhinged” you might want to click through to the links he chose. For instance, the word “appeasers” points us at a daily kos article wherein a congressperson wanting to work with the President is described as collaborating with “Nazi Trump and his cult Nazi party” and Trump is called the “Nazi-in-Chief”.
On a more rational planet, we wouldn’t judge political candidates based on the most offensive alleged views of the most offensive alleged-supporter of theirs we can find. And even if we did – please don’t – we’d have to apply that rule evenhandedly to both sides, meaning that if the communist party and some known cop-killer supported Hillary (which were both actually the case) then we’d have to say that being on Hillary’s side on any issue at all means you are “standing with communists and cop-killers”. Spencer never officially endorsed Trump and Trump officially denounced Spencer on many many occasions, so why is Spencer in wil’s post at all? Because that’s how character assassination works – you make people seem nasty by pointing out connections, however tenuous, between them and other already-deemed-nasty people, causing our disgust mechanism to kick in. Then you use the rhetoric of “standing with” to bring in tribalism, making it all about us-versus-them. Instead of agreeing or disagreeing on specific issues it becomes about supporting or opposing EVERYTHING that a person does, which means casting out of the tribe anybody who fails to salute (or, heck, goose-step) on cue when our tribal shibboleths come up.
In short, it is indeed freaky how spot-on Scott Adams has been.
Trump is bullheaded and not yet particularly competent at governing. He’s bound to sometimes overstep and get reined back in, just as most other president have. It is still possible that he might end up overstepping more than did prior presidents, but when you’ve already gone so far as calling your executive “Nazi Trump and his cult Nazi party”…where do you go from there? That dial doesn’t go past 11 – this rhetoric can’t get any louder. Eventually you have to stop turning up the volume on your amp lest the entire signal turn into painful noise and drive away the rest of the audience.
Argh, I made a mistake: In part of the above comment I confused Spencer with David Duke (who served the same role in an earlier round of similar rhetoric). Trump has explicitly disavowed the alt-right in general but I’m not sure whether he’s specifically disavowed Spencer in particular. Unlike Duke, Spencer does more-or-less formally endorse Trump, but the “A endorses B” relationship does not allow us to assume reciprocity so it’s still wrong to call failing to denounce Trump “standing with” Spencer.
The rest of the comment stands, so far as I can tell at this point.
(And since it will come up: I didn’t support Trump OR Hillary, and still don’t. “Standing with” rhetoric notwithstanding, there are more than two sides in this conflict.)
(Now I’m really wishing you could edit wordpress comments, especially ones that are still “in moderation”. Oh well…)
Political ideology aside, I think the main thing to remember is that there is a zero percent chance of changing anybody’s mind with an internet article or social media post. But there is a 100 percent chance of riling yourself up. Direct assaults don’t work. You need to outflank. Change minds through your art.
So glad I found this site. I need to be with my people. Thank you!
Meh unlike others this post was the one that finally made me remove the blog from my feed. It’s not that I disagree it’s just I’m sick of hearing about it. We are doing what we can but the reality is he’s elected, his party is in charge and all we can do is fight back as best we are able and hope for the best. I don’t need this much negativity in my life all the time and it’s not healthy for any of us to live this way.
Some to choose to fight evil, others say “meh” and go away.
Donald Trump is Pro-Israel-Yisrael / Pro-Christian and Jewish People / Pro-USA Capitalism and Everything!!
Liberalism is FASCISM / MARXISM / NAZISM / COMMUNIST PARTY and Anti-Christian and Jewish People!!
United We Stand with the Holy Land of Israel-Yisrael and our Judeo-Christian Nation United States of America, Divided We FALL!!
Please Pray for our Judeo-Christian Nation United States of America Everyday!! “Pray Without Ceasing.” ( 1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV )!!
May our ONE TRUE GOD THE FATHER who art in Heaven Above and HIS SON Jesus-Yeshua Christ Bless all my Sisters and Brothers who STAND with the Holy Land of Israel-Yisrael and our Judeo-Christian Nation United States of America!!
Love Always and Shalom ( Peace ) Everyone, YSIC \o/
Honest question… was this meant as a joke?