Webcam Is Back Up
I got the webcam working again.
Right now it’s on my birthday party bounce house, but I suspect it will be showing all sorts of lame stuff once my friends get here.
So there.
Dad Update
Thank you to all of you who emailed with your thoughts about my dad. Here’s the latest: the infectious diseases doctor came about 2 hours ago and checked him out. It is her opinion that he has a bacterial infection from a wound on his toe. (He walked into the anchor chain while on the boat in Indonesia.) So they’ve got him on super antibiotics, and they’re going to keep him in the hospital one more night so they can keep drawing blood and monitoring his vitals. Sucks that he can’t come to my party. But it doesn’t suck that we know what the $#@!^ is wrong with him. These have been a long 24 hours, man.
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