Quite some time ago, Anne and I went to the zoo. We took this really cool picture of ourselves.
I’ve also added quite a few items to some of the stores, for Valentine’s Day.
Also, I know that the styles are all screwed up right now, but I’ve got bleeding eyes. I’m going to take a break, and work on this some more later.
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Hey Wil,
Great to see the comments are back!
Site is looking great!
Animosus, aka Bardicmisfit from Fark, checking in with this comment:
“Whoa. I can post comments now. Neato.”
Dude you rock! And we all love you no matter what. 🙂
Glad to see you got it all worked out. I know that is a great feeling. Kudos(not the granola bar) to you.
hey hun,
aww your site is soo cute! congrats! i go to it everyday and i just wanted to tell you that you were *great* in stand by me and its my favorite movie and i love you soo much!
love jess
Late, but anyway:
Well done, Wil! Now you get to see the posse’s reactions/responses again. I felt voiceless there for a while *grin*
Wow, comments AND archives!! Thanks for all the work getting stuff back on your site … glad I found your site, I come here like every day now.
Oh my God! The comments are up!
Nice work, Wil! Know that all of the time you lock yourself in your room to work on this is appreciated by all of us.
Now I can suck up to you in front of the whole world!
Reminds me of the cover of the last Steely Dan album (yes, album, not CD – I’m *that* old).
Until this very second I didn’t realize what a void there was in my life – a void filled only by that mysterious stud-god of the net, Sir Jun. It’s good to be back.
*stands up*
*sits down*
Yea! Comments. Congrats, Wil and good work. 🙂
I’ve been visiting the site for, like, a couple of months and now I can post! This is awesome!
Congrats, Wil!
Woo hoo!
The fact that we can finally comment again only slightly obscures the fact I have precious little to say.
But still–yay!
Oh my goodness….this is so cool! I hope it always works. The shadow picture is very funny. It is actually clearer than the pictures I take! I visit this site at LEAST once a day….Bravo to Uncle Willie for getting certain things to work out! *if your happy and you know it, clap your hands wooohooo*
Horray comments!!! Wil I love your site. I use it to entertain guests when they choose to venture into my dorm room. From the geek friends to the political friends to the nice friends. your site makes me look cooler. 🙂 (and Roughy’s site but thats another story)
I only hope that the predictably massive amount of comments you get(especially when the Farkers get wind of this)will not hinder your ability to post on a regular basis, as before.
yay! i’ve so missed being able to read everyone’s posts & babble mindlessly in my own. =)
I love the site, and now that the comments are back, I can get back to the nightly laugh-so-hard-I-almost-wet-myself routine.
*does the weird elbow thing*Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! ummm… yeah… It’s not 12:30 a.m. or anything…
Anywhoo, Wil, nice to be able to make comments again, smarta$$ or otherwise…
As for the pic, hehe… Very cute! lol
Great that you got to do this update, and even greater that we get to post comments, mindless dribble for the amusement of others…
Hey I knew you could do it!!!I always had faith it will get done- remeber to try not to burn you self up in the process-“the candle”
Hey Wil excellent! Now I can comment on your sight. Its awesome!. I just finished watching the Golden Globes and am soo upset LOTR didnt win a dman thing!!! I’m glad you got the books up though as a recommmendation to read.Keep up the good work on the site. You’l hear from me again, promise, I’m a real tawker! LOL
Hi there, Wil!! I’ll be honest, I came to your website out of curiousity because I heard all this talk about you and doing the VO for River Phoenix and Stand by Me and all this… and so I haven’t been as long of a faithful reader as I’m sure most of these other people have been… but you’re quite an interesting and seemingly down-to-earth person! I think it’s really nice of you to devote so much time to reading everyone’s comments and even replying back to some, which is not a small feat.
As a little girl [embarrassing as this is] I used to watch Star Trek just because I thought you were so darned cute… albeit I was clueless about what Star Trek was all about. I’m glad you seem to have grown up, which, I’m sure, everyone eventually has to do at some point in their lives, and you’ve settled down and all that…
Keep your life interesting.. monotony is a killer! Good luck in all that you do, and I hope to see you on the big screen soon!
sweet, comments are back! Now we can once again have a running critique of wil’s stream-of-conscienceness. :]
Um, Wil, might I humbly recommend making backups?
Way to go Wil!!!!
Congrats on your new job!
Everyone- I missed reading your comments! Welcome back!
And now- my band plug:
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club- find em and listen to them!
Uber cool. I finally get to comment. I’ve heard about the comment section. I read comment archive by the tons, in hopes, nay, in dreams that one day, I too may join the masses in showing my appreciation to Ol’ Unca Willie and all he’s done. Yay, though I walk through the digital valley of death, I see a light, that light has come to fruitition in this section.
I’ll stop now, and just say, yay!
Later all!
Before we ‘Move every zig, for Great Justice’, Yatta ruled the world.
G-i-double-ee lives!!
It’s the simple pleasures in life that mean the most… like having the comments back. We’ve missed them so. 🙂
…and another YAY! for Unca Wil, as he’s been seleted to judge the the most ultimate Photoshop contest between Fark.com and Something Awful! How ultra-cool and what an honour and all that!
Now, can he fit it inbtween everything else he has to do? I raise my hand to offer to help, as I can’t Photoshop to save myself, but have LOLed many times at both site’s effots.
…how cool…
Ooh, finally a place to typey-typey stuff… and as for the photo, in the words of Terry Pratchett – “Do Deformed Rabbit, it’s my favourite.”
Best shadow effect ever is the “Brocken Spectre”, which is seen when climbing. The sun has to be right behind you to project your shadow into the clouds and mist. The effect is a gigantic 3D shadow which looks quite unearthly. You often get “glories” as well, when a rainbow appears around the head of the shadow. And, to complete the wierdness, apparently you also can only every see your own. (Google for it folks.)
There’s only two typos above, although it looks like there’s three – honest! (Insert “weirdness” and “ever” where appropriate). But it’s a German mountain, not “broken”…
Poor Wil, it almost sounds like he went through childbirth to get the thing running. (Well, as much as 2 guys would know about it anyway.)
Way cool, Wil!
When you started mentioning MT a while back, I took a look into it. Easy to install and more customizable than I could imagine.
=) Good job.
Was worried aboucha there for a sec.
Cool and the gang, man. Its always nice to put inane comments down forever in your archives. Now if only we could see a return of the automated reply.
best. Automated-reply. Ever.
wow. what a relief! during the time that the comments function has been bust, i’ve actually had to find other ways of expressing myself. now, thank god, i can finally put away the freaking macrame and that half-finished opera set on the international space station…
yeah, i’ve also just been watching the golden globes here in australia (heh, did we clean up or what?) and, likewise, i’m about as disappointed as i expected to be about LOTR’s lack of prizes. frankly, how can ron ‘sit on it potsie’ howard can beat out altman, the cohen brothers, jackson and lynch? am i in an alternate universe?
oh that’s right. and titanic was the best movie made in ’98. i forgot.
sorry to get movie-bitchy – i’ve just been getting drunk with my most media-savvy friends and shouting at celebrities on the television, so i’m a bit hyped. what was with that weird girly touching-my-hair-like-a-bimbo gesture that rachael griffiths made during her speech? strange. and harrison ford’s expression during ben affleck’s banal drawl thanking him for his slab-faced action career? he looked mortified, like he wanted to crawl under the table.
but i digress. what i really meant to say was ‘good on you, will, for bringing back the voice of the people’. we’ve been craving the power, the power to launch our ineffectual opinions into the blank unresponsive netherworld. and now we can.
for the power of greyskull!!
An opera based on the ISS? Hmmm. That sounds as though it could have legs.
Two star-crossed lovers kept apart, not by feuding families but instead by a faulty pressurisation valve on the link to one of the labs. They sing of their loneliness and isolation, and also about the atrocious toliet facilities. There is a touching moment when one of them uses the Canadarm 2 to inscribe a touching poem on a solar panel. Then the entire station explodes for no adequately explored reason (in true Disaster Area fashion, which I suppose makes this a dreaded Rock Opera).
Probably not as good as the classic “Human Slaves in an Insect Nation” though.
I just can’t type today. Must be something in the water.
Oh my god! You’re back! Great job! Looking forward to reading the comments. Even the smart ass ones.
hurray! Just when I was watching ‘Lonely Among Us’ where you were knockin’ da boots. `8r)
Is it me or is Wil wearing HUUUUUUGE pants!
Sooooooooo…when do we get a live broadcast???
RFB forever!!!!!!!!!!!
demandingly yours,
its not wil’s commnets anymore… its the GOVMINT tracking yuo with homeland securiyt stuff… EVIL GOVMINT!!!11
cool pic thuogh… nice ass..PHALT!!!11
“And there was much rejoicing…”
Whew! I almost had to get a life there. I would like to add to the love *Yah Wil!* Congrats on getting comments up and running.
I also wanted to agree with the people who said “Thanks for taking the time away from your real life to make this site”. I think it says a lot about who you are that you are willing to keep up this kind of connection to your fans.
Good luck with judging the photoshop contest.
OK now that I’ve come across as a total fawning dork I will go away.
Hey Wil –
Just another voice from the wilderness crying out a hearty ‘congratulations’ on getting MT up and running. I started investigating it myself after you mentioned it here, and have it up and running on my site, too. If it weren’t for you, I may never have known…(grin).
This is regarding the MLK speech on your site.
THANK YOU SO MUCH! Wil YOU are MY hero…alot
of people would say it detracts from your “coolness” factor..but “NAY” I cry..I cried
at reading it again and I am overwhelmed at the
core of your sensitivity..OK I’ll shut up now..
seriously to paraphase U2 “..for the Reverend
Martin Luther King ..SING”..(“IN THE NAME OF LOVE)
Wil Wheaton you rock!
Love the picture!
I second bluecat’s response of the MLK speech. Being British, I never really understood the importance of Dr King’s life and work, but, after reading it thoroughly I can understand what an influential man he really was. Thank you for enlightening me. I now feel most humble.
And on a lighter note…………Cool photo and (more importantly), nice butt dood!
(good luck on the bloggies, btw)
You have a big head. hee hee