This week has been the busiest week I’ve had in months. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining, at all. I like to be extremely busy. Matter of fact, I go absolutely nuts when I don’t have anything to do…so nuts that I make work for myself…like WWDN, for example. 🙂
I had 2 really big auditions this week, and I major deadline at work. I talked with my boss, and she said that I still can’t talk about G4 at all…but I can say that I’m doing some really cool work there, that I’m already very proud of, and I can’t wait until you all can see it.
Many people have this complete misconception about actors. They think that actors just have their agents call someone up, and then that actor is magically placed into a role, or into a movie. The way things really do happen is quite different. It sort of breaks down like this: After a role is created, the writer, and producer usually sit down, and talk about “types”, like “we want a Paul Rubens type” or “we need a brooding, mysterious, handsome man for this role”. They then think of all their friends and relations who don’t come close to any of these “types”, and try to make that square peg fit a round hole. Then they hire a casting director, and the casting director goes through his or her list of actors who he or she likes to work with, and the casting director brings those people in for auditions.
Sometimes, managers and agents hear about roles, and they submit their clients to the casting director, but, more often then not, the casting director doesn’t want to hear from an agent or manager, because the casting director would like to work with the people they already know.
This trend can benefit actors, because there are lots of casting directors who have good relationships with agents, and they’ll call those agents up, asking for a type to fill a role, and the agent can then tell the CD that he has a client who fits the type, etcetera, etcetera. This works out great for relatively unknown actors, but if you’re sort of known, like I am, it can hurt me.
There’s also this thing about not being wrong. The entire entertainment industry is extremely insecure, because everyone knows that they’re playing to a very fickle public, who can be in love with someone one week, and hate them the next (see “Mariah Carey”). So casting people get it in their minds that they “know” a person, and they don’t like to be wrong about that. They’re not adverse to “discovering” someone, but they are (sadly, understandably) reluctant to take a chance on someone, because, more often than not, the casting person gets burned.
So this process goes on for a few weeks, and, ultimately, it’s weeded down to me and one other guy, and they hire Jimmy Kimmel’s cousin.
Here’s why I tell you all of this: I recently added management to my team. I was really reluctant to do this, because I’ve had managers before, and they’ve never really managed to make any major difference in my career, as far as getting auditions or work goes. Basically, I haven’t been able to find a manager who works as hard as I do for me, and who cares about my career as much as I do.
Until now, that is.
One brief thing about managers, that you have to know, so this makes sense: Managers really should be an extra set of hands for an actor. They should be able to make calls when the agent isn’t able to get to somone, or is being told “no” by a casting person.
I think I’m a pretty good actor, and I know that I’m very dedicated to my craft. But that’s really not enough these days. For example, it really helps to be related to Jimmy Kimmel, or have a nice rack. As I’ve said before, many months ago, there has been this misconception within Hollywood that I was still 14, or still on Star Trek, or whatever. Casting people knew me as a strong dramatic actor, but not as a comedic one. They knew me as a child, but not as an adult. Basically, they knew me as Wesley or Gordie, and that was it.
This is where a good manager comes in.
My agents, who are simply amazing, awesome, hard-working bad asses, have struggled mightily the last year or so to convince casting people that I wasn’t that kid anymore, and to just give me a chance to change their mind, and the casting people were always saying “no”. Until two weeks ago, that was the end of it…but this time, things were really different, thanks to my new additions to my team.
My agent submitted me for a role in a very big MOW, that will end up being what they call “an event”. That’s just slightly bigger than “a very special” episode, I’m told. The casting director calls back, gives my agent a few reasons why she won’t see me, and that’s that. But this time, my agent calls my manger, explains the situation, and my manager gets on the phone to the casting director, does his thing, and I have an audition three days later, because the casting director decided to trust my manager and take a chance on me.
I have a final producers and network call back on Thursday for this role. I think there’s 3, maybe 4 of us left, out of the entire entertainment industry, within our type, going on this call back. How cool is that?! I went from “no way” to producers and network call back. I’ve been doing the happy dance all week.
Then, this morning, I got a call from one of my managers (there’s 3 of them, and they all work together. I’m sure this is terribly interesting to everyone. But it’s my damn website, so get off my back.). She had called a very important casting director at a major studio, and talked him into seeing me. He had told my agent that I was a great dramatic actor, but that he didn’t know about me for comedy. So my manager talks to him, gets him to give me a chance to change his mind, and he relents. I go into the audition, and I did a really good job with the material. As a bonus, I really liked the guy, and he really liked me (we know some of the same comedy people, it turns out). My manger was calling me after she’d gotten off the phone with him, where he raved about me, about how funny and nice I was, and told her that he was bringing me back to producers for his show.
I think it’s just awesome that these casting directors gave me the chance to show them what I can do, and I’m so thrilled that I brought my “A” game, and didn’t let them down.
I’m really excited about all of this…I think my years of suffering as the constant runner-up are going to come to an end, and pay off, finally.
Besides, Kimmel can only have so many cousins, right? 🙂
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but it is terribly interesting, Wil…that’s why we keep reading! =)
i hope you get the parts will i would like to see more of your work that i can get a hold of
have looked for some of the work on your filmography.. and sadly cannot find it here:-(
also anxiously awaiting the new s.t.
Well, I have to agree with Mandy ALL the way up there, I think that this website has certainly brought you a great deal of publicity and gained you a lot of respect and fans amongst the “geek” community.
Good luck on getting the parts!
And thanks to whoever figured out MOW! I was clueless until I saw the comment!
What job did Jimmy Kimmell’s cousin get that you went for, Wil? If I had to guess I would think that it was “Win Ben Stein’s Money” since Jimmy Kimmell used to co-host that with Ben Stein before he went to “The Man Show.”
Jessica, this post should answer your Jimmy Kimmell questions.
*crossing her fingers and toes for Wil*
Alright Dude, I think we can send some crystal waver, Neo-Pagan good luck energy your way…
If I cover ALL the Religions, I’m SURE you’ll get that part.
I’m sure your valuable skills as an actor will come into play with these recent auditions. You have the skills, you have the talent…
You have the legions of Fans that will probably make life a living hell for the producer who’s dumb enough not to cast you. 🙂
That’s awesome Wil! GOOD LUCK!
I been watch yu on star trekand your a great actor [being serous]what was it like acing in front of people for the role of wesley.
Ohhhhhhhhhh!! Thanks, Charity!! I ‘perciate it!! :~)
I think you should take CheesePal donations to keep your family in cheese when you’re away on all of your important “I’m a Movie Star” gigs.
Think about that one.
hey wil,
member me the cheerleader who wanted to see you at the comedy club but couldnt make it well ……hey those dreams about me really paid off just playing congrats on the new role and stuff break a leg…..actually break both of them better the chances and dont forget about your posse okay.
yay wil!!
i am confused, though, as to how you could have things like live comedy clubs on your r
RE:”it really helps to be related to Jimmy Kimmel, or have a nice rack”
nothing u can do about being anybodys cousin if your not and your already married.
Guess that just leaves the Boob Job.
Well, its hollywood baby. Take a walk on the wild side.
Now that would make a good Ebay auction.
yayyyy For Big Willie-
Well break a leg Dude we all hope to see you in more things to come especially if we can go to a movie theatre to see it or sit w/ our loved ones and watch you on home. One question- if models have portfolis of pics of their work do actors have tapes or better yet Dvd compaltions snips of your roles you’ve played? Geeze it’s amazing it’s become so easy to do these things on computers, but i don’t have to tell you that-
Go on with your bad self, Uncle Willie! It’s about damn time that CD’s started taking notice again of your versatility.
I gotta say, it must be tough to have been type cast for so many years. I think it’s a ptifall of many young actors; always has been, and will continue to be.
It just means you and the people on you team have to work that much harder. But the success will taste that much sweeter too. Congrats.
Think of it this way-At least you’re not Mark Hamill.
1. It’s interesting. Even to those of us who don’t give a rat’s ass about Hollywood. More because it’s proof that a decent person can do well for Himself even in the most irrational, illogically-minded of places. Besides which, it is your own [expletive] website, eh? So we’ll eat cake, and like it!
2. Breaking a leg is good luck? Does that mean we should be wishing Mr. Wheaton (SIR!) into a full-body cast? Maybe a 6-story fall breaking most of the major bones in his body and turning his internal organs to goo? Alternatively, if someone’s already riding the top of their game, and doesn’t need that extra boost that comes from snapping a major bone or three, should we just wish them mild bruising, or maybe a few pimples?
And Spudnuts is right–some of you aren’t sucking your share of rocks. Get to work!
Why would NBC put the Knicks and the Bucks on?
Who wants to watch the Knicks and the Bucks?
Makes no damned sense.
Jimmy Kimmel DOES have a nice rack.
What of it?
thank you anotherrob, now I understand a bit more.
they always run the Knicks games, and the anouncers are always homers too.
You need to show some love to the FARK, Wil. Remember, we votred you for entertainer of the year (Which BTW you DID win, they screwed you.) And we’ve been pimpimg you to the public like Heidi Fleiss. We can’t get you cush jobs or nothing, but we sure do like you, and we sure have been trying to make it all comfortable for the public to take you back as a viable option. Not that your awesome acting isn’t the MAN reason, but you have to know, deep down. We helped you. In some small way. So when you step up to the podium for your oscar in a few years make sure you remember to mention Drew, FB- and Drax. Cause we love you man, Just remember to keep loving us.
Your Public Relations Team,
*does the happy dance for Wil* Congratulations!! That’s so boss! Sincerely! ^^
wil, do me a favor and beat the crap out of whoever ok’d Kung Pow. . . .1000 thanks. . .
Way to go, Wil. Good vibes comin’ at you. 🙂
hope your A game gets you a good part, fella. and since i am new, i’ll enter the obligatory “i loved Star Trek: TNG” (which I did and still do)and say that your site is now daily reading for me. so there you have it…
I’m so glad to read that things are looking up so much! Break a leg! 🙂
How can there possibly be another Mandy on this board? I’m going to have to pull a “Jennifer in Lubbock” or something. 🙂 But then I’ll always feel like I’m on the Larry King show. “‘Mandy in Vancouver”, you’re on the air!”
Petty jealousies aside (darn you other Mandy for getting first post!), good luck on the MOW, Wil. And don’t worry if this one doesn’t work out for you… it sounds like your career is in good hands and the great parts are heading your way. Way to go!
On the other hand, maybe Bluesman’s suggestion of a boob job isn’t too farfetched. Hey, it would get you noticed. *grin*
I must say I’m quite impressed by the site. I found it while looking through the nominations for weblog awards, and this is my first visit. After years of watching your serious work I had no idea what a funny fellow you really are. Congrats on the nomination and the audition. I’m looking forward to spending good study hours reading the site 🙂
Ditto to what Stuffie said. Break a leg and let us know! 🙂 Karen
Wow, that’s so cool dude. 🙂 I haven’t commented in forever and just wanted to “re-hi” you and let you know that I’m another of your cheerleaders! (not exactly the cheerleader type though)
No more runner-ups. No more Miss Congeniality. No more Minnesota Vikings in the Superbowl. No more Buffalo Bills in the Superbowl. No more Dubya.
Woo hoo Wil! Great Job and Congratuations! Before long, that “other guy” will be whining that he lost out to Wil Wheaton for the best role of a lifetime!
Adam Sandler, look out — here comes Wil Wheaton!
Wil for Prez!
I love your page, not so often that you see an actor putting up his own webpage, not some “celebrity site” that never gets updated. This site rocks.
I mean, dude…you’re human…lol…can’t say I’ve ever seen “Stand By Me” goes in the pile labeled, ‘maybe once I graduate and am unemployed for the first time’, along with such gems as “Lord of the Flies”. Did watch ST: TNG.
Oh right, and since I’m putting this in all my other messages today, might as well spam you too…GO NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS!
And break a leg, hell, break two if it’ll get you the roles. 🙂
Wil, Congratulations on ur audition. a lot of ur comments were about Stand by me, that’s the greatest movie. your site rocks.
I’m new to your site ,and I’ve enjoyed your insights of life.You definitely hit home with both logic & Humor for which I thank you.I just saw “Lord of the Rings” today.I liked it much,and how would you of liked a part in that one?Keep up the good work!
Break a leg old man 🙂
Adding another “Yay Wil” to the list. And yes, we do find this most interesting– more please, Mr. Wheaton (SIR!). And throw in a story about Ferris now and then.
And I agree Gette, freakishly warm weather for January, even here in the South, aka the Third Coast.
By the way, I watch and watch TNG on TNN looking for a glimpse of you, but all I see is Wesley….
Mojo comin’ atcha on Thursday babe, “Good Show!” and all!
Am I the only guy who remembers Wil for Wesley first and Gordie third?
Young Harry Houdini being second, of course.
Hello, I’m here because I was look through old posts and came across some by “Jessica and Mellie”.
Now, unlike the rest of you, I have the maturity not to call them “spammy adolescents”.
Too Roughy, no these girls aren’t “CaNaDiAnS”, they live in America. What’s wrong with Canada?
Anyway, if you’ve never heard of freedom of speech before, please don’t bother reading the rest.
Yes, you could call that spamming, but…honestly. If you guys are going to relive his “trekkie” past (don’t say your not, its all over why can’t they relive his “Stand By Me” past? Is there some sort of law against that?
Oh, yes, and calling them immature is just stupid. I mean, most of you live and breathe off of this board, don’t say you don’t, you argue about who posts first.
Say whatever you want about me, I really don’t care. I have a better life then caring about what all of you think, it’s just this is wrong.
I think people were bothered by the repetitiveness of the posts, Mary, not their Stand By Me content. But whatever. Such is life.
Night all!
Oh, and I’m pretty sure the CaNaDiAn reference was an inside joke (like the cheese comments), and not really directed at the American girls. If Roughy truly has a beef with Canada (which I doubt) he’d likely make it known on his website… a good site by the way. Love the Walken soundboard, et al.
This comment needs more cowbell!
Jimmy Kimmel’s cousin? You mean Sal? Oh that’s just not right!
I’ve been to auditions before, where when you open the door and step through it, there are like 50 people setting there, looking up from their papers, , , and they ALL looked like me. I didn’t realize i had so many look alikes, guess if I ever need a double, it won’t be a problem 🙂
Actually, Mary, Mr. Wheaton (SIR!) has in the past written at length about how He is not interested in being known just for playing Wesley Crusher and/or Gordie LeChance (or whoever it was in Stand By Me). He has also written at length how freaky it is to have complete strangers come out of nowhere and suddenly start gushing about how great He was in a movie He was in 20 years ago, or a television show He left 10 years ago.
The gross majority of us attempt to respect those boundaries because, when it comes down to it, Mr. Wheaton (SIR!) is not just the characters He has played–He is not some little kid running from a train, and He doesn’t have the powers of a demigod (I know. Blasphemy. Deal.) Mr. Wheaton (SIR!) is a (relatively) normal human being, and some of us are somewhat protective of His right to be treated as such. Perhaps we were somewhat rough about quieting the newbie spammers, but I personally tend to judge actions based on results. The kids now seem to realize the limitations of good taste and politeness, which was the goal of those of us who cracked down on them in the first place.
have you ever thought of working in the fast food service industry?
fast food industry?
Ack! And I thought my name wasn’t popular.. I’m the Mary that capitalizes her name, not the one that just posted. x.x Now I must change my name. It’s now Aura Borealis. Sorry. I’m spamming, basically. I’m kind of paranoid of things like this, “Invasion of the Name Snatchers” or something. Kind of like “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” No offense to the other mary, though. O.o What’s the point of this message again?
i hav a question y duz that person alwayz go: Mr. wheaton (SIR!)?
you should have a place in your website for your cheerleaders i for one am one of your cheerleaders and think that us webmonkeycheerleaders would think it’s cool… but you know we will always have a place in our big daddy wil’s heart. think about it
The Artist currently Known as Wesley
its a double edged sword; the reality is that wil is known as Wesley more than anything else (as far as his celeb status)
I am enough of a star trek fan that I think wesley should exploit the time traveler angle and try to on a current episode, maybe with whoopi goldberg, or even better a run in between Bakula & Crew that involved Q and somehow wesley with his fully developed Genius mind is able to come up with a way where Q is uable to interfere, etc. and perserve history as it should be. The Crew and Captain would leave the episode will all being well but also somewhat confused.
In the Episode he should be Know as “WES” so everybody can see that our baby is all growed up.
I just taped the tv broadcast of Swingers last night and watched it for the third time, it was so “Money” the way the guy wrote the show to fit his acting skills. Im think “Made” is even better.
Break a couple of legs, Wil, not necessarily your own ^_-
Ah, show biz.