Today was a ridculously long day. Anne and I are working on our friend’s movie (she’s the hair dresser and I’m one of the actors), and we’re shooting it really, really far away from where we live…so we drove something like 160 miles total today. We also had to juggle where the kids were going to go before and after school, and what we’d do with Ferris for the day. We are going to have to repeat this for the next 8 days, and I have a very strong, and new-found respect for families with 2 working parents, who have to deal with this sort of thing every single day.
The shoot went really well, today. All the actors are wonderful! They’re all from the theatre, so they know what the hell they’re doing, which is not something that usually happens on low budget movies. The whole crew is really wonderful, too, and we’re all having fun, and getting good work done, too.
Tomorrow afternoon, I have my second callback for the producers for this MOW. If you’ve got some mojo to spare at 4:30 PST tomorrow, send it my way, and I’ll be forever grateful.
Guess what?! I just checked the results of the 2002 Bloggies(TM) , and I swept my nominations!!!
I am so proud, and so humbled, and so excited!! I share awards with websites like Slashdot, FARK, MeFi, and Little, Yellow, Different!
I have worked really hard to make this website not totally suck, and I love it that so many people enjoy coming here (90,000 of you a month, eating up close to 25 gigs a month), and I am so giddy that you cast your votes for me, and WWDN. There is so much more that I want to do with this site, and, not ever being content to rest on my laurels for too long, I will be building some really cool stuff over the next couple of months.
I want to thank some people, since I don’t know when I’ll ever get to give and “acceptance” speech again…but first, I’d like to call attention to the plight of the…haha. Just kidding.
I would like to thank my wife, for enduring the website-as-other-woman, and my step-kids for hearing, “Not now, I’m working on my website”, but still asking me to play with them the next day.
Loren, Josh, Ben, Ashley, and Logjamming Hosting, for helping me get this thing going in the first place, and extra-special thanks to Loren and Roughy for really helping out with some techincal issues.
Jim and .drow for some bigtime behind the scenes help.
A huge debt of gratitude is owed to Noah Grey, who wrote Greymatter, the weblog program that I originally used, and Amy, who helped me fix Greymatter and get all my old entries exported into MoveableType, which I am currently using. I also have to give recognition to Ev, and Blogger, which was so easy to use, and so reliable, I was able to continue this weblog, even while I was having hellaproblems with GM and then MT.
Finally, I want to thank the entire community of people who read and contribute to WWDN. Whether you’ve been here from the beginning, or if you’ve just found us recently, you guys have added a great deal to this lame little website. I consistently get emails praising the thoughtful discourse we have here, and the fact that most of the people who read and post to WWDN are smart, thoughtful people, who will argue issues, not personalities, and I am proud to say that we’ve had some great arguments here over the last 6 months or so, without a single stupid flamewar.
For those of you keeping score at home, here’s the categories that WWDN won:
- Best Merchandise of a Weblog
- Best Tagline of a Weblog
- Most Humorous Weblog
- Best American Weblog
- Best New Weblog
- Weblog of the Year, 2002
I am humbled, shocked, awed, excited, and extremely grateful.
Thank you.
/me does the happy dance
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Wil, you rock.
This is the first time I’ve posted anything, and I think that sums it up well.
Maybe Wil should change the motto to “9 monkeys clicking 10,000 times a month cant be wrong” hehe
Congrats Wil!! Ever since I stumbled across this site a few months ago, I have become an avid reader and admire you a lot more for your accomplishments, the way you juggle your family and work life, and just being an all around nice guy.
Party at Wil’s!!
Congratulations, Wil! 🙂
Even though I only just started to visit your site, congrats on the big sweep! Am looking forward to getting more involved in those discussions you speak of. Cheers!
Congrats on winning all the awards, Wil!
I’m SO happy you won– I actually created 6 different e-mail accounts on yahoo just so that I could vote for you over and over and over and over and… wait, does that make me psycho? Maybe I shouldn’t be admitting this… OH WELL!!!
Anyways, congratulations once more and good luck this afternoon, we’ll all be rooting for you!! 🙂
Thank goodness ‘poop’ is actually an acronym for ‘Praise Our Omnipresent Postmaster’ – so I can join Mr. Poop and the rest of you in congratulating Wil on completely _owning_ this years bloggies. Woohoo – go Wil!
*stands up*
*sits down*
p.s Good luck to Anne having to polish said awards!
Wil, you’re welcome.
I dunno if it helped, but I publicized your nominations/the vote on my weblog, and voted for you myeslf. Yay for WWDN!
We’re not a community, we’re a cult. And growing.
WOOHOO! Yeah, Wil. You deserve it!
Cult? Who sez we’re a cult?
::downs dixie cup of purple kool aid::
Cult? Who sez we’re a cult?
::downs dixie cup of purple kool aid::
I voted for Roxanne Dawson.
Sorry, double post. Must’ve been my evil twin. Pay no attention to the Courtney in the corner…
But only because Pauly Shore wasn’t nominated.
And why the fuck didn’t WWDN win “Best Canadian Blog?”
If we start ceding ANY Bloggie award categories to non-Americans, then the terrorists have already won.
When do the Tonys come out?
Congratulations! This site is one of the best!
Pauly Shore is the devil… by the way Wil you can take your $40.02 cents and use it as gas money for the movie you are working on… put it to good use… *back to lurking*
Okay, it’s Fred Fowler job to sacrifice to goat and put paprika on it.
COME ON, time is the enemy, people!
ha ha … Wil made a typo.:)
Wil got forty bucks for the Bloggies?!
I didn’t know that.
He didn’t say a fucking thing about it.
That’s doughnut/hooker money for the trip.
Well, I’m late to the party here!
Congrats on the bloggies, Wil. Hope you see this since it’s like the 150th comment here!
I guess that’s what I get for dealing with 8″ of snow and freezing rain instead of ignoring it all and staying on the computer. : )
We could save some money and get donut hookers?
Congratulations Wil,
You certainly deserve it! Our hats go off to you!
How about if we get hookers to pick us up donuts?
Dear Ms. Fleiss,
Please contact, at your earliest convenience, Mr. Wil Wheaton vis-a-vis Krispy Kreme/hooker related franchise/distribution rights as it relates to WWDN semi-annual motorcoach tours along the I-5 corridor.
I look forward to your prompt response on this matter.
Thank you.
WWDN Associates
Hookers/Doughnuts Dept.
Endofthreadsville, WWDN
Yay for WWDN!! Good job Will and congratulations!
Oops I do know how to spell your name Wil. I’m sorry for farking it up.
Yea!! Congrats on your sweep – you rock, and so does your site! I visit once a day to get my Uncle Willy fix. 😀 Keep up the great work!
Dude, don’t knock Pauly Shore. >.
Jelly donuts. I want to sacrifice jelly donuts. With powdered sugar. Bring em on.
You’re welcome!
Congrats… well deserved
had you not won I would have turned my computer off in protest
I totally new you were gonna win everything cuz I’ve checked out the other sites and I love this the best. See our votes DO mean something! How do you like that? Cool!
Oh and as for the hookers/donut thing. Is there like a psychological freudian thing goin’ with know, Hookers…Donuts…hmmmm.
Congratulations, Wil! You’ve done a great job and I hope you’ve inspired more folks to start writing their own weblogs.
The site is lookin’ sweeeet these days! [cue smugness]
Dood, Wil, you totally deserved these awards. Congrats, and good luck on next year!
Also, your page kicks arse most dubiously and righteously, and so do you.
Well i came here to say ” I voted for you!!” And you as you should be convinced by now-You Are Awsome! why else do we come to see what you have to say everyday!!!! As for the Donuts and hookers well what if you went Dutch on that one? they buy the donuts you get the hookers? Aww hell just play it safe and get drunk- who ever got V.D. from a beer?
Way to go Wil! I’m so happy to hear of your success both with the Bloggies and with your callbacks on auditions. Success breeds success and here’s hoping you have even more.
This is a great site…for me to poop on! ;P
alright. good job.
hookers made from doughnuts.
hot soup girl mentioned:
>> hookers made from doughnuts.
Wil Wheaton in Bob Guccione’s “Soylent Pink.”
Say it with me now (in Chuck Heston voice): “The doughnuts are made of… HOOKERS!”
Charlie Sheen: “I’ll take the baker’s dozen.”
“Say it with me now (in Chuck Heston voice): ‘The doughnuts are made of… HOOKERS!'”
Which answers my question as to whether or not I want jelly, powdered, or chocolate cream-filled.
hookerdoughnuts. dystopian snacks for the whole family.
these hookers are making me thirsty.
Oh, I don’t even want to know what the coffee’s made out of.
Oh, I don’t even want to know what the coffee’s made out of.