Seven things I am thankful for today:
- Spending the entire day with my family.
- Playing a Madden 2002 Tournament with Ryan and Nolan, which I lost. Badly.
- The way Nolan puts his hand on my shoulder every time he is standing near me
- The way Ferris sits at my feet, and looks up at me, waiting for attention (instead of chewing the hell out of [important thing], like she did as recently as a few weeks ago)
- Anne coming outside, sitting on the ground, and getting grass stains on her butt while I mowed the back yard
- Nolan and Ryan laughing hysterically at my re-creation, from memory, of “Space Madness” while we ate dinner
- Super Collossal Brownie Sundaes(tm) for dessert.
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1. Jerry and Charlie O’Connell *damn!* and repeat episodes of “Sliders”.
2. A boyfriend who understands my girlish crushes on cute sci-fi actors.
3. My brother, who will always be the stinkiest boy in the world — but the coolest.
4. Mike Oldfield, Angus Young, Slash, Flea, and a dad who knows who they are.
5. The Wal-Mart Supercenter that just opened up down the street.
6. Dilbert, Garfield, and Fuzzy Logic.
7. The fact that I’m allowed to take calls from angry customers in any voice I want…
8. Gatlinburg, TN in the fall and winter.
9. Chocolate milk and Mel Brooks movies.
10. The ability to vent anonymously through
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a sudden craving for one of those sundaes…
My Seven
1. My ever loving, ever optimistic boyfriend
2. My cuter than cute kitten
3. My family (all but my parents)
4. My health
5. My new GAP jeans
6. My new GAP perfume
7. My best friend G
This really is a great idea Wil, it really makes you think….well, it makes ME think at least…
Do I have to think of seven.
1 That I won’t have to live with Dale either next semester.
2 For my wonderful Fiance
3 Spring break in two weeks and I can see my man.
4 Physics and Chemistry no matter how much they annoy me.
5 A job since my man has none and it worries the crap out of me.
6 My engagement ring
7 Stephen King because he writes good books.
Patti, honey, if he ain’t got a job, don’t marry him until he gets one! I understand that this sort of thing happens to lots of people and it’s not their fault, but also there are people like my friend Helen. For two years she has worked 2 jobs while her husband sat at home on the couch, not even looking for a job. He watches tv while she busts her ass to support him and two boys, and he will not even look after the boys after school while she is at work. So make sure you look after yourself.
I know, none of my business, and he could be a perfectly decent guy who’s really looking for a job and is just having a tough time. (I hope so, and I wish you both luck.) I just can’t help being nosy.
I love that you do this.. thank you
seven things that I am thankful for:
that my dad is going to be OK
that my parents are getting back together
that I have discovered this site
that I have not overslept for work (yesterday was embarrassing)
that I am going to Harwich tonight to see friends
that my garden will be sorted
that I was there when Toby (nephew) was born
Totoro! ^_^
my 7
1. my boyfriend…even though we live 2000 miles apart, we manage to stay very close…and make every moment together count.
2. my roomie, no one could ask for a better best friend.
3. livejournal…it’s great to have a forum to share thoughts and ideas with like minded people.
4. friends and family…need i say more?
5. carpool buddies wo make coming to work enjoyable, just for the drive in.
6. wwdn…always makes me laugh
7. being able to laugh about granny pants with my mother.
Ok, seven things, here goes: (great idea, btw!)
1. My family. My brothers who make me smile, their cute baby daughters & really nice wives. My wonderful and understanding, caring parents (and it being my dad’s 63th birthday!). My cute little kittens. Most importantly, my husband who I have been married to for 6 months today! Woo!
2. Canada. Hockey. Gold. We rock, eh!
3. Sites like this one that make me laugh my ass off at work and make people look at me funny 😉
4. Having a job, and a home, and a pretty happy, stable financial situation
5. Being mostly healthy and having everyone I love healthy too.
6. Living in a country that is known for peace, even though the world sometimes seems like it’s going to hell.
7. Knowing that my husband and I will spend most of our evening playing Xbox games (after a nice demi-anniversary dinner, of course 😉 )
“space madness” was one of my favorite ren and stimpy episodes, second only to “stinky and the magic nose goblins”
Seven things I am greatful for:
1. Love from my hubby and little girl.
2. That I was laid off late last year and now have the perfect excuse to stay home and look after my daughter.
3. That it is FINALLY sunny and warm here today, and the snow is melting, I can practically smell spring!
4. My daugher’s giggle.
5. The smell of baking bread.
6. Good friends.
7. The Gold medal for mens and womens Hockey!
My seven things are:
1. That I surrvived another day.
2. Everyone I knew 3yrs ago are still alive and well.
3. The time I have on my own, (you need that you know).
4. I have a relationship with my dad!
5. I’ve been loved and have loved.
6. Music
7. Having some place to call home!
Much as family can drive me crazy, it is important. I’m glad that you were able to spend time with them.
I can’t believe that someone else likes Legolas and Obi-Wan too! Awesome!:-)
What’s Crackin! – Just need to go Play Bingo – for my Online Bingo Habit! But I cannot Find a Good Bingo Online website to cover my bingo addiction!