Seven things I am thankful for today:
- Spending the entire day with my family.
- Playing a Madden 2002 Tournament with Ryan and Nolan, which I lost. Badly.
- The way Nolan puts his hand on my shoulder every time he is standing near me
- The way Ferris sits at my feet, and looks up at me, waiting for attention (instead of chewing the hell out of [important thing], like she did as recently as a few weeks ago)
- Anne coming outside, sitting on the ground, and getting grass stains on her butt while I mowed the back yard
- Nolan and Ryan laughing hysterically at my re-creation, from memory, of “Space Madness” while we ate dinner
- Super Collossal Brownie Sundaes(tm) for dessert.
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You’re thankful for LOSING Madden 2002? If it was me, I would seriously consider performing hara-kiri. At least it’s less painful and quicker, to boot.
No, I’m thankful that I got to play a serious tournament with my step-kids.
I don’t care about winning, ever.
Unless I’m playing Coutner-Strike against those guys at work, who use the aimbot.
In no particular order…
> By removing Internet Explorer from MacOS X, I haven’t experienced any crashes for several weeks on my iBook;
> That my folks, though not in the greatest of health, are still around to talk to when I need them;
> It hasn’t snowed very much this year;
> I’m actually limiting my intake of desserts;
> My taxes were easy to figure (alas, no refund);
> Saturday Night Live isn’t on again this week;
> Dill Havarti is available in the USofA.
Oh, my… I actually made it into the top ten! 😉
1) “Eye of the Beholder”
2) Ewan McGregor
3) Movies
4) Music
5) Rude awakenings
6) Wit
7) Clarity
*insert period here*
It is always a good day when you get to spend time with your family :0)
Oooh-the classics! Space Madness may be th eall time best Ren and Stimpy, probably followed closely by Nurse Stimpy. It’s been too long since I’ve seen those.
My seven today:
1. My wife, baby daughter and dog. (I doubt this entry will ever change)
2. Watching my daughter dancing to “Walk the Dinosaur”
3. iMovie, which I am currently using to archive my analog VHS home videos
4. Making some sweet defensive plays at my pick up hockey game tonight, increasing a confidence that will surely be decreased next week.
5. Finally getting a decent night’s sleep this week
6. Olympic hockey
7. Reading and sharing thoughts and memories about Chuck Jones and various Looney Tunes cartoons. That brought back some memories.
I am thankful
1.That I got to go do something outside for a change, cleaned the yard, explored the woods behind my house, found a HUGE empty field in which to fly my radio controlled Bleriot, and also a trail to wander down, take pictures of, get to a fishin hole from.
2.The sun was shining today, 70 degrees!!
3.I got my taxes done, WOO!!! 30 minutes at H&R Block..ahhhh I feel all better.
4.That I don’t OWE on them!
5.That I have FINALLY found a kitty litter that doesn’t bung up the littermaid with 3 cats bombing it all day. And it smells great!
6.My Birthday is only 5 days away…I’ll be 26!
7.That I have so many things to be thankful for.
1) My friend Scott, he’s the greatest guy in the world
2) My family is all in good health
3) I enjoy my job, and the people i work with
4) The wonderful weather in No Cal
5) This web site (Wil you’re a god!)
6), for all thier efforts
7) Empire Earth, the best game ever!
I’m thankful…
1. That Sarah Huges won the gold in figure skating, lol.
2. that my friend Erika and I went through w/ our tradition of being on the phone while all the girls skated their long programs and picked our favorites, lol.
3. that my cat is sweet and not a biter/scratcher, lol.
4. that my mom invited me down to Vegas with her for a week. Woo Hoo!!!
5. for my best friend who always is there for me, (LaVette.)
6. for the internet where I met my best friend! lol
7. and finally I am thankful for washer and dryers cause I just can’t imagine doing all my laundry that I did today the way they did back in the 1800s, lol. 😀
1. finding my husbands lost wedding ring. (our cats got a hold of the ring box and batted it under the treadmill)
2. spending time with my husband when he isn’t tried from work.
3. Watching “Rat Race” on DVD and laughing till my sides hurt.
4. renting and enjoying porn with my hubby.:)*blushes red*
5. Getting my website looking better.
6.eating “farmer’s Market” brownies that my husband got for me. MMMmmmmmmm!
7. Hearing from some old school friends
*suddenly realizes that the thought of Wil mowing a yard is funny…*
I thought you’d have a Jeeves around to do it for you.
1. “Miller’s Crossing”
2. Knowing that other people appreciate “Eye of the Beholder” too.
3. Plotting with two other friends to get my best friend the 11-volume DVD box set of Buster Keaton movies, which will make her so happy she’ll nearly explode.
4. Weekends.
5. Irish Mist.
6. Partitions on my HD, so that even though I have to reformat, I’m not going to lose everything.
7. Finding out that one of my favourite authors (Ann Downer) went to my college (Smith College).
1) For my friends and family, as cliche as it is. This weekend has been a good one to visit with both.
2) Humor.
3) Good books like Fast Food Nation, which I finished yesterday. Opened my eyes to many things. Haven’t eaten at McDonald’s in forever, glad I don’t.
4) My education. No matter how much debt I’ll be in when I graduate with a M.A. in 2003, it’ll be worth it. And I never thought I’d say that.
5) Dry erase markers. I love them. I love the entire dry erase concept. I hate chalk.
6) Children. They never fail to make me smile and glad that I do what I do.
7) My computer for not crashing today in the middle of major research. Okay, so that was a bad one but I’m really grateful for it, you have no idea.
the small things yet again…are the awesomest
1 – Being able to watch my friend James jump about 5 feet off the chair while watching ‘Queen of the Damned’
2 – Being confused ’bout the guy I like at work… jsut cuz it makes life interesting
3 – Being able to be an insufferable know-it-all when it comes to manga and books…and be able to have intelligent conversations with people about it
4 – Great Big Sea’s new album (it farking rocks)
5 – Having a job that sucks, but being with cool people while I do it
6 – Having ‘rents that are trusting of me
7 – That Canadians are kicking freaking ass at the Olympics (in Hockey..oh yeha!)
7 on 02/23/02
1) Egg level on Joust
2) Doughnuts:
a) one chocolate frosted
b) two applesauce
c) two cinnamon
3) Das Boot DVD $12 at Best Buy
4) Neon “Go By Train” sign at downtown rail station
5) Motown
7) My daughter got a free dinosaur cookie from the nice Latina girl at our favorite local bakery because my kid be so damned cute and her dad be so damned charming
1) The lawn is under 2 feet of snow.
2) The days are getting longer.
3) Only 6 months until the new Sopranos episodes.
4) Canadian Broadcasting’s Olympics coverage.
5) Don Cherry (See # 4)
6) Home made baked beans.
7) BtVS season 1 DVD.
Wil, this is a cool idea. Gee, I should really post this on my OWN blog (DUH!), but since nobody gives a damn anyway, I might as well do it right here *grin*. So here we go:
1. It’s Sunday … need I say more?
2. The invention of DVDs
3. The Goonies being released on DVD 😉
4. My friends for making (good) fun of me when I’m being such a movie geek (like, ALWAYS)
5. Elijah Wood (what?! This is MY list :-D!!!)
6. My health (though I am a bit insane, I suppose – HAR!)
7. my website(s) and all the great people I’m getting to meet through them
and let me add a #8: For finding this lil’ website of yours (hey, it took me long enough!). It’s so much fun, so thanks Wil.
Take care!
Seven things I am thankful for everyday:
1)Cornbread. Nothing wrong with that.
2)Beer. The cause of, and solution to all of lifes problems.
3)Porn. The reason that internet commerce exists.
4)Shoes. My feet would hurt without them.
5)The nature of reality. If it wasn’t so subjective, a lot more people would be “crazy”
6)Toothpaste. What did people do without it?
7)Umm. My family and dog and all that other stuff… and more porn.
So how many people got wasted playing the WWDN drinking game to THIS one?
I love this website. I really do. I just got back from hanging out with some really great friends and I am totally intoxicated… (this is taking forever for me to write cuz i keep hitting the wrong buttons) … my list would have alcohol and my great friends on it, but i couldn’t probably manage with the actual numbers. does that make any sense? i dunno. but i love this website (reminiscent of the times when you’re drunk and say “I love you, man!”) so yeah. thats all. i’m going to pass out now.
Ok, WWDN drinking game?
I HATE missing things. Goddammit.
– bagels and cream cheese
– living in da USA. Life ain’t too bad here.
– Ewan MacGregor’s bottom
– hugs
– movies so crappy they’re silly
– water
– technology that works
Never mind, found the drinking game.
I can’t read.
Dear Uncle Spudnuts,
Who are you thankful too?
just curious
7 Things I’m Thankful For Today (Saturday):
* Seeing my fianc
Seven things I’m thankful for:
1. X Files. Got season eight box set yesterday and it hasn’t shown on terrestrial so me and some friends are going to spend this evening watching it.
2. My frinds because they’ll let me rant and rave about stuff, that is pretty lame when I think about it!
3. Anne Rice who created the best vampire books. And I can’t wait for queen of the damned to be released in the UK
4. My computer, which without I couldn’t read WWDN, and my life would be less sunny.
5.Waking up this morning actually wanted to be apart of the day rather than sleeping or something else….
6. My orange glasses so that I can read great books like Lord Of The Rings and Left Behind and Bless This Child.
7. The chocolate cake that was made for me becasue I was leaving my placement which I had been at for three months. (chocolate sponge, Jam in the middle. Melted chocolate for icing, topped with smarties and mini rolos)
BTW Will you shouls wear your glasses other wise you’ll ruin what eye sight you’ve got and you’ll end up wearing worst glasses than the ones you’ve got.
1.20pm GMT
24th February 2002
Right this very minute, I’m thankful for:
1. Coffee. Mmmm.
2. My husband, who made the coffee, and let me sleep a little extra.
3. Sleep.
4. Sunday mornings, waking up to coffee.
5. Going to the second service at church, because we slept a little extra.
6. Coffee and sunshine waking me up.
7. Good morning kisses, too.
(ps: we’re spending waaay too much time on Worth1000, and it’s all Wil’s fault! The first contest I entered was Mate Wil Wheaton.)
1. my son, husband and cats
2. it’s sunday
3. sleeping
4. coffee mmmmmm
5. reading the newspaper in bed… though with the cats and the coffee, it can be interesting =D
6. Sunday dinner with friends (no cooking for me tonight!)
7. having a job to go to tomorrow just to remind me of all the good things on the weekend.
Oh my beloved ice cream bar! How I love to lick your creamy centre! They’re always trying to take it from me. WHY?!?!?!”
seven things i am thankful for hmmmm.
1. that today is my birthday
2. that i got to vist with my aunt and cousins(whom i haven’t seen in 2 years.
3. that i got to see my mom( whom i haven’t seen in 9 months even though i live in her house. figure that out)
4. my brothers even if the are pains they can still make me smile even when i don’t want to.
5. seeing my uncle whom i haven’t seen in 3 or 4 years.
6. that i will get to go back to work in april
7. that my neices love hanging out with me and doing the things i like to do evne though they are only 7 and almost nine and i turned 22 today.
1. Weekend
2.The Internet (I’m addicted)
3. Dr. Pepper (can’t get enough)
4. Time with family
5. time away from family
6. eBay
I still can never think of a full set. lol
O well.
i wanted to say Happy Birthday to cris
In no particular order as well:
* Family
* Friends
* We got our nice sized tax refund from the government.
* Getting the money in perfect time to catch the after-season clothing sales (6 shirts and a skirt at Limited and Express for $75!).
* Aragorn! (From Lord of the Rings!)
* Black Hawk Down’s Ridley Scott for putting “Legolas” (Orland Bloom) and “Obi-Wan” (Ewan MacGregor) in the same scene. 🙂
* Having love in my life.
Ok, I have to add my 7;
1. My 2 girls.
2. My oldest telling me how good her chocolate chip cookie is “It’s the best mom!” (She says that each time I make them).
3. Watching my youngest daughter & seeing the connections being made in her little head (i.e sitting for 20 minutes & trying to put a sock on at the age of 14 months).
4. My parents being across the lake & occasionaly watching my girls.
5. Friends, esp those who are now having kids & realizing what I’ve gone through & asking my advice.
6. The internet so I can escape my world for awhile.
7. Bedtimes!!!!!
Ok, I have to add my 7;
1. My 2 girls.
2. My oldest telling me how good her chocolate chip cookie is “It’s the best mom!” (She says that each time I make them).
3. Watching my youngest daughter & seeing the connections being made in her little head (i.e sitting for 20 minutes & trying to put a sock on at the age of 14 months).
4. My parents being across the lake & occasionaly watching my girls.
5. Friends, esp those who are now having kids & realizing what I’ve gone through & asking my advice.
6. The internet so I can escape my world for awhile.
7. Bedtimes!!!!!
Happy Birthday to you
Happy birthfay to you
Happy birhday dear Chris
Happy birthday to you
5.00pm GMT
24th Feb
Hey wil, you know you can use alt+0153 to have an official trademark
1. My mom making a bid on a house yesterday.
2. I got a single dorm room next year. NO MORE LIVING WITH MY SISTER!
3. My cat is healthy unlike my moms.
5. That I don’t have the flu today unlike my favorite drive Dale Jr.
6. That Dale Jr. gets his ass out there and drives for 400 miles even though he is sick or hurt.
7. That I finished my homework on Friday. :)LOL!!
bluesman said:
>> Who are you thankful too?
Frank Gorshin.
1. That my husband and I both have the day off, so I can see him for more than thirty minutes. (Once he wakes up. Hey, he didn’t even get home from work until 6 AM!)
2. My daughter did not “borrow without asking” any other child’s toy during Sunday school this morning!
3. Ever since moving out, I am on much better terms with my mother and sister.
4. Nice weather today.
5. I just came into a small inheritance.
6. Books!
7. Even though my husband is out until all hours of the night, I never have to wonder if I can trust him.
Oh, yeah!
8. My unwanted houseguest will be leaving tomorrow!
I’ve had this ice cream bar since I was a little child!
Daaahh…hey Cap’n, you’re talkin’ crazy!
Ren and Stimpy rules. But back when the guy who isn’t Billy West was doing his voice.
What am I grateful for today?
1. I came up with an idea for my Masters thesis!
2. The sun is out today
3. My friend revealed his elaborate plan to propose to his girlfriend next week
4. Gas prices are under $1.10 for unleaded
5.I managed to avoid the department cold for two weeks
6. Said cold did not hit me until the weekend, so I can sleep as long as I want without feeling guilty
7. Zzzzzzzzz…..
Not that anyone will read this or even cares really, especially since this is really late.
I miss Ren & Stimpy… I mean GOOD Ren & Stimpy. Back in the days of John K. I miss John K.
Mowing the yard. Thats a funny one.
Being able to mow the the grass would be number 1 – 7 right now. I just spent the last hour shoveling 6 inches of snow!
It is 20 degrees here. Now don’t you wish you were in Montana???
Keith lived in Bozeman for a year. NEVER WANT TO GO BACK EITHER!!
Bahaha… my sisters and I re-create Space Madness all the time. “My beloved ice cream bar!” To this day that episode makes me laugh ’til I pee.
1. Not having a roomate
2. Having friends that always insist on IMing me, even if I don’t want to talk, it makes me feel loved.
3. Being able to read (I’m in the midst of a good book) =)
4. My computer not crashing (so far)
5. Banana Nut Ice Cream
6. My Legolas Poster
7. My cynical, crazy, sarcastic friends just 3 floors under me.
Lets try this again as my computer just hiccuped.
I am having deja vu..I KNOW we already did this
listy thing..Or is Wil recreating this thread
topic cause Spuddy is back?
I am thankful you are back as I get bored very
easily……..even if you are having a identity
crisis ..your name is Spudnuts? WHY would you’
ever want to be anyone else?