I’m sitting at work, decompressing from the infuriating 100 minute commute (to cover the vast distance of 27 miles — thank you Los Angeles for your oh-so-useful mass transit system that is currently useless to me).
I’m supposed to be writing for my show, but, seriously, I’m so dang frustrated from the drive, that I’m taking a few minutes for myself to catch my breath and settle down.
I gotta stop drinking coffee when I drive, too…and I shouldn’t listen to democracy now. It just gets me all riled up.
Couple of things: I really enjoyed reading the trash-talking and back-slapping that went on in the last two posts. I’m happy to see that there are other people around who know what and what not to take too seriously…and if you think I got worked up about hockey, just you wait until baseball season starts. I’m calling out all the Giant fans right now. Now that I think of it, wouldn’t it be cool to do a WWDN fantasy baseball league, at Yahoo? I’ve played in those the last two seasons, and it’s really really fun. I’ll add that to the TODO list.
Drew, from FARK, who has become a sort-of friend of mine, is doing this really cool thing, that you should all check out.
If you live in or near the City of Angels, and you enjoy your old pal Wil Wheaton, and you enjoy the live theatre, you can come and see the two combined, starting in two weeks, because my friend Keith and I are kicking off a whole new season of the J.Keith vanStraaten show!! I’m really, really excited about this season, and I sure hope that lots of WWDN readers will come out, see the funny, and then introduce themselves after the show. Unless, of course, you’re a freakin’ weirdo. Then I’d prefer you go see shows at The Groundlings.
Ahh…I feel much better now, thanks to the cathartic process of writing, and the soothing sounds of Catherine Wheel, who give us this entry’s title.
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
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I’ve got a hell of a commute right now, myself…straight down I-25 through the southern half of the T-REX project. Usually, I don’t bother with the freeway and go south through the Denver Tech Center until the traffic thins out…but that’s not much better. Once we’ve moved to our new building, I might have a good alternate in E-470 if I care to spend the money for the toll road. However, bad as it is, it’s better than the commute to my last job…that was 45 minutes up to Genesee Park, with a 2500-foot altitude gain right near the end.
Oh, and better watch out, Wil…my wife’s a Giants fan. Yes, still, even though we live in Colorado now. The Rockies aren’t worth her attention.
*it’s snowing here*
That’s all I have to say
Forget Chicago – bring the show to Toronto! I’d show up. I’d buy you beer, lots of it!
Also, our transit system rocks hard.
I don’t listen to Democracy Now! very often, since I don’t have a radio and can only receive the MP3 streams, but I caught it today. Dick Gregory needs to breate once in a while, but man is he fun to listen to. Loved the part about going back to toss a brick through a window at the restaurant he used to work and perform at after the management ignored him – now, that’s getting attention:)
im one of those people who would go to a baseball game and end up starting counting heads in the audience because i have an attention span of a 5 year old. i did watch league of their own, with the overrated tom hanks. i only liked it because of jon lovitz though. am i goin’ off topic? lol.. oh well, anyhow.. here’s something original- go get you a nice comedy tape/cd/mp3 and listen to it on the way. you’ll go into work with a smile.
Wow, I thought you kicked ass before. I didn’t realize you were a democracy now listener until today. Good job.
Sorry, NT.
My penchant for trivia got the best of me.
Woohoo, go Giants!!
I enjoyed reading that post “let them play…”
I love that scene, haven’t seen it in a long time.
Still gives me goosebumps. Bad News Bears in the Astrodome, with that little bastard Tanner running around the field juking the large old guy off his feet.
Doo doo doo doo doo doo shiney night…life is loooooking gooood, for YOU and ME!
More Bad News Bears quotes:
“Hello, how are you?”(Old guy pretending to be their coach).
“Ennnngleberg!”(When Engleberg had to take a dump and when he came back the van did the pull away prank while he held his tp).
Screw the Giants. They can keep their post little stadium with perfect seating and cleverly designed bay view.
I’ll take my concrete monstrosity and the ragtag team of goofoffs and self-proclaimed dumbasses any day.
Although I must say, I did have a good time both times I was at PacBell, and the games were good.
When I lived in Rancho Cucamonga and had to do the daily drive down the 10 to Hollywood, I got up at 4am, drove then, worked out, and then slept in the car b4 work started. No time lost with the family or others that way as they are asleep anyways.
Never take a job that forces you to have to leave work between the hours of 4pm and 7pm, if you have traffic to deal with of such proportions as LA. Traffic jams are stress and take up time, and that cuts out wages. If the job is that important, then move by work.
Live in the city if you work there, help the environment, fight the suburban-urban gap, and save time. Do it for your country.
Of course, this is just my own philosophy.
Hey Wil, are you the guy that played Wesley on Mr. Belvadere?
__________ –
tee hee!
really makes me wonder if I want to move four thousand miles across the Atlantic, to face the hustle and bustle of New York just to get to work in the mornings…… I mean… I LIKE the fact I have a 20 minute walk in the mornings and evenings…. nice and relaaaaaxiiing…. yup yup yup
Ok, forgive me. I read the About section. I had heard Wesley mentioned somewhere regarding Wil.
I apologize, I’ve never seen more than a few episodes of Star Trak. It’s a good show, but I’m impatient and it always takes me awhile to get into an episode.
I really like this blog part of the site though. It’s pretty damm sweet.
I had a nightmare of Mr. Belvedere awhile ago, and it even contained Mr. Belvedere’s voice using the tsk tsk British bastardized tone of “Wesssley” and all.
Haunts me at times.
Burn in hell Belvedere.
I was looking for a blog for my site, and saw this one had the blog of the year award at moveabletype.
I’m going to use it. I like it. And since I found Spudnuts here and I like most of the posts so far, I believe I may stick around. Wesley seems pretty cool, I like his writing well enough.
I might have to beat the shit out of Bob Ueker tomorrow though.
{Fade out Mr. Belvedere music}
Bwahaha, commuting…*snort*.
Where I live, if it take longer than 15 minutes by car, then it’s too damn far.
If there’s ten cars ahead of me at the turn light, it’s a traffic jam.
And I would have to agree with Ayingil with the fantasy wrestling thing.
Although my idea of wrestling would involve less clothes than the conventional way.
Non sequitor.
You liked State of Emergency for the PS2?
Not one of the better Rockstar games…at least in my humble opinion.
When we (the roomies and I) first heard about the concept of the game we were VERY excited. Visions of GTA3 dancing through our heads.
But the execution of SOE just didn’t cut it for me. Too vertigo inducing for my taste.
Speaking of PS2. Did anyone else in the universe find Tron to be “problematic” when trying to view the DVD of it on the PS2? Right around the Tron meets ROM section in the electronic cells everything went utterly wacky and green and pixilated.
Thought it was just a bad DVD….turns out it looks more like a bad DVD production (with specific respect to the PS2 platform).
PS. – Love your site Wil. And as a Canadian…thanks for your gracious olympic hockey perspective. I’ll remember it next time the US whomps us (pray it be not too soon…well…Free Trade Soft Lumber?) and try to be nearly as galant a sport as you have been.
Well i’m going to throw a spanner in the works by saying I think all sport should be banned!
My reasons:
1. At school if you were not good at sport you were made to feel useless and crap as if you were a sub human and not worth living or knowing.
2. There is way too much money sport. It should be about fun and health.
3. It’s way too competative and people take it way too serious and thats when hoogalism happens. Yes I know it’s only a minority, ut I know people who fall out because if the results of a sports fixture.
4. What’s the big deal about sport anyway?!
I know this will cause people to get upset, and I appolize but I wanted to get my two cents worth in.
1.40pm GMT
27th Feb
You commute south through Denver! Agh! We used to live in Denver until a few years ago, and I commuted from Sloans Lake area up to CU in Boulder every day. I watched for 8 years as the US 36 corridor became more clogged, with more ticky-tacky houses being built along what used to be open meadows — now when we go back it’s as bad as anything I’ve seen in LA or NYC or Boston. We had given some thought to moving back to the area (we grew up there and lived there until we moved here to Boston area) but now that we can go anywhere we want, we’ve elected to stay here in “rural” Massachusetts for the nonce. Denver Metro has a great airport, but that’s about it now.
And, I don’t envy you the commute to Genesee. We nearly bought a house there and then decided against it.
Why don’t you take some video’s of your shows, and put them up on the site so everyone who doesn’t live in California can see them? Maybe just once in a while? I’d love to check one out but can’t affort to take a week off and drive 2000 miles!!!
Just a thought,
Dang! I’m going to be in LA for that weekend to hang with a buddy of mine before I go to San Francisco for work, but I’m not coming in until Saturday. Sorry Wil, looks like I’ll miss it. We were thinking about going anyway just to check it out. It’d have been cool to catch your show, though.
I have a 60 mile commute (1 way) that takes me @1hr 15min. Good thing I am commuting from rural MN to the Twin Cities instead of thru it. People think I am crazy from driving so much but after doing it for the last 3 years…I don’t mind it so much except when the roads are icy.
Well I live in the UK and my 40 minute commute comprises of country lanes, fields and the odd deer. Usually it is most enjoyable.
Les wrote:
>Well I live in the UK and my 40 minute commute comprises of country lanes, fields and the odd deer. Usually it is most enjoyable.
If you see the odd deer, the next one’s the even deer.
So, during all these hellish commutes, what music gets played on the car stereos?
Back when I was a highway warrior, I’d play just about anything to keep my mind off the mayhem going on around me. My favorites were things like Orb, or Eurythmics, stuff with some beat to it. Although I did go through a Beatles phase…
Right now my commute is, at most, 10 minutes to, 10 minutes back. I did the long commute thing and hated it! Never again if I can avoid it.
my commute was about the same back when I lived in North Jersey and commuted into the City. that’s why I moved to DC where my commute is 20 minutes each way. eerily enough, the move also saved my life. my Path train station at the WTC was destroyed on 9/11. I can’t even imagine what my commute would be like now if I were back home.
o_O Work? I think I missed something. What are you doing now for work, Wil? Oh, and I went over to Sears today… I broke down and decided to buy one of those food sealing devices. YOU know. Where you put the food in the baggie, and then put the baggie in the sealer, where it sucks the air out and then seals it so that you can (theoretically) save it in your freezer for 1 year, and then open it like a bizarre time capsule and magically, it’s still good? Those things.
Well, I haven’t had a chance to test it yet, and the reason I got one anyway, is because the secondhand one I got, doesn’t suck the air out anymore. In fact, the secondhand one, just plain SUCKS, and not in the good way. So that’s why I decided it was time to go to Sears and get the new one.
Of course, they have the much lauded Tilia Food Saver, that you see when you have insomnia and are desperate to watch ANYTHING, including HSN. But there on the shelf next to it, was a brand-new, and cheaper by about 30 bucks, knockoff. Made by Kenmore. Now, I had checked with epinions.com first, and there was nothing written yet on this product. But as most of you know, Kenmore makes good ovens and washers. So I figured, ah what the hell. I got that, and I’m going shopping Friday. So we’ll see how it goes. PS, Wil: my friend Craig from England was just telling me that TNG was playing on tv earlier today… which I think is cool. Oh, and I was talking to another friend of mine, a nurse. Turns out scientists have actually made a VERY small amount of ANTIMATTER. Sobering thought. You may be on the Enterprise for REAL, in your lifetime…..
Right this guiy is this little dude off of star trek, and he like uses sweary words,
Im 14 and i swear all the time,. but i mean you just dont imagine The little boy off of star trek to swear aigh? oH THIS is soooo confusing
What! 1am? Ive got school
Oh wait its 1pm…. HUH. I should be AT school, hmm i wonder where my AAF album is.
Oh yeah its saturday
Whoda thunk it? Wil Wheaton – Catherine Wheel fan…and listening to OLD, circa 1992 Catherine Wheel at that!!!
Party on, Mr. Crusher…er…Mr Wheaton. And please let it never be said that you lack good taste in music.
Giants!? Come on wil, you lived in Kansas for a while. How about a little publicity for the small town Royals instead of your big market california teams that can buy a world series trophy anytime they want it.
Well, MY commute was 100 miles to my blacksmithing job, uphill, both ways, in 10 FOOT DEEP SNOW!
My commute is not so bad…burb to burb on West side of Greater Cleveland so we don’t get as much snow as the Eastside does. Depending on how many trains I cross, I’m usually not more than 20 minutes by main streets.
Kendoka mentioned the bad traffic here. It’s mainly in the city at the inner belt that is the major hassle…but then again, Ohio’s state flower is the orange barrel! *LOL*
Of course there is the issue of snow…we got a blast of snow yesterday and another today. Cars that aren’t moving are sliding and hitting the walls (must be near the lake)…people forgot how to drive in the snow and accidents are happening all over the freeways. Last traffic report I heard part of 90 was closed in PA due to the number of accidents…YEESH….
I mainly listen to the radio and cd’s during my commute. My current faves are Disturbed, Staind, Linkin Park, and Saliva…just to name a few.
Giants rule! Anybody who has been to a game at Pac Bell knows what I mean. They’re the one sports team I can get behind and support all the way so anybody who wants to dis them will have to get through me!
wait… why is everyone so damn impressed you listen to Catherine Wheel.
I guess they really do think you’ve been out in space.
When I was a young ‘un, I walked 200 miles in the SNOW, BAREFOOT to get to the farm… carrying 3 donkeys and a chicken.
The chicken was whiny little stinker.
Lenna, my commute was that awful stretch of I-71 near the airport… all I had to do was get from American Greetings over on Tiedeman, near the Plain Dealer printing facility… to the Strongsville Pearl Rd. exit… ten miles. But because they felt the need to expand the road by one lane there, they managed to tie up traffic for three years… and it still hasn’t solved their rush-hour problems.
Of course, now I’m in south-central Indiana… where we don’t get snow, but we sure get traffic. The Bloomington city planners wanted that “small-town” feel, so all of the roads on this campus of 37,000 students are one lane in either direction. On any given afternoon, I could “race” a car as I walk up 10th street for a mile…and win.
Drive down I-10 west in Houston rush “day”. I dare you!
Speaking of AG… I had a flashback to my days at the world HQ… all of the gift wrap displays that I helped to develop are now up… and here I thought I’d seen the last of those wedding and Easter endcaps… ack!
note to self… avoid kmart…
Ok, I had the worst commute while I was a consultant. At one point while I was working in Arizona, I had a 200 mile drive to get to a client, had to drive through the desert. Had to bring a roll of TP with me since there are no toilets in the middle of the deserts. I have left several turd droppings throughout the Grand Canyon State. Good, fertilized land. đŸ™‚
black metallic is one of my favorite CW songs, good job wil
Wil, I know what you mean. LA traffic sucks the big one! You know what is kinda fun for long car trips other than thumbs? Books on tape. Especially for those of us who still have to do book reports. Listen to them and rent the book from the library.
I cant wait to see you on the J. Keith van Straaten show. I am a huge fan of Beet the Geeks. Good luck!
quote of the day, “Nothing good can come from staying with normal people.”
I guess now’s not the time to mention that I can see my office from my front door…
I have long commutes when idiots decide that they want to pull out of their parking space in front of me. It extends my 5 minute commute to about 5 minutes 30 seconds.
But it’s like that because the place was available and I was tired of my long Atlanta commute. And I’ve seen New Yorkers scared of Atlanta driving.
SpaceWriter, I do what I have to. The job I’m working at now (down south) comes after 5 months of being unemployed because the folks in Genesee Park decided they didn’t need me anymore. Commuting is about eight hundred and ninety-seven times better than not having a paycheck.
It’s less of a commute now, really. 30 minutes from home to the office, maybe stretch that by another 5 when we move into our permanent building in 2 days. Compare with 45 minutes to Genesee Park. (I interviewed for a job in Boulder, but that would have been even worse…at least an hour, one way. The Boulder Turnpike is just a parking lot at rush hours these days.)
Most of the southbound I-25 slowing in the mornings is from about Hampden south to Belleview. I just go south on DTC Boulevard/Yosemite, and get on the freeway at Arapahoe, where it’s thinned out from there south to County Line and Lincoln Ave., and bypass that area.
Of course, on Monday it was hell. Snow overnight, snow pack and ice on the roads, traffic at a virtual standstill. I wound up about 20 minutes late for work, but so did everyone else…Friday may be bad, too.
SpaceWriter, I do what I have to. The job I’m working at now (down south) comes after 5 months of being unemployed because the folks in Genesee Park decided they didn’t need me anymore. Commuting is about eight hundred and ninety-seven times better than not having a paycheck.
It’s less of a commute now, really. 30 minutes from home to the office, maybe stretch that by another 5 when we move into our permanent building in 2 days. Compare with 45 minutes to Genesee Park. (I interviewed for a job in Boulder, but that would have been even worse…at least an hour, one way. The Boulder Turnpike is just a parking lot at rush hours these days.)
Most of the southbound I-25 slowing in the mornings is from about Hampden south to Belleview. I just go south on DTC Boulevard/Yosemite, and get on the freeway at Arapahoe, where it’s thinned out from there south to County Line and Lincoln Ave., and bypass that area.
Of course, on Monday it was hell. Snow overnight, snow pack and ice on the roads, traffic at a virtual standstill. I wound up about 20 minutes late for work, but so did everyone else…Friday may be bad, too.
Catherine Wheel…
Know what’s better?
Cheese Wheel.
want some cheese with that whine