Four days off.
That’s like 5 years in internet time, isn’t it?
What a great time it was, though. The whole time we were together, Anne and I kept commenting on how we couldn’t remember the last time we did anything “just the two of us.” After some discussion, we figured out that the last time we spent any time together alone, it was over our anniversary, back in November.
It was really awesome, and a very much needed diversion from “real life.” I turned the computer off on Friday morning, and it stayed off until about 30 minutes ago. And I have to tell you, I am surprised to say that turning it back on was not an easy thing to do…mostly because my poor computer is really on it’s last legs, and it’s painful to watch the poor old girl start up… 🙂
Today is a school holiday for the kids, and I was planning on staying home, and hanging out with them, and working longer days tomorrow and Wednesday…but I have two, count ’em, two auditions tomorrow, and I won’t be able to go into work, so I spent a half day there, finishing up some re-writes that are due in two days.
I really love my job, and I really like the people I work with. I realized as I was driving home today how lucky that makes me. I know so many people who just hate their jobs, and dread going to work, and I am not amongst their number. Sure, it helps that we all play lots of games, but the creative freedom I have on my show, and the visceral excitement I feel when I watch an edit of one of our shows is what really makes the hellish commute worth it.
You know, now that I think about it, there is really a lot in my life that I love: my job, my wife, my step-kids, my dog, my friends and family…
I had an email a few months ago from a WWDN reader who mentioned to me that his Thai Chi master has him write down 7 things each day that he is thankful for. I think that’s a simply brilliant idea, and everyone should do it.
I’ll go first. Today, I am thankful for:
- Waking up to my wife’s smile.
- The traffic-free drive to work, because today is a holiday.
- The cool, crisp, ocean breeze that blew across my face when I got out of my car at work.
- Ryan’s unbridled enthusiasm as he shows me that he can ollie nearly 12 vertical inches on his skateboard.
- The sunset this evening, turning to gold the leafless branches of the trees in my neighborhood, as they reach towards a cloudy, indigo sky.
- Nolan coming to me, when I got home from work, and following me around the house, telling me all about his weekend that he spent with his dad.
- Finding my “This American Life” CD, which I had thought I’d lost.
That’s all I have for now. I’m off to prepare my auditions.
Thought for today:
If you are able, help others. If not, at least refrain from hurting them.
7:48 PM PST: I want to add something to my list…
8. Nolan serenading Anne and me during our dinner.
Now, I will explain: Earlier tonight, both kids went to play at their friend’s houses. As dinner time drew closer, we got a phone call from Ryan, asking if he could stay at his friend’s for dinner, followed almost immediately by a similar call from Nolan. So Anne and I prepared for a romantic, candle-lit dinner for 2, while the boys were off with their friends.
I raced up to the market, and picked up this yummy stuffed chicken breast, and a wonderful bottle of Bordeaux. Trouble was, the chicken took almost an hour to cook, and by the time we were sitting down to eat, both kids had come home.
Nolan walked into the dining room, assessed the situation, and announced that he would be right back. He returned with his saxaphone, and proclaimed that he would play all his songs for us while we ate dinner.
So Anne and I ate our romantic dinner for two, while Nolan played “Hot Cross Buns”, “The French Song”, “The German Waltz”, “Yankee Doodle”, and the ever-popular “Oats Peas Beans.” It was the one of the coolest things I have ever seen him do.
If I wasn’t such a badass, it may have brought tears to my eyes.
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I cant believe how many of you can come up with seven things your grateful for when I cant even come up with one.
8.44pm GMT
ok! I think you will enjoy the rest of the book. It really is fantastic. And even more fun to talk about it w/ friends. Now, I have to sign off for a while. Time for another boring meeting in which none of the really important issues concerning this company will be discussed and the CEO & COO will butt heads, neither capable of putting his ego on the shelf for the betterment of the company. L8r! Have a good day/nite all!
C’mon, Spike.
Air, fingers, toes, sunrise, sunset, rainbows, music, baseball games, hotdogs, little kids, sprinklers, pets, cheese, eyes, ears, parents, home towns, uncomfortable silences, cheese, pizza, cheese pizza, marsupials, cheetahs, oxen, bison, wheat thins, Fowlers, JSc, Wil, http://www.anything, cookies, ice cream…
Pick 7, yo.
its all crap and doesn’t make ypu feel good about yourself does it. i even feel bad cause i cant come up with one thing….
9.00 pm GMT
19th feb 2002
What wonderful comments to come home to after a long day at school. Seven things that i am thankful for today are:
1)My youth
2)My brother who is driving me everywhere at this moment, even though he doesn’t want to.
3)My best friend Robert who is helping me cope with my problems right now.
5)Email and AIM
6)All my friends who keep calling me a sweetheart.
7)The fact that i don’t have to work tonight. Woo-Hoo!!
Yeah, this is a cool idea, can’t wait till i can post more things tomorrow. 🙂 Be good peoples.
Well, then, Spikey, aren’t you at least thankful you’ve got an open forum to put your opinion into?
The cheese has you there, buddy.
John Quincy kept the alligator in the East Room of the White House. Which was very safety conscious of him. Seeing as how JQ enjoyed skinny dipping in the Potomac.
Yes, he does.
But, spike. It doesn’t have to be a lasting feel good. Even a momentary feel good, like when you take a sip of beer or a bite of cheese. That momentary blissfulness.
Or, you could be thankful that you have people here who are trying to help you think of things to be thankful for….
When i’m married I wish that my kids will do the same kind of things for me.
Your a lucky guy Wil.
7 things that i’m thankful for
1. My brand-spanking new SO
2. My stepfather
3. Being home during the semester (instead of in a dorm room)
4. My new job (i too love my job)
5. My photography course
6. My three new cousins (a one year old and twin three month olds)
7. I’m going to see my SO in 45 minutes.
i supose i could be thankful for the people who are suposedly trying to help me deal with depression……
9.22pm GMT
19th Feb
There’s a start.
You know, you have a choice in everything you do.
It may not be easy to actually turn things around and simply be happy, and I may just be another person who doesn’t understand…
But, I think you’d be surprised around here.
Hell, half of the world goes through being depressed all the time. Lord knows I’ve been a shut-in on more than one ocassion for several months at a time.
And, if all else fails, read the Yahoo! Personals for some yuks…
Unless, of course, no one’s been answering your Yahoo! Personal, in which case, I’m completely sorry that I brought it up.
And, don’t go getting all “supposedly trying to help me…”
I don’t think you’ll find a much more genuine group of people…even when it gets down to SpudNuts and Fowler and their misunderstood witicisms.
“I’m thankful for all the people that don’t mis-type:
u n r e a l i s t i c e x p e c t a t i o n s
How’s about we just condense it down to UE?? Makes much more sense, and is easier to spell!!… er.. maybe that’s just my fried college student’s brain talking.
I tried…it’s owned by someone else.
I’m thankful that someday, I may stand a chance of getting it.
You can always use: if you get antsy…
I am thankful for:
1)my kick ass parents and the opportunity to go to this GREAT art school next fall.
2)my friends even though they like nsync.
3)the day care kids who are some of my best friends.
4)the pictures they draw me every day just beacuse they want to.
6)roughy sharing his cheese
7)for my little sister being in DC for a whole week WOOOOHOOOO
8)that maroon5 is opening up for phantom planet next week and the tickets were still only 10 bucks!
Roughy and all the karma-lovers, Karma is a great thing, until it comes and bites you on the arse! 🙂
Spike *sending you positive vibes*…the joy will come back to you one day, hang in there 🙂
No-one can make you happy, only you can do this and to get there it can be a rough road to travel but it is worth it in the end.
I don’t recall the quote exactly, but it went something like this “Our capacity for joy is only matched by our capacity for sorrow.”
So think, however bad you feel now, at some stage in the future you will feel equally happy. That’s something to think about. Keep your chin up.
Todays list of thankfuls…
1. The tractor finally started after my husband stuck a stick in the gas tank and swished it around. I had to walk a half mile to get the gas for it.
2. We cleaned out alot of the woods so the goats can get back in there.
3. A telling slice with the bush ax. Thunk!
4. Ribs for dinner. From our own bull.
5. I did not have to drive into town today to pick up the kids.
6. Time to read the email, and sites I like with my bird on my hand, as opposed to a bird in the hand.
7. The day is not over yet!
it’s really great that you had a nice vacation away from the anxieties of everyday life.
even though i was starting to go through wwdn withdrawals.
I’m still a newbie, (just joined over the weekend). It’s nice to have you back Wil. Thanks for the great topic. My list of seven things I’m grateful for TODAY would be:
1. That my old car is still running, getting me to and from work.
2. That I still have a job to go to.
3. That I had enough money to bring home a nice meal so I didn’t have to cook.
4. For my dog, Murphy, that greeted me at the door with a squeaky toy. (She does this every work day.)
5. For my wonderful husband and the help he provides with computer support.
6. For the 56K modem that is handling my internet needs while the DSL line is being “repaired” by the phone company.
7. For Wil’s updates which gave me a much needed lift today.
I’d be really grateful if I knew when the next broadcast of Radio Free Burrito was going to happen. (hint, hint)
Congratulations on your engagement Susie and Happy Anniversary to John. Seven years of sobriety is a great accomplishment!
What’s a lowdown lowlife like moi thankful for?
1. Finding those gift certificates from the local pizza place
2. Finding out said certificates are still redeemable
3. My low paying radio job
5. That tour of Bowling Green State Univ. I took yesterday
6. Spending a majority of said tour hanging out in the Tcom wing at the college radio stations
7. Finally figuring out what I want to do with the rest of my life
While my list cannot even compare to yours, Mr. Wheaton, sir, keep in mind that my standards are much lower than yours.
I’ve never posted, but I just had to say I think you’ve handled your “re-found” fame very well. Truly. I just read Anne’s post, and I was pleased to see she was happy. If people had just taken what you’d suggested with the spirit it was intended… but I digress. Thank you for the reminder to be thankful. I needed that, and posted my own. I hope you and all the rest of us remember and appreciate every day the wonderful things that make us who we are, assholes or not!
Here are the things that I am thankful for:
1. My Man………God, I love him so much! (I got to marry his sorry ass, haha)
2. My Family
3. My Friends
4. My Health
5. A job that I truly love (even if the administration does such)
6. Being born with a free spirit, not letting others intimidate my life choices.
7. The ability to educate myself and grow from that.
8. Uncle Willy- for without you none of us would be here to share your life, and mojo. Thanks Wil!
1. My Fiancee
2. My Family (including my fiancees)
3. My Friends
4. Sport
5. Music
6. Food
7. My Education
I should be reading about Asian-American panethnicity. I am not. I’ll regret that shortly. 7 things I do not regret:
1) My roommates, because we’re psycho and it’s a-ok. And because they let me vent my fury on days like today.
2) Ice cream. Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey, more specifically.
3) Reconciliation.
4) My frog. His name is Honey Pie. Yes, like the Beatles song.
5) Good music.
6) Sleep.
7) Tomorrow being a fresh start.
OK, my 7 things:
1)My husband, absolutely the most wonderful, sensitive, kind, understanding, loving person I have ever met, short, round & furry & all.
2) My son, the cutest boy in the world, he is really smart, too smart for his own good sometimes, and really mellow for a 2 year old, and (prepare to be jealous) when we say its time to go sleepy or tell him he needs a new diaper, he gets all happy & runs to his bedroom door
3)poor as we are, we are not in need. we have a roof over our heads, even though we share a car, we have a car, we don’t go hungry, we have what we need
4)ok, the good health of my family (this includes in-laws) although I am having some problems right now, I’m not dying, and no one in the family is ill
5)I have cool in-laws! I really do!
6)we will be getting a tax return of just over $2600 – this is big money for us! it will pay off all our debts, and get our car fixed, and get my husband new glasses
7)I am thankful for the friggin internet! I have never been very sociable, and this is such a great outlet for me, and I have met people, friends, on-line, some I have known for over 2 years now.
What a great idea, Wil!! And, what a great kid.
Okay, here’s my list. A little late, but…..
1. The fact that the mere thought of my husband still gives me goose bumps and butterflies.
2. My three year old daughter who always tells me how much she loves me and that I’m amazing and terrific.
3. My husband is also my best friend.
4. The fact that my mother is now also a dear friend of mine, there were years when I couldn’t say that.
5. My step-kids…….they just rock.
6. I can’t help myself, I have to bring up my husband again…….having a husband who is also my hero. He’s in the Air Force and is overseas right now. I miss him terribly, but am so incredibly proud of him.
7. Today, I’m thankful for Wil because he suggested this and I probably wouldn’t have done it on my own. Everybody should do this, often.
Shauna –
I know how you feel. My boyfriend is in the Marines, over on the other side of the world right now and I miss him terribly. He was supposed to come home, but was sent on yet another mission and now I don’t know when he’s going to be back. (He’s back safely from this last mission tho – safe on the ship)……
Apparently 3 days later really IS like five years later. I never get to read your entries until days later, and by then I bet you don’t even pay attention to commenter #180.
1. I woke up this morning
2. My husband, the only person who gets my jokes.
3. The first daughter he gave me, a little clone of him with a golden voice of her own.
4. The second daughter he gave me, a little clone of me with her own silly sense of humor.
5. The third daughter he gave me, a hybrid of us both with a twinkle in her eye.
6. A steady job that can be very challenging, and equally rewarding, in the service of the elderly.
7. My upstart non-profit theatre company, to loose the pent up ham inside me! 🙂
GO SAXOPHONES! Tell Nolan he rocks, and that if he picks up clarinet too, he’s even cooler.
1) My mom, for dealing with my constantly changing schedule and driving me from place to place as I can’t drive yet.
2) Mr. O, for letting me do a solo last night at the jazz band concert
3) My friends, espcially Matt, Tara, Katie, and Peter, because they all came last night! 🙂 Of course, Matt was *in* the concert, but he stayed for my jazz band…
4) The lady at Border’s, because she found the lost/last copy of Fashion Nugget I wanted to buy
5) My Buffet R-13. If that means anything to you, you get it…
6) Whoever pulled the fire alarm during my god-awful health class
7) My teachers in general, but espcially my music teachers, for being there to ask questions and deal with me not understanding things..
KARMA is really All there is..the cheese know’s
the TRUTH.
1.) My incridably cool parents who have devoted their entire lives to help chaiffer me to school, tae kwon do practice, and every book store on the planet.
2.) The fact I am able to go to this fantastic school that enriches my life everyday (am I the ONLY teenager on the planet who actually looks forward to school beginning again in the fall? Yeah, probably)
3.) My zany friend who can always make me laugh no matter how bummed I am.
4.) My other friend who continues to leave me guessing about his mental state.
5.) The fact that I survived cancer, beat the 1/10 odds the doctors had given me (seriously, they were telling my parents to begin picking out a burial plot).
6.) That I have been in remission for over ten years with no ill side effects.
7.) Due to me having cancer I get to go to a kick-ass camp for cancer patients and survivers where I not only have the greatest time in my life, I get to help other kids by giving them hope. (check out the site for more info)
Spooky – congrats on kicking cancer. That is so cool and I’m sure it gives you a whole different outlook on life.
That’s wonderful!
Thanks. I know there are lots of people out there going through what I’m going through. It really sucks at times. My husband is supposed to be home on or around(don’t you love the military speak for “we don’t want to say in case you have to stay longer”?)March 22nd. Supposedly, he’ll be home until at least October after that. I miss him so much. He called tonight, though. So, tonight I’m the sappy in love chick instead of the depressed wishing he would call chick.
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