Hey party peopole!
I’m doing this thing that I think is really, really funny, and cool: I’m sponsoring the “Weblog of the Millennium” in the anti-bloggies!
See, in their rules, the antibloggies clearly state that I’m not even eligible, and since they’re anti-, and since WWDN recieved so many bloggies…I just thought it was very funny, and stuff for me to sponsor that category. So you should head on over and nominate some cool sites, that aren’t WWDN.
How about that Super Bowl? I missed most of it because I was working, but I’m so glad that New England won…way to go Underdogs!
I did get to see this one commercial, that said that if you use drugs, you’re supporting terrorism, which is nice, because I thought that giving 43 million dollars to the Taliban to kill opium poppies was supporting terrorism, but TV learned me good.
Speaking of Emperor Bush, how about that new budget? Yay! Defecit spending is back! We’re gonna party like it’s 1989! Pick up your Rubik’s Cube, and put some shoulder pads in your T-shirt!
I mean, I didn’t think Bush could do much better than declaring war on the entire world in his State of the Union address, or trying to sneak in another broadside against women’s rights to control their own bodies…but he totally went and did it! That crazy G.W…you never know what he’ll do next!
Darnit. I totally have to leave for work now, just as I was getting my sarcasm mojo workin’
I hope everyone has a great day.
Try this: hold a door open for a stranger today. It’s a nice thing to do 🙂
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On a vaguely-related sidenote….
The absolute most ironic thing I’ve ever seen…
Sometime in mid-October, I was at the grocery store, waiting to check out.
You know how it is. Candy. Tabloids. Fat, shrill women and screaming children. The old lady with 8 million coupons for her two items.
Shit. She wants a price check too.
But I digress.
Hanging between the Coke fridge and the Globe, are a bunch of little american flag pins. $2.95 a piece.
Look on the back.
“Made in China”
Pat yourself on the back for being in the military. Big f*cking deal. You chose to carry a gun. I am not impressed.
We tried to elect the right man for the presidency, but the Supreme Court ripped that away from us. Now we have to deal with a clown in the White House. Again, it’s a sad statement and reflection on America that he will probably get re-elected. I Don’t have to like Bush to love America. And, unlike most people who bitch about it, I am prepared to do some good WITHOUT carrying a gun and killing people.
Maybe non one talks about what Bush has “done right” because he really hasn’t done anything “right” for America yet.
That bleeding in the bathtub scene seems a little far fetched…kind of like the scene in “if these walls could talk.”
Because a lot of those backyard abortions, whatever you want to call them happened because of the social stigma attached to the single mother in the 1940’s era. Now a lot has changed where single mothers arn’t fround on nearly as much (and in some cases praised). Now the main reasons why people get abortions is because either they feel they are too poor, it will interfere too much with their life, or they just don’t want the child.
And those arn’t very good reasons. If you couldn’t afford not having a child, you should’ve thought of that before you got pregnant. I realize now it’s not politically correct to blame the mothers and fathers for the pregnacy, but they need to take some of the blame. And I do understand the fact that it isn’t fair that typically the woman gets all the blame for the pregnacy, when obviously (cliche’ ahead) it takes two to tango.
Abortion is tricky…because you can’t make it illegal, cause that would open the door to too many other things that the G.W Bush camp would love to jump into. So really their is no answer for this like so many other things and it is just how it is and we just have to wait and see.
Rob rules too.
All this makes me wonder about the nature of humanity. What is right, what is wrong. What is reality.
As Socrates said, in Larry Gonick’s “The Cartoon History of the Universe, Vol.1-7”:
“Wot is trooth?”
I sure as hell don’t know.
That bleeding in the bathtub scene seems a little far fetched…kind of like the scene in “if these walls could talk.”
Because a lot of those backyard abortions, whatever you want to call them happened because of the social stigma attached to the single mother in the 1940’s era. Now a lot has changed where single mothers arn’t fround on nearly as much (and in some cases praised). Now the main reasons why people get abortions is because either they feel they are too poor, it will interfere too much with their life, or they just don’t want the child.
And those arn’t very good reasons. If you couldn’t afford not having a child, you should’ve thought of that before you got pregnant. I realize now it’s not politically correct to blame the mothers and fathers for the pregnacy, but they need to take some of the blame. And I do understand the fact that it isn’t fair that typically the woman gets all the blame for the pregnacy, when obviously (cliche’ ahead) it takes two to tango.
Abortion is tricky…because you can’t make it illegal, cause that would open the door to too many other things that the G.W Bush camp would love to jump into. So really their is no answer for this like so many other things and it is just how it is and we just have to wait and see.
That bleeding in the bathtub scene seems a little far fetched…kind of like the scene in “if these walls could talk.”
Because a lot of those backyard abortions, whatever you want to call them happened because of the social stigma attached to the single mother in the 1940’s era. Now a lot has changed where single mothers arn’t fround on nearly as much (and in some cases praised). Now the main reasons why people get abortions is because either they feel they are too poor, it will interfere too much with their life, or they just don’t want the child.
And those arn’t very good reasons. If you couldn’t afford not having a child, you should’ve thought of that before you got pregnant. I realize now it’s not politically correct to blame the mothers and fathers for the pregnacy, but they need to take some of the blame. And I do understand the fact that it isn’t fair that typically the woman gets all the blame for the pregnacy, when obviously (cliche’ ahead) it takes two to tango.
Abortion is tricky…because you can’t make it illegal, cause that would open the door to too many other things that the G.W Bush camp would love to jump into. So really their is no answer for this like so many other things and it is just how it is and we just have to wait and see.
crap sorry about that.
Re: Taxes
Just for reference….
A $1 billion surplus equates to….
$3 per american citizen, presuming 333.3 million americans.
$4 per american citizen, presuming 250 million americans.
Damn…. After the government takes off their cut for processing all that money, I can almost afford a Big Mac.
KJB said: “Rob rules too.”
Hey, man, you’re the one who went head to head with Count Duckula for the longest.
That’s gotta be worth an anti-bloggie.
Thanks, Rob.
No, Rob…. You’re the one that kicks ass.
When is the next batch of Spudnuts MP3’s coming out?
(Would have emailed, but the idiot sysadmin for my local server has fukt everything to hell and back, and seems to think that it’s not his fault….)
“When is the next batch of Spudnuts MP3’s coming out?”
When I find a copy of the Star Trek II soundtrack–I’m planning on doing the one about Spud attacking people in the supermarket.
I may not be Spudnuts, but I play him on my website.
Darkwing Duck said:
>> DWD, the Conservative Defender of WWDN!
Sir, I support you and salute you.
I think you’re naive, nutty as fuck, and just flat out wrong, but I hope you continue to hang. Me-too conversations are just no damned fun. Nothing wrong with having a conservative contingent at WWDN.
I guess I find the “this site is liberal” accusation a bit perplexing, because after all, Television’s Wil Wheaton just spent a fair amount of this week’s paycheck on broadcasting your conservative opinions on several issues.
To my understanding, if you were to search for this thread some weeks or months from now, chances are all of your words would still be here completely unedited for all to see.
So, why is this site “liberal?”
I guess it’s liberal in that the host expresses left sympathies on certain issues and a significant number of posters echo such sentiments with “yeah, that’s right” but I don’t see where any conservative opinion has been neutered, squelched, or muffled.
Sure, you’ve been called on your stuff, but what do you expect?
Don’t you LIKE to hash this shit out?
I do.
Now, if conservative opinions were deleted or otherwise altered then you might have a point and… fuck… I’d be right with you walking out the door, but who is stopping you from making your opinions known?
I will say this though…
Don’t ratchet down your opinion, but maybe… you know… just pick the best stuff and save the almost-best stuff for ICQ.
Take the ‘nuts at his word.
As we all know, he only brings his “A-game” to WW.N, and we all appreciate it.
Sometimes I just can’t hold it until I reach Lakerboard and I have an accident right here on the floor of WWDN in my pants.
But that seems to be rare.
Sort of rare.
It’s an issue.
That needs to be addressed.
I admit.
cody, women don’t ‘get all the blame for the pregnancy.’
women GET the PREGNANCY.
and as for ‘That bleeding in the bathtub scene seems a little far fetched…kind of like the scene in “if these walls could talk.”
well, i didn’t just invent that image for dramatic effect. i’m refering to history, not just a ‘hallmark hall of fame’ telemovie.
a few years ago, i sat in the gallery of my local state parliament to show my support after a doctor had been arrested for perfoming an abortion…
you see, in WA and victoria (not sure about the rest of australia, though i suspect it’s similar), abortion is not explicitly legal. the ancient laws actually forbid it, but are not enforced, and in fact terminations are covered to some extent under medicare. however, the pro-choicers don’t push to have the law changed to reflect its practice, since each time they do, it rouses the pro-lifers into action, who then attempt to make the laws harsher.
anyhow, so as i sat in the gallery, a few elderly women came and sat beside me. i eavesdropped on them and we eventually went out for coffee.
their stories, of friends and relatives maimed or worse by the consequences of draconian anti-abortion laws, astonished me. and (as a private pro-choicer who, thankfully, has never had to test her beliefs), i was horrified by the thought that those days could return.
this is never going to be a no-brainer. there are always going to be passionate arguments about this issue because there is no ‘right’ answer, and the stakes – on both sides – are high.
but i have friends who have had early pregnancies terminated (one, who got pregnant when she was 18, was on the pill and using a condom), and none of them took the decision lightly. as i understand it, it was a complex, emotional choice, and one which they took their time to think about. hopefully the same could be said for those women who have chosen to bring that pregnancy to term.
so, as i said, it’s a true dilemna. and one which i, as an individual, demand the right to nut out myself.
personally, if by some turn of events (and yes, i am a staunch advocate of safe sex), i found myself choosing termination, why would the opinions of dubya – or the women’s christian league (btw, me? not a christian), or my father, or my bus-driver, expert in all matters ethical that he is – count for more than my own?
i demand the right to make that decision.
or, i’m inviting vanna ’round.
with her hook.
and a bottle of ‘beefeater’ gin.
mother’s little helper, y’know.
Does Vanna White really have a hook for a hand? I’m horribly confused.
yes, KJB, she does.
except when she’s wearing her paddle.
for table tennis.
Jeez, nothing like a passing comment that you happen to support abortion to bring out all the weirdos out from the woodwork.
*Dodges the hot topic of discussion*
HotHotHotHotHOT!!!! Yeow!!
Wil, sorry man if my post was a flame, I honestly didn’t mean it to be.
and if it was, I seriously hope it was a well constructed one, not the a-typical “Yeah, we you just suck.” flame. (Hates those personaly, and would rather not get into a huge flame war with anyone.)
At least, it shows that people do have brains and are capable of using them. *Points to the mass majority of posters like Spudnuts, DaleBlueEyes and Gaea dor example.*
Sorry…relapse of a derrangement knows as ‘Mad Scientist Syndrome’.
At least people here know how to listen, and are able to provide constructive arguments to topics.
Holy cows!! I just previewed what I wrote and it’s a freakin’ novel! Dude, I didn’t know that there was a message board!! Now I’ll be posting like crazy…rambling on and on, I’m great at clearing a room. It’s my passion it seems to be suffocating. Do not be afraid, I’m just a nerd with WAY too much time on my hands.
Speaking of that totally offensive ‘choice is American’ commercial……… As a Christian, vegetarian and woman I find myself choking back disgust and wrestling with a heart full of sorrow. I’m a young woman that has yet to have children and yet I can still see the value and preciousness of those little unborn lives. As someone that sees life as wondrous and very much in need of respect, I just can’t comprehend how a woman could stand up and say that they feel that it is their right to end the life of their child and in such a gruesome way. This isn’t meant to be a self-righteous lecture, just a genuine love of life. I believe that this world would be a much better place if everyone practiced empathy in their everyday lives.
The commercial is correct in that with freedom comes choice, but not the choice of murder. The choice was made to have unprotected sex, why then should the innocent pay? With freedom does come choice, but if you are without love then you are left with nothing but yourself, and as they say one is the loneliest number…Okay so that last part was dorky, but it’s late.
The appreciation for life was harshly reinforced for me a few days ago. One of my friends from high school died from a disease that he didn’t even know he had until three weeks before his death. He was only 22. The last time that I saw Ty was about 3 years ago. He came into where I was working at the time, (Blockbuster, good times)and I was kind of cranky and short with him. It had been a while since I had last seen him and it seemed that he wasn’t very happy and that he was struggling in his life at the time. I sort of listened halfheartedly, nodding, smiling and then ended with a quick see ya. How was I to know that that would be the last time that I would see him? I wish now that I would have reached out and at least let him know that if he needed someone that I would be there.
I know that I have written way more than I meant to, but I feel this need to say again what has been said so many times but that never seems to register until tragedy is experienced first hand. Never forget to tell those that you love how you feel. Never walk away from someone in need. My Dad was very ill and had to be hospitalized because of severe pneumonia and I found myself reminiscing about all the time that we had spent together, from infancy to the present. I realized that he has always been an amazing father and sadly that I had never appreciated all the love and unending support even in spite of my most unflattering escapades. I found myself wishing that I had said sorry for all the stupid things that I had done, for all of the hurt that I had caused him. I sat down and wrote him a letter, trying my best to ask forgiveness for those things that he had already out of love forgiven me for. He is healthy and back to everyday life now, but there was a time when the doctors didn’t know what was wrong and we were scared to death of the uncertain. There are no words to describe the earth shattering fear and intense regret that crashes down on you when you may lose someone you love. It’s like time stops and you’re just a numb shell of a person walking around wishing it were all just a nightmare. It’s a place we will all be at one time or other in our lives, some will have more regret than others.
I guess I would also say not to put off those ‘apology letters’ or the mending of fences until faced with hard times. Appreciate your family, your friends, your pets, and your fellow man everyday of your life. You never know when your last chance to say ‘I love you’ will pass you by.
Okay, you wanna talk about a tangent. My English teachers always told me that I needed to stick to one subject, but I’m a rebel. I guess I haven’t really been open with some things like I should have, so I’ll use the wwdn message board as therapy. I should open up more, maybe then I wouldn’t write in run on sentences. Lol (nerd humor rules!) I’m sure y’all will be happy to hear that I feel much better. Anyway, even though I don’t always agree with Wil Wheaton I appreciate the opportunity to exchange ideas and debate intelligently without the resorting to junior high chat room antics. This is an awesome site and I love that he is so open and sincere in his writings. Oh yeah and he’s really funny too. Keep up the good work!
What the hell’s wrong with calling a foetus an ‘unborn child’? Foetus is a medical term. We don’t walk around shouting ‘Myocardial Infarction’ from the rooftops, but that’s what a heart attack is.
If woman are serious about aborting a pregnancy, surely it doesn’t matter to them if it’s a foetus or unborn child.
I don’t like to inflict my views on abortion on others (I’m a Doctor – believe me, I have to be open minded), but to be pedantic, a foetus is defined as “An unborn infant that have developed from an embryo to a stage where it is recognizably human”.
And so it would seem the terms are interchangable.
Wil, you rock. But it doesn’t mean I have to agree you with, right?
Wow…I want to expound a little luv for KJB.
You rock!
And of course my undying luv for Rob M. and Spudnuts.
And now my last chopstick…
Cody- Right now? Hell yes I would of minded being aborted. I think on a base level I would of been pissed back then if anything happened to interupt my happy home inside a scared 16 yearold. Which would explain my screams when I was born. My grandmother used to say that if I got lost in the blankets that they would be able to find me once I started crying again. I loved that wonky woman.. even her nickname for me.. Katie no nose. “The child had a pimple for a nose!” Thanks Grandmama… Irish women. sheesh.
Anyhoo back to my rant before I get too soft.
I’m a hell of a drinker. I can put away more than most frat boys- which ain’t the best thing on an empty stomach. New Years Eve I decided to party a little to hardy..I woke up in the morning to the possibilty of the same as what brought me into this world and it starred at me for 3 whole weeks.. the what ifs.. the what am I going to do if I am really pregnant?
I’m not, I’m thankful, and I’ve stayed sober ever since. Responsibilty for my own actions.
If anyone wants me I’ll be tossing wankers over at the Soulcracker board. ^_^
Have a nice morning Mr. O’Donnell…
If you haven’t seen it yet, check out http://toostupidtobepresident.com
Thank you, Miss Kitty. You make a girl with semi-insomnia proud. 🙂
Keep on rockin, peeps.
mindy, here’s what i’m thinking: don’t get an abortion. that would be an inappropriate course of action for you. don’t do it.
i mean it. no abortions for you, young lady.
or, if circumstances should arise that change your mind, and you then consider it the best course of action for you, then do.
and i’ll do the same.
how’s that for for an idea?
set phazers to “sarcasm” Mr Crusher….hahaha Honestly wil your post is SPOT ON!!!!(roe V wade is gonna go under with this foetus can be covered shit….god even rockin ronnie didnt try THAT shit!!)
For anyone who’s still reading, here’s a description from CNN of the $43 million that was sent to Afghanistan:
The package includes $28 million worth of wheat from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, $5 million in food commodities and $10 million in “livelihood and food security” programs, both from the U.S. Agency for International Development.
For what it’s worth, this article was written 17 May, 2001.
So I guess Wil and the others think we shouldn’t have helped out?
More from the CNN article:
Powell said the U.S. aid is administered by the United Nations and non-governmental organizations, and bypasses the Taliban, “who have done little to alleviate the suffering of the Afghan people, and indeed have done much to exacerbate it.”
The sum brings U.S. assistance to $124.2 million for this year, making the United States the largest Afghan donor for the second year in a row. (end quote)
Way to go, Wil. Heaven forbid we should help out some hungry folks.
Do you really think that the Taliban gave that food to the needy?
They stole shipments from the red cross and other relief organizations headed towards the needy and then turned around with much more effort and gave it to the needy?
I don’t care what form that money took- it helped the Taliban stay in power.
KJB- Insomnia caused by stupidity.. I took the wrong pill for my flu at midnight.. had a wonderful wake up at 4 am this morning.. grumble grumble.
Ah well I have my new car to comfort me- well it’s really the replacement car to replace the one declared dead. Cause of death determined- attachment of a Flickerstick promotion on the dash board caused a garabage truck to turn right from a left hand lane crushing my little car into a pole.
*shakes head* I need mountain dew.. argh…
ok, this is sort of late as to the abortion topic, but I was listening to CBC this morning and I couldn’t believe my ears… There is a new legal term in Canada – “wrongful life”. In this court case, parents of a mentally handicapped teenaged girl are arguing that she has a right to have never been born… talk about twisted…
And of course, there is the whole debate of genetic tests and whether an undesirable outcome this should warrant an abortion. I will not express my opinions, as that’s all they are, but these are interesting topics to ponder…
Hi Miss Kitty…
You said: Do you really think that the Taliban gave that food to the needy?
They stole shipments from the red cross…”
I don’t know if the Taliban stole it or not, but the fact is that the administration (and congress) gave $43 million in food and aid to the Afghan people, via the U.N., and took steps to keep it out of the hands of the Taliban. And this is wrong?
A little hypothetical scenario for you: the democrats in Congress come up with a program to give food and aid to the people of a small, famine stricken nation that has a brutal group of thugs in charge. Bush and the republicans in Congress block the plan, saying they don’t care for the regime and are therefore against sending aid to the poeple. What would you say then? Would you praise Bush? I think you would be on this very page, condemning Bush for blocking the aid. What would you have him do?
Wil… while I understand concern at such strong statements from Bush against several countries the simple reality is we must not only defeat the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 but also those who have intentions of doing so in the future. Our biggest mistake is if we become reactionary rather than proactive. We simply must prevent things like 9/11 rather than seek retribution.
That might very well mean countries like N. Korea, Iran, and Iraq with their actual or potential nuclear and biological weapons and will to use them against the United States must firmly be leveled in our sights.
Reading this forum, for me, is looking into a whole other world.
I was in Sarajevo in 1997 and saw the depths of cruelty humans are capable of inflicting upon each other. From Mostar to Bihac, evil was apparent, evil essentially perpetrated by all sides. The really sick irony was that death camps in the former Yugoslavia were all a 4.5 hour train ride from Auschwitz. Europe, England, the whole world, none of us could or would do anything to put out the evil on our flank. But, America did.
Those Americans putting their lives on the line in Afghanistan, or elsewhere around the world, get my unconditional support. I find it hard to explain other than to say that the world would be a much sadder and darker place without them or you. Like any country, America is not perfect. But the sons & daughters of America certainly seem to reaching out to do more good than harm. Almost any other power in the world – coming from Europe particularly – would come as conquerors. But, you haven’t. You come as liberators.
I know you get a lot of flack from us out here. But, we don’t have the military capability to do what you do nor do we have the will power. Even thinking about what I saw in Bosnia now wrenches my heart. You may not want to be the world’s policeman, you may not even be perfect at it, but I tell you that, from where I sit, you all have a lot to be very proud of and I mean that sincerely.
I just wonder what it is about us all that lets us tear into each other so rabidly about politics. I know partisanship is really strong and maybe that explains the Clinton-bashing Republicans and the Bush-bashing Democrats. I don’t know. But, from here in England, maybe I should view it as a strength of America that you can squabble as you do and stay so strong and free.
With a little luck (since I am a big Star Trek fan after all), I think we’ll make it past our petty selves and make it off this little planet. Maybe we’ll find a universe far more interesting than we imagined. I always thought my favorite part of Star Trek was that it gave us a compelling vision of a future where just maybe all of us humans could come together and do something great.
I wish you all the best.
Why is it okay for the US to have weapons of terror (fusion/fission weapons, biotech weapons, chemical weapons) but not okay for other countries to have the same?
Ok, gonna add my 2.5 or so cents in here, without reading the posts.
I voted for Bush. It was either him or Gore, in my book. I chose the lesser of the two evils. Unlike our esteemed Mr. Wheaton (no sarcasm here… I really look up to ya, Wil), I am on the conservative side. I watch Bill O’Reilly on Fox. I agree with most of what he says. Ok, practically all of it. But that doesn’t mean that Mr. O’Reilly doesn’t have the ability to get me mad. He does. But I agree with his views.
I guess living in one of the poorest areas of our great country has a lot to do with my views. Appalachia is not a rich, nor populous place. But that is beside the point.
I once read somewhere, not sure where, that the author of the article I was reading thought that Mr. Bush has very gentle eyes. I agree. He cares, people. About this country. About our military. And he cares about what is happening to people in other countries who want to put a stop to our country. I don’t think we should have gone into Bosnia. But I DO think we need to be in Afghanistan. Why?? Because women were being majorly discriminated against. Children were being taught to hate. That isn’t right. Hopefully, now, the men, women, and children of Afghanistan will be able to have their own views.
*sigh* This isn’t going anywhere. But I feel the need to say this: My brother is 18. He isn’t going to college. He’s probably going to enter the Marines, and he won’t be reserve, I fear. He will be active. To me, this says he has a very real chance of going to war in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, or any other place that supports terrorism. That scares me, ok?? He’s my brother, the only one I have; my only sibling. I will support fully the military in what they are doing, and I support our government, because right now, they need support. My best friend’s boyfriend is currently in Marine boot camp. He is planning on entering the reserves, but how long will he be in the reserves before he is called to serve?? I am scared for him, too.
In one of my history classes yesterday, we talked a little on this subject. My prof said that we’ve basically been at war since 1979, when Iran held Americans hostage. I think it’s time that something is done about terrorism, so that my children won’t have to see two symbols of America tumble to the ground like I did. Some people have said, “Why should we do something about this?? There has been terrorism in the world, and nothing was done.” My answer is this: We, the United States of America, are doing something, because these ASSHOLES had the audacity to think that they can just come in here and kill our people and get away with it. Well, they are learning that they can’t. They killed 3,000+ of the WORLD’S citizens. If no one else will stand up to these people, who will?? I’ll tell ya: The Navy. The Air Force. The Army. The Marines. They are over there trying to make sure that something like this never happens again.
Ok, so that was waaaaaaay more than 2.5 cents. Sorry.
Whats with this thought of “Lets attack them before they attack us” crazyness!?! Our military should defend not attack. We will only be lowering ourselves down to their level by attacking countrys who haven’t attacked us. And wasn’t it us who flew spy planes close to china. We are going around looking for a fight. There must be a peaceful common sense way to go about ending terrorism.
I am from New Zealand, and have to say, I was shocked and disgusted by Sept. 11. You are right about 3000+ of the WORLDS population being massacred. Americans, Australians, New Zealanders, Britons, and many more. The World Trade Center was a veritable United Nations of workers. This affects us all. But blind hatred leads to stupidity and in our stupid haste for blame, innocent people get blamed for things they are not a party to.
Innocent Afghanis will die in their thousands as winter comes to their country. It is not fair to them, is not fair to anyone. The world has changed so inexplicably just in months. We cannot forget these things…but a part of me wishes we could go back to a time before.
A change in topic. Dubya has not won friends in this portion of the world with his shortsighted views. He is a complete pronk. Change your electoral system to something that means the people actually have a say. My god in heaven this roll thing is so confusing!! Apart from that, love Wil and have enjoyed reading all the differing opinions, Hope you all have a great week (what is left of it) and don’t stop having original thoughts. They are the backbone of society.
wil… all of your criticisms toward president bush are really making me NOT want to read your website. your’e entitled to your own opinion but before you start criticizing his budget for having a deficit, why don’t you study some economics and stop listening to the mindless election year bullshit spouted by the democrats every day? i hate deficits too but any good economist who is worth our time will acknowledge that the government cannot fight the war on terrorism, revive the economy, and provide for homeland defense without a deficit. once the economy rebounds, we can go back to balancing the budget.
New England WOn!!! My fave team! AND my FAVE bad was THERE! U2!!! It was an omen. If Bono, Edge Larry and Adam were gonna be there, there was no way my team was gonna lose. I think i’m the ONLY girl in my school who actually watched the superbowl. Why am i such a tomboy? Oh well.
I only wanted to comment on that just coz ppl seem to also be pleased that the team not favoured to win DID! HA! *does a “touch down dance”* everything else was.. uh nothin to me coz I’;m a Canadian teen who cares about nothing but sports, Drama, art and music. *shrugs*
Oh hell, might as well add this but, ah. I’m on A Wil Wheaton site. WHY?! um.. maybe because my friend found a ppl magazine with an atricle about him and reminded me that 2 years ago i loved the guy. Yes that’s probably it. Now thats off my chest.
“Attack them before they attack us?” They DID attack us!!! As I know you know, 9/11 was not a domestic terror issue. It was another country terrorizing US. All I’m saying is that we shouldn’t take it. If we’ve got the ability to stop these people, we should.
How DO you know 9/11 wasn’t a domestic terror issue?
jessica said ‘It was another country terrorizing US’
actually, i was going to leave this nut alone, but since someone’s already cracked it open…
as i understand it, al quaeda was responsible for 9/11.
and al quaeda are an underground, de-centralised political organisation ‘based’ in thirty or so countries.
now, this isn’t particularly helpful for bush, since military structures are geared towards ‘country vs country’ conflict.
answer? attack afganistan.
that’s a country.
osama’s there.
and that’s close enough.
How do I know it’s not a domestic terror issue?? Well, I don’t. BUT, and here I’m going to get reamed for my beliefs here, but all I can go on is what I’m told. Unfortunately, I’m not high enough on the totem pole to get all the info that Pres. Bush and others are getting. I’m simply a college student at one of the more insignificant universities not only in the country, but also in my state.
The Taliban regime in Afghanistan was supporting terrorism. IMHO, this regime had to be taken out. It was repressing the liberties that we, as Americans, take for granted. Now, maybe I’m just being selfish here, but I would like all people to have the same rights that I do, to share my opinion with others and not get reamed for it. Maybe I’m wrong here, but this is just how I feel. I certainly don’t want innocent civilians to get hurt in this. But I don’t think that is possible… I wish to God that it were, though…
“Try this: hold a door open for a stranger today. It’s a nice thing to do :)”
So, I’m a little late, but i just wanted to say that few things make me smile more than when someone does this for me or I get the opportunity to do it for someone else
Right on Wil! 🙂
Thank you. You’re a fine human being and and American. Civil Liberties are what this nation stands for, and I’ll be right with you defending them to the end. It’s so nice to hear that, even with an obscene purported popularity rating, Bush is still getting his clock cleaned for him.
Keep up the good Wil Wheatoning.
Long time fan, first time visitor to your site. Wesley may have been kind of dorky, but MAN are you cool, Wil. Thanks for your site.
I love your sarcasm in regard to President GWB. It’s amazing how quickly he jumped off the ‘tax break’ bandwagon. For a minute there I thought we might actually not increase the size of government TOO much, but then again I never held my breath all to long either. You know, we COULD actually decrease government spending instead of going into deficit spending… nah, silly me, what am I thinking? 🙂
Keep up the good work, Wil, look forward to seeing you in Nemesis and any other future projects. Take care,
“To say that it’s okay to abort a child if it’s rape leads to the conclusion that the child is less a human being because it was a forced act. Since when do we “civilized” humans visit the sins of the parents upon the child?” — Posted by: KellyV on February 4, 2002 10:53 AM
Kelly, *I* am a woman who got pregnant as a result of a rape and had to make this decision… and I’m telling you right now, that if any human being had dared to tell me that the decision about having the child was not mine to make, they would have found themselves at the wrong end of a gun. I can’t begin to explain the terror I went though in the rape, not knowing if I were going to live or die, and the horror of finding out that I might be reminded of that night the rest of my life. Power over my body belongs completely and entirely to me, and no one else, and to me protecting my right to autonomy of my own body is worth killing or dying for.