The past few days, I’ve been in sort of a funk, and I haven’t really been able to put my finger on exactly what it is.
Until tonight.
I was talking about it with Anne tonight while we were folding our clothes, and I think we puzzled it out: it feels to me like the world is just…well, it’s just falling apart.
I don’t know if you’re hearing this if you live out of California, but a 7 year old girl was kidnapped from her own bedroom, about a month ago. Yesterday, they found a body, and today they identified it as hers. I can’t stop thinking about the incredible pain and loss that her parents are feeling, right now. I mean, jesus christ, if your kids aren’t safe in their own freaking beads, where are they safe? What the F*** happened?!
I turn on the television, and the Israleis and Palestinians are blowing the shit out of each other, every chance they get, it’s 90 degrees in FEBRUARY, and people rejoice, rather than think about the fact that maybe it’s like this from global warming and pollution. As I wrote recently, there’s a potentially innocent man about to be executed down in Missourri, one of who knows how many innocents currently facing the death penalty. Thousands of people lost EVERYTHING because of the greed and hubris of Ken Lay and the rest of Enron, and we all know that they’ll probably get away with it.
And if all that isn’t enough, I hear that there’s a sequel to Battlefield Earth in the works.
I could go on and on, but I think you get what I’m going for, here.
It’s so weird, because as recently as a few days ago, I was feelin’ just fine…but something about the kidnap and murder of this completely innocent child has made something snap inside of me, and my glass is suddenly half-empty.
Am I alone, here? Am I the only one who reads the paper, listens to NPR, and thinks that something is terribly, terribly wrong?
Sorry to be such a downer…but there are a lot of smart, thoughtful people who read the old WWDN, and I bet we’ll all figure some stuff out, if we talk about it.
Thought for today:
“Everybody wants a happy life.”
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Hi Wil and readers:
I read this post a few moments ago! I heard about the kidnapping of Danielle. Its a very sad, a sick world we live in. Whats even sickening to hear about is that some of these murders are even going to try to plee insanity. Also about the “Gates” story how she killed her children by drowning them in the bathtub. and then layed them on the bed. If you knew your wife was that crazy. you shouldnt of let her have anymore children. From her husband knowing that she had a mental problem he should have done something about. so he is also to blame! No matter what they plee. you murder your own children and plee insanity you should be sentenced to death. and of story! Some of us read the paper and knows exactly what kind of world we live in! I am scared to go out of my front door sometimes but I have to realize and admit to my self that things happen. and that we cant stop! Wil…just protect your loved ones and your wife! Its good to be sad for other people who have lost theirs. Just goes to show you that you are kind hearted person
I hear ya, for sure. I’m trying to pull myself out of a “how can the world be so horrible?” slump, myself.
I can’t get what happened to little Danielle out of my mind. No matter how hard I try, I can’t stop thinking about her family and the whole situation. How terrified she would have been and how she probably would have wanted her mother so badly.
I have a little girl about that age…she hasn’t wanted to sleep in her own room since we moved last June. She loves to sleep in a papasan chair in the corner of our master bedroom. I’d been scheming and concocting a plan to get her to sleep in her own room for months…but after hearing of the kidnapping in San Diego, I am not sure I ever want my children to sleep in their own rooms. At least not anytime soon. I keep wondering what we were *thinking* when we bought a house with the children’s rooms on a separate floor! It seemed appealing at the time, back when I thought that my children would be safe IN THEIR OWN BEDROOMS! The privacy of having the kids’ rooms so far away is completely undesirable to me now.
Don’t even get me started about everything else that I think is wrong with the world. I couldn’t even touch on it if I wrote for the next 24 hours.
It’s so difficult to think of this while I look at my beautiful, innocent children. I can’t help but wonder what their world will be like when they are adults. And what’s it like now, growing up in a time like this. When I was a young child, the worst thing going seemed to be disco! 😉
Sorry to rant, but an open invitation to comment on the state of the completely and utterly messed up world we live in was just *tooooo* tempting. I’m off to check all the doors and windows, and to make sure the alarm is *completely* set.
WWDN…Miss a day and you miss alot…
Okay, I missed the last couple of days and I’m sorry that I have. I find I need to comment on this before I leave for the office.
The Palestinians and Israelis blowing each other up is not news. It’s been happening for our entire lifetimes, in most cases, if not all. My grandmother was always pushing me to at least visit Israel. I told her I wouldn’t go until there was peace over there. Even in my mid teens, I knew peace in Israel would never happen in my lifetime.
I’ll tell you what I’ve done over the last few years to get over the “news funk”. I quit watching it. (I probably haven’t watched a newscast since 9/12.) I get my daily news in the car twice a day. The newscasts aren’t usually more than 5 minutes long. They don’t drone on and on about the same sad story, and I’m informed on major local happenings. Some would say that I’m not keeping up on things but I say, “Ignorance is bliss, and my bliss is very important to me.”
Yikes! Look at the time…gotta feed the dog and head out for an early start at the office.
The world is falling apart because too many people simply dont care! If they did they would fight back!!!!!!!!!! By that I mean they would simply refuse to let the evil preveil by being at peace with them self and there neighibors once that happends then the evil people in this world (and there are evil people here I.E. pedophiles, murders and rapist’s)Will lose the power they hold because our soul’s will be united. In other words the Light wins out over the Dark. It is up to all of us not just the police or the military to fight this. We can win not for just us but our children and there children and soforth.
Peace to you ALL.
Lost Soul
There has never been peace in the world, so why should we expect it now.
Sara Groves perhaps expresses it best in her song “Generations”:
I can taste the fruit of Eve. I’m aware of sickness death and disease. The results of her choices were vast. Eve was the first but she wasn’t the last. If I were honest with myself, had I been standing at that tree, my mouth and my hands would be covered with fruit. Things I shouldn’t know and things I shouldn’t see
Remind me of this with every decision. Generations will reap what I sow. I can pass on a curse or a blessing to those I will never know.
She taught us to fear the serpent. I’m learning to fear myself and all of the things I am capable of in my search for acceptance, wisdom and wealth. To say the devil made me do it is a cop-out and a lie. The devil can’t make me do anything when I’m calling on Jesus Christ
Remind me of this with every decision. Generations will reap what I sow. I can pass on a curse or a blessing to those I will never know.
To my great-great-great-granddaughter, live in peace. To my great-great-great-grandson, live in peace. To my great-great-great granddaughter, live in peace. To my great-great-great-grandson, live in peace, live in peace.
Remind me of this with every decision. Generations will reap what I sow. I can pass on a curse or a blessing to those I will never know.
Eve was the first but she wasn’t the last.
(This is haunting with the music, which can be heard at
to tell the truth i dont read the newspaper anymore coz i dont wanna here about all the horrible things that are happening. i want to live a happy life. but i suppose not wanting to know about the awful things isnt going to make them go away, or stop them from happening is it?
Wil, everyone wants a happy life, but where is its source? “Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill you. They can only kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Not even a sparrow, worth only half a penny, can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to Him than a whole flock of sparrows.” (Jesus, book of Matthew 10: 28-31).
I read the first 8 or 10 comments here and found only ONE person, Cindy Andrie, had the right idea. Ignoring the world as it is and pretending everything is alright or somebody elses concern only drags it deeper into the pit. If we want a better world WE have to do it.
We can each do one thing that will make a difference every day. eg: 1)when you are about to swear for nothing, stop and think who is going to hear it and what will it say to them? 2)When you’re in traffic, let the poor sap into the lane. It doesn’t cost a cent and it may make HIS day and that of those he meets too. 3)put a quarter in somebody’s parking meter. It will suprise them and when you think about it later it will give YOU a good feeling.
Just do something FOR somebody. Don’t make a show of it and don’t even let anyone know it was you. You want to change the world? It’s simple.
I don’t live in Cali and I haven’t heard about that poor girl but I’ve heard about the rest of the bull crap going on in this world and I agree with you and whoever else said we are going to Hell in a Handbasket. What kind of sick twisted person would kidnap a SEVEN YEAR OLD GIRL from her own home and kill her? I hope they catch the bastard that did it and cut his nuts off while he’s awake…and they should put a mirror down there so he can see it while they do it. Tape his eyes open and make him watch. And if it’s a girl then they should cut her all up and tape her eyes open and make her watch. This stuff is what really pisses me off. I wish I could deal with all the sick sonofabitches in this world. For sure, anyone else would be scared to do anything wrong for fear of dealing with ME!
Hi Wil…
Could you tell me how you came upon and the WEEEEEEEEE!! phemomenon?? One other thing…are you a Farscape fan?
Sometimes it is merely the randomn moments of beauty and joy that keep me going.
What also helps, though, is avoiding drugs and alchohol (I don’t mean to sound preachy because I love drugs and alchohol, and it is difficult as hell to give up some of those things) especially the the apparent little ones like coffee.
The last narcotic / alchohol I did was coffee and that was about a month ago (coffee is my favorite), since then I have not been really really happy but I have been very level and stable at a time when I could / should be an emotional wreck. My point is that it is absolutely incredible how abstaining from stimulants can positively affect your outlook and emotional stability.
Of course this changes nothing of the worlds problems which can only be resolved once we remember at leas two things: 01] if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem 02] we must begin to join together in our similarities rather than distance ourselves because of our differences.
Sorry this is so long winded but it is a serious concern of mine.
Is it true that you are going to be in the new Star trek film? Do you look back at Star Trek TNG with admiration, afterall it propelled you into the movie business.
from a true Star Trek fan,
Paul Sharp
Jesus Wil, mankind has always been sharply plummeting into a downward spiral of death and suffering, with little hope of survival. I mean, where’ve ya been? LoL
I understand how you feel though. Things get worse, then they get better. Though sometimes I think we might not see better for a while. I think many have lost respect for life, their’s and other’s. I wake up everyday trying to have tolerance and hope.
texas hold’em