Remember when we were younger, and we’d start planning our Friday nights on Tuesday?
Remember those big plans, to go out to a club, or a concert, or a show, and find some hot member of the opposite sex, and take them home?
Yeah, me neither.
But now that we’re older, our Friday night plans usually go something like this:
- heat up leftovers
- start laundry
- clean up kitchen
- move laundry from washer to dryer
- clean up living room
- take burned dinner out of oven
- curse at oven
- order dinner
- open bottle of wine, so it can “breathe” before dinner gets here
- vaccuum family room
- pour glass of wine while waiting
- clean bathroom
- pour second glass of wine
- call boss, give him a piece of my mind
- get into argument on internet
- yell at delivery guy for taking two $#!ing hours to deliver my lasagna, which is now cold
- pour third glass of wine
- pour fourth glass of wine
- fall into sad, nostalgic stupor watching Wacky Races on Boomerang
- pass out ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H go to sleep
Sound familiar? Want to return to the days when we were crazy and free? The days when we’d actually go out on a Friday night, because, goddammit, we were young and free?
Hell yeah!!
Well, I’ve got something for you, chucky: If you live in or near Los Angeles, and you don’t know what to do for your Friday night, you can come and see me, Wil Wheaton, live and in person, on the J. Keith vanStraaten show!!
Tonight’s guests include Bruno Kirby, comedian John O’Donnell, and kickass band Blockage.
The show is always insanely fun, and I’d love to meet any WWDN readers who come over to see us.
We are at the ACME Comedy Theatre, and the show starts at 10 PM. There are only 6 shows this season, so time is already running out. You can get information on reservations and ticket prices from Keith’s website.
Now, if you’re not in or near Los Angeles, of you’re just afraid to leave the house without your Tinfoil Hat, I have another thing that you can do tonight: you can stay home, safe and secure, and watch my sister, Amy, on First Monday, tonight at 9PM on CBS.
Now how about that? Who else on the internet helps plan out your Friday night Social Calendar?
Nobody, that’s who.
Except for your old pal Uncle Willie, because he cares.
Discover more from WIL WHEATON dot NET
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and Happy B-day, Liz!
Yeah, so I just watched Stand By Me on some old channel, and got an intense urge to search for the lovable little geek (With all due respect, of course). Hence my presence at site. I must admit, this is really something. Whether or not that’s meant a compliment.. I’ll let you be the judge. Heh. Anyway, Mr. Wil Wheaton, I adore your wittiness, and sarcastic outlook.You’re me, with ‘outdoor plumbing’. Ha.. Granted you ever read this, that is. I bet some cyber-sillies are laughing their bored little posteriors off at the girl who took the time to type out an entire paragraph, consisting mainly of run ons, and what would be: meaningless chatter. Joy, a phone call! Maybe I won’tbe home, and bored tonight…
I shall now take my leave. Ta.
Oh, and good luck with your handy-ass crack, and such.
although i appreciated the suggestions, i decided to watch nearly 4 hours worth of ‘next generation’ reruns …good episodes, but i have to say this. that episode ‘conspiracy’…
that had to be the *sickest* thing i’ve ever seen. i swear, i nearly passed out twice. the thing with the gills and the exploding head and the rotting chest cavity…and those bowls full of squirmy things and the crunching…good lord
i don’t consider myself squemish, but…eww 🙂
but aside from that, nice site you have here mr. wheaton…glad i stumbled across it like i did
in the immortal words of Kramer..
gggaaahh CATFIGHT!
First of all, sorry I am nowhere near L.A., so sadly cannot see your show tonight. But hey, was just thinking the other day, I wonder if Wil has siblings, and are any of them in the biz. Now I have my answer. Missed First Monday this week, will definitely try for next week. Does Amy have the same surname?
Funny you should mention Friday nights. Mine are usually v. much like the one you mentioned, except tonight had dinner with two great old friends of mine, then when watching TNN for TNG later, it was the “Family” episode – which always totally makes me cry anyway, but soon I will be leaving T.O. and moving back to the city of my birth and being really close with my family and old friends, so really got to me. And hey it does of course feature that beautiful scene with Wes and his holographic dad.
All the best with your comedy gig, which in my time zone, actually hasn’t even started yet.
The Duchess
*taking deep breath*
*counting to 10*
Okay, let me spell this out AGAIN: this. website. is. not. for. children. or. people. who. act. like. children.
I am leaving for the theatre right now. I’d better not see any more of this shit when I get back.
People, please don’t force me to open the .htaccess again
(I’m not talking to Gigi, who holds a special #mindvox card.)
Entries have been deleted, to clean things up.
In the future, please take your flamewars elsewhere.
It’s so insanely RAD that \/0!|> is here.
The bandwidth has officially expanded to fit the waste available. 🙂
ok willie boy 🙂
LoL cute Tori
You know, back in the day, Spudnuts would be doing all the irreverent posting, and I’d be doing all the long-winded thoughtful magilla, and flame wars just wouldn’t happen.
Or at the very least, JSc wouldn’t be forced to quiz Wil about his own sister’s hotness, which is like asking Yoko to do a Beatles tribute album.
Okay, maybe it isn’t.
Come to think of it, I have no idea where this post was going.
I like p–
Oh, forget it.
Anyway, I missed the flame war.
But what the hell was there even to flame about?
Damn, I hate it when I miss the big stuff.
Oh, I got into a teeny weenie argument with people because they were making fun of me and stuff and I was only defending myself.
Ummmm….*Blushes* I have nothing for plans tonite, Friday….But, tomorrow, I go to Cinema with my friends, til about 5am. ~_^ You want to come Wil, you can! LOL, You must get to San Bernardino first, tho! ~_^ 😛
Liebe Alles!
Did Anyone Ask?
For me, that one, Suga?
If so: *Looks down* I am sorry, I not mean to make mad you. Es tut mir leid…I not wish to star fight with someone. 🙁
Liebe Alles!
Wow- what’d I miss? *looking around* I have to say sorry Wil,I was out with my hubby celebrating late my B-Day (yesterday).Sorry i couldn’t see your sis on the boob tube,Tell her congrats for me and for any future stuff, “Break a Leg” BTW there’s no picture for her on the bio-how are we supposed to know what she looks like? Went to movies saw “Time Machine” eehh saright.
Happy Late B-Day, then, Andie! ^_^ I hope you had a good time with you husband. Viele Herzliche Wunsche zum deine Geburtstag! ^_^
.htaccess .htaccess rah rah rah
someday you will embrace the Zen-like beauty of mod_rewrite
This kinda reminds me of that Red Dwarf episode.
“Someone has clearly edited this conversation!”
(Oh, God, I am dork-like.)
Wow-looks like I missed something big. Oh well, I was returning to add on to my personal record for posts on an entry.
Gotta love the internet, where a flame war can break out anywhere, anytime from almost nothing at all!
Hmmm…10:25 PM PST…wonder how the show’s going…
I was right, Amy did play the daughter of the coma patient. I wish I could get a video shot of her, but my camera is on the fritz.
Wow, I guess Wil had an “interesting” day and I missed it. The proverbial sh*t hit the fan and everything, oh well. I to remember when Friday’s meant excitement. Not anymore, now Monday’s are my favorite day because the kids are back in school and I don’t have little “rugrats” knocking on my door at 8 in the blessed morning asking, “Can I play?” . I have just one word for them NO! Then in my mind I go to their house and throttle their parents for letting them out at such an early hour on a Saturday morning. When in actuality their parents probably don’t know they even left the house. ARRRGH oh well just another thing to add to the list of thing that make me go, “HMMMMMMMMMMMM” Good night all 🙂
Wow, your journal is pretty cool. I use a few livejournal ones on several websites I work on. They are fun. Your website is well designed. I found the link thru Cafe Press.
Damn. I missed the flame war and everything. GO out for a couple of hours… Oh well. A good turnout for the weekend thus far. What was originally intended for a night of studying (hahahaha… I know) turned into a night of drinking. WEEEEEEEE! Too bad I’m working a 10 hour shift tomorrow that starts at 3pm. UGH.
In the spirit of irreverent comments…
Teenage Picard just threw a hissy fit and then hugged Willy Riker!
I like po… pu… frosting?
The daughter of the coma patient? I’m not sure I saw her. I only semi-watched the show. I wanted Amy to be the “teenage” girl with the Catholic-school looking outfit on, if only because her father kissed her and said “Uncle Willie says hello.”
hahaha… that would have been hilarious. Uncle Willie says hello. to amy. hahahaha. 🙂
“entrys have been deleted”
Resistance is futile, opinions are irrelevant
you will be given a new designation and your mind wil become one with the collective
Thank goodness, my imagination was running away with me!
It’ll be nice to have clear, orderly thoughts. I’ve been getting sick of the random tripe my brain usually comes up with.
I’m serious! 🙂
flame war? missed it. i was too busy adjusting my goddamned tin-foil hat.
It’s sad that I have to ask these questions. THIS is what happens when Roughy and Spudnuts and Jun and Jerhanner aren’t fulfilling their duties.
See what happens when I leave the country for a farking week?
So, anyway, I’m in Shannon at the aeroport about to find some food to kick the nasty Durty Nellie’s sing-a-long hangover I’ve got…and trying desperately to find some FTP software somewhere so I can get this CD full of photos up, but I’ve got to know…
Wil, you’ve got a sister?
Dude, just say she doesn’t look like Screech in drag like that movie that you were in as his boyfriend or something.
Please, please say that she ain’t Screech.
Dunno if I axed it first, but I gotsta know:
Yous gots some pixtures?
random thought: wheaton in a kevin smith production.
Wil, I out rank you by maybe a year or two… and my Friday nights are perhaps even more pathetic. Yes… it can get worse the older you get!
They consist of…
Finish work
Socialise with my housemates
Spend quality time with my dog – which means she gets patted and I get RSI
Go shopping, argue with housemates over what to eat
Go to video store and argue with housemates over what video to get
Sometimes open a bottle of wine
Eat, drink, get very merry while watching Christ knows what crap
Try to convince my dog that her rug in the loungeroom is far more comfy than daddies lap (she’s a HUGE dog)
Bitch slap fights with the only girl in the house – we do it because it amuses us… remember… I’m sad
Then… surprise… the Internet and wishing to everything Holy and otherwise I hadn’t met some freak in a chat room I was bored enough to visit, who thinks they’re the most interesting crettin on the planet just because they got back from a nightclub – yeah, in your dreams geek boy
Then bed
The saddest thing… I actually enjoy my Friday nights!
Do I win a Sony Play Station?
wargoddess-I’m telling ya, if Kevin Smith actually does his Fletch prequel, I would think he would probably be looking for a young smartass type that can bring the funny (See the Jay and Silent Bob entry where I buried a comment like that somewhere. )Doesn’t that sound like a potential Wheaton?
I suppose Wil would have to want to do it…
yah. wheaton would most definitely make an interesting fletch. sorta like.. the daily planet’s jimmy olsen meets harrison ford. im sorry but that’s just so sexy to me. heh..
Thanks, Gary for posting the ER screencap link.
While we’re on the subject of bragging about little sisters, I’ll mention that _my_ lil’ sis is a background player on ER, has been for a couple seasons now…
I doubt that any of those screencaps will feature the background folks, but it will be fun looking.
Hello Uncle Willie and friends,
First I’m making my lame declaration that may sound like a broken record to you folks here: Love the site, this is my first posting, i’m addicted to this site, blah, blah, blah….
Whew with that aside, I just wanted to propose that Kevin and Wil bring their show for a run out here in NYC! Wish I could go out there to LA. Aw, I’ll be thinkin’ of all the fun I’m missing every Friday for the next few weeks!
Anywhooo – keep up the good work mio amigo!
hi spike just like to say i want will to come to the Uk too…but for one thing the writer you are talking about is Bill Bryson…..and for another if he’s to come anywhere he should come to the best place..LIVERPOOL!! which with be capital of culture in years to come! So sorry if i have upset you Durhams not bad but Newcastle don'[t make me laugh, The best thing to come out of Newcastle is Ant and Dec….So next time you read a book put some glasses on and actually norte the Authors proper name cause if you ever miss pronounce my name if you ever read my book i would have to nail you….
You are the weakest link goodbye!!
Andrea xx (American studies x-student!)
olafandy jon: Jason Lee has already been cast as Fletch for the movie. I think it’s a good choice and fits with the fact that Kevin likes to reuse a lot of the same main actors in his movies.
However, Wil in a Kevin Smith film would most definitely kick ass. I don’t see how it couldn’t.
Why does evryone call Wil “Uncle Willy?”
And whats with that screen name tvswilwheaton, you never go on it and where did all the other comments with the fighting go?
Good show Wil 🙂
What was that supposed to mean?
Hahahaha that list sounded funny. Glad I’m not old
Josh-I did not know that! I guess that means Kevin Smith’s forging ahead with it. Cool! Thanks for the info!
Wil, I thought that your sister was great on first Monday.
Man, I missed a flame war? How wonderful.
Who knew that the Internet would be so combustible?!
Must be electrical fires.
0ok the octarine Librarian
If you fart, your eggshell of a mind will explode.