While I look for my funny, I’m going to heed the advice of many people, and do a list of Seven Things…to keep perspective, and stuff.
- I spoke with my manager, and he made some calls about Trek X. The word is that it’s too early to know if I’m out or not, and it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to cut my scene, so this may turn out to be a Stupid Internet Rumor(tm). I am grateful that I have good people working for/with me, who care about my career as much as I do.
- I got to come home early from work today, because I finished and turned in two episodes a day earlier than I thought I would. So instead of sitting in traffic, I’m sitting at home waiting for Anne and the boys to get back.
- The episodes that I turned in are being described as “really really funny” by the head writer, my producer, and my executive producer.
- My mom sent me a really awesome “This totally sucks, what you’re going through, but look for the lesson and respect The Balance” email.
- I get to go away for the weekend with my best friend Darin, for his bachelor party. It’s just sinking in right now, I mean, at this very moment, how happy I am that I’m going to get to spend 4 days with just The Guys(tm).
- I have two desk calendars. One is The Far Side, and the other is quotes from the Dalai Lama (“Hey Lama! What about the tip? How’s about a little something for the effort?”). Between the two of them, I bet I can find a great deal of wisdom and happiness…if I’m just willing to look.
- Finally, I am extremely grateful to know that, for the few “fuckin’ internet fucks,” there are the TONS of people who seem to “get” me, and send me good wishes. Having said that, I got some great Wisdom from a comment earlier today: I have been putting WAY too much of my happiness and sadness in the hands of other people. I never would have seen that, if someone hadn’t pointed it out to me. I learned today that my current struggle is to just be comfortable and happy within myself.
I wonder if that’s The Lesson that I need to learn right now? As I approach 30, and as I look around me for my funny, and I deal with all the external frustrations that I can’t control, even beyond my career…I wonder if The Lesson is that, in order to succeed, I need to rely upon myself, trust myself, love myself, and not put my happiness and sadness into the hands of others. - I am grateful that I just had that moment of clarity. That’s cool. I totally wasn’t planning that when I sat down here.
Okay, that’s 8. But I’m giving myself permission to break my own rules.
The Thought for Today is going to bounce around in my head for awhile.
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having perspective is good. that is all.
w0rd, dawg.
Crisis over.
That was easy.
Now, Imo get the fuck outside.
Speaking of Lamas…..
If you ever find yourself in a slump, and just can’t find a handy HHDL quote nearby, try this chant…it’s sure to lift your spirits:
My seven things for today:
1. WWDN and the people who make it a real community (like Crazy Uncle Spudnuts and Travelling Cousin Roughy)
2. Spider-man coming out soon!
3. Morrowwind coming out soon!
4. Taking the summer off to take some courses and do all those things you never have time to do.
5. A husband who has no problem with number 4.
6. Friends who surprise you with a going away lunch and gift (first surprise party ever).
7. Cats, they are just silly, crazy fun.
When you fee like your life sucks, just be thankful that you’re not reporting to Gunnery Sgt. Hartman. Because he WILL straighten your shit out, mister!
I find that Moments of Clarity are very rarely planned. And if they were, would they not seem a little less marvelous and a little more like boring routine? “Oh! I totally forgot! I have a Moment of Clarity scheduled right before my 2 o’clock class! So we’ll have to meet for coffee at three. I missed my Moment of Clarity last week, and I’m still feeling the repercussions, etc.” I’m sure you get the picture.
Also, taking responsibility for one’s own feelings is a difficult and brave endeavor. Some people really ought to try it, and never do. This comes from a philosophy student who Knows Nothing About Things Like That. So in any event, be prepared for hardship on the road to personal responsibility for your feelings and emotions… but from what I hear, the rewards are Great. Or something equally lovely sounding.
cool man, just damn cool.
Rock on Unca Willy.
“1. WWDN and the people who make it a real community”
Right on, Gaea!
I still have to sit back sometimes and think about how amazing it is that a whole little community can form without most of the participants ever meeting each other.
I guess I’ll share some happiness as well…
1. The sky is no longer scary and green
2. There are LEAVES on the trees!!!!
3. I get to be a camp director this summer!
4. My friend defends her dissertation on Friday afternoon and after that she becomes… “Dr.”
5. I’m moving out of this building in a week and two days
6. I was told that I could possibly test for shodan (1st degree black belt) in kendo this fall!
7. Aikido practice – it makes me feel so good. (Especially the group hug after we’re all done!)
8. I’m doing a paper about the Dalai Lama… and his BROTHER lives in my town! I could get some serious bonus points for this one… (;
Glad to know the Star Trek thing is probably just a rumor. When I see you on the big screen, it’ll be all I can do to keep myself from yelling “Head Monkey!!!”
Warning: depressing.
Just wanted to add that the thought for today is a good one. Trusting and believing in myself is something that I find very difficult, but I am trying to learn to do it. Unfortunately today is not going well that way. Sometimes it’s really hard to fight the years of conditioning which say “You are useless, you will never amount to anything, no man will ever care about you”. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Here’s hoping.
I’m glad you’re feeling better about things. Great moment of clarity!
Thanks Wil. I think a lot of us (me anyway) can take your moment of clarity and apply to it ourselves. I hope you don’t mind if we borrow a bit of it. 😉
just one thing to say:
^____^ I’m glad your myriad net-fans could help you out, if only just a little.
~ M
I read the “this sucks” message and the “getting some perspective” message in reverse order, so my brain is still sorting it out (my brain is slow today), but I wanted to post about a cool “moment” I had today.
Today has been kind of a yucky day, and I was looking forward to working off some stress in water aerobics. All of a sudden traffic is stopped. Swell, it just figures. At first I have no idea what the hold-up is (this street is not one that usually has bad traffic), and then I see it…
A momma and a poppa goose and about half a dozen little fuzzy goslings are slowly making their way across the street. For only a split second I was annoyed that they wouldn’t “get a move on”, and then I realized that this is just one little moment that our world intersects theirs, and I could just smile and appreciate it. Traffic isn’t their problem, my schedule isn’t their problem–they are just taking their family from point A to point B. So I decided to just chill and enjoy the moment.
so glad you saw the light (or at least a glimpse of it)we all need a little light everyday.
i’m a teenage frankenstein.
well, not really, but it’s kinda funny to think that.
Wil, I’m still insanely jealous of you. You get to write for a living… 😉
But I’m glad the perspective finally showed. 🙂
Your funny is there Wil, I can feel it – I know you like a beer, but I gotta tell you that as a writer, when my muse seems to have vanished and the words won’t come, I watch some mindless junk on TV, or crank up mechwarrior 3, open a bottle of deep, thick and luscious port and with an hour or two that starting phrase hits me.
Of course the above remedy is what gets me going, I find that just breaking out of the negativity, and doing something I really enjoy (like playing with my son – you forget everything but the “Aghoooooooooo!” of surprise and excitement in his voice when he sees the wallpaper each time we pass it).
I guess what I am saying is – I read your site daily, we can all feel the substrata of funny, even when you are not trying, just stop trying to dig down to it and let it bubble back up on its own.
Although I’m just starting highschool,I have really thought about becoming a writer someday. You are a big inspiration, Wil. Thanks. Just wanted to tell you that. 🙂
=) Keep it real!
#9: As cobra commander said to serpentor, “better a has-been than a never-was!”
Could always be worse ….
You could be playing dodgeball. 😉
Hi Wil.
Wow I became so happy when I read this! You realised it! That’s great. I guess the support from your fans helped you today! And also from your mom, and all that. Well it’s pretty late over here – actually 2.10 AM, and I just can’t sleep. Maybe I’ll get to sleep, now that I know this! But not healthy for me at all, lol.
And how great to be home so early huh? Well if that was me, I would be so happy, but it’s clear you are! Great great great :o)
Bye, Helene
wil, i haven’t really known what to say in response to your last couple of blogs (or mostly people just beat me to it!)…but i’m glad to see this list here, and i really hope you keep feeling better. thanks again for this place here, mr. kickass writer!
i luv ya now
i luv ya forever
and each day in between..
what ever u go thru, we’ll all always be here for you
you RULE the world!!
Man, you should really take those nostalgic memories and make them into your new funny. Do you know how much funny you could have with your funny if you did that? Let me see…mullets. Michael Jackson. Care Bears.
That’s just for starters. Good luck, Wil!
i posted less than an hour ago…theres almost double the amount of comments now than then. wil, you have got to feel some more good for that.
Woohoo! Glad our mojo helped. :o)
#1 I’m going to be in L.A. this weekend and maybe I’ll get to see Uncle Willy! (Gotta check calendar)
#2 I got a brand new car last weekend and it’s teal and I got to drive around a lot and I said WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
#3 My job has finally been interesting these past few days.
#4 A hummbird has made her nest at eye level in my backyard and I get to watch a whole new cycle of life each day.
#5 I just found a really really cool website related to my art today (I looked for a really long time and I got excited and I spent money and I said WHEEEEEE!!!!!!)
#6 I get to go have dinner and conversation with a bunch of wonderful geeky people tonight.
#7 I have a great hubby. I mean… really great!
Maybe Wil can get with TNN and arrange to have a special weekend where he picks his top 10 favorite Trek episodes…or maybe the top 10 favorite ones with Wesley in it….TNN seems to be Trek Marathon-happy lately, that this might be the perfect time.
Wil would get exposure, he can interject some funny commentary or insight into the making of each episode, or about the episode in general, coming from Wil Wheaton’s perspective.
Oh…and if you do this, Wil…can I get 2% for my consulting fee? 😉
WIL, i love you!!!!!
Aww. Nice to see that you’re slowly regrouping your emotional strengths and seeing things a little better. I know sometimes you can just get a knock in the teeth by a couple of crises that seperately, you could handle okay but all at once you’re like, “Woah – fuck me!” As long as you keep battling on at the end of it all, that’s all that matters. And Has been? Schmaz-been dude. All that’s important is that you’re creating, and that people enjoy what you do. We do. You made differences in all our lives, and that’s a special thing, that’s a gift. There are so many people that wish upon wish that they could do that. You’re totally blessed to be able to make that difference. Anyways – hippy session over. Take spudnuts advice. I reckon you should kick back and take five to play with the kids. Kids always cheer me up. Five minutes with my neices and I’m sobbing with happiness. They say things like, “You are beautiful.” and “I love you, you are a princess.” My poor lame little ego needs that shit sometimes 🙂
Llama, Llama ding dong? (sorry couldn’t resist)
I am still trying to figure out if looking for insight in daily flip calendars is wise or pathetic. But I do it to!! I have a Zen Calendar beside my computer right now and the saying is perfect for you Wil,
“All things flow freely, as the fish swims in water
-Zen Saying”
damn… they pulled ya from the IMDB entry for it! wtf? I was exciting about seeing you in there.
top 7 things I am grateful for:
1. I am one of the only people who can say their original celebrity crush has his own website and I get a look into his inner workings.
3. The gaiety that is BEER BEER BEER BEER
4. I have the intelligence that can take me anywhere, should I ever get motivated to take advantage.
5. I am healthy as can be.
6. Songs like Stand By Me by BB king, Matchbook by Strung out, AC-DC’s Hells Bells, The Last Song I Ever Write About A Girl by Ataris…I could go on forever.
7. My boss who gives me parent-like guidance, who shows me what I am worth, and loves me unconditionally.
Clarity is good. Wishing you nothing but the best 🙂
Hey there Wil, just found out I could post here 🙂
Anyway, just wanted to let you know that you’re not the only person
in the world that has challenges in life – we all do! As someone
mentioned ealier, cartoonists have to be funny like all the time, and
I’ve been finding that out myself recently. Today was the first day
in a week that I put up a new comic strip at my site (shameless plug
here – tastyalmonds.com) because I myself wasn’t feeling the funny.
I mean, really, how hard could it be to write? That’s what I’ve been
telling myself for nearly a year now, as it’s something that I’ve always
known I could do, I just never really put any effort into it. Now that I
am, I’m finding that while it is difficult, it is rewarding. And just think,
someday I may be as successful as you as a writer! 😛
A friend of mine once offered some advice to me about such things in
life (as my business was going under last year – and finally died). He
said something along the lines of “If you think you’ve got it bad, think
of people in the intensive care ward of a hospital – I’m sure they’d
gladly trade places with you in a second! (he used to work in a
hospital) Now while I’m nowhere near lying in a hospital bed, I can
say that it would’ve been friggin’ cool to have had the opportunities
you’ve had and will have in the future. It’s good to see that you’re
starting to see that 🙂
As for me, I’ll keep plugging along and working towards my own fame
and fortune! (just like you Wil!)
Dude, I hope they keep you in Trek 10. We all have to see how the hell Wesley turned out and if he hooked up with Ashley Judd’s character. And, don’t worry about finding your funny. Shit like that has to come back.
Dude see I told you so. Internet Rumor ™ is the worst.. you just got to get up and say fuckit a drink a beer and spank yourself a good one then you will feel better.
Remember the movie bowfinger? hella funny. maybe you need to go see a scientologist guy and say “I’m good enough and smart enough and dog gone it people like me”
I think it’s time that I actually post what I always think after reading an entry.
Thank you for taking time out of your life to share with us. Every day, or very close to it, you take part of you life and share with the couple hundred (or thousand lately) of us that read here. We appreciate it. Sometimes it’s nice to know that someone out there has the same problems. Even someone as famous as “tv’s Wil Wheaton.” 🙂
That said, I am thankful for
1. Good friends. They’ve been extra good to me lately, I think I should tell ’em.
2. Mexican food in 10 minutes.
3. No matter how much it looks like the tunnel’s about to collapse, I can still see the light at the end. Next week!! Next week is the end!!
4. graduation this summer.
5. my family
6. moments of clarity
7. life is nothing but neverending possibilities, if only I take the time to look for them.
peace out,
But wait, how much of this was because of my great retainer advice?
It was great, wasn’t it?
Damn thing still tastes funny, though.
Like we say in England: ‘You’re Absolutely Fabulous’!!!!! You and your website are a part of a lot of people’s everyday life and there’s tons of people that care about you and yours. Keep up the good work. Don’t let the ‘bastards’ get you down!!! Heroes must win in the end, you are the best one by far!!!
see not only are you funny, but you’re inspirational. you go-getter, you.
Bachelor party?
Say, if we find your funny, is there a PO BOX we are supposed to send it to or something?
You know, Wil!
You ALWAYS have to remember that the responsibliity for your own life and happiness as such never leaves your two shoulders. You’re an adult now, and I know that’s damn confusing since I’m an adult too. Also, the concept of adulthood (yeah, OK, maybe the book on adultry has been overhauled too…) today is different from the concept of adult way yesterday, say 30 years ago. Yet, we all still live with and have to slap around those old clich
Dear Uncle Willie,
I am gald you have gotten some perspective, after all if you get cut out of ST-X then where one door closes three more open, i know it sounds lame but it’s true. You have a wife who I will assume love you more then life itself, and two great guys your helping to raise who I am sure love you to death! You get to write and get paid for it, and still maintain a web site we all come together and love you for- You by No MEANS are washed up!!!!! You are still performing. Dude We Love you and At Least you didn’t snort your money away like some other 80’s 90’s actors gone by.Who can’t even get work unless they are mocking them selves.
Dear Uncle Willie- WE love you, pay no attention to the trolls who bring bad vibes to the party, because when you waist good energy on those who spread negativity, you allow them to hurt you and that in itself will do more damage.
Love -Peace- Happiness.
I have this post-it on my computer, and have had it up for months since I read Margaret Cho’s awesome biography, _I’m the One that I Want._
Margaret writes:
“We must know who we are, so we can know what we want, so we don’t end up wanting the wrong thing and get it and realize we don’t want it, because by then it is too late. We are powerful enough that we can manifest anything into our lives. To use this power with great care and love is the secret to living a happy life.”
I am so happy it may only be a rumor. I hope you all the best in the world. When I see you in the movie I will be thinking to myself “Yeah that’s our Head Monkey. Watch him burn up the screen baby!!! Hootie Hoo!!!!!” Hmmm must order shirt for the event. 😉 I’m glad you’re feeling better.
Lot’s of finding your funny MOJO.