Well, I’ve started and erased 3 different entries this morning, so this is the last try to not be grouchy and lame.
The thing is, I’m just having a really shitty day. I presented material at ACME last night, and it SUCKED. I just haven’t been able to find my funny for months, and tangible reminders of that, like absoultely BOMBING on stage last night, really sting.
It’s okay, though. It will pass. It has to pass.
Well, that’s what I keep telling myself anyway.
It’s been so hard for me to be funny recently…I won’t go into it, but my life has been under siege for the last 2 years, and it’s just getting worse and worse, with no sign of improvement.
Between that and this “hyper-nostalgia” that I spoke of over the weekend, I just can’t be funny.
It also doesn’t help that I keep seeing the phrase “Has been” and “washed up” immediately preceeding my name all over the place.
Boy, it’s a great fucking feeling to know that people are calling me washed up at 29.
Oh, and I hear that they’ve cut me out of the Star Trek movie. Perfect.
Incidentally, I’m totally not fishing for encouragement. I’m just saying…well…it hurts. It shouldn’t, but it does. That’s all.
Hm. Failed at the “Try to not be grouchy and lame” thing.
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Quit being such a whiny bitch. Into everyone’s life a little rain must fall.
I never ever comment on this journal, just becuase so many people do, and I’m plagued with the idea that you’ll never read my message, but I really can relate to what you’re going through so I’ll just hope this message eventually gets seen.
First, I’m not 29 (I’m much younger), but I can say I know how you feel about both the hyper-nostalgia thing and the bombing on stage. I do some improv comedy here at college, and let me tell you – some days SUCK. I can’t compare to someone who’s been in the business for years, but I’ve learned that, no matter what, you gotta trust yourself. If you think it’s funny.. go for it. If people don’t laugh, fuck ’em. You got some funny shit if you think it’s funny, and if you trust yourself it *will* be funny. Does that make sense? Everyone has their bad streaks… it’s nothing to be ashamed of. “It happens to the best of us…” as they say. 😉
About them cutting you out of the Star Trek movie, well, that’s just too bad for them. I was soooo looking forward to seeing your cameo, and will be pissed if I don’t get to see it. 🙂 The buckaroos and Paramount need to comprehend where their interests lie. For years I wondered what Wesley is up to… I know not much can be done, but for what it’s worth, you’re in my thoughts. “This too shall pass.” Good luck, buddy!
Live long and prosper,
Dude go get drunk and smoke some ganja and you will feel alot better. They will put you back in the star trek movie.. u r listed in the appearing in notes!
You will feel so much better once you turn 30. When I was approaching 30, I thought it wouldn’t bother me, but it did. I had a really hard time; not happy with my job or my life. Once I got past that birthday, it was a huge relief. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself. In the time of your life, live!
Karma (or is it Kharma?). I have to put my faith in karma. I know what its like to feel not my best and as if people just aren’t respecting me. This morning I went into the shower & noticed my loufa sponge had black flakes in it. I then realized what it was. Some one in my house used my loufa sponge to clean mold from somewhere & then put the sponge back into the shower! I am trying to figure out what I did to deserve this. I am at a lost. But then some good luck came my way at work. This is odd b/c usually the really bad stuff happens here. Anyway, the CEO gave me 4 free tickets to the Phillies/Padres game. Ok, it would have been cooler if it were the Flyers (even if they continue to play way below their potential & suck, its a free game!). Well, I’m still grossed-out & really mad about my sponge but the free tickets are helping. It must be karma. Ok, I’ve vented. Thanks for the opportunity. And if they really cut you from the movie, it just won’t be good for who ever made that lame decision!
I’m not only angry that they cut wil out of the movie, but I’m also angry that Wil is like this. so I’m asking all you wwdn readers to sign my petition at http://www.petitiononline.com/ww4ever,and help Uncle Willy get back to his old jolly self.Wil your not washed up and your not a has been get those stupid thoughts out of your head,and remember your a pimp.
I really thought the “Where No Fan Has Gone Before” episode of Futurama would have cheered you up. I’ve already watched it four times!
Anyway, keep your chin up, kiddo. I’ve gone through some of what you’re dealing with (maybe not on the same scale, as I’m no international celebrity of anything), and things always turn around eventually.
This is my first post here, and just wanted to say 2 things. First, i check your website more often than my own email. i really enjoy your site.
Second, you have access to more than 150 friends (just judging from the people that have already posted to give you the encouragement you weren’t looking for 😉 ) Not a lot of people can say that. If you are having serious trouble in life, you never know, 151 brains trying to work out a solution is better than one. Try fishing for a little help in the problem solving area. Hell, you created a community, use it.
Good luck with finding your funny, and always remember: a mind is a terrible thing to taste.
I can’t believe they took you out of the Star Trek movie! I’m so sorry you were the only good one in it! i’m so pissed. don’t worry Wil, don’t care what those bastards think your really funny, I always laugh at the things you put on the updates! Wil we all think your hilarious, and when your not happy, niether are we!
Feel Better Soon 🙂
… I can’t believe they’d cut you out of the star trek movie…. man, I grew up watching TNG and Wes was the only character I could actually identify with because he was just a few years older than me, and I used to think how cool it’d be to be just like him. That sounds cheesy as heck but give me a break, I was like 11 when TNG was really popular.
I was so looking forward to seeing you in the movie, too. I think TNG fans should protest… honestly. Geez, I dunno if I’d even want to see it now. Keep us posted about the status of your appearance in the film, ok?
Best of luck, and feel better soon ^_^
~ Maria V.
I can’t believe they took you out of the Star Trek movie! I’m so sorry you were the only good one in it! i’m so pissed. don’t worry Wil, don’t care what those bastards think your really funny, I always laugh at the things you put on the updates! Wil we all think your hilarious, and when your not happy, niether are we!
Feel Better Soon 🙂
I turn 29 in two weeks and I know what you mean. I had a horrible last year, with a major surgery, rushed wedding and many other life changing events. So my advice is to go outside and observe what makes life real and funny. And take a break from all the reality bending tv shows, movies, and video games that our culture and myself are addicted too. Don’t get me wrong I’m looking froward to the next Star Wars and the next RedHotChiliPeppers album, but I think that stuff can get us all down sometime. it screws with our expectations.
Good luck and don’t forget about the things you have.
Watch Life as a House. It always makes me feel better when I think my life sucks.
What? Cut from Star Trek! Fuck Rick Berman. Too bad Gene Rodenberry passed away about ten years ago. Ask his wife to put you in! Start a petition campaign to get you back in! That’s fucking bullshit. This is the last one, right? Fuck that. WE WANT WILL IN STAR TREK!
I don’t believe it. I read on star trek .com two days ago that you were in the credits. Come on WIL YOU STILL IN THE MOVIE!! They can’t cut you shit its the only reason to see the damn thing.
In light of this revelation (you being chopped from Nemesis), I plan to skip work tonight and start several riots in your name. That should fix it!
Yeah, life can sometimes suck huge donkey balls. You just gotta pick up & fuhgeddaboutit!
And now for some funny…The man who brought the Yugo to America is trying again. He’s hooking up with the same Yugoslavian auto company to bring another model stateside. Remember what a 4-door Yugo was called??? A We-go!! HAHAHAHAHA!
Oi! You can borrow my funny, but be damn careful not to get it dirty I’m gonna want it back.
Just once, I’d like to see a Trek movie with EVERYONE in it. Impossible and just plain silly, I know. But it would be fun. Even those actors who’ve played multiple roles (usually under LOTS of latex) could be digitally inserted.
Maybe Wesley could circulate around the room, collecting autographs.
Heck, I’d enjoy being Mary Sue and doing that! 🙂
Hey man!!
Hang in there! You got a awsome wife and some great kids that love you a lot. You have so much going for you and a great support system. All of your internet monkeys love Uncle Willie and will stand by you through think and thin.
On a personal note- Thank you, thank you, thank you for a great site and the coolest message board on the net.
St. Pete Florida
Regarding 30=family. Relax. Do you work hard at being an equal partner and provider? Do you enjoy and love your kids? Do you try to pass on your beliefs to them while acknowledging theirs? A random sampling of your blog all points to “Yes”. I can understand where the “teenager” thing has got to freak you out a bit. But I know 30ish couples who are having their first kid that are freaking about it. On the other end of the spectrum, my best friend had four kids at an early age (all daughters, eek) and is about to get married to his third wife at 32, and he’s constantly struggling with the issues of parenthood vs fiscal responsibility vs artistic endeavors. My point is, if you were to do a random sampling of users on the board, I think you would find an equal (or larger) range of family “types”. But what the best ones have in common is that they are all devoting love and commitment to doing the best they can, which puts them above a lot of people in this world.
I can’t tell you not to get depressed. That’s like saying “Don’t think of Giant Floating Pink Elephants”. But when you do, recognize that you’re depressed, don’t go out of your way to further your depression (dark rooms, staying in bed, yelling at people, that sort of thing), and think of all the things you are doing right. And when all else fails, visit the Wet T-Shirt thread.
Regarding the lack of funny, I definitely understand where you are coming from. Improv is very addicting in a crackhead manic/depressive sort of way. When you are doing great onstage it’s the best feeling in the word. When you aren’t, your self-esteem sinks lower than an 90-year old scrotum. The only thoughts I can offer on this is something that has no doubt been drilled into you by various acting/improv teachers. If you think you’re unfunny, you will be unfunny. It’s a self-fulfilling prophesy. Next time you’re on stage, commit yourself and all your energy to letting yourself become that moment and character. Become the Zen Improviser http://www.yesand.com/features/archives/zenimprov.html , and you’ll find the funny in no time.
Finally, regarding Nemesis. I really don’t know what to say about this one, except that if you are looking to move away from your “Wesley Crusher” character, it might be a blessing in disguise. Fuck it. Keeping working on your craft and what you enjoy doing, and let the journey be your reward.
Anyhow, that’s it. Good luck with your career, and happy birthday.
I can’t believe they’re cutting you out of the movie!! I don’t think you’re washed up or a has been.
I’ll always be a fan.
I’ll believe it when I see it on STARTREK.COM
This is what it says so far.
Star Trek: Nemesis” features all of the aforementioned TNG regulars, along with Gates McFadden (“Beverly Crusher”) and Marina Sirtis (“Deanna Troi”). The film also features some special cameos from some familiar faces such as Whoopi Goldberg (“Guinan”), Kate Mulgrew (“Kathryn Janeway”) and Wil Wheaton (“Wesley Crusher”) plus some new villains played by Tom Hardy and Ron Perlman.
Now I know Berman supposedly doesn’t work much on this movie but who else to write to but the man himself. I got his address 🙂
Rick Berman, Producer
Star Trek Production Office
Paramount Pictures, Inc
5555 Melrose Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90038-3197
We got Gates back into TNG we can do it for Wil.
I’m so sorry that you were cut from the movie. It’s a big deal. You are a wonderful and deserving person of everything sweet and special in this world. I hope the moron who did this will reconsider. You have every right to be pissed about that.
I hope you are able to look past this soon and focus on positive things. All I can say is at least you have your wife and kids to comfort you and support you. I hope you will be able to find JOY in the happiness they bring you. In times like this it is very important to remember that. You made the announcment about being cut so short and to the point, that it makes me think it is really bothering you. I can offer no real words of comfort so I’ll just say, I hope you are able to deal with this. I do not think that I would have the maturity to handle a blow like that.
You are not “washed up” or a “has been” the people who say putrid shit like that don’t know what your life is like, and are most likely to stupid to find out.
You are a funny guy. You make me laugh all the time with your wicked sense of humour. You actually improve my life because of my ability to just have fun with the community you’ve created. Thanks Uncle Willie. When I’m feeling low I know I can always count on a few good laughs from you.
If you’ve felt a certain lack of funniness over the recent events in your life I would strongly suggest you try to incorporate that into your comedy. It might help you to gain perspective into the situation. It sure would help to laugh at your demons or your wifes exhusband. 😉
I hope you feel better soon Wil. Life can be hard sometimes. I hope you can remember how to laugh at it. I’ll be sending you any extra FUNNY MOJO I can spare. Good Luck Wil. We are all cheering for you.
its Funny
just wanted to tell ya that i’m good n all that. i just wanted to take a vacation. i mean gosh wil, you wear me out. i was just taking some time off. besides, you need a break from the funny life to be hyper-nostalgic. you are one funny guy (with my help of course) but you have got to take a break to see the most important things in this life. now don’t you forget to remember the good times of childhood but don’t forget that you still have so many more fun times ahead. i’ll be back soon. i just wanted to let you know i didn’t disappear. now go and give your darling wife a kiss and tell her i said hi.
your true buddy,
Wil, you are the Phoenix – rebirth is always painful. You have been reborn before and you will continue to do so – we all agreed to that plan long ago. Noone ever said that it would become less painful, only that it would serve the purpose of growth. Vent all you need, friend. We’ll still be here for you….and so will your family.
Joy to you! (and YES, it WILL return to you. You have my solemn word on that.)
Hey Will,
Keep your chin up dude. You have a body of work that alot of actors would dream of having now days so don’t let them piss on it. It’s very easy for critics to sit back and judge b/c most of them have failed at everything they’ve done and now they wanna fuck with people that have had success. Just dont let anyone get to you otherwise they will win. Your fuckin 29 dude! Your still young and your a great actor and no one can take that away from you. So please quit feeling sorry for yourself otherwise your fucked. Im 21 and im having trouble getting a SAG card. Trust me your doing a whole lot better than alot of actors. Just push harder than you’ve ever pushed before and you’ll get to where you wanna be.
Hey Will,
Keep your chin up dude. You have a body of work that alot of actors would dream of having now days so don’t let them piss on it. It’s very easy for critics to sit back and judge b/c most of them have failed at everything they’ve done and now they wanna fuck with people that have had success. Just dont let anyone get to you otherwise they will win. Your fuckin 29 dude! Your still young and your a great actor and no one can take that away from you. So please quit feeling sorry for yourself otherwise your fucked. Im 21 and im having trouble getting a SAG card. Trust me your doing a whole lot better than alot of actors. Just push harder than you’ve ever pushed before and you’ll get to where you wanna be.
Remember that life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.
WASHED UP? You’ve been called that by whom? Honey, I’ve seen reproductions of old cartoons done in 19*65* that called the BEATLES washed-up and has-beens. Christ, do NOT let what pop cult says get you down. (I know, hard not to when you sort of work in pop cult.) I remember watching you in stuff and being convinced that you are an Oscar-caliber actor, even when everyone else was doing the WESLEY MUST DIE thing.
Popular culture, for the most part, sucks ass. Hard to say to you since you work in it, but it does. It just does. It’s always hard for quality stuff to find work OR an audience. I mean, watch any sitcom and take a look at the level of bullshitnitude and then tell me that they can judge what’s good.
Honey, you are a shit-hot actor, and you always have been. DO NOT GIVE UP. There’s too much mediocre crap out there, and I am sick and tired of not having anything decent to watch. (If it weren’t for PBS, I wouldn’t even HAVE a TV set.) The LAST thing I want is for even one really top-notch actor to cut out of the biz because it blows chunks, and meanwhile six more sitcom clones crawl out of the woodwork to blight the landscape …
And go ahead and be grouchy if you want. Jesus, it’s your website. You should read MY blog you want bile …
Hey Wil, I feel your pain, seriously. Reading your blog is like reading a diary I could have written in my own life, nostalgia and all. *sigh* Maybe we’ll both get over it at the same time then. Heh. We just gotta keep our chins up I guess. That and kick some ass. I sure could go for a good ass-kickin’. 😉
No way should they edit you out of the movie… I just cannot see any reason unless they are running way way long…. anyway, sounds like you need to get away for a few days… recharge and refuel… at the very least, get outside and away from all the cement, the weather is great.
You a “has been” or “washed up”? NEVA!!! I know it hurts when you read things like this, but you have to keep your head up and focus on the positive things: your wife, your kids and ALL these FANTABULOUS soapboxers who support you each and every day.
Personally, I think you’re pretty hilarious. I look forward to your updates daily. I start getting the shakes when you leave us hanging for a couple of days.
Keep ya head up!! Things will get better. Tomorrow is a new day. Much love.
Bloody fucking hell!!! I can’t believe they would cut Wesley Fucking Crusher from the movie!! His retrun has been long time coming, damn it!! ::grumbles and curses unintelligibly:: Well, if I go see the movie, it will only be for the chance of plastering the movie posters with “Wil Wheaton Has A Posse” stickers!! ::fumes some more:: All I can say is that the next movie better be all about Wil!!!
Anyway, it’ll get better, Wil. It has to… law of averages and all that, you know?
Here, you can have my funny until you find your again… ::hands Wil his funny:: although you might be better off without any funny at all. Just remember that it’s my funny, so don’t just throw it away.
As my late grandmother use to say, beneath all the lost and confusion, there is a silver-lining, one must just be patient and true to one’s self. I never really understood that at the time, but I do now, so Wil, hang in there man.
Not much, but I hope it helps.
How do you read all this and stay sane?
Cartoonists are expected to be funny 24/7. Expected. Sometimes ya got it, sometimes ya don’t. When ya got it, take advantage. When ya don’t, sit on the toilet and read the bible. Nothing funnier than that image, huh?
Really, they cut you! What have you heard? Are you completely out of the movie then, or do you have a minor role? Btw, I love your site, and think its definitely getting linked to. Listening to the support of your fans, and the good advice i’m hearing, paramount is obviously going to wish they had kept you in. Only advice I can add to it, is try not to worry about it. I’d even recommend following mr spock’s advice and say that worrying is illogical. Don’t worry about events that you have no control over, and hang in there you got the support of many people including me.
C’mon Will, sit down and do a gratitude list. I think you’ll find the good stuff way way out weighs the bad stuff. Hey, we’re adults now, damn it!! We have to get over it.
Ok, to iterate (that one’s for Vickie) what everyone else has been saying. You are not washed up or a has-been.
Ok, have you heard that enough to know it’s true?
I’m the last person in the world to look at things optimistically, but whenever I feel down on myself (which is quite often) I think to myself that it could get a lot worse in the blink of an eye.
John is right. You’re not out there doing 10-10-220 commercials or infomercials for the ST:TNG DVD collector’s series. You’re not playing some idiotic caricature of yourself on a stupid sitcom (SEE: David Hasselhoff, “Just Shoot Me”; Ralph Macchio, “The Drew Carey Show”) or appearing on Celebrity Boxing, beating up that punk ass kid, Wesley, from Mr. Belvedere. Wesley vs. Wesley. Hmmm. That would be inter-…nevermind.
If your scenes are cut from “Nemesis”, look at it this way: you had a good time on the set while filming. Right? It sucks that the audience won’t get to see your work or that Wesley isn’t the little prick everyone claimed he was. But hopefully the scene will be added to the DVD in the deleted scenes section so your fans will be able to enjoy you.
Now about your funny, I can’t help you with that, since I’m the lamest, unfunniest person I know. But I can laugh and make you feel like you’ve found your funny again. I’m pretty supportive that way. I know, I know. It’s not much help at all. I’m confident that it will come back to you.
Remember, the universe has a way of balancing out.
Man, that blows! chin up d00d! you;re one hot man, you;re smart, you;re strong. smile, you have A LOT to smile about. Definately not washed up. I swear I will start a frigen riot if you;re not on trek ten. Time to star that letter writign camaign to keep wil in the movie.
Washed up my ass.
Did YOU ever host a fake alien autopsy show?
Did YOU ever get top billed in one of IMDB’s top 250 films?
Did YOU ever get caught hiring male prostitutes for your foot fetish?
Did YOU ever flip the sports car the network gave you because you “ripped to the tits on drinking and drugs”?
Hey, rock bottom is a far way away from you are. Plus you have supportive fans. Even the dickwads who rode you during the 80’s are bigger fans than you think. They picked on you because the character you played was too much like looking in the mirror – except the other side was an apparently well adjusted young man with a future. These pricks are perhaps your biggest fans.
Shit, all I am saying is that dig in. You don’t deserve this shit sandwich on your plate and you don’t have to eat it. You a *very* talented actor. The past two years have sucked for everyone. You are not the only person going through tough times. You are not alone.
And fuck Star Trek, anyway. The entire franchise is crumbling. Just look at the crap that Braga & Berman are spewing out weekly. Hey, look at it this way – being on the set, with old friends should be reward in itself. You don’t want to be connected with that schlock anyway – it can only hurt you at this point.
Do what you do best. Keep your ear to the ground for the next “clerks” or “bottlerocket” and be a part of it, a big part. Everything is just as possible now as it was two years ago, the budgets just got alot smaller.
Oh, and maybe you should get a nice bag of high quality canadian grass. Dust off those Cypress Hill and Nirvana CD’s and have a blast. Works for me.
Dude, dude, dude –
Like Berman knew what he was doing 10 years ago – you think he’s woke up yet?? NO!
You’re cool – don’t sweat it – and you can’t be a has-been if you’re still here and VERY present!
Cut from the new Star Trek movie?! I’m not exaggerating when I say you were what I was looking forward to most 🙁
I turn 24 next month, and I’ve been pretty reflective over the past few years. I look back at the 80’s as when “everything was good,” compared to the cultural shithole America is today (for the most part). Hell, I think we ALL feel that way.
You’re not alone, man. Just be grateful for all the things you’ve experienced, all the things you have now (a wife, two great kids) that make your life a little richer than most of ours.
Wil, wish I could say something magical, but most people have already said it here.
Just know that through the power of your writing and otherwise here, you singlehandledly gained a lot of respect in my eyes here.
You’ve not done a lot of things that people who ARE washed up have.
You’ve got a beautiful wife and children that sound quite funky-cool. From someone who desires that so very much in his life, don’t underestimate that singular magick in your life, either.
In short, you have a sense of comedy and funk that has earned you a cult status, you have people to sojourney through life with, and you have not given up. Hang in there, buddy.
Go placidly among the noise and the haste,
And remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender be on good terms
with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly.
And listen to others, even to the dull and ignorant —
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons —
they are vexatious to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you become vain or bitter —
For always there will be lesser and greater persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career,
however humble —
It is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let not this blind you to what virtue there is —
many persons strive for high ideals
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself.
Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years —
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings —
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars,
and you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you —
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors or aspirations, in the noisy confusion
of life, keep peace in your soul
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
Wil, I’m about to do what I do to everyone after they toss me around the aikido mats every week…
(The almighty “they” say that everyone should have several of those every day…)
I can’t say that I can completely understand how you feel, but I’ve had some pretty nasty setbacks in my life that made me feel like I’d dropped out of the Olympic marathon two feet before the finish line… and I felt pretty low for a long time after that…
But you have a leg up on me there… Where I had to slough through all that by myself, you have this incredible support system…starting with the three people and assorted critters at home who love you very much, followed up by all of these anonymous folks who don’t even KNOW you personally, but still care.
This, too, shall pass… and when it does, you’ll have more stories to talk about.
Now… I’d better go because the sky just turned a rather icky shade of green and I’m not sure if the 14th floor is the best place to be at the moment….
Hey Wil, I’m also one of those girls who was(is still? ^_^) a fan of yours. I don’t think you’re washed up in the least! ^_^
Feel the love, Wil, your monkeys are there for ya…
Wil, you’ve said before that the ACME theatre only hold’s 97 people, while the posse numbers 1600+, so why don’t you post your material here or on the soapbox and let us be the judges. See, you never know, you may just have run into a couple of bus loads of hicks.
John McGregor
I hope to hell they didn’t cut you out of Trek X. You can not be washed up. No one can truly be washed up, they just need to find themselves and be all they can be. I think your a great guy and nice guys finish last. It really shows that even famous actors are human too and you expressing your feeling like this shows how great you are.
Take care and find yourself!!
Hey, if they cut you out of the feature, at least you will be on the DVD release.
You’re not washed up! Anyone who can wear that wonderful purple pimp getup as magnificently as you did can’t be.