Well, it looks like the time has come for me to step into the carousel.
While I am entering my 30th year on planet earth, WWDN isn’t even officially 1 year old, although technically I had the old, lame website up at this time last year…craziness.
My “My Yahoo!” page says, “Happy Birthday, TVsWilWheaton!” and when I click it, it takes me to this page. Check out who’s number 3 on the celebrity birthday list! This made me giddy with excitement last year, and it did it again this year. 🙂
Since it’s my birthday, I think I’ll start out the celebration by posting 7 things I’m grateful for on my birthday:
- In 30 years, I have never had a serious threat to my health, safety or general well-being.
- Anne.
- Just for grins one day, I put together a BBS for this site. It’s become one of the most wonderful communities that I’ve ever seen on the Internet…and the people who hang out there rarely talk about me…it’s all about them, and the virtual family that they have become.
- Batman. This has nothing to do with my birthday, really…I just really like Batman. Especially Dark Knight Returns Batman.
- Volkswagen. Without VW, I may never have been concieved.
- I’m not afraid to cry in front of anyone.
- Even though I kept her up most of last night with my “goddamned snoring,” my wife has made a valiant effort to stay up with me until midnight, to tell me “Happy Birthday.” She’s currently asleep on the floor cuddling the dog.
Finally, I am amazed and grateful that people even give a shit about how I’m doing, and what I’m doing, and take the time to make things like this:
Thank you to everyone who sent me this image, and the cool site that posted it, and thank you to the scores of WWDN readers who have sent birthday wishes, especially those of you who have been visiting this lame website since it began.
An extra-special thank you is due to the Monkeys in the Soapbox. You guys RAWK, and you know why.
Update at 09:27AM:
The kids in Farkistan are even doing a photoshop for my birthday! It just keeps getting better!
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Happy birthday, you young whippersnapper!
Hey Wil.
On the far left of “Wil Weaton’s Run” tribute, you kinda look like a vulcan (I think it’s a trace of a Stand By Me pic)! I mean, with the way the bangs are and your ears look pointy in the cartoon. Cool.
Happy Birthday Dude!!!
Tee hee! That poster rocks! And I didn’t like Logan’s Run then, and don’t really now, although the concept is cool. Best wishes!
Wil, i would just like to wish you a great big HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY!!! I really love your site, and i check it every day for new information. If i had your adress, i would send you a card, balloons, and a clown to sing “Happy Birthday” to you. I hope you have many more happy birthdays! God bless, *Ashley*
Many Happy Returns of the Day, Mr. Wheaton! Many more and much health and happiness on this your natal day! I even created an account at Fark so I could vote–My Goodness the entries are incredible!@
I think you’d be scared if you knew how many *more* people there are who care what you do and when your birthday is. 🙂
Happy birthday, dude, and thanks for making life that little bit more fun.
Remember that those good old days you will cherish are now. Happy birthday you pointy eared half breed! (Did I make you mad? Hhhmmm…?)
My boy Stephen Dorf turned 29 also. Happy b-day you old man and I hope you get lots of cool stuff.
2 years and I’ll be 30 and the things I am happy for have yet to come true.
Wishes would happen b4 I’m 30:
1. two girls in my bed at once- I know this is stretching it and Spudz already had his threesome on the cruise. But I think if I had a million bux I could make 2 girls double up on a guy like me (office space)
This is about all I wish for myself and everyone out there. wil if you have ever done this please let us know. I would like to live vicariously through you for a while.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I saw it was your birthday on my Star Trek calendar! I know, I’m a dork. ^_^
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! okay I said it, sue me…Bt hey all those saying that thing should be a t-shirt, they’re right it should be…It would be kinda cute to walk around with that on your chest…
Don’t forget, You need to send in those pics so we can see just how much fun you had..aand a list of what you got, Starting with the most expensive (sp?) thing you got…LOL (Okay it’s like 2 am, you really expect me to spell things correctly? Well get over it.)
Oh well, have a great day!
I’m so confused…my words are all jumbled up…>>>whining
AARGH! Finally, a FARK Photoshop contest I want to enter! Since I have to wait 23 hours to be able to post with my newly-created FARK account, would one of you FARKers out there submit my entry for me? You can find it at
or http://www.geocities.com/indigo_xia/wil_thirty.jpg (the directions said to rename jpegs on a Geocities site to .txt … weird.)
Thanks in advance!
Happy Birthday Wil!! Just saw on ET you were “some actress”‘s first kiss. I missed who it was!! We share servers by the way. Logjamming is fab! Have a good one!
I love that poster that says Wil Wheaton’s run! and the pics of wil on there – From your younger dayze! Although you are still young wil! Didnt mean it to be cruel! 🙂 anywho Im glad you had a good bday! Did you see the banner I made for you!! 🙂 xoxoxo! WE LOVE WIL WHEATON!!!!!
WILS GIFT – Click Here!! http://franklinfan.topcities.com/wilbanner.gif
Be thankful for the movie…in the novel, Logan’s Run, you’d have been renewed 10 years ago.
Happy Birthday.
Just remind yourself, with reruns, you’ll be young forever. I’m still having difficulty grokking I’m only 3 years older than you.
happy birthday! you’re 30 and still hot, not bad!!
Happy Birthday Wil!!!!
Cool picture. Not only is Logans Run a kick ass movie but it also features a kick ass score from the king Jerry Goldsmith!!!!! He kicks ass! I love his scores Alien, Total Recall, and The Omen are the best!!!
Hope you have a great day Wil!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Wil!
May all your wishes come true!
Happy Birthday! Cool site!
Happy Birthday, Wil.
You were the birthday question on Entertainment Tonight. It was something like “Which Stand By Me star was Ashley Judd’s first kiss?” So, I thought I would come and say Happy Birthday! Take Care.
Happy Birthday, Wil!!
Happy Birthday Will!
In lieu of the traditional birthday song I give you my favourite tune from the Muppet Show.
Mahna Mahna
Do doo be-do-do
Mahna Mahna
Do do-do do
Mahna Mahna
Do doo
be-do-do-doodle do do do-doo do!
And now that you’ve read it I’m betting it’s stuck in your head. : )
Have a Great Day!
Happy happy birthday!
Happy Bday….:) Hope it is a great one
I heard your name mentioned on the radio today 🙂
ooo Wil who was your first kiss on that was on ET?
I hope you caught the great picture of you on ET tonight, it was… anyway Happy Birthday Wil!
Being 30 you must now learn the sacred words:
“Turn down that music!”
Say them with me:
“Turn down that music”
Happy Birthday, Wil! I am sorry though that I am not able to do any groovy tech stuff on the web to help you celebrate. I am fortunate just to know how to use my email without blowing things up…and hey, the 30s are great (well, at least they are for women, hope it holds true for men) and now I am 41 and guess what? Am still really 10 inside. It’s the greatest, so enjoy!
Hey Wil,
Have a good one.
Have a cold one.
Have a good day.
Happy 30th!
Will, Well it looks like many people want you to
have a happy happy day. So you better have had one. If you are reading this, you need to make it happier. Enjoy yourself, sometimes people would think you are a heart-beat away from being
Happy Birthday, Wil! Hope you’re having a great time today! That “Wil Wheaton’s Run” poster is uber cool!
Happy Birthday Wil. 🙂
I was off by 10 days..I thought it was the 19th.. “oops” .. Have a great birthweek! 😀
I tried posting last night but I couldn’t get to the site.
Well happy birthday!
If you would like to give to others on this special day, i have a suggestion.
Wendy over at http://www.twodolla.org has a thing about toilets, that is she collects pictures of them. She has a picture of mine (http://www.twodolla.org/blogathon i’m #44).
Anyway, she’s made it her personal mission in life to somehow acquire a photo of YOUR toilet, and if you were to make this dream come true i know it would mean a great deal to her.
Thank you for your time, and enjoy your decade. (It really is much better than the first two)
Look Wesley… um, I mean, Wil… when you said “…I am entering my 30th year on planet earth…” you’re off by a year. If you’re celebrating your 30th birthday, then you just finished the thirtieth and are entering your thirty-FIRST year. This nitpick is provided to you free of charge. Next time it’ll cost you money.
What really brought me here was the posting on Slashdot about you taking on Barney at the DNA lounge. Good for you. Tear him a new one, OK?
Hiya, Wil
well i hope you had a really great day yesterday
and just to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
So uh………….. how often do you cry? Crybaby.
Happy BDay, btw.
I have been neglecting Wil’s blog for a while… Too busy bitching on football sites about the disasterous World Cup we had to endure.
In any case – many happy returns to the Birthday Boy! And your brother getting married just the day before! What a party!
All the best always, Wil.
Hey Wil,
I agree with you, Batman rocks! Espically in the movie Batman forever!
I turn on ST:TNG reruns and see Wesley and I’m like ‘He’s grown up now… can’t have him!’ 🙂
Have a great Birthday and tell Ryan the same!
Wasn’t your first kiss Ashley Judd? Or was that
just the STNG kiss??
SOooooooooo Do you have a 30 year old hangover?
Now I know why no cool people were born on my birthday. You are hogging them all.=) I will trade you a Jeremy Miller for a Vivica A Fox.
Woooo Hooooo!!! PARTY!
Happy Birthday Wil!!!
I hope you have a great year and all of your birthday wishes come true.
(though it sounds like you have a great deal of good things in your life already)
Happy Bday! 🙂
Happy 30th Birthday, Wil!
May all your wishes come true…keep up the great work on the website (when time allows) and continued success with all that you do.
Anne and the boys are indeed lucky… : )
Take care,
Not sure if this is the correct place to post, but thanks.
Thanks for being my favorite character in one of my all-time favorite movies (Stand By Me).
Thanks for being one of my favorite characters on TNG. The episodes where you’re made acting ensign and then full ensign are two of my favorites, and of course any time you bonded with the captain.
Thanks for creating a website that is worth visiting more than once!
Most of all, I totally admire your devotion to your family.
Happy Birthday, and I hope all the items on your Wish list come true!
‘when you said “…I am entering my 30th year on planet earth…” you’re off by a year.’
Thus quoth Jim, up above.
I was about to make the same little pedantic point, but now I don’t have to. 🙂
And Wil, please let us know you survived the all-night party, or we’ll start worrying that you’re lying in a dirch somewhere with a hangover…
Long time lurker……this is my first post, to say: happy Birthday Wil! i love your site and visit frequently. Your family sounds as lovely as mine, and i love that the idea of a happy family is not nerdy or passe’ at this site. hugs to you sweetie!
wil: if we counted the gestation period you’d be almost 31!…but as with BUD “the king of beers”…the human standard is still “born on dating”…which is a good thing…it’s also a good thing you’re not a bottle of beer…’cause you’d be pretty damn ripe by now!