I turn 30 in one week. Almost to the minute, actually. I think I was born sometime around 12:30 in the afternoon. My great aunt used to tell me that being born close to noon was a good thing…so I got that going for me, which is nice.
Lots of people have emailed wondering what’s going on, because my posts here have been less frequent, so I’ll address that for a minute: It’s summer. It’s warm and beautiful outside, and I’ve been spending less and less time in front of the computer. This is quite the opposite of a year ago, when I was sitting here for 5 hours a day, working on the site, updating the weblog and answering emails…I guess my priorities have been reassigned, because there is really nothing in the world more important to me than hanging out with my wife these days.
Speaking of my birthday and my insanely cool wife, she had a HUGE surprise party for me on Friday night! She got all of my friends in on it, even convinced my family to come out, and totally surprised me. 100%. It was really cool.
See, she’d told me that our friend Burns was going to see James Brown, and he had an extra ticket, so he was going to take her. This left me without anything to do on Friday night, so my friend Stephanie (who introduced me to Anne) and I decided that we’d go do something, and that something ended up being going to see Save Ferris at the OC Fair.
I was all excited to leave early, get to the fair in the afternoon, and eat numerous types of food (all on-a-stick of course), ride the dangerous carnical rides (staffed by creepy dudes on work release of course), and learn many exciting facts about Emus and Ostriches (sitting in a pen right next to a stand selling Ostrich and Emu burgers…on a stick of course).
Trouble was, Stephanie told me, she couldn’t leave until almost 7PM, because she was doing something really important (turns out it was setting up for my party). So I waited…played with Ferris, played Tony Hawk 3 (opened up the Cruise Ship level!) and ate some Chick-Nuggets, lamenting the fact that they were not on a stick.
Well, 7PM finally arrives, and Stephanie isn’t at my house. 7:30 comes and goes, and she’s still not there. Now I’m beginning to get anxious, because SF goes on at 8:30. Monique put us on the guest list, and I think it’s extra rude to show up late when you’re on the list.
It’s 7:45 when Steph finally shows up. I run to her car, jump in, and tell her that we may need to push the speed limt just a bit so we get there on time…and she tells me that she needs to drop off an envelope at this guy’s work for a friend of hers. She tells me that it’s right off the freeway, so it should only take 1 minute.
So I tell her that I’m going to count once we get off the freeway…which I do. I’m approaching “50” when we pull into the parking lot. Stephanie tells me, “Run this envelope in, and give it to Terry. He should be right inside the door.”
I hop out of the car, run up the stairs, and say, “I’m looking for Terry!”
Turns out there’s not a Terry there, but my wife, parents, and most of my friends are, and they all yell, “SURPRISE!!!”
I was totally stunned. It was the last thing in the world I expected, and we went on to have an insanely fun night at this place. There were batting cages, lazer tag, basketball courts, video games…funny that we had a party for my 30th birthday at a place I would have loved when I was 12. This fact really sums up who I am. 🙂
The party was awesome. I played nearly an hour of lazer tag, learned that even though I’m left-handed, I bat much better from the right, and ate way too much cake.
The best part, though, was the feeling I had when I stopped to think for a second about how hard it is to pull off a surprise party. I know how hard it is, and it really made me feel loved by my wife and friends, because the pulled it off flawlessly.
Saturday was spent doing a bunch of nothing, and yesterday Anne and I took Ferris to the Dog Beach in Orange County. If you live with an hour of this place and you have a dog, you just gotta go. It was really, really fun.
One last word on updates, and the frequency of them: I’m writing this from work, because my computer at home completely blew up this morning. Smoke and everything. So until I replace it, we may all have to spend even more time outdoors…which isn’t such a bad thing, really. 🙂
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Oh and Happy 30th Birthday Wil! 3 decades on this planet, its gonna be a great day for you. Sorry to hear about the computer at home. But make the most of your time outside!
WHAT! spending less time in front of the computer
and more time with wife, family and friends!
how dare you.. and after all that your fans have done for you…
well, that’s ok I guess.. anything to get more
of the great stories we all look forward to!
it’s not the quantity, it’s the quality!!
(a saying used for some many, ah… situations)
for the past 15 years, I’ve been working 7 days
straight.. (long story) only now am I taking it
easy.. but have forgot, What’s a life???!
i really want to send to you a Simpsons e-card, but I can’t find them!
Suprise partys are graet!!!!!!!!!
Happy 30th Wil!! Sounds like it was a great party. I turn 30 myself in 2 weeks and I can’t even get my best friend to pick a time to go have a beer with me. hmmpf. Anyhoo, Happy Birthday and here’s to many more! *cheers*
Cheesecake ice cream covered in M&M’s and Peanut Butter. Heaven on earth.
Nani desu ka!!!
No Spuds comments?
Geesh, Wil gives him the big post props and then he decides he’s too good to post.
Also I’ve just been informed that my birthday detail will include scantily clad men and women, booze, and a birthday spanking on Outland’s (Bar and Club) S&M stage.
I hope your anut is right-I was born @ 11:55 AM. On New Year’s eve too-I get the impression my father was giving my mom 12 hours to deliver or he would order a ceasarian (to ensure he got his tax deduction for the year).
congrats on the party, it sounds like a blast, but at the same time the thouught of missing SF is brutal since I heard it was an amazing show!
30. Right. I think 10 is a pretty good age, myself–big enough to do things that are fun, but puberty hasn’t quite hit yet to screw up one’s life with stray hormones. In any case, the party sounds awesome. (And whoever mentioned this–not all left-handed people are good at math, unless perhaps it’s calculating Thac0. I’m a southpaw and can barely balance my checkbook.) Well. Happy birthday. 🙂
happy birthday, wil.
some time when u r not celebrating yours i will tell you about mine.
“…and ate some Chick-Nuggets, lamenting the fact that they were not on a stick.”
Now *that* is funny!
meanwhile, go back outside and eat something on a stick.
Someday I’m gonna look back at this and laugh.
But right now..
I couldn’t be more shocked if I was sitting in an electric chair in Texas.
Wil I don’t know if you’ve ever recieved wierd presents for your birthday.. but the one I just got beats even the stuffed pink Lion from my friend Perry.
My mother bought me a bird.
Mind you I have 3 dogs already- two of them under a year old.
And I’m moving soon…
All I wanted were Guitar lessons for my Fender.
It was rather simple even.
My mother didn’t get it.
A bird.
The urge to teach it naughty things to call my mum is ever so mounting…
the universe is an evil place and the jokes are being written by some demon dog under Leno
Happy birthday 🙂 hope you have a grate day lots of beer and stuff.
Happy Birthday this week! Ann is the coolest.
Nice UHF reference.
Gee, I think I knew Wil was a lefty since I saw Wesley reconfigure the tractor emitter in episode 2… Hafta go back and see for sure now.
But a lefty who bats right? Me too. I think the only way my grandpa knew how to teach me to swing was righty, so I too am a funny sometimes-left sometimes-right kind of guy. Almost always get a hit, too, thanks Gramps. 🙂
Welcome to the Dark Side of 30, young Jedi.
Hey WIl, I just turned thirty in March, I am actually shocked that I am older than you are… god how time flies…..
Cool! Glad you enjoyed it. I’ve never had a surprise party. Nobody even celebrated my last birthday. In fact, my family was ultra-rude to me on my last birthday. Glad that your family is treating you well. Mmm.. cake sounds good. 🙂
I remember lastertag from when I was younger!
Ack? blew up? Power surge? Lightning storm fried the modem in my server a few days ago. The storm also killed some power lines so I lost electricity for most of the day. Not fun bc my water is on a pump system that needs electricity to run. So, no electricity, no water, no food, couldn’t leave bc my roads aren’t paved and they were way too muddy to make it anywhere.. Sucked entirely. Although I’m glad I’m not in Guam anymore after what happened there.
I will continue to post this with every geo-caching entry I see damnit:
Geocaching + Poison (anything) = bad
Poison-oak’d schwantz and various other body parts == very bad.
I hate caching for geos.
Happy birthday Wil…my birthday’s July 28th. Figures that you are a Leo! Being that you write so beautifully and act …have a good one.
Supplies!!! Lovin’ it.
Happy Birthday Wil!
Wil have you seen this?
Whoo Hoo, here comes the Sandman!
(have a great birthday, you’re so lucky to have such a cool life.)
Happy 30th Birthday! I’ll be turning 30 myself on August 14th. I don’t know if I should hide and take a long trip up the California Coastline or just take it as a normal day and get all the reaming for being 30 from my friends and family. *hehe*
So. . .one of your wishes did come true. I can’t figure out what is jazzing you more: the new ‘puter, the jersey, or the Death Star. Enjoy, and happy happy to Unca Willie. . .you deserve it.
Happy 30th Birthday, Wil! In honor of your birthday, I went back and re-read the archives, which are quite addictive reading. I visit your site off and on and I had missed quite a bit. I don’t know if you normally kept a diary before this, but you have a remarkable history of the last year and I feel privileged that you let us have a peek inside your life.
I hope you intend to keep up the acting. I’ve enjoyed your work and was pleased to see you as you popped up in the Outer Limits, The Invisible Man, Twice in a Lifetime and in that movie Mr. Stitch, to name a few things. All different characters. When you ran off to be a tech guy, I was actually concerned that the people who couldn’t separate Wil the actor from Wesley the character had driven you out of the business. But, as I’ve heard from many actors, you act because you have to. There isn’t a choice. Glad you made it back.
Again, Happy Birthday and enjoy that wonderful family of yours.
This is my second post on this topic. Your story of playing laser tag, and enjoying a party in a place that is for kids got me thinking that I might want to do that for my birthday. I will be 31 this year and I think that sounds like a blast to feel 12 again. Happy Birthday Wil “Surley the best of times”
I’m having… Wil Withdrawal…
Hey Wil,
It’s nice to hear you’re doing what’s important, spending time with the family, enjoying your summer. Good for you, workaholism sux. Rawk on cutie pie.
wilwheaton you are a communist liberal pig. you and your drones are RETARDS!!! you’re destined for b-movie fame.
hello wil!
hehe… i knew about it!! =) i’m so glad you were surprised! hehe. happy early b-day!
Happy 3-Oh Wil.
Need help fixing that fux0ring computer?
a.b. maybe you ought to cut down on the stims…
I hope you have a really good day, and enjoy yourself.
Wil withdraw getting worse…. feel myself getting weaker……..must hold on…must hold on..I’ve got to MR. Need an update…must have an update..oh the pain. Cmon Wil get that pc up and running in the meantime have a happy birthday.
enjoy the big 30 I did.
Yes, geocaching rules. At least I know that someone famous partakes 😉
Oh, and to follow the crowd – happy birthday and stuff.
Wil I hope you had a great birthday & Many more to come’ I made you something with PaintShop Pro! I hope you can check it out below! Im glad you had a fun party!
P.S. My bday is tomorrow! US Leo’s ROCK! lol!!
urgh! That didnt work wil! 🙁 I didnt know you cant post images! Sorry! Can you click here for your present! http://franklinfan.topcities.com/wilbanner.gif I hope you can see this!
(we are ALL having Wil-drawal!)
WELL DUH!!Just read the ‘Box and “someone” did!!
Congrats Wil..HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
I thought my sister & I were the only weirdos about food on sticks! We go to 2 fairs every year together, and for the couple weeks before hand all we do is talk about food on sticks. “My arm hurts” “you know what will fix that?” “what?” “food on a stick”. Finally, someone else who understands the joy of food on a stick!
cheers, Wil!
I really prefer the Cup o’ Pizza, myself.
what about “taco in a bag”?…even messier than taco in a shell!
i gotta say, 30 rocks. I’m 32. man i’ve had more fun since i turned 30 than i did all through my high school and college years.
One thing to say about the computer– GET A MAC!! It would never dare blow up (unless you spilled something on it)!\
Wil siting 6:58 Entertainment Tonight.
Photo, caption about Wil is 30, voiceover tease
was something about “who gave ashley judd her
first onscreen kiss?”
After spending all day on the site, it was
somehow significant that he’s on TV as well.
Just thought i’d mention it.
If you like the cup-o-pizza, you gotta try hamburger on a stick! Check girl scouts site for recipe.
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