Yesterday, I wrote about the scary nature of facing the world outside of what I guess we’ll call “your safety bubble.”
At least that’s what I was trying to write about. YMMV.
I also promised to talk about why Creation cut me from their 15th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation convention, and why I think it’s a good thing.
To understand the events leading up to the cut, it’s important to understand the realities of the Star Trek Convention (and all SF conventions, really): There was a time, long ago, when these cons existed by and for fans. They were places where fans could get together, safely dress up in costumes, debate the minutae of scripts, and generally geek out amongst friends without fear of The Jocks showing up.
Some folks realized that they could turn this phenomenon into a working business, and for better or worse, Creation was born.
For years, I had a great relationship with Creation. When I was a kid, I attended the Fangoria Weekend of Horrors shows at the Ambassador hotel. When I was on TNG, I appeared as a speaker at countless Creation conventions.
Then I had a not-so-great relationship with them for awhile. I felt that they had become the 800 pound gorilla in the convention world. They were the only kid on the block who had that cool football that all the other kids wanted to play with, and without any real competition, they charged too much, and I felt that the fans were increasingly getting the shaft.
Not the cool Richard Roundtree Shaft, either, so you can just shut your mouth right now.
In retrospect, there were many factors contributing to what I would describe as the decline and fall of the convention experience, and I think the guests need to be at the top of that list.
I never made very large speaking fees, even when I was A Big Deal
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Hey Wil,
Trek might have been your “safty bubble”, but you can think of you 10,000 monkeys as your “styrofom packing peanuts”. You’ll be just fine.
Hey wil,
I think that you made the right decision, family first! i think it is awsome that you turn really pretty girls down that a lot of guys would be all over because you love your wife so much!! She is lucky to have a guy like you, there are very few guys in this world that would do that!!! Well anyway, keep up the good work, dont let those assholes rip you off!!!
Welcome to the real world Neo 🙂
What the hell else were you supposed to do? You knew it was an unfair deal, and you stuck to your guns. Good on you! I wouldn’t have been able to see you there anyway – but other fans [and members of the posse] would’ve loved to see you.
I guess that’s the way the cookie crumbles. Never mind, you made the right decision.
Heart. Soul. Inner strength. The ability to cut through bullshit and other minutia…. no worries. And as for that crap about not being a ‘big’ part of the Star Trek Family…… who the hell cares.
Keep being funny and insightful.
As the Good Book says, ” shake the dust off your feet as you leave. ”
One thing that I have learned in life is when your season is over, it’s over. And to stay in a season that is over will get old and moldy very quickly and so will you. I’m glad to see you putting both feet in your new season. It only gets better from here.
Kudos to you. You are still part of the TREK family no matter what Creation says. I like the way you think of the fans and try to give something back to them, so consider what you are doing this time as giving back to this fan. I enjoy WWDN and it is helping me through a rough time right now. Keep up the good work and I look forward to your long stories. 😉
Well, I think it’s a shame that Creation doesn’t consider you a part of the TNG family. My mom was fleeced by Columbia House for a good, long time to get the whole series on VHS (btw, it’s killing her that the whole first season is now out on DVD), and it and Fraggle Rock sustained us through five years in Germany. I was in middle school and, understandably, identified with Wesley more than the rest of the crew.
I hate to think that Creation would scare you off all cons forever. Yeah, they’re commercial, but, by all accounts, they’re awfully fun for fans and celebrities alike. What never ceases to amaze me is that, no matter how much they hike up the price, PEOPLE PAY IT! It’s astounding.
Good luck!
The Kid is getting hot.
After yesterday’s 2 for 5, 1 double, 1 rs, he follows up today with a 3 hit game. 2 rs, 2 rbi’s, 1 steal, 1 walk, and a diving shoestring catch in shallow rf.
Man that sucks, I was all excited- since I live in Vegas! Ah well, you are a good man Charlie Brown. Way to go- I like what someone above said…”Your family is your bubble now” thats a nice bubble to have.
You know what?
Fuck the cons and motherfuck the cons.
I mean fuck ’em.
Fuck ’em two tines.
Fuck ’em, fuck ’em, fuck ’em.
Fuck the cons.
Motherfuck the cons.
And mother-FUCK the cons.
Two tines.
TWO times two tines.
The cons are like the RIAA. Their time will come. Continue to use this fucking website to connect directly to your fans. Your old fans and your new fans. Your fans who are prosthetic ear-wearing shut-ins and your trendy new cyber-friends like Spudnuts who is comfortable around women and who likes to wear fancy shoes and who would never be caught dead at a con.
Fucking con.
Fuck that.
If someone was going to ante up $10 for your autograph at the con (I have no idea what the going rate of such things is), then you offer that autograph for $5 and pocket 100% of the take.
You can’t make appearances as Wesley Crusher, but you can kick the living shit out of Barney as Wil Wheaton.
Find some of the other Trek guys who are being dissed by the cons and organize… like… a big fucking camping trip where your fans get to spoon with you in your sleeping bag for $75. Give ’em say… 15 minutes for $75. So, if you spoon all night at that rate, you’re going to clear like…
More than $100!
Or $1000.
But a lot.
This website is your ticket out.
And it is the key to your power.
That con asshole who low-balled you was once on the ground floor. Now the tables have turned. But the tables will turn again. They will. And that piece of shit will one day beseech you for a bowl of gruel.
That’s when you spit in his open mouth and order your fourteen body guards to fucking beat him to death with a genuine prison pillow from the motion picture Star Trek V.
The balance of power is always changing, TVsWW.
Bide your time.
Don’t worry about those a$$holes who don’t consider you part of the trek family. To say that is to pretty much nullify the enjoyment/enthusiasm that kids had while watching your character and identifying with it (I was one of them ;p). I consider you very much a part of the “family” that is trek. I wasn’t very surprised when I read how you had to negotiate to maintain your dignity, even after the company made many millions on their last event. Companies like this are obviously only concerned with the profit and not the fans.
Best of luck in your future endevors (sounds like a year book autograph doesn’t it) and I’m sure the experiences you had while you were younger will give you more than enough advantage to succeed.
– lemonkey
And don’t these comic book/sci fi geeks kind of like the dark horse or the outsider anyway? Why not organize an independent con which DELIBERATELY selects only the most marginal of sci fi/comic personalities and unapologetically eshcews the “heavy hitters.”
I mean that’s where these mainstream cons started in the first place. A bunch of hardcore fans meeting at the Continental Room of the local Red Lion.
So beat the cocksuckers at their own game.
Wil u have quite a story to tell.
Sorry to hear that things havent been goin too well lately.Though still keeping up with the best of em. Hope things go in a better lane for u soon.
I know this may seem like an extreme idea.But what if u worked on being a anime or game voice actor? Just another idea.
I spelled eschew wrong.
Fuck it.
Jesus Christ, I wish I had a milkshake right now.
I’m sorry to hear about how things with down with Creation, but kudos to you for sticking to your guns.
You have a gift for writing, and I hope that you find much happiness and success in it.
Conventions used to be run by the fans… why don’t we do that again? You’ve got a few THOUSAND people here who would love to see you, and who would pay to see you. How about this: write your novel (autobiography, fiction, what have you), and then get the publisher to sponsor a Wil Wheaton tour around the country. You will obviously publicize it on WWDN. And you will be a huge success. Why? Because everybody loves Wil.
I have been reading your site since early 2002 — and perusing the archives before that — and I can honestly say that, while you don’t know me, I know you better than some of my real-life friends. Nothing would be cooler than just sitting down to dinner with you and chatting about life, the universe and everything. And the thing is: I’m just one of thousands who feel exactly the same way. You have built up a real fan base here, Wil. And it’s not just a FAN base, but a friend base. A family base.
Screw the “Star Trek family.” You’ve got your own family right here — and we love you.
I truly believe that the key to your success is being in things with catchy songs.
Stand By Me: Yes
TNG: Yes (you should hear the lyrics I wrote)
New ST movie: No.
Cons: No.
There you go. Next time you get an offer, say “But first, a song.” Fold your hands and wait.
Split this long thing into several days?
Its great to have the whole story out now.
Besides; How long would we have to wait until we received the final installment?
Just keep writing, Wil. Not just about Star Trek, but anything. You are a highly entertaining person — and wherever your career leads you — you are always going to be in the public eye. And I’m thankful for that!
You’ve definitely got your shit together and your priorities straight, Wil. Keep being true to yourself. Continue to not compromise your principles or do anything you’re not comfortable with. You don’t have to be “TV’s Wil Wheaton” forever. At the end of the day the only person you have to answer to is facing you in the mirror (very close in line are the people you live with). Congrats on having strength and conviction. You’re an inspiration.
You’re a great actor, but you’re great at a lot of things. Being multi-talented is one of the things that makes you a lucky and well-rounded, likable guy.
That’s the kind of attitude that has turned alot of fans away from the Trek universe. I can understand that Trek is a business, it’s there to make money. But in that regard, it’s a pity that Creation can’t see that yes, Wes Crusher was only there for half of TNG, but Wil Wheaton is a continuing presence on the net and has brought alot of us back to TNG that had left Trek altogether long ago. Don’t they realize that the same demographic that embraces Trek embraces your website and your comedy and the presence you’ve become? It’s a stupid business decision, and while I doubt they’ll ever figure out how stupid, I wish deep down that they would.
TK, pouting.
Damn, I don’t check the site for 2 days and look what happens.
I go to cons. Have for a long time. I went to Creation when it was the only game in town. I go to Dave Scott’s cons when he’s nearby. I go to fan run cons too, of course they’re the best. Why to I continue to go to the commercial ones, when a lot of my friends shun them and put me down for attending and giving the promoters money? Because I hope that some tiny bit of my entrance fee (and sometimes it gets quite expensive) trickles down to the actors I came to support. I like the actors as people. The creative process of telling a story fascinates me, maybe because I tell a lousy story myself.
Sure, I first found these folks because they were on a genre show and were invited to a con because someone saw buck to be made. But I’ve enjoy hearing their stories. It’s live. Some of the actors I’ve gotten to know better than others. The best guests are honest, working folks who just happen to have a job where they are seen by millions. I made a family of fellow fans, too. Cons are family reunions.
Those autograph only guests. You usually get to talk to these guests one on one instead of the cattle call autograph sessions of the speaking guests. Sometimes you can have real conversations. When I pay for my autograph to these guests, I hand over my money directly to the guest. I know he received it. Really, how many autographs do I need? It’s just my way of saying thanks for all the entertainment you have given me, payment for a job well done. As a fan, the autograph only guests are a much better deal. There’s a real person there, not just a sharpie pen.
I saw you at those last two Creation cons in Pasedena. Wil, I was happy to see you again. You were one of my favorite characters on TNG, such potential for growth. You signed my cruise photo, you were the last one that hadn’t signed. When I heard you had left acting, I thought you’d never come back to a con again and I would have this empty spot on my photo. So thanks for that. You talked to me a bit, and did me a little favor and you were really cool about it. OK, so I got something out of our encounter. But I was glad just to see you. You brought back fond memories.
I’m torn. If I don’t go to a con, some actor is out my bucks. If I do go, I’m supporting a system that includes jerks who say Wil Wheaton is not worth paying for. “Well, we just don’t think of you as a very big part of the Trek family.” What rubbish! You were Doctor Crusher’s son. Your character was actually part of a family!
Thanks for the insight on what happens behind the scenes at a con. Thanks for taking a stand.
So, maybe I won’t be seeing you on the big screen or the TV. So maybe I’ll never get to see you at a con again and tell you in person what a great writer I think you are, especially when you write about your family. What a cool person you turned out to be. I still love a good story. And you tell good ones, Wil. I’ll still be seeing you around. You’re part of my family.
(Oh, wow, this is kinda long. I’m sorry about that).
Wil wrote:
“What I really wanted to be doing was playing GURPS and goofing off on this new computer network called GEnie where I could talk to people all across the country in real time!”
LOL! Did you see that poll at slashdot? Only about half the /. population even knew what GEnie was.
Hmm…. I don’t know whether that should make me feel old, or make me realize that half the readers at slashdot are 14.
I wonder if half the readers at WWDN are 14.
I doubt it. The conversation here is more intelligent. Sometimes, at least — when it’s not saturated with profanity.
I don’t usually post that often, because I just like to enjoy what you say, and sometimes I take something from it and sometimes I don’t. Wil, I enjoy TNG till this day, and you are part of that family. I respect you 100% for sticking to your values and priorities. Saying no to Creation was a good move if not based on principle alone. I used to work tables at Trek conventions and I know what you mean about the terrible costs. You have grown so much over the last few years, as have all of us hitting thirty like myself in a few months. The bubble may have bursted, but that doesn’t mean your world has collapsed, tomorrow is a new day and there are plenty of bubbles to go around. “Two roads diverged in a road, I… I took the one less travelled, and it has made all the difference,” Frost. Hurdles are good they keep your on track, and ready for what comes next. Mr. Wheaton I met you in my younger years when you were as you say an asshole, but even then I shrugged it off, and took no offense. I look forward to meeting the new Wil someday.
Sincerest Regards, Marie W.
That’s awesome man. You’ve taken another step towards your true dreams, and that’s better than most people.
Oh, and about the “you’re not part of the family thing” — isn’t it in “Journey’s End” that Picard calls Wesley “part of the family” or “one of the family” or something like that?
I have not read so much at once, since I ran into the T2 script on one of the movie sites, last year. Unlike that site, you tricked me into a good read. I did not know your entries seem to be growing up in front of all of us. Business and art just do not seem to mix but you always seem to try. You might want to try a book or a script oneday. With a little effort, you seem to
have a style of your own. I have already written way to much for one comment. Until next time,
for those that might not know….. posted the hacked web page of the RIAA today and was mentioned in a few news articles about the hack…. rumor has it now, from HZK Drew Curtis’ business partner, the FBI has taken Drew for some questioning and has been shut down until further notice. goto FARK’s chat for updates!
sorry to barge in Wil, but ya’ll might want to know!
Hey man, the funny thing is, that con is gonna SUCK without you there.. sure there gonna see and listen to bs from all those other people from ST.. but you seem to have more intelligent things to say then them. Id rather go to a con with just YOU as a speaker, then one with the entire cast of TNG, but without you.
Keep up the good posts, and remember, you have a posse behind ya.
Haha, I think Drew curtis from is in jail.
I went to a con in Philly in the early 80’s for my 14th b-day. It was one of those VERY cool combo Trek/Dr Who cons too. I just can’t believe it’s come to this, although I shouldn’t be surprised. How sad, because you are part of the family. Far more important than a red-shirt. Keep writing and I know I’ll buy your books(s.)
By the way, I went for the autograph signing. I can’t even recall who the speaker was for Trek, but the signing was Kirk’s son. Woohoo!
Oh yes…some of the links don’t work. :o)
England loves you too! Come and visit us all and maybe I’ll be nice and stop stalking you (OK two emails in 6 months isn’t quite stalking, but I’ve been busy. No, really.)
Honestly though, the world is full of sucky people and the majority of sucky people wear suits. From now on, put your faith in those who wear lumberjack shirts.
Um, byeeeee
Yikes! I just noticed the date, and have to correct my post: 2 emails in TEN months. Phew! Close one… I nearly looked obsessed…
“Swinging, man. The room falls silent as she walks out. A guy in a Red Dwarf T-shirt drops a box of unopened Magic cards.”
Man…that made me howl. That’s right up there with Raymond Chandler’s “It was a blonde…a blonde to make a bishop kick a hole in a stained glass window.”
As someone who used to run “cons” – that wonderfully appropriate slang for conventions – I can say categorically that money, especially big money, poisons everything.
When it’s fun and cheap and money in = money out, everyone has a good time and talks about it all year until the next one.
Then you become popular, and you have to put the fees up to get a better venue or pay for more insurance, and it’s still almost as good, but you’re doing more work which is less fun, for you at least.
But then, at some point something happens. You do the math at the very end and find you’re up $1000. Who gets it? You’re honest, and so you tell the team, and you split it. But by then it’s too late. Someone who did more work begrudges someone who only sold hot drinks that one time, and attended a few meetings.
But because money is now in the equation, next time people _expect_ a little profit and a split and you plan for it….
And suddenly you turn around and it isn’t fun for anyone. Not for the organisers, not for the guests, and not for the fans.
But you’re making pots of money, and so you carry on….
Ah the memories. If only they were better. So then, the team members who were in it for love drop away one by one, and the people who remain are the kind of people who really, truly, would just about do anything for money.
Great post, Wil, hadn’t realised how strong these memories were until you called them back. Even though the feelings are negative, I’m glad I’ve faced them again. They explain a few little outbursts recently. Hmmm.
Thanks. No, really! 🙂
Hi Wil,
My very first con was the TNG 5th Anniversary Con in L.A., way back in 1991. Everyone from TNG was there, except for Denise Crosby. Yes, even you were there (do you remember? Those were the days of free autographs). It was such a blast seeing all of you up on-stage together! I’ll never forget that experience for as long as I live.
When I heard about the TNG 15th Anniversary Con in Pasadena taking place next month, I became so excited. I thought, “Gee, wouldn’t it be awesome to see the cast up on-stage, together again. Just like my first convention. Woo-hoo!”
So, I proceeded to check out Creation’s site. When I first found out you were scheduled to be there, I thought, “This’ll be so cool! I’ve been visiting Wil’s site for a couple of months now, and it’ll be awesome to see him in person.”. Then I saw that, no, it wouldn’t be like my first con. No one would be up on-stage together. Everyone would be there at separate times on separate days.
“But Wil is gonna be there, so it’s still worth seeing! Yeah!”
Uh. No.
I checked Creation’s site again to see their updates on ticket prices. I was disappointed to find your name & image replaced with Patrick Stewart’s.
Here’s what I’m getting at: When I realized that A) the TNG cast was not going to be on-stage together, and B) you weren’t going to be there, it wouldn’t be worth the time & money to attend such a boring event.
Anyway, thank you for taking the time out to explain what really happened with Creation. Those bastards make enough money raping our (the fans) wallets. Conventions used to be such fun events to attend, but now it’s all about the bucks. What a fuckin’ turn-off.
Oh yeah. One more thing.
“At the airport, I see Brent and Gates, standing by the gate, waiting to board our plane. My heart leaps, and I walk towards them, beaming, with open arms. They both looked up at me, like I am Hannibal Lechter, and begin to retreat. They don’t recognize me, at all, until I tell them who I am.”
When I read this, my jaw just dropped. I realize that they hadn’t seen you in awhile, but Jesus Christ! You couldn’t have changed THAT much!
Cold. Just cold.
I’ll stop rambling here. Peace.
Those Creation bastards don’t know what they are missing.
You should buy yourself a ticket and make your own little side-show.
Better yet, hold a WWDN convention sometime. =)
All the best!
Wil, when you write that book, I’ll be snaggin’ the hardcopy. And I know a lot of other people will, too. Keep writing. You’re good at it, because you speak your mind and your heart clearly and without affectation. Not much on the Web really knocks my socks of these days, but you do, with alarming regularity. You’ve got talent and tenacity. Don’t *ever* let the bastards grind you down!
Wil, not part of the family ???
these people must have balls.
gene wanted you to play wesly.. a part that, from what I have heard was something to do with gene
and his wanting such a life
I started watching STNG because of that character
which turned out to be. Mr. Wil Wheaton….
Data was cool, Troy was hot.. Dr. Crusher
looked like my Aunt… Cap Pikard…boaring..
and #1, was more like #2
I remember a line from the movie;
“A Lion in Winter” Kathrine Hepburn, talking to herself says; “what family doesn’t have there
problems.” (or something like that..)
at least your working at something you seem to enjoy or why else do it?? what else can Wil do?
porn? I THINK NOT!
how about radio? I’d give up Dave, Shelly & the
Chainsaw any time to listen to your morning show..
or.. how about working as a graveyard night manager! wow.. think of all the sketch comedy
you could write about doing that.. like just tonight, I helped a guest from Japan, learn
some english.. supplies! 🙂
and as for the mountain of debt Wil,
I’ve been there, done that… if you need any help
just ask. I’ll help with whatever I can..
It’s been several years since I’ve been to a convention, but I used to go a lot and got an education the hard way on the business end of them. I traveled to Los Angeles to see a huge Creation bash after TNG’s first year, and while I had a blast and am very glad I went (it was the only time I ever saw Gene R in person and I learned that Jonathan Frakes is hilarious), I was quite disgusted with the Creation people. Among other things, I felt they were guilty of false advertising by omitting from their promotional materials that some speakers required an extra admission fee. Here my girlfriend and I had driven 500 miles for this event and oh, surprise, you’ll have to pony up an extra $50 (or whatever it was) to see the whole thing, so sorry we didn’t tell you earlier. I tracked down Adam Malin and complained to him personally and he gave me the brushoff. I was appalled by the casual way he seemed to be saying that it was perfectly OK to screw the fans so long as they pay.
And yet, as you say, sometimes you forget the beatings and go back for more. I went to a couple more Creation shows (including one in Tucson in ’89 when I had the good fortune to meet young Wil Wheaton, and you were good enough to enthusiastically sign a Wesley sketch — — I’d thrown together; thanks for that, BTW), and each time found myself aghast at the way the Creation staff was treating their customers. By then I’d been to a couple of Starland-run operations and realized the simple truth that Creation sucks ass. I had more “conversations” with Adam Malin, who was smooth enough to remember my name each time and keep a tone of voice that suggested understanding while he essentially told me to go fuck myself because he had my money now.
So it isn’t just you that they don’t have respect for. It’s they paying public as well. I suggest you keep doing conventions—for all the reasons you cited—so long as they’re run by someone else. When you get rave reviews from appearances at Slanted Fedora or StarFest or Cruise Trek and Adam Malin starts asking you to do his shows, you can have the satisfaction of telling him that, frankly, you don’t feel his organization is a very significant part of the Star Trek fan family.
Wil, somehow you went from being my most “un-favorite character” on TNG, to the guy whose weblog I read faithfully everyday. That’s called talent. I’m not a Wesley fan. I’m a Wil Wheaton fan. Why? Because he seems more real than anything I’ve seen on Star Trek.
They say that Star Trek is primarily about the human condition. That it’s a show about the Star Trek universe and also about the lives of people everywhere. Well, I guess that makes your website an episode of Star Trek. It’s at times about the Star Trek experience, but it’s also about your triumphs, tragedies, hope and fears. I can relate to your stories better than any episode of “Enterprise.”
F— those bums at Creation. You keep doing what you’re doing on this site, and you’ll have tons of fans clamoring for you. Who cares about Wesley Crusher? You’re so much more than Star Trek.
I think it takes balls to stand up for what you believe in, and I respect that. Keep standing in that puddle of glue 🙂
First time post here. Why? Because it took a lot of guts for you to tell those Creation folks no. It said to me you wouldn’t let just anyone use you. Something also tells me you would have been more mad if you would have said okay to them. Makes me wish I would tell more folks no instead of just taking the money… I wouldn’t have worked on as many hokey websites as I have. Good for you, Wil!
‘Something that involved exotic language like “Soup du jour.”’
Come visit us in England some day, when you’ve written The Book. Bring autographed copies. 🙂
Not having everyone there at the special anniversary thing is crap. Why not run your own rival “Come meet Wil” convention…?
Next time, tell ’em you’ll be there, take the chump change, and send Spudnuts in your place.
YOU ARE A PART OF THE FAMILY!!!! Like your one friend Gabe, I grew up with Star Trek:NG being my only friend. And when I think of ST:NG I definately have you on my viewscreen. You were “the Kid” on that show that I loved and could identify with. I might have committed suicide without ST:NG because my life during that time was very very sad. Your Wesley character was loved and supported by the other characters and I envyed that because in my world smart yet awkward kids were more likely to be tormented than appreciated. Not that I was made to feel smart by my jock supporting school system. I was ignored by the adults and made to feel like an outsider by everyone else. I am in my mid to late twenties now and happily married and have some great friends…I am doing fine. I went to University, and it was there that I did a lot of self examinations and evaluations and began to like the better me. Though I revealed some personal things about myself here ….I hope that it helps you in some way and that you don’t think ill of me. I am glad that you didn’t sell out on what you believe. Hollywood can be so fake and insulting to people’s intelligance it is good to see that you are not like that. I will definately still be a fan of yours no matter what you do…famious or not. I think it is better to be a fan of decent intelligant humanity.
Me you and spudz should crash the convention.
Bring some booze, some hookers (for me and spudz) and some ganja.
We could pan handle for you around the convention and you could wear a sign saying “I’m not part of the family take, it or leave it”
We could get all shitty and start picking fights with the dressed klingon hoes and maybe get a klingon gangbang going.
Seriously that sux bro you need tog et some revenge. You were the buiggest part of why some of us kids started watching star trek in the 80s. Its fucked up of them to do this and you need to get some retribution.
Fight the power that beats bro.
Tell Creation this. Its the fans who decides if Wheaton is in the family. It is the fans and the actors who makes it all possible, not Creation! F**k Creation. Im sorry bad taste cost you money and suffering. Now im mad, I’ll have to go out and beat up something. (Something not alive)
It is the fans and ctors that make up star trek not Creation so they can just get f**k*d you did the right thing:)