Yesterday, I wrote about the scary nature of facing the world outside of what I guess we’ll call “your safety bubble.”
At least that’s what I was trying to write about. YMMV.
I also promised to talk about why Creation cut me from their 15th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation convention, and why I think it’s a good thing.
To understand the events leading up to the cut, it’s important to understand the realities of the Star Trek Convention (and all SF conventions, really): There was a time, long ago, when these cons existed by and for fans. They were places where fans could get together, safely dress up in costumes, debate the minutae of scripts, and generally geek out amongst friends without fear of The Jocks showing up.
Some folks realized that they could turn this phenomenon into a working business, and for better or worse, Creation was born.
For years, I had a great relationship with Creation. When I was a kid, I attended the Fangoria Weekend of Horrors shows at the Ambassador hotel. When I was on TNG, I appeared as a speaker at countless Creation conventions.
Then I had a not-so-great relationship with them for awhile. I felt that they had become the 800 pound gorilla in the convention world. They were the only kid on the block who had that cool football that all the other kids wanted to play with, and without any real competition, they charged too much, and I felt that the fans were increasingly getting the shaft.
Not the cool Richard Roundtree Shaft, either, so you can just shut your mouth right now.
In retrospect, there were many factors contributing to what I would describe as the decline and fall of the convention experience, and I think the guests need to be at the top of that list.
I never made very large speaking fees, even when I was A Big Deal
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I’m one of those that hated TNG (and all things Trekkie since WFS hung up his girdle, wig and built up boots). I came to this site by accident, and got hooked. Not hooked on celebrity, not hooked on someone I fancy, or someone who brings back memories of films and shows I loved. I’m hooked on a fascinating journal by a talented, amusing and interesting writer, who leads a real life, and is happy to share it with us however crap/great/moving/irritating/scary/funny/silly it may be.
The point being – TNG is dead to Wil, and the acting career is on hold. However, Wil lives on. He has everything that is important in life, and will continue to entertain and amuse in whatever field he chooses to focus on. Change isn’t failure, change is progression. Long live Wil.
That is a heck of a post Wil! It makes up for all the waiting we had to do while you actaully got on with living your own life. *grin*
Seriously it sounded like a sucky situation and I think you did the right thing.
Now what i want to know is when is the first WWDN convention?
Can we have Spudnuts as a guest speaker? Please? Pretty please?
Wil, you are and always will be a part of the Star Trek TNG Family.
The money grubbing, moronic Creation people obviously can’t see past their wallets to understand that reality.
It’s their loss.
Maybe you should talk to the big men – Patrick Stewart (TM) and Jonathon Frakes (TM) and tell them your story. Perhaps they can pull a little bit of weight.
In all honesty, you should be there, right alongside Denise Crosby and Dwight Shultz. To the fans it doesn’t matter how many seasons you did, what matters is that while you were in the show we loved you, and we still love you afterwards.
Don’t give Creation the power to burst your bubble, Wil. Take it back. That’s what being in control of your life is all about. You may not get into Creation, but at least they won’t have shat all over you and shat all over what Star Trek means to you.
Australia loves you, Mr Wheaton, contact Multiverse and come do a convention down under.
Business is business is business…
Too true.
It’s still not cool, Wil. :\
I’ve only been to one sci/fi con. Mostly Star Trek oriented, though. Met a lot of cool people. Specifically, Jerremy Bullock (Boba Fett) and a lady who appeared in “the hippy episode” of Star Trek that was sporting a huge banner above her table reading, “I jammed with Spock”. The accompanying picture showed her with some weird-looking harp, and Spock playing his Vulcan… harp… thingie. 😛
The two major attractions for this show didn’t even make it on the day that I went, ironically enough. Shatner and Montalbon.
My brother went back the next day with a friend to get an autograph from Shatner, and surprisingly enough (can you feel the sarcasm?), Shatner turned out to be a complete ass when he wasn’t on stage, and only doing signings.
After reading this, I really wish you could’ve been there, Dude. It, honestly, would have been really cool to have met you.
If you’re ever in the Boston area, make sure you announce it. I’ll pay whatever fee to get out there. And, I’m draggin’ my wife with me. 😉
Adam “Pegasus316” Fullerton
To Wil and everone else at WWDN,
Before I ever visited this site I was a typical anti-Wesley Star Trek fan. Now I am pro-Wil and anti-Star Trek. I never imagined that the guy who played Wesley could actually have feelings… I mean, Wesley was HATED, who CARES?
Until I visited WWDN I didn’t realise how judgemental I had been. I didn’t realise that Wil had a mortgage that he had to pay off, and was struggling to do it. I didn’t realise that Wil had brains and the ability to write as well.
I hope Wil gets a good gig. I hope some Star Trek loving Quentin Tarantino equivalent will get Wil a solid part in a critically acclaimed movie that will make him millions and force him to spend less time at this Website.
There can come a point in any business negotiation where, if your basic needs are not met, you have to just fold your hand and walk away. You were intelligent enough to do this even though your emotions were pushing you in the other direction. This was a good career decision for the long term even if you have a cash flow problem in the short term.
(It even has STAR TREK precedent, witness Gene Roddenberry’s withdrawal from active producing during the third season of the original series.)
As for whether or not you’re a large enough part of the Trek “family”, never have a doubt of it. Remember that Wesley was created to be, to an extent, Gene’s youthful alter ego — how much more part of the family can that be?
Let Adam Malin go on with his quest to turn himself into Montgomery Burns. As he does, he’s the one who will fall down the wayside of life, not you. You’re a mensch, and your sons and wife love you. That’s what’s important.
Best wishes from my family to yours.
You are funny as hell.
Write the book, Wil…
We want the book!
god, i cant believe i just read all those posts! Seriously though, wil mate, you need to do a WWDN con! Might startof slowly with people comign to see wes, but once people realise you are funny and intelligent for being YOU, more people will come. Jesus i sound like that film.. “If you build it, they ‘wil’ come”. Have faith in yourself, don’t be insecure, we’re all telling you we luv ya! We wanna read your books, we wanna see you make us laugh. We want to see YOU. I couldn’t give a flying f*** about meeting WFS, and as good lookin as pat stewart is, i couldn’t care less about meeting him either. We wanna see and meet you because you actually took the time out to talk to us geeks/babes (;) and share your thoughts and feelings with us. A person who does this with someone is usually called a FRIEND. You have the most friends on the planet!
Come to UK! I’ll bring my FRIENDS x
Screw ’em. Your family and friends love you. Your dog loves you. Your monkeys love you. Well actually, I love your writing, having never actually met you. But you get the point. In the end, you’d regret not going on a family vacation, missing a birthday, or missing a recital for far longer than not going on an audition or to some rip-off convention. I went to one crappy convention in Des Moines, Iowa and the highlight was a possibly not quite sober Jimmy Doohan being a jerk to a room full of people and the bastards at Creation charging what was for me at the time a few days’ wages.
Folks, buy/rent Trekkies. It’s a far better entertainment value than any convention. Or Kingdom of the Spiders (click my link) if you need a William Farking Shatner fix.
Feeling low? Look at your dog. Look at your wife. Look at your boys. Or if you are looking for a barometer outside of your house, look at your Walk-a-thon page. Holy smokes! How many struggling actors do you know that could get that much money from total strangers even for a very good cause?
Oh, Wil… you aren’t the first Trek star to burn a little dimmer on an infomercial. Ricardo Montalban sold electric grills. (Of course he also did Fantasy Island and lived to tell about it.) And Robin Curtis (replacement Savik) sold some other kitchen wonder. Both of them are working actors.
So what if some think you “sold out” by selling computer doo-dads. But you fed for family for six months. GOOD FOR YOU!
Hiya Wil,
What can I say, but this sucks, for and for all your fans and fan of TNG. How dare they dictate who was or wasn’t apart of the ST family. It’s a bit like saying Denise Crosby, isn’t part of the familiy because she was only in it for a a season and a half. Or John Delance, because he was only a guest in a dozen episodes. Yet all the fans know that they are part and parcel of the ST family, and they would never question it. So WHY do these So called Organisers of the conventions, dare and i mean DARE to tell us the fans who we can and can’t see because they want to make even more money. It’s sick!!!!
I may not of been able to see you anyway as i live in England, but i still think it’s unfair1 Enough of my mad ramblings, your one cool person uncle willie
Both kree yay shun and Slanted Fedora have done numerous shows in the Philly area (where I live) and there are many reasons why Will is better off without doing business with both of them. I’m a 56-yr-old Trekkie, a member of a Starfleet chapter in Philly and one of a small group that helped drive kree out of Philly (they only do Xena cons, here, and they’re usually in a NJ location) because we realized it had become about only how much money kree made and nothing else. Scott Slanted is also too money hungry and can’t seem to rise above the “New American View” of what quality service means (i. e. ” the lower, the better”).
Will’s writing style makes me very proud. After all, he is a product of, among other things, the Star Trek Universe. Will, keep up the good work and find some other reason to come to Philly – I know a lot of people who would love to see you.
wil: you’ve got your own greek chorus here at WWDN repeating the same thing over and over…go for it!
I was lucky enough to catch you at a convention in London (at the Royal Albert Hall – I have pictures!) – if that was you not enjoying yourself, I REALLY want to se you at an event where you ARE enjoying yourself! I don’t know if you realise this, but you were the talk of the convention – everyone I spoke to was genuinely impressed with your stage appearences – having previously fallen prey to the “Wesley Crusher? Ugh! Who’d want to see HIM?” tendency.
Conventions here in the UK are going the same way, it seems – one or two big organisers producing expensive shows with tons of restrictions – when I first started going to cons they were small, relatively inexpensive and you actually got the meet the guests in person! Now, I’ve stopped going because I simply can’t afford it.
You made the right decision, and the guys who treated you so badly will (eventually) reap what they have sowed. If they try to cut costs on guests and hike the entrance fees, and make arbitary decisions on who is or isn’t an important part of Star Trek, eventually they will get no guests worth seeing and no attendees with enough money to spend. IT is not up to Creation, or even Paramount to decide who is an important part of the franchise – it is down to the FAns and (originally) to the GBOTG – after all, he picked you for the role he created – he must have thought your character was ‘an important part of Star Trek’!
WFS ‘wrote’ a book called “Get A Life”. Well, Wil, you’ve already GOT one – congratulations! Now go out there and enjoy it!
Au Res.,
I remember meeting Adam Malin in 1984 or so up in Houston, TX.
I was attending a fan-run convention (an endangered species if there ever was one!) and he was approaching James Doohan (Scotty) about trying his new convention scheme. I was in the restaurant bar just hanging with Mr. Doohan as I had completed an interview with him for a fan video project and was buying him a drink — such “closeness” was available back then at the fan-run cons.
Anyway… here’s Malin telling him how he’ll run these quick in/out conventions, they sound horrid. My experience (as a long-time ST/SF fan) has been fan-run cons, long affairs where the stars are well treated and get involved with the fans and hang with them.
Malin is explaining, “you just come in and do your Q&A and then sign autographs, we can have you on the plane out of town that night” — basically the genesis of the “slam bam thank yew ma’am” Creation cons we see today.
I’ve been to only two creation cons, and they were both sterile and ugly experiences to me. Why? For those who’ve not been and wonder about us ST geeks here ya go:
1) High ticket prices, and tiered tickets… like having to pay $50 for two days so you can be right by the stage
2) All the dealers are Malin’s buddies or his own employees, therefore the merchandise is over-priced (like one con I went to in my home town and the toys were at the Toys R Us for $10 less)
3) Created merchandise by Creation so they can continue their $$$ efforts
4) No real chance to hang with the stars…unless they get a small turnout and things change (ala Wil’s experience with a few fans)
5) No content or panels… all Creation does is put the stars on the stage, out to autograph and puts on some videos; if they really go all out they might have a costume call or a trivia contest
I still support fan-run conventions, like AggieCon in Texas which has a long regional history, wuns for *FOUR* days and usually only costs a fan about $25 for a ticket… there is content, chances to see friends, filking, gaming, movies, videos, contests, lectures, readings, and speakers and autographing.
Anyway, I remember with fondness “real” conventions and I detest what Malin has done to them with his “quickie/screw the fans” cons.
Wil, I know you will rise above this… and we at WWDN support you…. it is too bad that he didn’t keep you on the bill in a proper way, but all Malin has EVER cared about his bottom line and making the highest profit possible.
***THE BEEJ***
Quick question … do you have any idea how much they made at the show in Las Vegas?
Just another vote in the you-did-the-right-thing camp, Wil. You should be damn proud of yourself.
I can’t believe they told you that you weren’t a part of the Trek Family! They are idiots.
I saw you at a Trek convention back when you were still on the show. This was long before Creaton got to be the greedy bastards that they are now. We were sitting in the front row waiting for you to come on. About 15 minutes before you were scheduled to come out, you just walked into the room and sat down on the floor in the front with the rest of the fans, and just watched what was going on on stage. Very few people seemed to notice, but we did. It was hard to miss your bright tye-dye shirt. I just thought it was cool that you seemed to be a real person.
You gave a good talk. The only thing I really remember is talking about how you were dealing with the “kill Westly” sentiment that many had. I still have a picture of you signing an autograph for me.
I think that this DEFINATLY makes you a valid member of the Trek family!
BTW, you should autograph some of the Next Gen DVD box sets and auction them on ebay. I’d buy one!
what the people running these cons never seem to understand is they wouldnt have all their million dollars without the fans. you are someone the fans want to see, give the fans what they want. the good thing is youre doing new cool things, this website is very well run and interesting to read. being that there are millions of sites out there, being an interesting one is hard to do these days! 😀
I’ve noticed lately that pretty much anything Wil says on this site about Trek gets reported all over the place, I see it on and all kinds of other places. So, who knows, maybe this latest thing will get some coverage and it will guilt the Creation people into including Wil in the con. I’ve dealt with Creation through my dayjob, and they are really a very fussy and disorganized bunch. It kinda doesn’t surprise me they’re dissing our dear Uncle Willie, just because they’re so jerky in general.
Y’know what. I’ve heard it said before, that Creation suck, and I’ve always reiterated that their a business, and they have a profit margin, whether we like it or not. And, in my humble opinion, that’s true.
They still suck though.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:
Hey Wil, fuck ’em.
If they want to treat you like the night janitor, they and their stupid convention and cram it up their coal chute.
When you are accepting your Oscar for best screenplay or when your novel hits #1 on the NY Times Best Seller list, you can gently remind them of the time they blew you off.
Wil, I think the book idea is great. I know that if you were coming through Florida, I would drive to see you! When something for the fans turns into a major money maker for the organizer, it isn’t for the fans anymore. I know it would be hard to leave Arena and head out, so maybe that isn’t the way. But keep the blogging up, we’ll keep reading.
i think its fairly clear that the whole Star Trek franchise and everything about it has been totally fucked since the end of TNG, and possibly even earlier(around the time Rodenberry died). You did the right thing by not taking the convention – if they dont wanna pay you what your worth then its their loss!
Praetor – Melbourne,Australia
You got hosed Wil, you got hosed.
Two points:
Creation is evil. You hit it on the head Wil, they treat the fans like shit while taking the money out of their wallets. I’ve never workedwith such a condescending group of assholes as Creation staff.
Major League Baseball players are not evil. I do think they have a point on principal. And compared to the money the owners are making, what they want seems fair in perspective. However, it does not seem fair in the real world, out here where I’m supporting a family of five on $20K a year. I’m thinking I should give Savekaryn a run for her money and post my PayPal link…
how big a part do they think you’d have to be?
177 episodes in total. you were in seasons 1-4(100 epi’s) and several in the 5th year.
these con people must not be very good at math(except when it’s dealing w/ money in their pockets)
aaah who cares. WWDN and Arena are the best things you’ve ever done(with the exception of Stand by me, that’s a fine piece of work as well)
Whats so funny about this post, is that Wil is making himself even more of the Star Trek legend than he ever was before. If there ever was a place where the Star Trek family lives, its the internet, and right now, Wil, you OWN cyberspace. You are the one online daily, in touch with the fans, and showing your very human side. This is how things start- at the grassroots level. Someday, after your tell-all WWDN book comes out, these fools at Creation will be begging to get you- my hope for you is that you refrain from ever working with them- even when the spotlight is directly on you.
Another thought- why don’t you and some of the other Star Trek cast members create your own Convention company, work out a deal with Paramount (or not), and then be the only source of Star trek Conventions for the Genuine Cast Member Family
Whats so funny about this post, is that Wil is making himself even more of the Star Trek legend than he ever was before. If there ever was a place where the Star Trek family lives, its the internet, and right now, Wil, you OWN cyberspace. You are the one online daily, in touch with the fans, and showing your very human side. This is how things start- at the grassroots level. Someday, after your tell-all WWDN book comes out, these fools at Creation will be begging to get you- my hope for you is that you refrain from ever working with them- even when the spotlight is directly on you.
Another thought- why don’t you and some of the other Star Trek cast members create your own Convention company, work out a deal with Paramount (or not), and then be the only source of Star trek Conventions for the Genuine Cast Member Family
It sounds to me like Trek, and show biz in general, is a really crappy “security blanket,” no matter how snug it may sometimes feel. Wil, you are too talented and too capable to be treated the way that industry has occassionally treated you. Your writing here has always impressed me. You go guy!
First of all I have to say, “You Rock”.
There is no other website (celebrity or not) that receives as many comments or hits then yours.
I don’t know if you read your comments or not, but after reading abt 20 or so, my brain goes numb, so If you read this, great!
Wil, write a book. I’d buy it, and that’s saying something because I’m a cheap ass and hardly buy any book new. You may ask why to write a book, cause there are a lot of people like us that will buy one and lots more that aren’t computer savy enough to get to your site that will too.
You have many interesting things to say. Each day I eagerly await your next exciting post.
And you never know, you could be a best seller, and maybe pay off the rest of your bills…
One other thing…fix your links…
I have never been to a convention, but if I were to go, it would be because YOU would be there. I find it hard to understand why in the world they wouldn’t consider you as part of the Star Trek family..ok so, you weren’t there for the last few seasons. And ok, you weren’t in the TNG movies. BUT you were there in the start. personally, when I (or anyone I know for that matter) think of TNG, I think Wil Wheaton. I think Wesley Crusher. You were there from the beginning and you built a strong fan base. None of my family or the friends I had at the time would have even bothered with TNG if we hadn’t already been fans of yours. And none of us would have stuck around. When you left, we quit watching shortly afterwards.
It sux that they made you feel the way they did. But its cool as hell that you have grown and you are able to step beyond TNG. I think the convention people are missing out when they turn you away. But hey, its their loss. You are a great guy and I know that anything you put your mind to you can accomplish. You have a wonderful website and you have brought so many people together. Congrats Wil, on your new found freedom!! Take safe
I’m sorry about you not being at the convention. You don’t need to do that convention. Not if they aren’t going to treat you right. Next time. 🙂
Well Done.
Given that the character you played on ST:TNG was pivotal in many episodes (how many times did Wesley Save the Ship?), AND the fact that you have probably the tightest connection (ouch!) with your fans on the Net through WWDN than any other TNG personality, AND were going to actually do an f’ing PERFORMANCE for the thing (who else exactly is planning to come and do more than stand and talk and sign a few ag’s?) …. it’s simply cowdung that they’d stonewall you on the fee. At least we’ll know now what folks were denied because of their greed, and maybe that will come around and bite them in the ass.
You were right to stand up for your own self-worth, as well as that of your fellow comedy group members. You were right not to try to go ahead with it and skimp on what it took to do a show you’d be proud to put on for the fans. From what you’ve written here, I think that would’ve made you feel dirtier than any of the other milestones before.
You were right not to let them take advantage of your less-than-cushy, don’t-have-millions-in-the-bank status to let them pick you up as a “fire sale” item.
As for the length of the post, yeah it’s really, really long … but so what? It’s a single thought, colored with all the life details that brought you to the conclusion that you ultimately made. For you, it was undoubtedly cathartic to work all the way down through them to make the circle. For us readers, trying to piece together the flow reading from bottom to top through the blog, would have been pretty frustrating.
Besides, I hate those comic strips where they only dribble out a little bit of the story each day, so it takes a whole week just to spit out a five minute conversation 🙂
Business is business, as you have found out with the Creation Con people. There’s no excuse for their treatment of you because even in the most competitive, cost-contained environments there still ought to be room to treat people like human beings instead of commodities.
Of course it didn’t happen that way with you, and when you and your troupe were treated with less respect than the Creation people give to their attendees and cleaning ladies, you made an entirely business-like decision to pass. Why should YOU be expected to treat your troupe badly on behalf of Creation? You did the right thing, Wil.
It reminds me of the time I went to buy a car and worked with a sales guy for a couple of days trying out different models. Finally time came to fill out the bottom line. I showed up at the dealership with money in hand and the sales guy I’d worked with is nowhere to be seen. Some other fellow who said he was the sales manager stepped up and told us that it was our sales guy’s day off and that he’d handle the sale. I said, “Oh, that’s funny — your sales secretary called us this morning and told us that XXX (the sales guy) would be here waiting for us now. So, what’s up?”
Not only was it not our salesman’s day off, but it turns out the SM got wind of us coming in and managed to get the paperwork made out with his name on it as the sales person AND got the secretary to make the call telling us to come in when our sales guy would be out to lunch.
I was livid!
I read the paperwork over and pushed it back to the guy and said, “No sale.” And picked up my checkbook and walked out.
He came running after me, protesting that the sale was binding, etc. etc. I turned around and told him that he had no business taking the sales commission away from the man who’d worked for days with me on selecting the car, etc. I remember saying to him, “I do not do business with people who mistreat their fellow employees on my behalf.” And I turned again to walk out.
It was hard to do because I really wanted that car. I’d saved up for it, had gotten a decent price. But I just couldn’t be a party to mistreating other people.
I was already in my old car, buckling in when the sales manager type came running out of the building with the paperwork and HIS boss. Turns out his boss was the owner of this so-called “family dealership” and so I stood there in a baking hot parking lot and told the owner how disgusted I was with the unprofessional conduct of his so-called sales manager toward the man who’d done all the work in making the sale.
The owner turned to the sales manager and asked what happened. That’s when the truth came out about the dirty trick this guy tried to pull. About that time the salesman we’d worked with came back from lunch and he figured out what was going on right away.
Long story short, I got the car, the salesman got his commission, and the dealership couldn’t do enough for me. The owner apologized for the game playing. I don’t know what happened to the sales manager, but I hope he got his ass fired.
Anyway, ya just gotta do the right thing Wil — and for the right reasons. You did both and you survived to tell the rest of us. It’s edgy to display your growth processes for all the world to see — I admire that.
Take care!
You know, I think I speak for the lot of us monkeys on the Soapbox when I say “What a bunch of hosers”. Not part of the family… Yeah, right. You did what you had to do, and from the sound of things, it wasn’t easy. There’s no way to excuse the way they treated you, and I’m glad you decided to take a walk rather than give in. Way to go!
Amazing stuff. I think most, if not all, people have a bubble burst in life – I had a small one burst when my Dad died, and a HUGE one burst when an airplane hit a government building less than two miles from my house (the Pentagon.) I will never be the same – neither will you, Wil! But you knew that.
Also, you hit the convention thing smack on the head – I loved going to conventions back 10 years ago, as a geeky kid. The first few NovaCons in Tysons Corner, VA were a blast! But then it got so commercialized – I went to Cons where the first 50 rows of seats were empty. TVs were set up outside so that all the people in the autograph lines could skip the talks and wait outside, in the heat, early, to get an autograph. And they became non-kid friendly – I grew sick, as a teen, of being bombarded by sick images of Data and Tasha Yar in the seller’s section! I don’t want to know the people that buy this stuff.
I haven’t been in some years now. I’m still afraid to go back… except it would be cool to see the guy who always comes dressed as Geordie again! He was cool!
Okay, so maybe I am not in the nurrie munching mood today, but I think you made a BIG mistake!
I realize that you have principles and an ego, but to walk away from a chance to get that much exposure in the public eye seems really foolish.
There are some actors that would work for FREE to get a chance to be a part of something that big.
Only a few hundred dollars?
Dude, I like you, I respect you, but I think you totally let your ego get in the way of a great opportunity here!
I know the comments about you not being an important part of the Star Trek family probably cut you deep, but that is all the more reason to prove them wrong!!!!!!!!
There is an entire demographic that stopped watching the show when you left and to ignore that was foolish on their parts. The only way to show them is to attend and let the fans speak for themselves. We love ya man..I think you let a great opportunity slip though.
*someone had to play devils advocate* :-\
You did the right thing, and although some fans will be disapoointed, I’m sure most would understand. I can’t get over the fact they’d treat you like that, ofcourse you’re a part of the Star Trek family! Grrrrr……
Again, you did what’s right for you, and that’s all that matters.
Incase people don’t tell you enough, I love this site btw. So many great people here!
Anyway, chin up. We’re all here for ya 🙂
Creation will just have to do without my $400. You are part of the Trek family. A good thing-YES! “They’d just made several million dollars at a show in Las Vegas…”
Ladies and gentlemen…Wil “the crusher” Wheaton!
Man, Creation STINKS!
I was at the Vegas Convention … and BOY are they a bunch of Money Grubbing screw up’s if you ask me!
I mean Kate Mulgrew was there … and she doesn’t do many conventions these days … yet they ‘bragged’ in the Vegas Program how she had only 300 tickets sold to get her autograph, so it won’t take long.
Yeah RIGHT! Creation sold 500 to 700 MORE at the convention … so there were 800 to 1000 people in her line!
I had to leave in the middle of her speach, just so I could be #250 in line!
Then there was the Tim Russ’ screw up … where the powers that were, after I’d been waiting (as a Gold Chair Patron) in line already for an hour (and others behind me, even longer), where they’d inserted the GENERAL ADMISSION people in FRONT of the line and even when we complained, never made them do an about face, and got the END of the line!
Then there is the thing about autograph tickets in general. The Auto tickets are numbered, and when they run out of numbered tickets … they are supposed to stop (as they always advertise that there is a ‘limited number of tickets available’), but they just photocopied BLANK ones and kept on a selling!
Did you know Wil, that what I experienced at their Vegas Con is now common? I wonder if you REALLY got paid for all the autographs you signed when you have done these for them in the past!
Well, when I read your page about all of this, I saw RED! It was the last straw for me as far as these guys are concerned!
I just fired of a message to them at:
[email protected] and also copied [email protected] telling how much I think it SUCKS that they are doing this!
I hope that EVERYONE else writes Creation and tell them to get off their high horse …. and pay Wil what he deserves!
Imagine .. them NOT considering Wil to of been part of the ST:TNG crew? How STUPID of them!
And don’t EVEN get me started on what Creation has tried to do to the Slanted Fedora guys!
I mean as soon as Slanted Fedora had to cancel their event in Vegas, in September, look how fast that Creation canceled THEIRS!
BTW Wil, are you attending the special Creation ETN “Bridge party” mentioned here:
on their website?
I sure hope that you’ll be attending as well, the Slanted Fedora convention in Vegas in April as well, as currently they have you listed as going on their website here:'03.htm
If you ARE attending, can you update your convention appearence on your website?
I’d love to go, especially if YOU are going to be there Wil!
“STAR TREK BOTTOM” not THAT a oxymoron?
Fuck them!!
No I have NEVER been to a “con”(funny thing about
THAT word)..would I go if Wil Wheaton was there
as a speaker?
NOW its NOT Wil Wheaton of STNG fame…
IT IS Wil Wheaton of WWDN fame.
Yes the fans DO love you.
YOU..for you and for what you stand for,stand up
for and WHAT you HAVE done with your “celebrity
Fuck them…and their stupid movie!
Oops … I meant to ask Wil,
If he was attending the SLANTED FEDORA Bridge Party Event on September 6th, as it’s talked about here:
And WHEN you see “another hurdle approaching..”
One more thing …
This whole issue is now being discussed here:
on the TrekBBS site.
Personally, I think we should ALL ‘Storm the doors’ at Creation … maybe (though doubful) we can help the BUY a clue .. and prove to them how WRONG they are for leaving Wil out!
Everyone should e-mail them telling them what a HUGE mistake they are making!
I mean I think they (Creation Entertainment) REALLY have their BUTTS up their arses this time!
cons never come to my city anyway.. i’ve yet to go to one cuz i have no car and no money. but seriously, if you were doing one and i could muster up my friends to go with me, i would do my best to go.
and now, this isn’t for the wesley crusher wil wheaton but YOU from WWDN!
the people at creation are bloody stupid.
seriously, you should go on tour as a standup comedian or something. who needs ’em?
i think you are just an amazing writer. Enjoy reading your blogs all the time, and besides, I had wee crush on you as Wesley. 😉
Yesterday I made an irreverent comment about this, so I might as well add a serious “mad as hell” comment.
Who the hell do these con people think they are saying you’re not a big part of the Trek family? What a weird statement. Obviously they don’t know what they are talking about. As I’ve said over and over, you did a great job with the character, and it was a character young people could relate to.
And look at the body of work you’ve done outside Trek – it’s great. That talent is first and foremost why we’re all here. Look at the popularity of this site, too! Clue in Con-man, maybe Mr. Wheaton is a star on the rise and you JUST – DON’T – GET – IT.
Those cons aren’t a major part of your career anymore, so no great loss. All it means is that your growing legions of fans will half to meet you sommewhere else.
I would not go to a star trek convention unless you were going to be there.