Yesterday, I wrote about the scary nature of facing the world outside of what I guess we’ll call “your safety bubble.”
At least that’s what I was trying to write about. YMMV.
I also promised to talk about why Creation cut me from their 15th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation convention, and why I think it’s a good thing.
To understand the events leading up to the cut, it’s important to understand the realities of the Star Trek Convention (and all SF conventions, really): There was a time, long ago, when these cons existed by and for fans. They were places where fans could get together, safely dress up in costumes, debate the minutae of scripts, and generally geek out amongst friends without fear of The Jocks showing up.
Some folks realized that they could turn this phenomenon into a working business, and for better or worse, Creation was born.
For years, I had a great relationship with Creation. When I was a kid, I attended the Fangoria Weekend of Horrors shows at the Ambassador hotel. When I was on TNG, I appeared as a speaker at countless Creation conventions.
Then I had a not-so-great relationship with them for awhile. I felt that they had become the 800 pound gorilla in the convention world. They were the only kid on the block who had that cool football that all the other kids wanted to play with, and without any real competition, they charged too much, and I felt that the fans were increasingly getting the shaft.
Not the cool Richard Roundtree Shaft, either, so you can just shut your mouth right now.
In retrospect, there were many factors contributing to what I would describe as the decline and fall of the convention experience, and I think the guests need to be at the top of that list.
I never made very large speaking fees, even when I was A Big Deal
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In my experience any time a marketing executive gets involved in the decisoin process the soul of whatever project being developed gets sucked against a microscope slide, pressed into a two-dimensional parody of its former self.
Keep up the good work, Wil. I think the destruction of the bubble just means you’re now free to step forward.
DAMN SHABBY TREATMENT for an original cast member who’s only saved the ship and everyone on it about TEN TIMES. And who also has lots of online acquaintances who would surely show up at yonder con to say “hi” and buy stuff. But who probably won’t, and will tell their friends not to, and who have a whole helluva lot of Trek friends in the LA area.
Eff ’em, they’re ripoff artists.
I think you’re a better man for this. It takes a lot to do what you did. I sure wish I could make the sacrifices you’ve made. I probably wouldn’t be sitting here at my computer, typing this crap that no one will ever read, waiting to go to work in an industry that is dying. I would be doing what I love for a living. Performing theater in front of thousands.
Maybe one day.
Congratulations, sir. You made my morning a whole lot better.
Damn. Where are the pics of that hottie porn model?
Lost my mojo for conventions about 10 years ago. And it has a lot to do with the fans, and not the stars. I have a healthy obsession with Trek and other sci fi, and I fear that many, many, many take this stuff way to seriously. But, hey, if that’s your game, you go. Besides, I went to the conventions for the dealer room anyway. And while I have a dream of sitting down with some like Wil and have a great conversation about the weather, the events of the day or whatever, sitting in a room with 700 fans is not what I call fun. So, knowing that’s never going to happen, I’ll enjoy the reruns and WWDN. Whatelse is there?
Here I am, way down at the bottom where no one will ever read me. *lol*
Great leaps are hard to take, but you seem to be at that crossroads in your life, Wil, where you either move ahead or fall behind. Your self-awareness will save you – you are on the right path.
“Not a part of the Trek family”, eh? I’m sure that if they brought that little comment up to the other regulars from TNG, each one of them would have a rebutt in your favor. I find it darkly humorous that a CONVENTION circuit feels they have the right to tell you that you are not Of Trek. And they ARE? *sigh* Stupidity runs rampant in the world, I fear, and even moreso in those who perceive themselves as “powerful”.
Good form, passing up their offer. Yeah, the whole money thing bites. The baseball strikes suck. The government spending well beyond its means sucks. Taxes suck. My electric bill DEFINITELY sucks. But unfortunately, this society has been built around the Almighty Buck, and much as we love to hate that particular sword, we do live and die by it.
The convention will go on, and will probably be a major success. But no one can deny that excluding a part of the family (even the red-headed step-child) will leave a void, whether people want to admit it or not. Celebrating TNG should include the whole package – from Patrick and Brent to Denise and Uncle Willie. And hell, even Transporter Chief #7 from episode 34, if he’s willing to attend. 😉
So, stay home that weekend and enjoy the time with your family. And remind yourself that at least you didn’t sell your soul to the sharks.
Hon, you are an excellent writer, a great actor, and seem like a real sweetie. But I’ve got to say this:
If you “turn your back” on Star Trek one more time, you’re going to need a revolving door. If you want to get out, do it. Decisively. Once and for all. Don’t vacillate, going from loving it and remembering how fond you were of it, to sticking your finger down your throat at the mention of Rick Berman’s name.
I’m sure he WAS a problem — he’s tanked what was once a very fun, intelligent show and stuck every cliche in the world onto it. But you can’t keep saying, “Get me out,” then, “I want back in.” Stay the hell out if you want. Just make the decision and stick with it. It seems as if you still have a lot of ambivalence about Trek and your role in it (which is not a problem), to the point where the unresolved feelings are bouncing you around like a yo-yo (which *is* a problem).
N years ago (however many,I can’t recall), you “turned your back” on Trek because they were actively trying to demolish your career in feature films. And you’ve spent the past N years alternately hating it and trying to get back into it.
Just get out. Cut the cord. GET OUT. If you want to get clear of it, then DO it. If you don’t, then accept that it’s part of your past and that you *will* have to play the same political game you said you hated to be part of it.
You left the show N years ago PRECISELY BECAUSE they were tanking you, and now N years later, you want to get back on stage with it and are mystified as to why you aren’t welcomed back.
I’m not going to address that. But I will note that getting the hell out was what you wanted to do, N years ago. I’m not trying to be snotty — I’m just saying that you should DO IT. Get out and stay that way. Close the door and move on. Stop calling Creation, stop wondering why you got cut from the movie, stop EVERYTHING having to do with Trek. It is not part of your career anymore. It’s not part of YOU anymore, and every time you try to throw it in reverse and try to make yourself part of that world again, you keep your roots mired in the past and don’t move toward a future.
Do the cons for the money when you can. But DO NOT look with covetousness at the Big People on stage and wish you were one of them, because N years ago, you got the hell out PRECISELY BECAUSE you didn’t want to be one, and it was a rational, intelligent decision. Honey, you should stop forcing yourself to re-make that decision every couple months. It was a great decision the first time — stick to it.
I have to say Wil, that since following wwdn the last few months that seeing you on stage at a convention would be far more of a draw that anyone else. Sure I’d like to see Stewart or Spiner, but I guess to me you’re more real. I only know the rest of the cast in their roles on TV, you’re a person I admire. It’s a shame that you won’t be there, but I’m glad that you took a stand.
Now sign my guestbook dork! 🙂
I said that instead of than…
Must… check… spelling… before… posting…
I said that instead of than…
Must… check… spelling… before… posting…
I just want to know where the pics of the porn star is……
Wil … You and I have had a couple of brief conversations over the years (at cons, and at Paramount in the summer of ’91, while I was a writing intern at TNG). I’ve also had a couple of “close encounters” with Adam Malin and his cronies.
You seem to be someone who started out as a very warm, friendly kid, then went through the rough times you’ve talked about in your posts – and finally turned out to be an intelligent, introspective, compassionate, caring man. Adam Malin, who body-slammed me out of Eric Stillwell’s office doorway because I happened to be in his path, seems to me to be a money-grubbing horse’s ass. Yeah, you need to take care of your family. But there’s got to be better ways to do that than taking money from Creation. Screw ’em. Do as the posters here have suggested: write a book, then have your publisher set up a tour. I think your posse will show you who’s a member of the Star Trek “family” and who isn’t.
The woman who played your MOTHER didn’t know who you were? Shit, Wil, does she have eyes?
Should you go, should you not? Only you can answer. What bothers me is that some of the other stars should take a stance and demand that you be there. Surely they believe you are a part of the Star Trek family. I’m sure if they refused to do it without you then the people who run the cons might change their tune.
Mighty Reflective these days. That’s cool. You’ve earned it.
I took a look at the site for TNG 15. Now, I don’t go to conventions anymore simply because I’m a TREKKIE, not a TREKKER, and they ain’t the best place to pick up chicks unless you’re Sweet Uncle Wil, as you’ve demonstrated. However….
WHAT A FARKIN’RIP! Hookers don’t cost that much! (er, so I’ve heard)
While I don’t mind paying for an autograph and all that (you’ve got to work for a living) but being charged just to stand in line for the privelege? Plus entrance fees, etc! Didn’t these things used to be fun?
Read Harlan Ellison’s essay on fans (it’s in a book he published about 10 years ago – I’m blanking on the title right now). Some of the crap he’s been through from people who admire him makes your experiences seem like you’ve been stroked. And I mean that in a good way.
You’ve made the correct choice (as if you needed me to tell you that). Respect isn’t for sale – it’s earned and you’ve been earning it here.
Good luck in everything!
$pongebob Vega$pants!$pongebob Vega$pants!$pongebob Vega$pants!$pongebob Vega$pants!$pongebob Vega$pants!$pongebob Vega$pants!$pongebob Vega$pants!$pongebob Vega$pants!$pongebob Vega$pants!$pongebob Vega$pants!$pongebob Vega$pants!$pongebob Vega$pants!$pongebob Vega$pants!$pongebob Vega$pants!$pongebob Vega$pants! >
This is my first post here, Wil–
I was prompted to post because your decision with regards to the whole Convention thing (and yesterday’s post about acting vs writing) has hit very close to home for me.
I’ve been a writer in the roleplaying game industry for about 10 years. No major hits, but a solid string of work, and some fans. Recently, I made the decision to, as you said, step beyond the safety of the world I’ve always known, and stop doing RPG work. I’m concentrating on finally getting a novel out, so I can finally feel like a “real” writer.
I guess what I’m saying is: thank you for opening up the way you do on this site. It’s very inspirational (and I mean in the real sense, not the religious-channel movie-of-the-week sense).
Hang in there.
Creation ought to be ashamed of itself!! You aren’t a big part of the Star Trek: Next Generation family?! That’s complete and utter bullsh*t!!! Wesley Crusher is the whole reason why I started watching ST:TNG and all the rest of the series including DS9 (which i really liked, Wil! Grrr…) and even Voyager (which is nice… yeah). I read a book with Wesley in it and it inspired me to watch the show, buy all the merchandise and went to conventions that you weren’t even at. Creation made money off of you without even knowing it. Without you and Wesley, I wouldn’t be a Star Trek fan. So they can take their big business mentality and shove it. I might not go to one of their conventions now, depite what other actors I might want to see. Not a member of the Star Trek family my @$$! They consider Tasha Yar a member of the family, and Denise was on the show for less time than you were! (Not that she isn’t a member of the family… she is, and I like her very much.)
You should go out on tour and do your own conventions. We’d come out and see you. Creation isn’t the only business that can host a convention, you know. They might be Big Brother, but the don’t rule the world.
Brent and Gates didn’t recognize you?! How weird is that?! Did you have a full beard and glasses on? You still look like you. 10 years older than when you were on the show, granted, but it’s not like you changed that much! Strange.
You’ve got your shit together, though, Wil. Most people don’t. Shake ’em off, Wil, shake ’em off. :o)
peace, love, and Big Business Sucks!
OK, this is my first post, so let me just get couple things out of the way. Stand By Me is one of my all time favorite movies, and TNG is probably one of the best shows ever put on the intellectually barren wasteland of TV. I never had anything against the Wesley Crusher character either. And Beverly was definitely a MILF. Although Deanna Troi was probably hotter, we all know Worf wore that out beyond what any human could do.
It is so cool that I just happened upon this website. Keep it up Wil, it rocks.
As for closing the book in your life as far a TNG, it’s probably the best thing. Your talent and wit are very apparent to all of us who visit this site, and it can only be a matter of time before an opportunity comes your way to show what you can still do, be it writing or acting. Rock on
you are an incredibly wise man for your age. I’ve got almost 10 years on you and yet you seem to be teaching me things about life on a daily basis.
All I can say is “Thank you” for your straight shot perspective on things.
You just keep doin’ what you gotta do!! Your real fans will stick by you no matter what.
I’m realizing all over again how fortunate I was to meet you and get your autograph at the San Diego ComicCon a couple of years ago. It’s the only autograph from a TNG cast member that I have and It means alot to me. Like it or not, You’ll always be part of the TNG family as far as the fans are concerned. Those guys at Creation should be kissing your ass.
ROCK ON WIL!!!!!!!
What???? Your own mom didnt recognize you at the airport? How sad…
Screw Conventions, keep blogging
On a tangent — and Wil, you did the right thing; fuck ’em, fuck ’em all:
From one SJG enthusiast to another, what are your favorite GURPS supplements? Have a favorite genre? Kewl gaming memory?
Man, not only is Wil Wheaton a sabermetricically-inclined baseball fan, a Nader voter, and a sweet guy, but he plays GURPS.
Wil, you absolutely did the right thing. I’ve been reading a bunch of financial advice, lately, and the concept that I’ve been neglecting in my financial life is ROI – Return On Investment.
You made a great assessment of the ROI of doing the convention. You would have been putting much more into the convention than you might get out of it, and that’s not fair to your family or fair to you career-wise. You’ve got to take care of business.
And what Star Trek and Creation seems to be forgetting is that we, the fans, determine who is and isn’t a part of the Star Trek family, not them. We love you. Hell, I loved Wesley.
Wil, I’ve noticed in the past year how Creation has really turned against the fans. I’ll protest when I go to the con, wear the “William Fucking Shatner” shirt, and bitch to Creation every moment I can (I’ve already bought my tickets, with you being one of the major selling points.) What a bunch of corporate bastard whores. *anger*
Well, i guess it’s unanimous…
we all think you did the right thing for a variety of reasons..
I’m pretty amazed at Creations lack of intelligence…
have they NOT noticed the loads of acclaim and publicity this site is getting?….
seems like every other week i see some news show or magazine mention this site what a success it is…
Creation are fools not to recognize your worth.
and worst of all, they’ve pissed of a significant portion of trek fans, that all grew up loving your character..(and you as a performer)
It’s there loss wil…..and they lost big time…
now…on with the uncle willy show!
this whole thing you’ve begun is really building a hell of a momentum…
time for wil to get crackin on a big ass novel….tellin it like it is…..
you’ve got a big market out there that will certainly buy it…
so whatchu waiting for?….
well hello there wil.
first time caller…uh, first time listener too, truth to tell. but as i was directed here by a friend, i felt compelled to do some reading and i must say–you are a remarkably articulate, entertaining writer and i’m all kinds of pleasantly surprised (nothing personal–but until about 20 minutes ago i knew nothing of you besides a duo-chromatic uniform and a shiny intercom insignia that goes *bleep*).
so at any rate, i’m glad to hear you’re coming to terms with the Con scene. the subculture can certainly be harsh, but i appreciate your ability to take things lightly; may i one day have the grace to do likewise. as it stands, i’m a writer making my first tentative appearance at DragonCon saturday…and i gotta tell ya, it’s gonna be a cheese fest.
i’ll be the tall, skinny redhead in a corset hocking a horror novel. perhaps i’ll see you there.
i’ll wave or something.
every post wil does is the EXACT SAME!!!
all you fucking yes men and syncophants just cant see it for some reason.
all posts start of with a kind of depressing story where he pines about what hs life has turned into and how he used to be this big rich powerful actor and now hes just a simple sketch comedy man but he really “works his ass off”.,.. then at some point in his storys he either gazes at anne or takes his dog for a walk and has some sort of religious experience where he realizes that he doesnt need star trek and he is happy with who he is and he can just be a simple family man, a good father and a good husband,.. this stuff was inspirational the first time i heard it, but every update its the same formula and i dont buy it anymore. how many times does he have to say hes a well adjusted writer/family man and he’s “taking on a new hurdle” or “letting wesly die” or “i am wils freedon” or “I see another hurdle approaching” or “Sometimes we know in our bones what we really need to do, but we’re afraid to do it.”
the more you say it, the less it means.
Also his self depreciating stance is getting old to.
“i am a failed actor” wah wah wah
the thing about acting is, like any artistic endevaor your never a failure unless you no longer have the passion to do what you do but you do it anyway.
well you say you no longer have the passion and that you want to be with your family more, i mean, youve said this about fifty times i get the message!!! but do you?
the more you say it the less it means dude.
dont want to be an actor?
stop going to auditons, do an infomercial or 2, write a book.. just whatever you want to do, fucking do it and stop talking about how you want to do it or you think its time… wesleys dead? str trek doesnt matter? you say it alot but the fact that you keep bringing it up makes me think that your trying to convince yourself that you dont care and that youve moved on.
if wesly is dead
and star trek doesnt matter.
then shut the hell up about them.
i can see through you wil.
This is a first post for me….It has been an inspiration reading your posts….I do want to say have been and will always be part of the TNG family for me….I don’t think I would have related to the show as well as I did at age 14 without you on it….You and Patrick have always been on my favorite lists….
To bad Creation is so full of themselves….
On a positive note….IT IS RAINING IN THE DESERT!!!!!! (literally)
I want you to know (you probably already do, but I’m telling you anyway) that Star Trek has absolutely nothing to do with how cool a person you are. You have a wife that adores you, two kids that love you, and wonderful friends and family. I didn’t stay at this site because you were in TNG, I stayed because you are a caring, compassionate, intelligent person who speaks his mind. This world would be wicked awesome if there were more people like you. I’m not trying to suck up in any way, I just want you to know that you have a wonderful life. You are a hero to me.
How is it James Cromwell is a bigger member of the TNG family than Wil? I’m just in shock, and maybe a there’s a little disgust, but I can’t get my eyebrows back to normal after seeing that.
Not part of the family? Right. They have no problem calling & offering good money to a no-name actor for those conventions who had a stint on “V”, or acted in “Battlestar Galactica” and did nothing else, and yet someone like you who’s a definite member of the Trek family is treated like an outsider? That’s wrong.
Personally, I’d say we should boycott that convention, but since I only attend one a year (Shore Leave, in Hunt Valley, MD…cause it’s close to home..sorta..), it’d be a null point for me.
But I still think that’s wrong. And I think something should be done about it.
the richest dead celebrity : That was pretty harsh. But get this – Wil is human, like you and me and he expresses a lot of uncertainties that all of us go through in life at one time or another. Everyone has insecurities – it’s his blog, so he can write whatever the hell he wants. If you don’t like what he has to say do not come to his site and read it. Simple enough? As for you, Mr. Wheaton, you are an intergral part of the StarTrek TNG family and I’m sure Mr. Steward and your other TNG colleagues would agree 🙂 It’s part of your past, for better or for worse, so there is no denying it.
Oh, and one more thing, Wil. I first visited this site in early September 2001, because I wanted to see what happened to the guy who was the TNG’s “Wesley”. But what keeps me coming back (even after weeks) is your wit, your dry sense of humor, your insight and charisma.
I’ve got an idea, people should stop bitching about the cost and content of the cons AND STOP GOING!! It will be a bit scary at first, and it may hurt, but cold turkey is the only way.
write a bloody book already!
I’ve got an idea, people should stop bitching about the cost and content of the cons AND STOP GOING!! It will be a bit scary at first, and it may hurt, but cold turkey is the only way.
write a bloody book already!
Rock on, Wil! As much as I’d love to meet you at a con one of these days, don’t let ’em undervalue you. Those Creation guys chew it hard, in my book.
Sorry about the same post twice, my little rant made a wee bit light-headed.
okay, who knew wil’s proper name is richard?????
Wil, you for sure made the right choice it sounds to me like the people in power were pulling some kind of whacktacular power trip. Of course they had the money, of course they could pay you what you asked and much more, it’s a question of power and seeing how far they can make you crawl through the trench of feces for it.
Right on to you for making the right decision, stick to your guns and don’t allow your talent to be undervalued at firesale prices. It may seem like you are playing the chump this time around, but in all honesty it pays off in the end.
PS: did you get the PO Box open yet? I have stuff I want to send you that’s not anthrax or pipebombs.
Good for you, Wil. How insulting that they would think you weren’t a big enough part of The Star Trek family.
I can’t believe you haven’t finished the “Spongebob Vega$ Pants” saga yet. Hard to believe that was almost a whole year ago. I remember we had our marathon IM conversation the night before you left for that. Time flies.
For what it’s worth, I think you’re right. I think the promoters are making a mistake by not having you at the Con. WWDN has brought you so close to people who were your fans then, as well as introduced you to new fans, like me.
I first visited this sight cause I wondered what happened to you (I am sure you sick of hearing that). But every day I am drawn back to read more about you. You writing has a way of connecting with people. You have deffinitely found your calling.
As far as the Con goes you did the right thing.
I feel very sorry for you Wil – but I feel even worse for the fans….
I attended the Vega$ convention there in August, after flying all the way over from Scotland to meet some of the living legends who never seem to come to the UK.
Anyway, although Wesley Crusher is nowhere near my favourite character, I do like your website, and I do appreciate your honest opinions.
Frankly, Adam Malin couldn’t run a piss up in a brewery, and I was appauled at having to actually line up after paying $400 for Gold Tickets to not even be in the front of the line, as the website promised! Arrrghhh!
The actors were understandably cranky, at having to sign millions of autographs, and this made it miserable for fans who lined up for ages – only to not even get a few minutes of talking, or a photo with the star!
Granted, there were some brilliant exceptions, like George Takei who made the convention for me – but William Shatner was an a**hole in person. Yuck!
Anyway, Wil, for a PROPER convention appearance, consider inviting yourself along to, a fantastic shop managed by a bloke called Dave, in Norwich, UK.
Whilst you’re there, you could also go to Page’s Bar, London, get drunk, go on stage and deliver a brilliant Q&A session:
Now those are REAL Star Trek conventions – 30 or so people hanging on your every word…….
Okay kiddies … go here:
There is information here … on how I think we should let Creation know what crumbs we think they are.
I wonder if the rest of the ST:TNG family know how shabbily that Wil is being treated by Creation?
We should do our very best to let them know to be sure!
Another great story, Wil. Myself, and all the other trekkies here at WWDN will always consider you as one of the Star Trek family. By the way, has anyone actually seen Red-Dwarf? It is the funniest show in the world! See all you smegheads later!
I’m a long time reader and this is the first time I’ve just had to come out and make a comment. So here’s a delurked rant.
Wil – if you read this – tell those morons to go screw themselves. I cannot for the life of me believe that anybody that is/was/could be a TNG fan could dump you from a con like that.
I grew up watching that show. I wanted to be Wesley for the longest time – and I appreciated that kids could be a part of the magic. But then I went to Cons, got screwed by vendors because I was too starry eyed to realize that $50 for a block of wood that looked vaguely phaser was a bad idea, and because my parents knew that if I didn’t see WFS I was going to freak. So I quit going. And I kept watching, but then I quit.
And the fact that a show as good as TNG has turned into merely a way for the grassf-ers in Hollywood to squeeze more money out of fans doesn’t surprise me, but it does piss me off. Especially when they have the balls to tell Wil that HE isn’t part of the family. It was one of the happiest days of my young nerdy life when Wes got to put on the red uniform. Saying he wasn’t part of the show is basically pissing on me, in my mind.
Anyway, delurked rant over. If anyone reads this, I hope they are as annoyed as I am.
Those convention people are brainless morons. You are a part of the Star Trek family. Yes, you left before the show ended on TV and haven’t been in the movies but four solid seasons and guest eps is a big deal.
It totally bites that they were low balling you and your group. Good thing you turned the a-holes down.
I think good things are on the horizon for you. What a very exciting and scarey time. Hang in there and do what feels right and what you love and it can’t help but work out! A year or two from now, you will be looking back and saying, Wow!
I am so glad that I found your site. It is just so interesting to read your thoughts. You are how I imagined you would be back when I was a wee girl watching Stand By Me and having a huge crush on you. Intelligence and looks to boot. How can they turn you away?
Well, good luck and keep the thoughts coming!
Cut from the convention AND the new movie??? That really DOES Suck!
It is comforting to know, Wil, you are a dedicated family man — who needs movie roles & Trek conventions when you got family (well…I guess you need money like the rest of us!)
Pay no attention, I’m just seeing if I can post- I wasn’t able to before.
Love, Alicia
Wil, you did the right thing! YOU stuck by what YOU felt was right! I would personally love to see you in convention, but living up here in oregon, it’ll probably never happen. And I certainly wouldn’t expect you to appear for less then what you’re worth! Convention = speaking = working!
And shame, SHAME on them for saying you aren’t a member of the family! Wesley was always one of my favorite characters. I personally think the series lost alot when you left.
Remember that the part you played will live forever. There will always be a ton of fans who support you and the acting/work you do today. I wish you the best of luck in reducing your debt, and in your entire life.
– sara
Hey Wil~
Thanks so much for your gifts. I’m no big star or nothing, but I have known the irk of being cut entirely out of a film. Dayplayer, U5, principle. It matters not. Still hurts. At any rate, as an avid reader of your site, I must say, somewhere along the line this past year I stopped reading as a Star Trek fan (although I am still one) and just started reading as a Wil Wheaton fan. And guess what. I’m not going away. Con or no con. So there. Deal with it. YOU are what we want to know more about, (especially the struggling actor side for me) not Wesley. Dude, Crusher didn’t have HALF the talent you have. Why? Cuz Crusher didn’t care. So again. Deal with it. You’re loved. (Not like that. 🙂
And wait… how much money did they make in Vegas? I don’t think I caught that…
Make em, make em, make em respect you.
I didn’t know anything about the con game until I read the posts here. Now I know you did the right thing by:
1. Trying to negotiate
2. Giving the finger
In that order.
You stood up to the freakin bullies. Now they can’t pat themselves on the back for makin you suck up.
And F Star Trek and Paramount, too. What show once had brilliant social commentary disguised as kid-TV (with at least passable science) now just panders to an audience that’s mostly afraid to miss some detail of the Treknoverse.
And Tasha Yar got to come back in a popular way, with a real role and a real script (yesterdays enterprise). Wesley could be ressurected at any time in a way that fans would appreciate, so F them for stringing poor Wil along, until he wised up.
Even Technobabble used to be fun as a launch point for learning real physics. Until tetrion radiation was invented. And whatever particle of the moment saved the ship by clouding somebody’s freakin sensors. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Prefix Code.
So I stopped watching Trek. Never saw an episode of Enterprise. Might not see the next movie. Cause I grew up, and I don’t care any more.
I like to come to Wil’s site and read his blogs. That’s a little more real for me.
I agree with Janis — quit looking back.
I agree with richestdeadcelebrity — move on, and tell your sad sad story not so much. Tell about Wil movin’ on.
I first came to this site because my bud told me to look and see how pathetic Wil Wheaton had become. Now I come back each day to see how Wil Weaton tries to do what’s right, mostly. And I like that damn “mostly.”
Wil, you don’t give a crap about who I am, but I am glad to care about what happens to you.