I’ve had it with blog trolls, hateful e-mails, and the general idiocy that seems to overwhelm otherwise normal people when they connect to the Internet.
I just don’t understand it. Where is your humanity? Do you treat people you see in real life the way you treat me? Do you go out of your way to insult and belittle people? Is your life so miserable, so empty and meaningless, your self-esteem so low that you need to attack me? Honestly, what have I ever done to you? Really. What have I ever done?
Dealing with this shit has become a huge and unecessary distraction, so WWDN will not be updated for the near future while I finish “Just A Geek” and take care of some other RL stuff.
I just . . . I just need a break. In the meantime, check out the archives. There’s some stuff in there that I’m really proud of.
. . . I’ll be enjoying Channel 2’s TEAM COVERAGE of STORMWATCH.
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Sorry about that Wil.
It turns out that down here in the deep bunker at Internet Master Control someone accidentally bumped the Asshat Slider and the percentage of visible asshats was not representative to the actual asshats by some orders of magnitude. Not only does this horribly skew quantitative assesment of the asshat phenomena it… well… just looks bad. We at Internet Master Control pride ourselves in our work and will put the Asshat Slider back to the 1-3% range that it should be during the next maintentance cycle. Sorry for the inconvenience. As soon as the parties responsible have been found they will be sacked.
p.s. please don’t sue us. it was an accident.
Sorry about that Wil.
It turns out that down here in the deep bunker at Internet Master Control someone accidentally bumped the Asshat Slider and the percentage of visible asshats was not representative to the actual asshats by some orders of magnitude. Not only does this horribly skew quantitative assesment of the asshat phenomena it… well… just looks bad. We at Internet Master Control pride ourselves in our work and will put the Asshat Slider back to the 1-3% range that it should be during the next maintentance cycle. Sorry for the inconvenience. As soon as the parties responsible have been found they will be sacked.
p.s. please don’t sue us. it was an accident.
Sorry about that Wil.
It turns out that down here in the deep bunker at Internet Master Control someone accidentally bumped the Asshat Slider and the percentage of visible asshats was not representative to the actual asshats by some orders of magnitude. Not only does this horribly skew quantitative assesment of the asshat phenomena it… well… just looks bad. We at Internet Master Control pride ourselves in our work and will put the Asshat Slider back to the 1-3% range that it should be during the next maintentance cycle. Sorry for the inconvenience. As soon as the parties responsible have been found they will be sacked.
p.s. please don’t sue us. it was an accident.
Don’t let the losers win!
Isn’t it sad how Southern Californians react to rain? Stormwatch indeed.
Dear Wil,
Assuming you see this comment amongst all the rest; just remember that your fans will always come back for more. Haven’t posted to WWDN before; consider this a “G’day mate, nice t’meetcha!”.
For what it’s worth, I’m one of the apparently rare people who not only liked and / or sympathized with the character of Wesley, I wanted to *be* Wesley. (Well, I was about the same age). No, I am NOT bullshitting, and that’s the f**king truth. I certainly never hated Wil the actor, before or after TNG — quite the opposite, really; I think you’re a fine actor. Of course, I also wanted to be Data quite often, and Worf occasionally (specifically, whenever he got to fight someone); hell, I would have even quite happily been Barclay — I just wanted to live on a frickin’ Starship! *sigh*. Suffice it to say that I never bought into the whole bullshit “hate the annoying kid genius character” phenomenon that came with TNG. Discovering a year or so ago that you were also a geek with a website, having survived TNG sane and whole cast you in a new light for me. I gotta say I respect someone who can go through Hollywood and emerge sounding normal and well-adjusted.
Anyway, peace out. Take your time doing what you need to do, even if it’s only cooling your jets from getting steamed at the malodorous, dickless wonders that have nothing better to do than flame you. Lemme put it another way: You’re their whole reason for existing online. If they’re so damn sure you suck, WHY do they expend time and effort on repeatedly telling you so?
The answer is it’s the only time someone will notice them in their sad, lonely little lives. The fact that it’s someone whom they’re most likely jealous of is a bonus to them. And as some of your fans have already pointed out in these comments, a major reason why trolls and flamers vent online is because they’re too chickenshit to do so in real life (even if it weren’t for the hordes of your fans who’d kick their frickin’ asses if they dared to spew such drivel to you at a convention! Harhar! Oh, that’s a lovely mental image :). Their cowardice prevents them from even revealing their RL names. (I don’t have to mention mine, since I’m not pretending to be a big man by dissing someone.)
Now, to address the f**ktards out there who’re flaming Wil: we know you’re actually just one guy, pal; pretending to be several different people. You’re obviously jealous of Wil for some reason (are you jealous that he kissed Ashley Judd or something? Oh, are you stalking her? That explains a lot.) Tell me, Mr Troll (or are you Ms Troll?), how many movies have you appeared in? How many TV series have you acted in? Stage plays? Coffee-house readings? Mime performances in public? What’s that, you say? “NONE”? Well gee, what a surprise!
So tell me, Mr Troll, on what basis do you dare to consider yourself someone capable of passing judgement on Wil Wheaton? Do you feel tough when you rag on someone who actually has fans?
Ultimately, I and the other fans of Mr Wheaton appreciate, admire, or just plain respect the guy and his work….. and the fact that he’s techno-literate, and the fact that he isn’t a pretentious arsehole, despite being an actor. So keep trolling and flaming if you want: you are *nothing* to us. Nothing. And since Wil keeps being himself, doing what he does, you will continue to mean nothing to us. The fact that you can’t get over your hatred, your insecurity, your jealousy, or your immature, warped need for misaffection simply proves that you’re unworthy of notoriety or respect, both online and in real life.
Final word to Wil: If you ever get the chance to come down to “Armageddon” in Auckland (comic & sci-fi convention in lil’ ol’ Noo Zillund, home of Xena and Frodo), I’ll definitely come along to say hi, and maybe smuggle you in a bottle or two of the local hard stuff. We’ve had quite a few assorted sci-fi stars visit here (people from Trek, B5, Farscape, etc), yet the only one I gave a damn about seeing (so far) in person was Claudia Christian. And I think she’s sexier than you, to be honest. No offense. 🙂
Later, bro.
/end moderately-fanboyish weregeek rant
Wil, you da man. I hope you’ll still stop in to Fark and keep us up to date.
Do what you need to do and we’ll be waiting for your return.
Peace out.
-Kevbo (Total Fark tag here)
Go to Mr. T’s Bowl and have a heart-to-heart with that freaky blonde space-alien bartendress / owner’s wife hottie.
It’ll help, trust me.
Wil, people who judge you by the characters you play are simply immature idiots with no life of their own.
Sweetie, that shit is what God gave you a delete button for. I use mine more times a day than I like, myself. After a while, it does start to hurt… After all, you’re doing something you enjoy (WWDN) and you’re providing it for FREE. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.
Take your break and get back to what’s important to you. To hell with the bloggers who don’t know you at all. Trust me, I’ve done the same thing myself. I even re-tooled my site to be less “offensive” and require less input from me just to get them to leave me the hell alone.
Yes, Virginia, there ARE freaks out there.
Have a good break, Wil, and do whatever the hell you need and want to do.
At one point, the trolls and annoyances got to me with my collection of BBS related textfiles and writings, and so I ended up writing an essay about it on the site to describe the unique situation. Maybe you could read it, Wil: http://www.textfiles.com/thoughts/haters.html
Being anonymous to some people makes them feel they can treat others like dirt. Wil, these idiots are a small percentage of the internet. Just feel good in the fact that they lead a shallow, miserable exsistance. Don’t let them get you down.
Oooo, someone musta really touched a nerve with what they said. Hope yer doin better.
Screw em Wil. Somehow I get the feeling trolling Wil Wheaton is the high point of that kid’s life.
Just remember: Soleil Moon Frye just loved that scene in Stand By Me with you and River Phoenix at the end. I don’t know if either of you are already in committed relationships, nore have I cared to research that, but I say build on this! (Plus you two got that whole “kid-stars-with-clean-police-record” thing going on. Go for it, ya shameless pimp!)
The only people who post negative stuff on blogs are fools who do not have the nerve to act like that in a face to face conflict. Ever notice how tough people are in email but not when they meet you? Wil, Forgetaboutit….
That kid just needs a hug…
Will, shame about the prats who have nothing to say but hateful crap. There is no excuse. Go get your head in order, forget about this idiot and do whats important to you. I enjoy visiting WWDN, but I like many who have posted before me understand that what you do is not for gain and we get enjoyment from it. But you dont have to do it! Sort out you book, see the family a bit more. You have nothing to lose.
When (if) you decide to return, the following that you have built up will still be here. All the best, take it easy..
Don’t you realize that you set yourself up for insults when you, a celebrity, run your own website? Not that you were ever that big in my book. Just some retard on the nerdiest show on television a few years back, I really don’t think that you have a right to complain about how people are treating you on the internet.
Hey, Wil;
I haven’t commented here yet, but I just wanted to ad another positive one to the mix. I enjoy your Blog, and I’ll check back often hoping you pick it up again.
As far as other people passing judgement on your decision, don’t let ’em. You gotta do what you need to do to keep yourself healthy. (But again, I hope you come back soon.)
Hey d00d;
j00 r0x! c0m3 b4k s00n! 3y3 5h4ll q0wnz j00r N-M-E’s w17h my r41lgun!
(Translation for the L337 impaired follows)
Hey Will
Don’t let the morons get you down. Here’s what you should do instead – give me their IP’s. You’ll never have to worry about them again. *evil grin*
Cheers bro.
I just love how all the negative posts here are by anonymous people.
How about actually putting your email addresses on the posts so Wil or a few thousand of his supporters can email you a good rebuttal?
Being upset at a person who acts childlish is like being upset at a flame for being hot. It is their nature.
When you are on a higher portion of the stage, expect to hear the childish ones trying to get your attention. But acknowlegde too the vast majority that appreciate your words.
Don’t let them stop you.
i’m sorry to hear that–i enjoyed your site and your updates. nice to know that there are celebrities out there with actual valid opinions…
good luck w/ your free time if that is what you decide to do, tho’ i will miss your great site.
Sorry to see you go dude. I really enjoy your site and other works. Keep on doing what you do best. Cheers
I just don’t get people on the internet sometimes. It’s like getting online gives them the right to forget everything their mama ever taught them, number one of course being, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” Is that so hard for people? And why, of all people, would you hash on Wil? I mean he’s like the nicest guy on the internet.
Don’t let it get you down too much Wil. For every one of the losers being down on you there’s probably tons of people who enjoy what you have to say, and think that you’re really cool.
Good Luck with the book and stuff!
::Sending out good luck mojo::
Be decent and don’t let the gutter get you down. You know we all have more faith in you than the ones who’d like to spend their energy being asinine. G’Luck on the book, writing well is NOT as easy as it may seem to some…
Congrats, man, be free. RL rocks: cowardice is part and parcel of the vicious E-mail – they say to you the stuff they can’t say to anyone in RL – and all the cowards on the Internet are anonymous. It’s not going to go away.
Hope you have some fun with whatever you do, but I vote for something away from the computer’s glow. Hug those family members some, even those kids getting you in trouble.
Sad to see what anonymity sometimes frees folks to say, I suppose. Badmouthing a fictional character on at TV show is one thing, but Christina Aguilera? Come on, that’s going too far.
I hear ya and support ya. Take a break, but please do come back.
My 2 cents.
(My URL is NSFW btw)
Dude, you’re a successful performance artist, you’re in a realm where many of us (including the flamers) wish to be. Don’t let a bunch of internet retards get ya down!
As much as I admire someone like yourself coming out of the depths of obscurity your public self had fallen into after tng, what did you honestly think was going to happen when you threw yourself out on the internet? You think even people like Pacino don’t get hate mail? If you want to be out there, be seen, grow a few or just ignore the flamers but don’t expect sympathy. They do it because they can and not be hurt in return. To take anything like that seriously is as lame as posting it in the first place. I’ve never met you and will probably never meet you, but I thought you might like some perspective.
=( I’m so sorry that people are such bastards, Wil. I always liked you and thought it was cool that you had this web site. You do seem so more down to earth than most of the Hollywood crowd.
I know it’s hard, but don’t let these asshats get you down. They’re just stupid jealous loser types.
It angers me that people think that just because somebody stars in a TV show or a movie that they’re not human beings with feelings too.
=( *hug* I hope things get better for you.
This is my first time commenting here, but not reading. I’ve always liked what I’ve seen here, and just wanted to echo what some of the others have said about looking at the good/supportive comments and saying to hell with the trolls and idiots who have nothing better to do with their time than to harrass you. It’s not worth it to let them bug you.
Never bad to take a break though – I just recently had a real asshole decide to not only attack me, but bring my family into things as well, so I had to take a break to clear my head.
Hope to see you back blogging again soon, and remember that you’ve got plenty of fans (old and new) here to support you. 🙂
Where is your humanity?
They have none.
Do you treat people you see in real life the way you treat me?
No, they are only brave on the internet because they are cowards in real life.
Do you go out of your way to insult and belittle people?
No, they would not do it if they had to go out of their way, this is why they haven’t accomplished anything with their lives and thus find satisfaction with harassing you.
Is your life so miserable, so empty and meaningless, your self-esteem so low that you need to attack me?
Without a doubt, yes.
Honestly, what have I ever done to you?
Really. What have I ever done?
Oh, one thing, they are jealous. You are a (small)part of Hollywood. You are famous. You are smart. You are well liked. Your wife is hot. Your kid is great. You have positive real world relationships. You have bravely shown a little of your soul to the world. They have none of this and so they strike out at you to make themselves feel a little empowered. It’s actually, quite sad.
Bummer about not getting much satifaction from WWDN lately. I’d bet from all the Screen Savers publicity and other sources that there are thousands upon thousands of readers who are delighted by your work. They just don’t email to say so. Maybe you should get a micro pay system going. Charge a small amount per week for access and then give it away to a dog charity or something. No doubt even a dime would keep the idiots out.
I want your hot man chowder!
I always knew you were a pussy. Can’t take a few trolls? You freaked out at the first sign of a Ferengi, you snivelling little shit. I always thought you should have been shot out of a photon torpedo tube. Now I know my feelings were right!
You. Gigantic. Pussy.
Its pretty pathetic that there are people out there that get kicks posting obscenities on an internet forum. I guess its the only way they can feel like a real man. Get a load of this guy’s postings before me. What a loser. He actually took the time to come up with three different names to post with.
I know what you mean. I’ve had some bad experiences and wonder who to trust initially now!
Sarah let me guess, you are either a lesbian or a virgin (or both)?
Wil you are a man with no scrotum to have to have a breakdown like this. I think you took a little more of Wesley Crusher with you than you’d like to admit. In any case, this just proves my theory that you are one of the biggest pussies in Hollywood today next to Penny Marshall.
Hang in there, Wil.
A friend from another board mentioned this site – about how cool it was that you had a blog and upon arrival I gotta say it is even cooler that you are into Linux and a do it yourself kinda guy. Understandable about the troll and the b.s. that comes with the internet available to every loser with a computer. It is sad what the net has become and it had such potential – still does if you don’t let the trolls get you down. Hang in there. BTW the board that your site was mentioned was http://www.sanitycheck.net/babble/index.html Check it out if’n yah like!
Frankly, I don’t understand why anyone dislikes you – I think it’s mostly jerks with too much free time on their hands.
You’d be welcome at my casa any day of the week … if you knew where I lived, I suppose.
Damn the man. And the horse he rode in on.
I’m shocked at the poor taste of some of these posters. I find your writing to be first rate and will no doubt be buying any book you write. And your right about Bush, he needs to be replaced NOW! Take some time off, Rest, Relax and Regroup. Don’t worry about us, Take care of yourself and your family. Hang in there, We love you and wish you well.
There are a lot of jerks out there. If they have nothing better to do with there time than cause trouble for you, then they are the ones with the problem and are simply not worth the time and effort it takes to be concerned with them. Hang in there Wil. One day it will all come around and bite these morons on their collective asses. ;o)
Somebody told me about the neoconservative political motivations of the negativity being directed at Wil, and I’d like to comment on it at this time.
I’m amazed and saddened that the supporters of George W. Bush who engage in this behavior seem utterly ignorant of how their venom and vitriol reflects on the cause they support. These people are the very same ones who are the first to condemn this sort of behavior when radical leftists of the “PC” ilk express themselves that way. So then why do the neocons think it’s okay behavior for themselves to be perpetuating? If the only answer they can come up with is something on the order of “We’re right and they’re wrong”, then they are totally deserving of the label “REDNECK”. After all, that is how rednecks think and act.
And I find it nothing short of laughable that people who are being as hateful as they can be are screaming “censorship” when their hatefulness is getting the flushing it richly deserves. You are a guest on somebody’s web-site, and if you act with extreme immaturity towards that person, don’t be surprised that your crappy attitude isn’t welcome!
Fuck you, you whining little shiteater. I knew I should have had you shot out an airlock when I had the chance!
Can’t let that be the last comment on this entry!
Good luck with your book.
I have only been visiting your site for the past couple of weeks but I am certainly enjoying it. Your writings have made me laugh but also sit up and take notice of certain things. You challenge me to think and I would like to thank you for that.
I wish you much luck with the progress of your writings and hope that your absence from this site isn’t too long lived.
Fuck you, you whining little shiteater. I knew I should have had you shot out an airlock when I had the chance!