The big question on everyone’s mind is . . . “Is The Hulk really going to suck as much as I think it’s going to suck? Because I am really tired of comicbook movies sucking.”
Of course, the answer to that can be best expressed in Wil’s Law of Movie Suck Potential: A movie’s suck potential is directly related to the amount of “product tie-in” which preceeds the film’s release.
For example, if there are several pop songs and fast-food children’s meals, or we’re seeing OREOS that tie-in to a movie, the odds of that movie sucking go up exponentially. If there’s a special Mountain Dew can . . . just forget it.
I’m cheating a little bit, here, because I’ve seen the trailer . . . oh dear god. Every time they screw up another movie based on a comic book (Daredevil? I left the theatre, raced into the shower and scrubbed myself raw.) It moves us farther and farther away from a “Watchmen” or “Sandman” movie. If LoEG sucks, we can pretty much forget it.
The second-biggest question on everybody’s mind is: “Where the hell is that big news you promised us, you jackass?”
The answer is: It’s not quite ready. I thought it would be ready on Monday, and it isn’t done, yet. When it’s done, I’ll announce. That should teach me to make teaser announcements when I don’t have the project in question totally finished.
Sorry . . . but I think it’s pretty cool that anyone even cared enough to e-mail me about it. 🙂
Ain’t This The Life
Oh man, I heart Fark so very, very, very much.
When I was a kid, I always wanted to be roasted by the Friar’s Club someday. This is so much cooler.
re: I saw your website at $site_address
Dear William Hanks at Mardox Networks:
Please do the following:
- Fuck yourself
- Stop spamming me.
- Fuck yourself again.
Fuck you,
Wil Wheaton
PS- please pass this along to all the other spammers at, and have a lovely day.
out on the tiles
Check this out.
*biggest smile in the world*
I have huge news to report on Monday.
(how about that teaser, eh? 🙂
And thank you to everyone who suggested games yesterday. I have a good list to check out. I’ll let you know what I get (yeah, because you won’t be able to sleep without that knowledge, right? heh.)
Hope everyone is having a great weekend. It’s awesome here in SoCal.
Suggest A Game?
I am going to buy myself a present today.
First, I thought I’d get a trophy, then I thought I’d get a pizza, but I settled on picking up a new game for my PS2.
Since I haven’t gamed in months, I am totally out of the loop on what’s good and what sucks these days.
Anyone have a reccommendation for me? I was thinking of SOCOM or NHL 2003 (is 2004 out, yet?) or something like that. I’m not into the racing games, or the fighting games. Comments are open on this one, if you care to share.