When people come up to me at a convention, they are usually approaching TVSWILWHEATON(I hate that guy), but Mrs. Wheaton’s Husband is usually who they meet. This is because TVSWILWHEATON(I hate that guy) just doesn’t exist any more, as far as I am concerned. He flew off to some other dimension last year.
(aside: My life is so much better since I saw the difference between TVSWILWHEATON(I hate that guy) and me. It seems so elementary to me now, but it took years for me to understand it — and it never would have happened without this website. I am so much happier, and so much more content and secure than I was just two years ago.)
While I was at the convention, I was able to do what I do with this website –introduce people who were hoping to meet TVSWILWHEATON(I hate that guy) to Mrs. Wheaton’s Husband (who’s not such a bad guy after all.) — on a much more personal, direct, and intimate level . . . and it was awesome. Many people commented to me about the difference between Mrs. Wheaton’s Husband, and a certain Big Time Guest who told people (who had paid something like 70 bucks for the opportunity to take a photo with him) “Don’t talk to me,” so he could race through the huge line and take their money with a minimum of unpleasant interaction — what a jerk.
There was a time about 10 or so years ago, when I was the jerk. Big time. So I left this convention feeling really happy. I think I gave people their money’s worth, and had too many awesome conversations, and met too many awesome people to count.
The convention was fun, to be sure, and I can’t wait to go back next year . . . but it was part of an even greater road trip. The road trip there and back is on par with my wedding, or the SpongeBob Vega$ Pants trip, in terms of times-never-to-be-forgotten.
While we were driving East, Anne and I stopped every time something struck us as interesting. We spent 4 days solid together, often separated by little more than an arm rest. We talked about our marriage, the kids, the nightmare their father is putting us all through, and our plans for the near future. We read to each other, sang songs together, took turns napping . . . we were just two people in love, experiencing the open road together. I remember a friend of mine telling me that the long drives he spent with his wife between New York and Florida made all the difference in their relationship. I totally understand what he meant, now.
The drive West was great (and is mostly audioblogged) but it passed far too quickly. I wish we’d had another day, so we could have taken our time, and explored more of Route 66. We’ll take the trip again, this time with the kids who I really, REALLY miss right now. They were supposed to come home today, but now won’t be back for another week. (see: nightmare, above)
Normally, when I take a trip, I can’t wait to get home. After just a few days, I long for the familiarity of my own bedroom and house. I miss the songbirds who sing just outside my window all night long, and the comforting hum of fans in every room. I miss my dogs, and I miss my chair.
This time, when Anne and I turned the final page on our TripTik, I felt sad. I felt sad that our road trip — our Route 66 Adventure — was over. I felt sad that we had to return to all the frustrations and injustices of our regular, everyday life. When we pulled into our driveway, I thought I may cry. I wish our trip could have lasted all summer.
If you’ve got someone in your life who you adore, you simply must spend 2000 miles with them. You’ll be glad you did.
Trust me. I know what I’m talking about.
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