Dear That Guy,
Like you, I am a huge Cubs fan. Like you, I’ve been telling people “next year! Next Year!” as long as I can remember. Like you, I am crushed that they aren’t going to the World Series. Again.
Unlike you, most of Chicago (and the world, really) could give a shit about me. That’s where this letter, from some guy you’ll never meet and could probably care less about, comes in. See, I think we have a few things in common, and I just wanted to take a minute here and tell you that I think you’re getting a bunch of shit that you don’t deserve.
I used to be on this big cult TV show that had lots of very passionate fans. Many of those fans absolutely (and irrationally) hated the character I played on that show. Most of them wrote me nasty letters and heckled me whenever I’d show up at one of their events, they never called my house, or tried to hurt me, but I can sort of imagine what you’re going through. That thing that makes a sports fan wear only paint and a diaper to a ball game when it’s 15 degrees outside? It’s the same thing that makes a Star Trek fan wear the same unwashed uniform for 5 days in a row at a big ass con.
I’ve read that just about every Cubs fan in the world is giving you hell for going after that foul ball. Well, That Guy, last time I checked, baseball fans like to catch foul balls. It’s something we do, like paying too much for terrible beer and screaming at a player for not picking up that slider that we’re so certain we’d be able to hit if they’d just put our fat asses in the game. Hell, I’ve been going to 20 or 30 games a season at Dodger Stadium for almost 30 years, and I try to catch a foul ball every single time I’m there. I’ve even had my hot wife flirt with the teenage bat boy in a pathetic effort to score one. To date, I am still empty-handed. But that bat boy, Jesse, is convinced that my wife’s going to leave me just as soon as he gets out of high school.
Anyway, That Guy, enough about me. This is about you.
It’s not your fault that the Cubs lost game 6. It’s not your fault that Dusty Baker probably left Prior in too long, or that Alex Gonzalez chose game 6 to make his 11th error of the whole freakin’ year. It’s not your fault the Cubs stranded 7 runners. It’s not your fault that they lost game 7. It’s not your fault that Kerry Wood, normally one of the best pitchers in baseball, just couldn’t get it together in game 7. (That was a sweet fuckin’ homerun though, wasn’t it?! I was screaming and cheering so loudly I scared both of my dogs!)
In short, it’s not your fault the Cubs lost three in a row. As a matter of fact, I’m pretty sure it’s the players fault they lost three in a row. Even Dusty Baker said, “We didn’t lose the pennant, the Marlins won it. We were close and the Marlins took it from us, it’s as simple as that.” You’ll notice that he didn’t say “That Guy took it from us.”
Yep. You know, now that I think about it, I’m positive that it wasn’t your fault, and I’m pretty mad at anyone who’s giving you shit about the loss.
It’s pretty fucked up that those jackals in the news media printed your name, That Guy, and it’s even more fucked up that they disclosed your workplace and forced you to change your phone number. But don’t quit coaching the little league team, okay? Since you’re not a dad, you’re probably not coaching that team for your own personal glory, or doing it because it’s the only way you know how to relate to your son. You’re probably there for those kids, and you’re probably having a positive impact on their lives. What are they going to learn if they lose their coach, That Guy?! Think of the children, okay? Don’t be a quitter!
Tell you what. You keep coaching that team, and if you ever come to Los Angeles, I’ll get some hired goons, and we’ll take you out for a beer at one of the best pubs in the city. If anyone tries to fuck with you, those hired goons will kick their punk asses while we exchange high-fives. It will be sweet!
In the mean time, when someone gets in your face about the Cubs losing, you can say, “Hey! Wil Wheaton says back the fuck off!”
When they look confused and say, “Who the hell is Wil Wheaton?” you can just smile and laugh at them, because you know something they don’t.
Rock on,
Wil Wheaton
Life-long Cubs Fan,
living in Los Angeles
Discover more from WIL WHEATON dot NET
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And to add to the joys and excitement, the TV show Grounded For Life is mocking this ‘event’. Sigh.
I’m not a Cubs fan, but I was sure hoping for a Cub/Sox series. I think both are LONG overdue for a trip to the Big Game.
If I was That Guy, I woulda gone for it too. I’ve seen the replay a good hundred times (who hasn’t?) and I don’t think Alou could have got the catch. If he coulda have, he would have. This is the big time, dude, you go for it all. He peaked his jump about 3-6 inches too low to get it.
People are just looking for a scapegoat. So typically American these days. Take responsibility for screwing up? Never! Blame someone else! So what if they lost 3 straight! It’s all That Guy’s fault! Yeah, right… uh huh…. suuuuuuure.
Let’s face it, the Cubs were damn close, but they choked when it counted most. It’s not like people aren’t used to the Cubs choking. But hey, they showed they CAN show up and play some damn fine ball. Maybe next year they won’t lose those three in a row and they’ll make it all the way. Although I’m more of a Giants fan, I could live with a deserving team like the Cubs making it to the Series. As long as they play the Sox. 8)
I’m a life-long Cubs fan. It makes me a pragmatist. In reality, anything could have happened had not “That Guy” interefered with the ongoing play. The Cubs still might have lost. But, as Caitlin stated earlier, he was sitting in the very front row, which carries with it a certain cache, but also a bigger responsibility to pay attention to his suroundings. It’s impossible for me to blame him directly, as there were at least three or four other fans reaching along with him. But the fact of the matter is that a front row seat means you’re closer to the action, and in some instances, part of it. So pay attention and wait for the ball to be dead before you reach for it. That’s my open letter.
Well, and editor at Salon told me she wanted to run this in Salon on Thursday, but it hasn’t surfaced.
Man, what a drag. I was hoping to impress my dad. 🙁
Excellent letter. In the end, it’s the players fault. I mean, every little league coach could tell you that Alou should have called for the ball, right?
Oh, and sorry to hear about your wife, Wil. *grin*
Next year!
Oh this should TOTALLY run in Salon. Great letter Will!
Wil, I love Stand By Me, but you are wrong. There were multiple causes for the Cubs losing Game 6, but the fan preventing an out was one of them. It was a stupid thing to do and reflects on Cubs fans as a whole.
The fact that many Cubs fans now refuse to admit that this dude made a huge mistake that adversely affected the game shows how little they know about baseball. The Cubs only needed a certain number of outs to win the game. That out represented like a 6th of the outs needed. That’s huge when you have a tiring pitcher on the mound and a suspect defense in the field.
All of you apologists can blame the media if you want, but whatever the media coverage of this event was it doesn’t change the fact that the dude contributed to the cubs failing to make a precious out.
You know, I never really understood the intense anti-Wesley/anti Wil Wheaton attitude in some circles. Sure, the character of Wesley could have been handled better in the beginning, but that was the fault of the writers and producers, not the actor paid to read the lines.
I also found it bizarre when attending a convention in Lansing, Michigan in 1998 or 1999 that there was a notice about a meeting of an anti-Wesley club in one of the hotel rooms. What was the point? The show had been off the air for four or five years by then, and the character had been gone even longer. Do these people think that if they complain enough, they’ll be able to travel back in time and fix things?
As to “That Fan”, I think he did what anyone else would have done and that it’s unrealistic to blame him for the Cubs’ poor showing in the rest of the game.
P.S. I agree with those who feel the open letter should be sent to a newspaper or magazine for wider distribution.
Well said, I really liked the letter. But one thing bugs me, how much less could he care about you? It’s one of those idiosyncratic phrases that has been used so much people don’t seem to pay attention to context anymore. Couldn’t care less makes a lot more sense, don’t you think?
It’s also nice to see you don’t release personal information to the masses (retards) like the media does.
You know what my favourite thing about That Guy was? How he hopped onto the field and scored 8 runs for the Marlins.
What an athelete!
a just wanted to say that a hink u are wonderfull and to keep on doing what ur doing xxx
Dear Wil,
We have something in common. Sort of. I am a life long Boston Red Sox fan. So I understand the power of the word “There is always next year” all to well!
Next year, Cubs & Sox World Series? Oh yeah!!!
keep the faith,
Wil,I’m not kidding when I say that you are totally underrated as an actor. I don’t want to sound like other Wheatonites (or Wilsters if you prefer)but jeezus pleezus you are the real deal!! I’m a big fan since I first saw you in Stand By Me. The movie itself had an impact on me like no other at the time because I saw a lot of similarities of myself in Gordie. Years later when I read the novella,I couldn’t help but picture you as Gordie in the book(man, listen to me i’m totally fawning!)Anyway, you’re a great actor but you don’t need me to tell you that.
This website of yours is too awesome. I can’t remember how I happened upon it but a day hasn’t gone by that I don’t check in to see how things are going in your world. I think it takes alot of guts to talk about personal stuff but you do it with no problem.You do good work, Wil and one day the world shall proclaim this! All the best!
I was just going through some of you older posts and came on this one, and it reminds me of how I felt when this happened. It shames me to think that other people would actually threaten physical harm to someone over *baseball*. Not to negate the love some people have for the sport, but it just should never come to that. What’s worse is the threats that came to his family over it. Honestly, I can’t imagine ever thinking like that, I felt awful for “that guy” and I hope that he got some positive things out of that whole mess.
Will Wheaton is a CHEAP-SKATE SON OF A BITCH! I was IN the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, TX for his autograph and personal appearance in connection with “Stand BY Me” being shown In early October of 2004. Well, I hate to be the one to tell y’all this but the Wheatman totalloy STIFFED his waitress on a $40 tab for his crew of friends and attendants! I personally WITNESSED his Artichoke Heart Pizza as it was MADE in the kitchen, backstage, and I also KNOW that despite the loving care that was put into that pizza, his Wheatness STIFFED the nice waitress on the deal! So shove that into your pipe and smoke it! Will Wheaton is a cheap-skate son of a bitch!
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