SGVLUG went really well last night. I wasn’t 100% perfect, and scared as hell, but I think I entertained everyone, and even informed a few people.
After, we went over to the Burger Continental on Lake for burgers and beer. Here’s a tip: don’t get Guinness in a pitcher. It doesn’t handle the trip from tap to pitcher to glass very well.
I’ll give more details next time I update, which will prolly be Monday. I think I’m taking the weekend off from everything so I can spend it with my wife. We just filled over 100 Dancing Barefoot orders, and now we’re going to a movie, then to dinner. I love starting the weekend early!
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I hope that your weekend is enjoyable. I can’t wait to get your book in my hands! It got five stars on Amazon.com, and I ordered it from Bookland. I’m still waiting for it to come in…
I got the book, and have already read the first half…quite excellent and enjoyable reading. Wil, you really should have phoned that girl!
My Co-worker Todd (said you two talked) said you did great. I’m only one degree from Wil Wheaton, take that Kevin Bacon.
Have a great weekend, Wil and family! It’s Thanksgiving soon up here in the Great White North (Monday) and I’m ready for turkey time. I’m trying to see how many degrees I have from WW, …hmmm…you did that TNG episode with Tom Jackson, and he did a Canadian t.v. series with an actress my sister used to hang out with, okay, so that’s four, I think? Anyway, enjoy!
Guinness needs TLC before the drinking.
Pitchers are for those foamy commercial beers!
Let’s hope your going to see Kill Bill. It’s awesome.
You did a great job at the SGVLUG and we hope you show up again, even if you’re not presenting anything. Judie was especially inspired and is looking forward to experimenting with Linux more. She was glad to meet someone else who “doesn’t have it all work out the first time.”
For now, I can’t read your book until Judie finishes it. We should have bought two. She really loves it, said the first section nearly made her cry.
For those of you who missed Wil at the meeting, sorry. It was really fun.
You did a great job at the SGVLUG and we hope you show up again, even if you’re not presenting anything. Judie was especially inspired and is looking forward to experimenting with Linux more. She was glad to meet someone else who “doesn’t have it all work out the first time.”
For now, I can’t read your book until Judie finishes it. We should have bought two. She really loves it, said the first section nearly made her cry.
For those of you who missed Wil at the meeting, sorry. It was really fun.
Trust me, Wil isn’t going to see Kill Bill. 😉
I was the sorry fool who thought we’d save some money by getting a pitcher. I’ve since been smacked on the head several times by friends pointing out the utter stupidity of that. Lesson learned.
Wil: you did great at SGVLUG. A good match of useful information, humor, and you gave an excellent idea about the difficulties and ease of using Linux.
I still haven’t got my book order.
*waits patiently*
If it doesn’t come this time, don’t worry about it.
I will wait for the all conquering world release.
Oh, btw. Us LJ-ers were wondering if you read the lj comments or not?
Wow all you guys are such suck- ups to Wil (lol)
Congratulations Wil and have a great weekend! 🙂
I’m glad the SGVLUG went well. I’m sorry I couldn’t see it, and that I have no idea how to work Linux (I’ll probably get someone to teach me).
I’ll keep your Guinness advice in mind. 🙂
I really enjoyed Dancing Barefoot. The illustrations are fitting too. I can’t wait for JAG to come out.
I hope you enjoy the dinner and a movie with your wife, and that you enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Read this book and get back to me.
“An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King”
by William F. Pepper
Don’t give me any bullshit about “foilhats,” just read the fucking book. Chances are it’ll end up on your frontpage “read” spot.
Don’t say I never done nothing for you.
The Michael Moore book is a water pistol. That motherfucker is a cannon. Time to upgrade, chief.
Burger Continental is the best! I love that place.
You did a great job at the SGVLUG and we hope you show up again, even if you’re not presenting anything. Judie was especially inspired and is looking forward to experimenting with Linux more. She was glad to meet someone else who “doesn’t have it all work out the first time.”
For now, I can’t read your book until Judie finishes it. We should have bought two. She really loves it, said the first section nearly made her cry.
For those of you who missed Wil at the meeting, sorry. It was really fun.
You did a great job at the SGVLUG and we hope you show up again, even if you’re not presenting anything. Judie was especially inspired and is looking forward to experimenting with Linux more. She was glad to meet someone else who “doesn’t have it all work out the first time.”
For now, I can’t read your book until Judie finishes it. We should have bought two. She really loves it, said the first section nearly made her cry.
For those of you who missed Wil at the meeting, sorry. It was really fun.
You did a great job at the SGVLUG and we hope you show up again, even if you’re not presenting anything. Judie was especially inspired and is looking forward to experimenting with Linux more. She was glad to meet someone else who “doesn’t have it all work out the first time.”
For now, I can’t read your book until Judie finishes it. We should have bought two. She really loves it, said the first section nearly made her cry.
For those of you who missed Wil at the meeting, sorry. It was really fun.
Christopher Smith and his pitcher of Guinness have provided me the best story about drinking Guinness EVAR!!11
It involves a fork.
That’s right, drinking Guiness with a fork.
We saw “Lost in Translation,” which is prolly the best non-LOTR movie I’ve seen this year.
I want to see Lost in Translation … but I still suggest going to see Kill Bill 🙂
Oh yeah, if you think drinking Guiness with a fork is hard, you should try chopsticks…
(Which ties in amazingly b/c both LiT and KB have parts that take place in Tokyo)
Great job at the SGVLUG, Wil. It was a pleasure to hear you speak, and to hear you read from your book. If you were scared, you did a fantastic job of acting like you weren’t.
You are at least twice as cool in person as your site makes you seem. I’m glad we had a chance to chat, if only ever so briefly and at the end of the evening. If you’re ever hurting for XBox games (or any other platform for that matter), drop me a line. I’ll get you hooked up. 😀
(PS: I just ordered a signed copy of Dancing off the web page, though I still wish I’d brought cash so I could have bought it and gotten it signed in person. If the rest of the book is only half as funny/good as the William F***ing Shatner chapter, it’s well worth the money. 😉
The mistake was in using the glass at all. When Guinness is in a pitcher, it must be drunk directly from the pitcher. Order one for everybody at the table. Then you’re okay.
drinking guinness with a fork?…if the head was that foamy…are you really sure what the golden liquid was?
I’m like you in so many ways Wil, and I’m interested in almost everything you are, with one exception. I don’t think I’ll ever like Guiness. I can’t understand how anyone *can* like it. I’m pretty sure it’s the stuff that floats to the top of a pail of roofing tar. Congrats to anyone who can drink it. Even if you’re just pretending you like it. 😉
Naw, here’s a tip. Don’t drink Guinness outside of Ireland! Especially from a pitcher!! n00b!!!
Glad to see you’ve opened up your blog to comments again, Wil.
Yeah, Wil. It’s great that I can finally leave replies. I’ve been a reader of yours for a while now.
Yeah, welcome the return of the comments. I know it was shut down cos of some small-minded people who wanted to stir trouble, but I’m glad that the rest of us true wwdn fans now have a place to offer our comments again.
Cheers wil. Hope the weekend’s going well 🙂
Did you know your blog is leading in the “Tech Blog” category on Forbes Best of Blogs report?
What? Wil Wheaton scared while speaking publicly? I’m sure you did great. Enjoy your weekend!
Howard, I looked at Forbes but I think the link has changed to the following:
Wil, I’m delighted to see you’ve revised your comments section! Thanks for the Guinness advice. My husband’s mutant power is ordering Guinness when we’re out with a group and suddenly everyone else at the table orders one too, it’s pretty cool to watch. Great source of iron, too!
Never mess with a man and his beer. Good to know that you can still be entertaining. I will pass up on that fork beer. Have a cool weekend.
hi wil,
sorry to be off topic, but….
do you ever read my blog, skippy the bush kangaroo?
i’d email you, but i don’t understand all that stuff about encoding the email.
Perhaps the failure in Guiness => Tap > Picther > Glass > Drink chain is that weak “Glass” step.
You could try Guinness => Tap > Pitcher > Drink.
One more step in refining the process of getting Guiness from the keg to your eagerly waiting tummy. I say take out all the middlemen. I’ve found that Tap –> Tummy works quite well. Can’t say I care for the sensation of Guiness settling out and forming a head in my stomach though. But you gotta do what you gotta do, right?
Thanks for the advice, guys. I’ll have my team of engineers look into it.
Screw them! I’ll conduct all the research myself!
I just got your book in the mail two days ago!! 🙂 I got an autographed one.. lol. I was VERY careful when reading not to mess up the spine of the book. Then I put it BACK in the packing material (so it wouldn’t get ruined) and set it on my shelf. A very enjoyable read. 😉 I can’t wait for the next one.
You know- I told some people that if that was a signature of one of these new “15 minutes of fame and then people forget about me” actors, I wouldn’t care so much… but I grew up watching you on television and in some movies and it means a lot to someone who wants to be an actor herself, to have the autograph of someone she looked/looks up to. Thank you for offering to sign some copies for fans like me. 😉 It means a lot. Thanks for caring and not treating us like “William-FUCKING-Shatner” treated you! =o)
You write great stories. 🙂
*Melinda G.*