I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me, but I can’t write. I’ve started and stopped so many times this morning, I lost count.
I want to write. I need to write, but I can’t get my words to work. I’ve grown so frustrated, I want to scream.
I mean, it took me several minutes just to write that, for fuck’s sake.
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That’s about all I can do for you. Hope it helps!
I can say one thing, though. Based on your previous entries, I think your problem is you simply lack confidence when it comes to your skill with the written word… and of course you really shouldn’t, Mr. Perfectionist. If this is the case, you need to stop worrying and be your old Dancing Barefoot self. 😉
Check this out, it might help with writer’s block:
I can completely relate! I was an English major in college and I used to suffer from writer’s block all the time.
My cure:
Go take a nice long, hot shower. Just listen to the sound of the water. Allow your body to relax. The words will come.
And remember: We all come to this site because, despite what you think, you ARE a good writer.
My man.. you can take advantage of this.. you are writing about your life.. this moment is a part of that.
make a list of words that describe your feelings right now when you can’t write.
Then make another that described your feelings on July 14th when you were driving to that audition.
compare the two… take a bath and go to bed.. and look at these lists again tomorrow and write about your writers block!
If it were easy, it probably wouldn’t feel worthwhile. At the end, that is.
While I am not a writer myself, I’m a very big Neil Gaiman fan ( http://www.holycow.com/dreaming/ is mine) and he has this to say about writer’s block:
Write anyway. Write the worst stuff you’ve ever written and turn off your “that’s no good” censor.
Then sleep on it, and the next day, go back over what you wrote and edit it. You’ll find that some of it wasn’t as bad as you thought, and after fixing it you should be able to move on.
I find, when I’m having a creative block, that reorganizing my supplies with great enthusiasm and loud self-dialog can provide the dam-burst to get the creativity flowing again.
Also, I find that when I have a creative block, it usually means that subconciously, I don’t want to deal with whatever it is I’m working on. So I go do what it is I really want to do for a while. Then I come back with fresh perspective.
By the way, your dog wants to go to the park and play ball. 🙂
fuck it dude, let’s go bowling.
I know how you feel, dude. Happens to me whenever I have any sort of deadline…or for no reason at all. I go for a drive or to a movie. Sometimes the scenery or the movie will inspire me. Worth a try?
Because yeah, whenever I’m blocked like that I take it as my mind telling me to take a break.
Hope you have a better day!
Hey Wil:
Calm blue ocean…calm blue ocean…think of the Dali Lama…
Hey Wil,
None of us really cares if you publish that next book tomorrow or next week, or next year, or whenever… we know it will happen.
The writing will still be there when you come back to it. Take a break!
Go get some puppy therapy with Ferris. There is nothing like a face full of dog slobber to adjust your world view.
I say go to Hooters. 😉
Try writing a detailed description of your immediate surroundings. Use as much detail as possible. That is a very good trick to overcome writer’s block because it gets your mind focused. It’s worked for me many times.
I advocate the beer solution mentioned previously. However, if that fails, visiting a bar in another town and telling the biggest lies that you can think of to random patrons might inspire something… might result in an overly amorous frisking by the local constable… but, hey, that’s something.
I think everyone’s undies are in a bunch. There is something about TODAY that is making everyone fucking moody. AND, making people not concentrate. It’s really weird. You are not the only one feeling this way. Just so, you know. Mars is definitely too close to the Earth. Geesh!
Wil, breathe in…….and breathe out.
Feel better yet? 🙂
Maybe there’s something going around, I’ve been kinda uninspired lately too. With writing, it’s easy to get a block, but it can be easy to unblock… just do some unrelated creative writing to shake things loose. I don’t mean to say you should sit down and write Star Trek fanfic. God no. Just something *different* than your blog or your book.
– Make a pretend blog on someplacey like livejournal or blurty, pretending to be a teenage girl. Or an old geezer who doesn’t understand these newfangled computer things. Add random friends.
– Flip open a novel to five separate pages to get five different words. Write a 250 word story (exactly 250 words) making sure you use those five words.
– Write some dumb haikus:
Wil has writer’s block…
No words come from his keyboard.
Check its cable, Wil!
Same deal as for depression, the thing to do about it is DO ANYTHING. Doing nothing just makes it worse.
Take care Wil!
Rent “Betty Blue” (in french, “37.2 Le Matin” )
either you will find your muse, and be inspired to write, or you will want to have a passionate love affair with someone whos french and slightly crazy. either way, it will give you something to write about… It worked for me, I did both 🙂
PS You really are a great writer, thats what brought me to this site.
Hi Wil, Foxy here. Perhaps you’ve got a lot on your mind which is why you couldn’t write. I felt the same way, believe me. Walk away from the project. When you are relaxed and free from distractions, your thoughts and ideas will come…I kid you not!
Good luck!
Hi Wil, Foxy here. Perhaps you’ve got a lot on your mind which is why you couldn’t write. I felt the same way, believe me. Walk away from the project. When you are relaxed and free from distractions, your thoughts and ideas will come…I kid you not!
Good luck!
Hey, kewl, James Lileks gave you a shout-out in his Bleat today. Well, it wasn’t so much of a shout-out as it was a bit of a barb, but hey, publicity is publicity.
Dude, go to the local pool and swim as far as you can, then go get a massage – full body. Your mind is so full that you can’t put things down logically. Relaxation is paramount for you to be able to think clearly.
Writer’s block can actually be exacerbated by *knowing* you have writer’s block. But there are simple things like relaxation techniques and structured writing that can help. Hand write topics that you want to cover, then numerically order those topics. Then flesh out each topic with a series of dot points relating to each topic. Sentences will eventually flow from this structured writing technique.
Try also having an oil burner in your office. It’s the combination of relaxation and structure that will break through the sort of frustration you’re experiencing.
Hang in there, Wil.
This too shall pass….writer’s block is the sign of great and creative writer, words that flow freely oft times come from a lack of a creative well. Drink a guinness, breath and try again…..
Whenever I get a writer’s block I just do a free write. Get a blank piece of paper and just write without thinking about it. When you read over it once your finished not only will the words be flowing and what not, but you might find a topic or quote that you really like. It helps a lot:)
This probably won’t help much… but I don’t think there’s anything saying how long writing should take. Let it take as long as it wants.
maybe try making your brain do something else for a bit (like everyone else has suggested) watch a cartoon or two, do a level or two of a game… whatever.
Major mojo on its way to you. It seems like half of America is thinking about you right now. That should make you feel special.
You could try writing as someone else. Try writing as the guy you saw at the cafe yesterday with the strange hat or as Ferris or (god forbid) as TVSWILWHEATOM or even Wesley Crusher. He did get to kiss Ashley Judd, after all… he’s got to have something to say.
Free writing usually works for me, as does sketching or doing crossword puzzles.
Good luck.
hey wil is it to late to recall rick berman?
Tranquilo Wil, it will come to you. There are days like that for everyone. I spent three hours yesterday avoiding my Powerbook like the plague, even thought I needed to write something very important for my business.
I came to your Blog from Dan Gillmor’s, and his Blog has really inspired me to write again, I even mentioned your Blog on mine as I thought it was so freakin’ cool what you are doing.
You inspire me Bro. So dont worry, it will come back to you, and if it doesnt, bring your lady, come down to Costa Rica and hang out with me for a few days, or… come alone, and after 3 or four days hangin with me you will be writing till your fingers hurt and wishing for a freakin voice activated tricoder to do dictation to.
Stay Easy Bro, and know your friends dont EXPECT you to write, we just groove on it when you do…
Have a hot guiness and a cold shower…wait..a cold guinness and a hot shower. Always works 🙂
I think your writing is just fine.
I mean really, “I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me,…” That’s just priceless. 😉
You are a genius. Give me some more of that sugar baby.
I ::heart:: unca willy
(no I’m not gay so shut it)
I cannot number the times I feel like that. The urge to write and then suddenly nothing comes out, but the urge is still there. Go figure.
It’s not writers block. It’s Writer’s Curse.
Lloyd is right. OneWord is great. I’m not the greatest poet, but I really enjoy that site.
Hehehe. “We’re going to be killed, for fuck’s sake!” Hunter Thompson is awesome. Hey! That’s it! Maybe if you went out and shot your assistant with a shotgun while trying to shoot a bear, your block will lift!
Whenever I have writer’s block, I just go get drunk beyond recognition. It doesn’t help me write, but at that point I really don’t care.
Hey Wil,
Be patient about the writing, it will come to you. I’m having the same problem too and I know how infuriating and depressing it is. If you get upset it just makes it worse. Go do something fun for a while and then come back to it.
Look at how may wonderful people want to help… You’ve got a gift and that’s why we love you and want to help so much.
Whenever I get writer’s block it results in a blessing – I usually learn something in the downtime that was necessary for the cause. If I would have written, there would me some massive editing to fit in what the “me of now” has to say with what the “me of the writer’s block” had to say.
May you find the piece you need. (lame pun intended)
take a deep breath Wil. Go outside and mow your lawn.
Look at how may wonderful people want to help… You’ve got a gift and that’s why we love you and want to help so much.
Whenever I get writer’s block it results in a blessing – I usually learn something in the downtime that was necessary for the cause. If I would have written, there would me some massive editing to fit in what the “me of now” has to say with what the “me of the writer’s block” had to say.
May you find the piece you need. (lame pun intended)
BTW, Wil, what kinda kit are you shooting with? Any extras (filters, lenses, etc)? What about post-shoot stuff like GIMP or Photoshop?
I didn’t click twice, believe me!!! I got a 404 and went back to the site, then clicked on the comments link… heh, and I was only checking to see if the first went through… this happened to someone else today, maybe something is amiss…
Wow, I cruised in here a bit late ^_^ Writer’s block seriously blows. Other than the suggestions of relaxing and doing something else…I’ve found it helpful to just bounce of someone else. I have two or three good internet buddies that I can IM and just start dialogue warring with them (I take one line, whoever responds with another one). But I’m a hack fiction writer, so I don’t know how much help that would be.
I just recently found this site and I believe you have nothing to worry about. Once you’ve schooled that stress monster you’ll bring the noise. And I swear I’ll never use that phrase again ^_^
Use Oulipo, or structure (mesostics, acrostics, s plus 7) techniques, heel even copy dictionary definitions-the point is to write-it doesn’t matter what you are producing-in fact if you can get in the mind frame learn to seperate writing from production so that it becomes creation
writer’s block is an ego fiction-it happens because we think we should be producing something important-and we don’t-it is the readers that make it important
Ever read “I Feel Sick,” and its sequel by Jhonen Vasquez? It’s a comic book about artistic block. Very well done, and very appropriate.
Sometimes, in the dark of night I try to write. When I can’t seem to find the words I write about the things i can discribe, My husband for one. The way he smiles. I also write about myself. Not from my own view but from others. About how I look in the morning, how the wind blows through me, hwo tears fall, how my laughter sounds. I find it makes it easier to just let things out and start writing. It opens the flood gates of many things most importantly emotion which to me at least feeds everything in life.
Just something to think about, hope it helps.
Andrea Leigh
Yeah I am fighting myself against that ole writers block. I hope that I win it cause there are people who are going to not be happy with me if I don’t come through. An artist is their worst critic and that is hard to fight worst of all.
If you really want to be a writer, you’re going to have to work through writer’s block. I was a writer for several years where I had to write everyday as part of my job. Even when I didn’t feel like it. Writers’ block is a convenient escape from the fear of sucking.
Write. I don’t care if it sucks. Nobody will see it. Just throw the words out of your mind and onto the screen. Don’t worry about punctuation, spelling or making sense. What you are going for is the feeling. Don’t judge it. Don’t ask yourself if you should say that or if that’s honest, or if that would hurt someone’s feelings if I wrote that.
The point isn’t to write polished prose. It’s to write over your block and get your mind focused on what you have to do and not on being blocked.
If your blocked about a subject, write about something you’ve written about before, but turn it on its head. Write it from someone else’s perspective. Doesn’t have to be good, honest, whatever.
Try it. It does work.
Let me know how it works for you.
Not sure if it’s an apocryphal tale, but the old legend has it that Isaac Asimov used to force himself to sit down and write a new story every day. On a typewriter, no less.
I imagine that with that sort of discipline, over time writer’s block becomes less of a stumble. Then again . . . I was about to say I wouldn’t know, but after a few years of professional writing, it occurs to me that I haven’t blocked in a long, long time.
I suppose the trick lies not just in writing what you want to write when you want to write it, but writing about all sorts of things all the time.
Not a lot of craft left in writing in this age of word processors.
I guess I’m just copying what other people are saying … But, first *hugs*. Second, relax. Third, hash it out. You sound like a bit of a perfectionist, like me. But sometimes you just have to let shit come out. Then later, you can clean it up. Or write something else for a little while, if you can. Something unrrelated.
You nailed the fear of sucking, Brian Bock. That’s great advice. Thank you 🙂
And thank you to everyone else. I’ve read all these comments, and taken them all to heart.
Look, Wil i didn’t red anyone elses posts (sorry) im in a bit of a hurry. Why don’t you try linking the two ideas together by: using them as two completely different stories of two completely different people and one event brings them together and there the story begins.