Some mothefucker calling himself “Bruce Cook” thinks that it’s okay to misrepresent me and my wife:
I had opportunity to go to a Star Trek Convention recently and Wil Wheaton was there. He has always been one of my favorite actors and I so looked forward to meeting him. Anyway, I did not know he sold his autograph. I bought a picture for $5 and,when it came time for me to meet him, he told me he needed $10 for the autograph. I was brought ,by my brother,in a wheelchair and it was explained we did not have $10. But,instead of showing compassion, his wife,who was there,said, “then wheel your crippled ass out of the way,we’re here to make money,not give out charity!” I looked at Wil and he said “You heard her,now fork over the 10 or get the hell out of here!”
It’s bad enough that this bastard made up some stupid lie about me. That I can ignore. But he crossed a line when he lied about my wife, who is the most loving, compassionate, caring and thoughtuful woman on this planet.
Bruce Cook, if you’re reading this, you have one chance to set the record straight. Nobody tells lies about my wife and gets away with it, you son of a bitch.
UPDATE 11:46 PM PST: Now that I’ve managed to calm down, and my rage has cooled to just 500 degrees, rather than 500,000, I’ve removed this pigfucker’s Yahoo profile info. As furious as I am, I think it would be pretty uncool to flood this idiot with e-mails and junk. For all I know, this could be some troll looking for lots of attention, in which case I’ve played right into his / her / its hands.
The thing is, when I perceive a threat against people I love, I tend to blast off and nuke the site for orbit. I just want this guy / gal / robot to set the record straight, then we can all get back to hanging out at the stick, looking at a thing in a bag.
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Hey Wil , I’m a member of that club and wish to put forward my applogise..I did not believe it for a second and was on my way to post about the bastard when I read you blog….Hopefully the moderater of the group can remove it…I hope this does not give you a bad impression of this group at all…as we are just a group of Noah fans.
I think the guy was responding to one of my posts about ebay…which makes me feel really bad..
Again…sorry from the club.
Damn what an asshole!
That’s the trouble with the net….too many dicks with FAR too much time o their hands.
Even though you’ve cooled down a bit, this guy still needs his ass handed to him….
I think everyone here has gone a little haywire. That message was so rediculous, I had to laugh. Nobody would take that seriously in a million years. And if anyone did, they’re obviously morons, so who would care? No offense, Wil, but maybe responding with a witty retort would have shown the guy that you stand a little heat and not take shit too seriously.
Let’s not be too harsh on this chap. You see, I also was at a convention. Unfortunately I have terminal brain cancer and don’t get out much but on this particular occasion Wil Wheaten came to town and I was able, with the help from my seeing eye dog, to go see him. When I finally got up to Wil I fished out my 10 bucks and then Wil Wheaton grinned at me and said, “Sorry schmuck, the price for my John Henry is $500.”. I quietly explained to him that I didn’t have that much money and could I please get one anyway, that I only had a few weeks to live. He then laughed at me, some spittle flew and landed on my face. He then told me if I wasn’t such a loser who couldn’t work at any place other than Taco Bell I could afford it. His wife then walked over and gave me a swift kick in my balls. As I limped away bleeding they laughed maniacally at me the way Dr. Evil laughed in that Austin Powers movie. It was horrible.
hehe sorry couldn’t resist. That was such obvious bullshit. Don’t let this dork get you down man.
As the moderator of the Yahoo Group in question, I wasn’t aware of the post until a few moments ago when one of the members alerted me in a quick message.
Apologies for not responding sooner; I haven’t been over to WWdotN for quite some time and…
I’ll pop the message as soon as I finish this and then ban the individual accordingly — with a link to your site as a good reason.
Sorry, Wil.
He’s just trying to get under your skin m8! Chances are he’s probably reading all this right now and just laughing his dress-wearin’ ass right off thinking he got one over on ya.
Far as I’m concerned, you didn’t act any different than any self respecting, caring, compassionate human being would under the circumstances. I once busted a guy’s nose that I didn’t even know ’cause I saw him grab his girl by the hair and yank her back before popping her one. Didn’t know her either but that kind of thing just doesn’t settle well with me ya know?
We all know the truth here. Anyone been hanging around here for any amount of time knows the kind of man you are, and what kind of woman Anne is, and that’s what counts.
Hey Will…..
Listen I know I’m not the one who should be saying this probably….but you do better just to let people know its not true then to cuss them out and call them all kinds of names back, it just creates a war between you and the other person and gives me an unsure image about you…
I HIGHLY respect your work (Stand by me is one of my all time favorite movies.)
I know you probably know all that and as you said you were angry, which would make total sense! Just dont let people get the wrong impression about you eathier….
Georgia (for college right now ;P )
As one who has spent most of his adult life working with the variously disabled, someone who abuses his disability (real or invented) should be made to hurt.
So rip this ass Bruce Cook hard — my bokken is at your service, if needed.
Chuck Kinney
The comment is no longer up, except in Post #1034. Several people have commented about it elsewhere in my Group, and I will leave that post where it is.
Maybe if you can change the link so it connects to 1034 now? (Damnitall – maybe I shouldn’t have erased the post, come to think of it. Sorry, didn’t read your follow-up message.)
I think it’s just about time for a chorus of “Suck My Fat One” in D major.
Wil, you have some really gnarly verbiage!
I don’t blame you one bit for being pissed. I would have done the same exact thing in your position!
That is the only flaw the internet has (erm.. that and zombies from crappy Windows PCs :p), it makes people think they got balls to harass somebody, when they wouldn’t dare do it to your face! We have SpamAssasin. I think we now need AssholeAssasin!
having had similar flamings from people i know (!) i can sympathise. it isnt nice.
theres usually some reason for this- but this guy takes the biscuit… its not even believable!
rest assured that the truth will win.
keep the faith
What an asshole! Can we tar and feather him? Pretty please?
damn, that’s not cool at all. Is he asking for an ass kicking?
Ater meeting you a few months ago and reading your blog everyday since, I know for a fact that this douche bag is lying. Don’t worry…your true fans know what an asswad this guy is! WE LOVE YOU UNCLE WILLY!!
I have nothing but good things to say about Wil,. how anyone can not only say something like that about him is beyond me. I had a chance to meet him at Comic Con San Diego
(The booth he was signing his book in was close to my company booth.). and when he came over to talk to us he was very nice and a gentleman even though my friend gave him a scary puppet show. Keep the faith Wil we know you
Ordinarily I just read and keep my thoughts to myself, but…
Guy thinks because he’s in a wheelchair he deserves sympathy? I want to know how long he’s been in that chair because I’ve been in one since I was a kid and I’ve never expected anything from anyone because of it. I’d say someobe should run him over with a wheelchair, but I’m a nonviolent person… so how ’bout someone sic Shatner on him instead?
It is sad that some people have nothing better to do with their time. Do not let whoever that is, get to you. This person is not worth your time.
As a follow up, this moron posted a “I have witnesses and I stand by my story blah blah blah” bullshit lie in that group.
What an asshole.
Could it be that he confused you with WFS?
Of course that would also be a terrible slur!
Cool of Don to mod the Bruce’s post appropriately.
Honestly though, do you charge for pictures and/or autographs? Or was that made up too?
What’s funny is that I met you at the San Diego comic-con and you were so nice. Even listened to my stupid dribble for chatting when I got up there. *shrug* No charge, except for the cost of the book, which I fully intended to buy anyway (I actually have two copies! woo hoo).
It’s so much easier for people to hate anyone with a little bit of success than it is to accept that they might be decent people.
Now if only I could get over my silly fangirl like attitude things might be okay the next time I go to comic-con.
Oh, man! If I knew where where the guy lived, I would crazy glue every single door lock in his house and car! NOBODY talks crap (and false crap at that!) about my family and gets away with it! There are so many haterz in this world! There should be a special place in Hell for these people!
Oh, man! If I knew where where the guy lived, I would crazy glue every single door lock in his house and car! NOBODY talks crap (and false crap at that!) about my family and gets away with it! There are so many haterz in this world! There should be a special place in Hell for these people!
Uncle Willie, you set your phaser to kick ass, this guy went way to far.
Oh, man! If I knew where where the guy lived, I would crazy glue every single door lock in his house and car! NOBODY talks crap (and false crap at that!) about my family and gets away with it! There are so many haterz in this world! There should be a special place in Hell for these people!
Oh, man! If I knew where where the guy lived, I would crazy glue every single door lock in his house and car! NOBODY talks crap (and false crap at that!) about my family and gets away with it! There are so many haterz in this world! There should be a special place in Hell for these people!
Oh, man! If I knew where where the guy lived, I would crazy glue every single door lock in his house and car! NOBODY talks crap (and false crap at that!) about my family and gets away with it! There are so many haterz in this world! There should be a special place in Hell for these people!
Hey Wil,
Are you sure William “Fucking” Shatner wasn’t dressing up as you?
Those of us who know you know this guy is full of shit. He’s got a chip on his shoulder, and I’ve received more credible stories from the spam in my mailbox.
Do you think he really meant it when he said “He has always been one of my favorite actors” ?
Obvious con story.
Just because he is in a wheelchair he doesn’t have 10 dollars!
This ignorant scum is playing on a false sterotype that all disabled people are poor and disadvantaged. Grrrrrr!
This really bothers me. Don’t let it bother you too much. No one who “knows” you would believe that about either you or Anne for a second.
The bit about being in a wheelchair sounds made up to make the story sound worse. Unfortunately people make shit like that story up and post it on the internet. Heck they make it up about me and I’m nobody.
“please think before you hit ‘submit.'”
…it’s good advice.
really sorry to hear about that wil,some people can be so rude,that’s just lame. anyway i’m a big fan and love your blog!!