Well, one good night’s sleep later, I really regret totally losing my cool last night. See, this guy struck a very exposed nerve, and that part of my brain that says, “Dude, are you sure you want to do this?” was completely shorted out. But I think I’ll leave that post up, because it will serve as a reminder to me, (a scarlet letter, if you will) that it’s fine to love my family, and it’s fine to defend them when they are attacked . . . but sometimes it’s better to just go take a long walk and cool off. I think it’s fine to vent in one’s blog, but sometimes it’s just better to STFU and be a bigger person.
*Cue music for “The More You Know.”*
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I don’t know what to say, sir…
he must’ve had his reasons…
I think… when one has been angry
for a very long time… one gets
used to it. Then it becomes
comfortable… like old leather.
And finally, it is so familiar
that one can hardly remember
feeling any other way.
But in the long run, we are the
ones who are damaged by that kind
of anger. We are. Not them.
— “The Wounded”, Stardate 44429.6
I have always loved this quote from our shiny headed Captain [not Shat].
The truth is, as soon as I read your obvious struggles with your anger [and justifiable anger it is!], I thought of this quote — but not [just] because of your ties to ST, but because of the words themselves and my personal struggles with injustices and rage in my own life and the lives of my family through out the years. You see Wil, I believe any one of us in this string [if properly provoked] would KILL to protect our loved ones. I have literally stood at the very threshold of such a scenario. And I can tell you that hesitation was not an issue or a question. When confronted with such attacks, like soldiers on the battlefield, we will first act and protect. Later one, we sift through our feelings about our actions — no matter what those actions were which we took. And this is a natural process. Only, your situation here is in a public forum, and that can’t be easy for you or for Anne.
You’ve done and you’re doing the right thing, Wil. I would just ask you to consider a less public role for your family. But then, doing so makes the spineless pawn scum like ‘bruce’ win their battles. I am just thinking as a father and a husband here. Your life has greatly changed in the last years and with this medium, the Internet, and technology as a whole, perhaps just reviewing your security protocols is in order.
Just a thought.
In the mean time, you are just in your feelings and now it’s time to let this go and move forward — IMHO…
Listen to all the support you have out here from the many of us of whom you have greatly entertained through the years from your acting, to your writing and everything in-between.
You still suck though Wil.
Reflection and hindsight are always good. But I don’t think your reaction was THAT bad. I mean the moron attacked your family. How low can you get? You’re fine, Wil. Chin up!
Reflection and hindsight are always good. But I don’t think your reaction was THAT bad. I mean the moron attacked your family. How low can you get? You’re fine, Wil. Chin up!
Reflection and hindsight are always good. But I don’t think your reaction was THAT bad. I mean the moron attacked your family. How low can you get? You’re fine, Wil. Chin up!
Reflection and hindsight are always good. But I don’t think your reaction was THAT bad. I mean the moron attacked your family. How low can you get? You’re fine, Wil. Chin up!
Reflection and hindsight are always good. But I don’t think your reaction was THAT bad. I mean the moron attacked your family. How low can you get? You’re fine, Wil. Chin up!
1. What is *with* all the star trek references on the thread? Okay, I get it, but would you put a whole bunch of George Papadapolis quotes if Emmanuel Lewis was lied about?
2. Were I the guy, I’d be going “Thanks for the publicity, sucker!” (of course, it does give me an idea for a good joke…)