TrekWeb has given Dancing Barefoot an amazing review that made me squeal like a little girl.
My little book earned 5 out of 5 stars (!), but my very favorite part of the whole review is this:
Accompanying Wheaton’s book are illustrations by Ben Claassen III. Like Wheaton’s tales, each illustration is a story unto itself that serve well in accompanying the stories. If I could visualize what Wheaton is thinking along the way, these illustrations would be among those thoughts.
Way to effing go, Ben!! I’m proud of my words, but they’re only part of the whole “experience” that I hope readers have, and I’m thrilled that the first review I’ve seen since O’Reilly published my book gives Ben the attention and credit that he so deeply deserves.
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i love the illustrations.
and i had to be the first comment 🙂
hooray dancing barefoot!
It is so great that the illustrator (Ben) got acknowledged! Yeah! He certanly deserved it!
Congratulations, Ben!! I have the privilege of wearing a tshirt you drew as well as a copy of ‘Dancing Barefoot’. You rawk. \m/ \m/
Congrats on the review, Wil and Ben. You both deserve it!
Just having taken a second look at the photos, I think that the first one (with “Houses in motion”) is very poignant, and very sad. The one opposite “We Close Our Eyes” is very cute. Does Anne really wear a T-shirt that says that? That would be too cool.
All the best,
No one reviewed his art work before? I’ve been a huge fan of Ben’ for awhile now. I love his art work.
yay! 🙂
Wil– unrelated, but if you liked the soundtrack to Lost In Translation, I’d strongly recommend checking out Air’s new CD “Talkie Walkie”. If you don’t know Air, they did the song “Lost in Kyoto” in LiT, and I don’t think you’d regret buying this album!
I second the Air recommendation!! I get to see them live for the first time next month! YAY!!
I still need to see LiT… *hides*
More huzzah!
At first I thought you were being sarcastic about your love of the review, with the ‘har har’s and everything — then I read it and came back and figured it out. Har. Har.
Congrats Ben and Wil on such great writting and illustration’s. I predict a 5 star rating for Just A Geek, and perhaps a peabody award or even a pulitzer.
Oh shit. I wasn’t being sarcastic or snarky. I was making puns because I’m captain comedy, and this is my sidekick laughtrack boy.
woot woot! wil’s on a punny roll…. :^)
Okay, I took the puns out, because I don’t want to give the impression to ANYONE that I’m not intensely grateful for the great review, or that I take it for granted, or anything like that.
Dry humor doesn’t always translate into print, you know?
Congratulations on the review, Wil. You and Ben so deserve it. Now I’m waiting for the audiobook and the DVD of your one man performance of DB.
Hi Wil… I must say: your book really is entertaining and well-written. Congratulations!
In other news of pictures, you should perhaps check the right panel of FARK.
You might have to refresh it a few times.
Quote — “Wheaton takes a page from humorists such as Lewis Grizzard, Bob Greene, and Mark Twain, and offers up a sense of nostalgia laced with humor.”
That is rarified air you are circling in.
w00t! Go Ben, go Ben… And go Wil, too. You guys did an awesome job on Dancing Barefoot, and it’s cool to see you both get the kudos ^,^
I can’t read Dancing Barefoot more than…oh, maybe three times a year. It’s not because it’s bad. It’s because it’s so good…I don’t want to ruin it for me. There are some books that are good that I’ve read so often that I ruined it for myself, much like overplaying a song or watching a movie too often. I don’t want to do that to Dancing Barefoot. It’s too good a book to ruin. Makes me cry every time.
That review was well-deserved.
Way to go Wheaton!
Hey Wil, when you do that audio-book or One-Man show DVD I hope you include in the extras you doing your little girl squeal…..cause yeah, I’d pay for that!
Good on you mate!
Dude, can we hear you squeal like a little girl on your next audio blog? LOL Congrats!! The first story made me cry, the last story may me laugh until I cried. I’m still waiting to hear what dear Auntie M thought of your book…
Congrats to Ben!
…and you too Willie…
i would give it 5 stars too… i laughed, i cried, i took a long lunch so i could finish it in one sitting. 🙂 it was awesome.
Wil, what are the odds that you’d dicatate an audible file for distribution of this book on I’d love to listen to it on my iPod :-). I’m sure it is not as easy as I make out, but with your voice acting gigs and various readings, it seems like this would be a natural, at least from your end.
Oooohhhh, JAG stands for your book “Just a Geek”. Now I can stop watching that stupid TV show that I’ve been looking for you on.
You know, when you read that headline quickly, I thought it said something about Ups to Big Ben!
I was like, Man, I guess you like England and all, but……
Hi ya,
I was just on my way to buy the book and wanted to see a few more reviews and came across reviews… ALL GLOWING. if you haven’t seen it yet, click on my name for the url.
can’t wait to read it
Congrats Wil on your review.
Crap, now I’m going to HAVE to buy the book. I’ve been putting it off, but after reading that incredible review, my resistance has been broke.
Damn that reviewer, and well-done, Wil.
ps what’s unusual about you squealing like a littler girl?
LITTLE girl, that is …
Damn those typos, too.
Congrats Wil! As soon as the book is available in the UK I’m picking it up : )
A good person always shares the glory and tips their hat to people who help make them successful and you have done that.
Therefore, you are a good person! Simple math.
Also, since the voice-over actors at Fox’s The Simpsons are striking for more pay (I for one think they deserve more – a real no-brainer there) maybe they’ll be calling Wil to help out.
How’s your “Homer”, Wil? DOH! Best dang show ever.
Sigh. What a disappointment.
I was just over at and saw your photo on the right hand side bar of their April Fool’s Day page.
Clicked on it, it brings you to their actual news page.
Came here. No rebuttal? No practical joke back? Nothing?
C’mon…you’re “captain comedy”.
I’m with Bill on that one.
What kind of a geek are you anyway, Wil? Huh? HUH?
Hop to it!
I’m the kind of geek who has two huge deadlines: one today, and one tomorrow.
Sadly, no April Fool’s gag this year.
You should take it easy…but a few luxury attachments for your PC.
i think the illustrations remind me of a cartoon…i think called the oblongs.
well im off to enjoy the first thunderstorm of the year here, so good luck on your deadlines, and congrats on the review.
They gave your book a 5 star rating? Come on… I’d give it a one star, 2 at the most. And William Shatner is my hero; he outshines that wimpy Wesley any day. When are you gonna grow up and face reality? APRIL FOOL !!!!
Wil, you are the greatest; I am so happy for you and your success with Dancing Barefoot. And if you are ever in New Orlans I would be honored to have you autograph my copy…no foolin’.
Your friend, Freeman 🙂
Aww, I didn’t mean for you to have to end up changing the entry… the puns were cute once I got them 🙂
Your sensitivity is extremely admirable.
Congrats to you both of course!!!!
I hold in my hands, the southernmost copy of Dancing Barefoot (all the way from Australia c/o my friendly Linux distributor).
I am so abandoning Across the Nightingale Floor now :p.
Congrats on the review!
congratulations on your book and for the great review! 😀 now i gotta go to the nearest bookstore and check it out. 😀
Sadly no time for april fools gags either- exams coming up- oh the joy! But Duuuuude, always time to check out what you’re up to Wil, ol’ buddy ol’ pal!(i can wish!)I’m totally a huge fan, my friend stumbled across your site when checking out stuff about Stand by me and didn’t really get your humour (or the fact that it was a weblog but hey, there’s no accounting for some people!)So i checked it out and have been hooked ever since! All my friends have adopted a similar tone (or groan) when i bring up your name, but if you are a small obsession (I’m admant you aren’t!) it is the healthiest i’ve ever had. You follow on to a list of Freddie Mercury, River Phoenix and (my idol & still standing, selfconfessed obsession) Elvis – gah i love him! In other words you are the best “obsession” cos you’re still alive (praise the Lord!),you make me smile and don’t make me feel depressed!
Basically what i’m trying to say after wasting your time (and using a lot of brackets!) is that the world is a far better place with you in it. Rock on Wil- we love you!XXXXX
Just bought the book, and bundled it with Dark Knight Archives Vol 3 (Golden Age Batman issues) and a couple other fantasy books. Can’t wait to read it 🙂
I was thinking….
do you have any value for the idea of “love your enemies?” I think you are cool (like me 😉 so… maybe you agree that our enemies give us the opportunity to learn tolerance and forgiveness? Whatever. I’m referring to W.F.S. here. Ok. ‘Nuf said. Food for thought.
Everyone! Be quiet! Wil’s trying to finish his work and meet deadlines, plus he has v/o work to do. I already told him he’d be spanked if he takes any blog breaks before he finishes his work, and he IGNORED me, the whippersnapper. But they were minor breaks, a reply or two to the comments and other than that, no new major post yesterday and none yet today. (I hope he’s not still sleeping.)
And back to work, young man.
Thanks for entertaining us. I look forward to reading more bloggy goodness when you have time to post, Wil.
I suspect some cigar smoking and beer drinking may occur as soon as he drops off his manuscript and finishes his v/o work. It’d certainly be well-deserved.
Until then, there’s always fark, the onion and retrocrush and other important stuff for us.
Isn’t this interwebby thing great?
Just got the book and finished it in record time. Great words, great pictures, great book.