I just got hellabusy, so I know that if I wait until I have the time and focus to write all about my audition I’ll never do it, so I’ll just hit some of the highlights, because I think there are 10 readers scattered across the ‘net who really want to know:
- I haven’t gotten any feedback, so I don’t know what they thought. Usually, if they like what I did, I get a call the same day, or (at the latest,) the next working day. It’s been two days, and I haven’t heard anything, so I am pretty sure they didn’t like what I did, or found someone else who they like more.
- The character description was “uptight conservative,” but the script seemed to contradict that. My take on this guy is that he was just a tool. He was trying really hard to be cool, and overcompensated like crazy. He calls everyone “dude,” “bro” and “hombre,” and gets really excited to put on his Creed CD . . . which I thought was extremely funny. I played him very big. Maybe a little TOO big. Normally, if they are interested in me, I’ll get a little direction if I go too big or not big enough, but I didn’t get any of that. Which means I was right-on, or I was so far off it wasn’t worth their time.
- I had a really good time. Everyone in the room was actually quite nice, except for the guy who was really put out that I didn’t bring in a resume (I thought they already had one,) and they all laughed very hard at all my ad-libs. There’s a difference between “laugh track” laughter, and genuine “oh wow! I wasn’t expecting that and it amused me” laughter, and I felt like there was much more of the latter than the former.
- I got to see my friend Maureen there. Seeing people I like when I’m on auditions is always a good time.
- Unless I am totally off, I made a good impression on the casting people, which means they’ll consider me again for other roles.
Sorry that it’s not the cool narrative style I wanted to use for the report, but I gotta work on Just A Geek so I can turn it in by the end of the month.
It rules the MOST that so many people shared encouragement and stuff, and I wish I had something more definitive to report . . . but this not-knowing is a BIG part of being an actor, so you get to share that with me instead. I’ll post more details when I have them. 🙂
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We’ll be waiting with bated breaths for all the gory details *smile*
Lots of mojo going your way from here in Oxford, England!
Count me among the 10, then. It’s so cool that you’re willing to share with us these parts of your life. Thanks
Congratulations. I know what it’s like waiting for a call back for a job. I’m in the middle of that myself.
Good luck!
I think there are more than 10 waiting to hear. I was nice you took time you did not have to share a little. I think you blew them away and they are still recovering 😉
Now get to work on JAG so you can get it to the publisher so we can order it!
Number 5 of MIllions who are sending you good mojo. Can’t wait for Just a Geek!
Peace and good mojo (are they the same?),
Wow, if it’s only ten, we must be the top 0.00001% of the internet, right?
Congrats on surviving the audition, and good luck with the JAG nose-to-grindstone thing!
Glad that it was a positive experience for you. I’ll keep thinking positive thoughts for you.
Guess since I’m comment 7, that makes me one of the 10? 😛
Well, I’d wish you the best of luck with the audition, I’ll take your word for it for now and just congratulate you on impressing them with your wit and charm. 🙂
It’s neat being able to see backstage in the words of a real person as opposed to a documentary or (gads) a reality show. It’s a place that I’ll never be.
And just dumping the info out is a great alternative to waiting until you can write it “just so” and either not getting to it or it being stale when you do. Good choice (and still very readable, in fact the quickness of the writing seemed to add to the excitement).
You’re an interesting man Wil Wheaton.
does that mean I can be 7 of 10?
Thanks for updating!
I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you… remember if it is meant to be, it will!!
That they auditioned you for a part that goes against what you think is your personal type says something.
Vegas odds? A call back.
Wow! It sounded like it went well! I hope you get a call back, a call for another audition maybe?
Hey, Wil. I just wanted to let you know that I feel like I know you more now, than when we knew each other briefly in 89-90. I’m ALWAYS hoping that you get the exposure you deserve, because quite frankly, you ROCK! By the way, “If you and I were stranded on a desert island together, which brand of chewing gum would you be?” (At least, I THINK that’s what you used to ask people. It’s been a while.) GOOD LUCK!!! Lucky poster number 13 sending you out MAJOR MOJO!
hey wil, well, it looks like there are more than 10 people who care what happened, as there are already 14 comments here!!
so glad things went well, i hope you get a call back soon. Even if you don’t get it, by the sounds of things they liked you anyway, and if you made them laugh….its their loss that they didn’t choose you!!! (thats just what i think anyway!!!!)
well, good luck with JAG, can’t wait!!!
take care
(from uk!!!)
Wil, you know that there are more than 10 interested people out here. ;^) Thanks for the update and am sending some callback mojo your way! :^)
No matter what the result of your audition, it doesn’t matter. You still rock, and Just A Geek is going to be really big for you, I can feel it!
Good times, Wil! Don’t let them pass you by!
PS: Nice “Knerd Rider, The Sequel” pic in your photo blog. David Hasslewho?
Still wishing good luck for you, I just purchased Dancing Barefoot and I plan on devouring it as soon as it arrives. I wish I had found your site sooner, I feel like I’m playing catch-up with an old friend.
Wil, your modesty just adds to the list of many reasons why I admire you so much. I’m sure that I’m not the only one who feels this way, and the people who do add up to far more than ten.
I hope that you get a call soon about the audition. I’m sure that you amazed everyone there. Thanks for keeping us up to date!
Good luck on the audition. Keep plugging away at the book. I know how frustrating and crazy-making writing can sometimes be.
I am sure you made a great impression… If this doesn’t work out something better will come along… But Good Luck just in case…lol
Hi Wil –
First time poster here (first time finding your website/Blog – very nice!) I think you’re etching out new territory – and it may become even more prominent in the future. Keep it up and history may record you as one of the great original celebrity BLOGGERS. You have a talent for writing – I envy your ability. Need to practice more myself, I’m slowing winding my way through better verbs and stronger imaginative descriptions to improve quality.
By the way, I read your FAQ. I was struck by what Patrick Stewart said about your acting and I would have to agree. I always felt you stood your own ground very well on NG, and was often amazed at how young you were compared to all the rest of th’m elderly folks. The odd part to me was that sticking a “teenager” onto the Bridge of the Enterprise with the likes of the grown-ups didn’t seem like it should have worked – but it did, and no small part to your own acting talent.
I’m sure you’ve heard no end to perhaps questions about Patrick Stewart. But just to be associated with someone of that caliber of talent – each time I watch a rerun of an NG show, I’m in awe at this man’s abilities – skill and sheer presence. And I wouldn’t be in the least surprised if he wasn’t much the same offscreen as on. But then, a good deal of your cast for NG were some remarkable personalities that seemed to just mesh incredibly well. In my opinion, none of the Star Trek spinoffs since NG matched in quality.
I guess going through casting is one of those things that you shouldn’t take personally. Much like job hunting, you never know why they really are rejecting you. Lot more pressure on Americans right now – so many millions out of work, while the Republicans refuse to extend unemployment benefits, and claim the 340,000 Americans who fell off unemployment insurance in February are “no longer looking for work”. What a crock! It is very sad downturn for the average working (some no longer working) Joe in our country right now. The very fact that Americans were labelled as “unpatriotic” who opposed the war in Iraq, and now we are finding out that the whole WMD crap was most likely – one big fat lie – is I think – a clear sign of the times. The corporate right-wing news media “echo machine” sure ain’t helping.
Anyway, sorry to digress. I guess the idea that you may have not gotten the acting job you auditioned for brings up the idea of rejection in life – or not making it – the struggle too succeed etc. Thus on to the topic of the Bush Trickle down economy and the current state of our country.
Seems a far cry from us leaving earth and exploring the galaxy. The human race seems to be crawling along.
wow that was a long comment that i didnt read.
anyways, im sure they liked you at the audition. laughter is a good thing last i checked 🙂 heres hoping for the best for you.
Ain’t it funny how you wait and wait for call backs, etc—but when they want you THEY WANT YOU YESTERDAY!
I’ve got my fingers crossed, too.
It’s okay if you don’t get it, because wether it’s soon or a bit off, you’ll get something not only that you like, but will become big. Sorry for the cheesy comment, but I do think that will happen.
Thanks for taking us along on these journeys, Wil!
Good mojo headed your way.
I think it rules the most that you are hellacool!
If they don’t use you, it’s their loss. Siwiouswy, Pom Pom.
Wishing you the best of luck Wil, (And looking forward to meeting you at Penguicon!)
We’re happy to share your limbo with you, Wil. In fact, it’s a place I, personally, know quite well. Right at this very moment limbo and I are best friends, only the kind you have a love/hate relationship where the love always happens when it’s gone. I digress…
I hope you don’t feel the need to write in gorgeous prose every time you put finger to keyboard just to impress us. You’ve already won us over. That’s why we’re here.
thanx for the update. We’re happy to wait with you.
Hi Wil,
Hey man, if you get this sitcom, you may not get The Hobbit, please, please, please, please, right? Just kidding, I’m sure you could handle both, but which is better – regular work, or a feature film with writing as regular work? That would be a rough choice, but being the homebody that I am, I think that I would choose the feature with some weeks/months away and come home to my family and my regular routine. What do you think? I must be one of the 10+ who wanted to hear the news because this is about the 4th time I’ve checked the blog today!
Thanks for being so nice to the fan that you met at a table at Disneyland. She appreciated it and can’t wait to buy your books. She has written to me about it already.
do watchmen…could be the best
Wil, good luck with your audition. I’m also awaiting a call back for a job interview. Even if you don’t get that particular part, I’m betting you made one hell of an impression.
Hey Wil! I’m one of those 10 people who was waiting to hear about your audition so thank you! I’m sure you were fantastic and I’m sure they liked you, even if they haven’t given you feedback. Geez, what a tough acting must be. I know how much it kills me when I go on a job interview and have to wait for that letter stating “welcome to the company” or “we appreciate your interest in our company but…” That kind of frustration must be 100 fold when it comes to auditions. In any case, you’re an awesome actor and a really funny guy and if they don’t pick you, it’s their loss.
Tracey Weiss
I think I see a parallel here. God told Abraham he would spare the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah from destruction if he could find 10 innocent men.
And you gave us a post for the sake of 10 die hard
readers. Thanks so much! Looking forward to Just A Geek. In 10 words or less, what is the theme of Dancing Barefoot?
Your friend, Freeman.
Well, if we have to share your uncertainty, then at least we’re feeling what you’re feeling, and I am content. (Relatively speaking.) Hope the casting directors have a sudden onset of sanity and decide you’re perfect for the part!
Thanks for the update. Oh, and I think there are more than ten people interested. 😉 Keeping my fingers crossed for ya!
Hey Wil,
I’ve been on the road and away from the net this weekend, but I recall relating to my husband (as I was driving through perhaps Albuquerque) how eager I was to hear how your audition went. You’re loved Wil, get used to it 😉
I have to admit that I just found your site thanks to a friend, but you can now move that count up to 11 readers who want to know! I’m sending positive vibes your way on the auditions!
As a struggling actor myself, I feel your pain. The not knowing and the wondering always gets me down. But I always pick myself up again by telling myself I’m doing what I love, which is rare and lucky. Hang in there.
joey from L.A
Thank you for the update! I was anxious to hear how things went for you. Regardless of whether or not you got this specific role… you feel that you made a good impression and that’s all you can ask for, right? 🙂 And who knows… maybe you will get that call.
I’ve been checking everyday to see the outcome, your being far to modist, 10 would not do you near enough justice. Wishing you the best outcome, everything happens for a reason. Plus doesn’t it feel good to do what you like and have a positive influence on people.
saw teen titans, hellacool! YOU RULE !
Aw, come on, Wil! Your original post about the audition had over 170 comments, and most of them were from posters rooting for you. I’m post 40-something here, so there are definitely more than 10 of us wanting to know what happened. No matter what, you said you had a really good time, and you got to connect with a friend there.
Now get to work on JAG so we can have something for Christmas, if not sooner!
Hey, if you get a job, send some job mojo my way. Ever since they canned the Star Trek RPG I’m out of work . . .
Regarding the guy that was really put out about your resume….what planet has he been on for the past 15 years, and if you have an agent, should not your agent have made sure that the resumes were given to them in advance? [shaking head in disbelief] It does seem that you somewhat enjoyed yourself. Hobbit, please, please, please!
Can I be number twelve out of those ten?
Seriously, I will always be excited to see you on TV, movies, or where ever your career takes you. *sends pro-WW thoughts to casting people*
False modest does not become you, ya schmuck – you know darn well there are more than 10 people who keep an eye on your doings and are wishing you all the best. Geez. Some people’s kids…
That said, BEST WISHES!
Yay, thanks for updating us! Nah, take your time if ya want to write it up properly. I would so love to see you in a film or show again… and I’m convinced you ruled, and either will get a phone call soon, or they just don’t appreciate a good actor when they see one. Feh.
Anyways, sounds like that character would be hilarious to be played by you… and boy, you must enjoy puttin on that Creed CD, eh? 😉
All the best and get that job MOJO!!!!
Patty 🙂 x
A lot more than 10 people, Wil!
Well Wil, I for one totally care and am eager to learn what happens. I do imagine you have more than 10 net readers but who’s to say 🙂 Good luck on finishing the book that can be the worst bit. A deadline really helps. Just keep us posted.
Another of the amorphous ’10’ checking in… much mojo, etc…