You know those little buttons that are all over people’s websites? The ones that look just like the TON of buttons you see below?
I guess they’re called “stickers,” and today I found a totally badass UI to make them. I’ve always thought these little things were spiffy, kind of a different way to say “I like this stuff,” and be a little creative while you’re at it. I just wasted spent an hour or so making stickers, to give my brain a rest after writing all day.
Here are some stuff about me, or stuff I like ones:
And some that could be nifty for links:
How about some love for XM?
And of course, we’ve got to have some Star Trek stickers:
Okay, so consider yourself inspired! Get outta here and make some that are cooler than these . . . you know you want to.
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Meanwhile, at the Hall of Injustice, Bob Edwards is being kicked from NPR’s Morning Edition.
I made most of my “stickers” there too. Taylor McKnight also has a huge stash of stickers on his site ( I believe the vast majority of those were submitted by other bloggers. He’s recently reorganized them into categories and I believe soon you will be able to search for the type of sticker you need.
I have never seen these before….but I am a big fan of filling out forms and making useless things on the internet.
Those are pretty spiffy.. Gots to get me some.
Woah! Thanks for the link, elise!
They even have a WWdN sticker there already! That’s rad. 🙂
Hmm, user has reached bandwidth limit. Looks like Wil’s link wanged that site. I guess I’ll try again later. Or just fire up photoshopCS and do it myself.
What fun 🙂
Thanks! I spent an hour the other day trying different names to find those damn silly things. and now that I know where to make them, surely some ferret or meezer ones are needed. 😉
I thought I told you to “stop goofing off and finish writing “Just A Geek”, not “Now hang up and go make nitfy little banners!” Kathryn’s gonna KILL me! Thanks for the interview Wil, you’re the best!
Good grief! The next Internet “you ain’t cool if you ain’t got any” fad…
I guess running across one of those “All about me and my friends and our soap opera school life” websites with a thousand of those plastered all over it is better than running into the same aforementioned website with a 3 meg MP3 embedded in it…
(No offense to anyone who might happen to have one of those “all about me and my friends and our soap opera school life” website is intended of course ;} )
Naw, it’s all about XM 27. Cinemagic, baby, Cinemagic.
(though I’ll admit I’m listening to 81 (BPM) right now because it’s my study music)
Hm. Have never seen these before. Does this mean I don’t hang out at the cool websites?
Thanks for the link, Uncle willie.
you are so full of knowledge, its just amazing.
Hey Wil I liked the LA Dodger sticker the most!
chained to the pillars
4 days of pixies
i break the walls
and kill us all
with holy fingers
Addicting, aren’t they?? I have a whole stash of them on my site. And once I started making my own… oh Lord… it was all over after that. LOL
I think Kalsey still links directly to Minimal Verbosity’s code that makes the buttons, so it may go offline because of bandwidth suckage (it’s happened twice before) – especially after Wil “You got me out of the shower for a snake? Dude.” Wheaton links to it 😉
I happen to have an improved version of the code at my site that automagically calculates the vertical divider’s placement. The interface is very simplistic, but obvious.
Anybody that is able to host their own stuff can email me and I’ll send you the form page and the code to make the buttons (you need to have PHP installed)
oh, yeah, the linkage: Button maker and greg [at]
hey wil,
that is soo much fun! cheers for the link. its always good to have another time waster around!!! tee hee
cheers wil,
take care
Damn, Wil, you are on one heavy Pixies trip with these blog entry titles.
Be Creative, Roll Your Own!
PHP code to follow:
# Create the image
$im = imagecreate(80, 15);
# Create the colors
$black = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
$white = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
$blue = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 255);
# Paint the image white
# Paint the border
imagesetthickness ( $im, 1);
ImageRectangle($im, 1, 1, 79, 14, $black);
# Paint the Blue Rect
# Paint the “ST”
imagestring($im, 1, 4, 4, “ST”, $white);
# Paint the Black Rect
# Paint the “ST”
imagestring($im, 1, 18, 4, “MyGeneration”, $white);
# Write it to a file
imagepng($im, “ST_Sticker.png”);
# Recover the memory
Wil, just wanted to say that I read your blog everyday & that I really enjoy your take on things….
One request… I read you blog through Bloglines & was wondering if you have considered putting your entire comment in the RSS feed? As it is, I have to click through to your site to read the entire article…
Thanks again for writing.. I really enjoy it!
Nice link. I made some buttons. Check ’em out.
VW Golf? Thats a diesel I hope.
Yeah . . . which Golf is that? 4th Gen?
I was going to comment about Taylor
My VW is a Golf TDI, and I freakin’ LOVE it. My milage averages something like 48 / 53, and the cost of diesel fuel is consistenly well below the cost of unleaded fuel.
I could do a big old blog post all about how much I ::heart:: my car . . . but I think I won’t. 🙂
Interesting – a recent “Car & Driver” indicated there might be issues with diesels and California’s emissions standards. Any hassles there?
It’s great to have my horizons broadened regularly by coming to this site. 😉
and the font Silkscreen is available here:
Let’s see… I’ve already borrowed your basic blog design to inspire my own (; taken the “Fear” terror alert system featuring Sesame Street; heck, I even use the Obey Wil button. Now I’ve got something else to borrow from my dear Uncle Willy…
Seriously, though. The stickers are nifty, and I’ll try my hand at making them tonight after I get home from work (where I’ll be seeing The Butterfly Effect for the 8th time, yay). Thankfully, I have the remedy for Ashton Kutcher movies to come home to: WWdN!
Hey Wil… That MT one… Is that your elevation or somthing? What’s up with that one?
MT = Movable type. The number corresponds to the version
Ha! I’m happy to see one of the “clip shows” from our fabulous network was worthy of a button. It’s my personal favorite, as the people coming in to interview for it are always personable and funny.
The Receptionist Who Complemented Your Web Site in the Parking Garage
Ha! I love the button maker. I’ve used it to make…oh…masses of minibuttons for navigating my website. I’ve tried to make them myself but Photoshop 5 stubbornly refuses to play ball with the Silkscreen font that’s used to make the things. Grr, arg.
Noticed the Radiohead and Pixies stickers. Are you going to Coachella? Just curious.
I :heart: my VW Golf too! Um, but it’s a 92…and it has over 260k kms on it…but it is still going strong.
ok…so the ST ones rock. ditto with VW (mine would be VW :: GTI VR6).
for a more risque (politically incorrect?) set of buttons, i refer the adventurous reader to the following:
warning…not for the easily offended. 🙂
Thanks for the link. The bandwidth shouldn’t be a problem. My site’s always had plenty, and Bill (the guy who created the backedn of the gizmo) recently moved it to a new host with loads of bandwidth to spare.
Those that suggested Wil’s link might bring my server to it’s knees, but oddly enough the link hasn’t brought nearly as much traffic as you might think. About 2500 visitors in the 20 or so hours since this was posted.
What’s particularly interesting is that this link has created a bunch of secondary traffic. Many people who saw it here have linked to it themselves. That has brought in another 1000 or so visitors.
Last summer when I analyzed the initial flood of traffic that came from the sudden discovery of the button maker. Anyone interested in this sort of thing might like to read about it in Anatomy of a Meme.
You totally maxed out the dude’s bandwidth…
I guess I have to wait until the 1st to have a go…
Thanks for the link…;)
Cool man ! thanks for the link.
so i’m reading the comments and i see my name, hey wait a minute i didn’t post any comments! i am not used to seeing my name out there, there’s not many of us around, nice to see another elise! ok that’s all. 🙂
I think you should feel free about geeking over your TDI. Have you been to
Cool article!!!
Cool article!!!
Cool article!!!
Cool article!!!
Cool article!!!
Cool article!!!