I’ve been alluding to some sort of exciting announcement for at least a week now, but every time I think I’m going to make it, something else comes up, and it keeps getting delayed.
So I guess I should just make the announcement, and go back to folding my clothes.
(Totally random aside: even though I’m married and have two stepkids, I still do laundry like a bachelor. About once every two weeks, my clothes will spill out of the hamper, and I’ll hear Anne call, “Wil?” from the bedroom.
Excitedly expecting some Skyrockets in Flight, I’ll race back there, only to find her standing near the hamper, one hand on her hip, the other pointing at the mass of clothes, as she gives me The Look.
My wife is the most patient and wonderful woman on the planet.)
Anyway, before I start going on and on about how awesome Anne is, here’s the Big news: starting with issue 114, I will be writing the back page of Dungeon magazine. My column is called . . . wait for it . . . “Wil Save.”
I’ve been reading Dungeon and Dragon off and on for years, but I’ve been playing D&D since the early days of the red box set. All through high school, I played GURPS, Illuminati, Car Wars, OGRE, Awful Green Things . . . and some games that were not released by Steve Jackson Games. The point is, I’ve got lots of sources for inspiration, and I will spend my first few columns looking back on 15 years of gaming, and what it means to me to be a Gamer now, compared to when I was younger.
It’s a pretty big deal to me to have a regular column anywhere . . . but to have the back page is something that I didn’t think I’d ever get, and I’m very grateful to the droogs at Dungeon for giving me an opportunity to share some of my experiences with their readers.
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