It’s raining pretty hard over my house right now, which isn’t that big a deal, except we rarely get interesting weather here in Pasadena . . . but right now it’s a full-on Arizona-style thunderstorm, complete with bright flashes of lightning, explosive claps of thunder, and sheets of water falling from the sky so heavily, I can’t see across my street.
Actually, as I write this, I’m sitting in my kitchen, watching garbage cans float down the gutter in front of my house. Good thing I left my cans up on the sidewalk this morning, just in case.
I’m putting the finishing touches on the Dallas recap. It should post within 24 hours.
. . . and in the time it’s taken me to write this and preview it, the rain has completely stopped. I just opened the window and all I can hear is the ferocious rushing of water down the street, and the drip drip drip of the downspout on the garage.
Cool. 🙂
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First post….yay! Looking forward to the Dallas post,you need to come to Houston.
I love a good thunderstorm. Unfortunately, here in Kansas City, we’ve just had this misty gloom over us for the past two weeks (except the weekend; pretty odd).
Back in early September when the weather was still rather warm, the first weekend of Renaissance Festival encountered a nice freakish thunderstorm which can only be described as one of nature’s nice cleansings.
Go Sox.
Ditto up here in the desert except the LEAST amount of rain causes huge flooding and cars floating away and total chaos.
It’s amazing how nature humbles us all.
Hi Will! Well I’m about 70 miles just north of you working at Edwards AFB. Its still dark, cloudy, raining a bit and the temperature is dropping. Might even see some snow on the way home to San B.
TC and looking foward to your next post.
Dallas recap? What about Austin?
Are you going to let my review stand as the review of record. You were in Austin first. Dallas is teh suX0r! (I can legitimately say that having spent the first 17 years of my life there). I’m throwing a virtual tantrum in protest.
Ohhhhh, I just love a good thunderstorm! Here in the Carolinas we have them on a regular basis during the summer. Then, of course, we have hurricane season.
Don’t you just LOVE how it smells after a good, hard rain?
I must have missed Wil 101 because for some reason I thought you lived in the Valley and not in Pasadena. Or maybe you grew up in the Valley, but I did not think you actually lived in Pasadena, despite your oft lauded story about Hooters in Old Town.
This weather confounds me (I live on the westside). I’ve only been living in the L.A. area for just over a year, but my wife’s a lifer (‘cept the couple years she was in new england to be with me before convincing me to move to the left coast), and even she was astonished at this October weather.
Anyway, I know you’re not rolling in the dough (I was tempted to start a collection to get you an A/C when you posted about not having one and not being able to afford one in the house, or at least unwilling to spend the money on a non-necessity), but I hope you’re lucky enough to live in one of the (maybe more modest) beautiful Craftsman houses in Pasadena.
Just started playing San Andreas and can’t wait until I hear you on the radio.
And you can fire out on a bus
To the outside world
Down to Louisiana
You can take her with you
Props on the Soul Coughing header
As for San Andreas, what station are you on by chance, I been surfing to no avail….
Come stay in the Philly area for a while. Name the crappy weather, and we get some of it year round. Snow, rain, flooding, heat, etc. Pennsylvania is the Crappy Weather State.
It was definitely cool – with hail to boot! (I work in old town).
I must say that I do love your quiet musings. They actually relax me. In the same vein, may I suggest a book created for the sole point of relaxing and envisioning. It’s called: “14,000 Things to be Happy About”
A woman started a daily list when she was a child, of various things that made her happy. The final result was this book.
Your Arch Nemisis
P.S. – Pfftt….rainspouts. Wuss :O)
Perhaps it only rained in your imagination. Hey, it could happen. It rains in my mind all the time.
“By the rivers of Babylon
there we sat and wept
when we remembered Zion.” Psalm 137:1
Looking forward to your Dallas recap, Wil!
I hope your neighbors will be able to find their runaway trash cans. (The last really bad rain we had , besides a couple of weeks ago, was when the last hurricane hit us . . .)
I love it when it rains like that. My only problem with my dream of moving to California (besides the earthquakes) is that it doesn’t rain much over there.
it’s been so long since we’ve actually had a storm in Arizona, that I’ve forgotten what they are like.
Man.. I miss a good thunderstorm!
I grew up in So. Cal. in the desert, thunderstorms were about the only kind of rain we got.
Now I live in Portland, OR. Rain is extremely common… thunderstorms are not.
I noticed clicky on your page today. Best book store eveh! 🙂
Drew (from PA a post a while back), I’ll see your crappy weather and raise you! Well, how about we settle for an Ohio-Pennsylvania tie for crappy weather?
Still love me a good thunderstorm. My hubby’s in Pasadena as we speak. I’ll have to ask him if he enjoyed the quick storm.
I have one question for you, mister: what are you doing using your computer during a *lightning storm*??? Oh, wait – you were running off batteries and didn’t have it plugged into the wall, right? Right? I’m sure you’re too smart to let your computer get fried by a power surge from a lightning strike.
Hey, we get crappy weather here in Texas too. True, we don’t get a lot of snow here in Dallas; we get ice storms. Oh, what joy and bliss when one of those suckers hits. Then there are the tornadoes, and thunderstorms, and hail, and heat, and you name it. The weather’s never boring here, I can promise you that.
used to live in Pacific Grove, like a lifetime ago. nothing like the smell of lightning across the ocean..
thanks for making Wesley so personable.
I love thunderstorms and we sure get our share of them here in mid-Michigan.
ttrentham said: I’m throwing a virtual tantrum in protest.
Bwahahaha… I’ll throw a virtual tantrum along there with you for the Austin people. I’m hoping, of course, virtual tantrums are less irratating than real ones. 😉
Of course, “Dallas recap” could just mean “Texas recap” and we could be virtually tantrumming for nothing. 😉
Ooh, nice rain. Are you still going to view the eclipse tonight?
OMG! My Red Sox just won the WORLD SERIES!
I am from the East Coast of Australia and we have been having a considerable amount of rain over the last couple of weeks.
We’ve had steady rain, hail, thunderstorms where I can sit out on the deck and watch the lightning over the ocean, and rain so heavy that you can’t see more than a car length in front of you.
And while we may all be sick of the continual change between sunny days and downpours we are all thankful that perhaps this year we may break the drought (with a little luck).
Fingers crossed.
ok, so yeah — the red sox just won. holy cow. i am stunned speechless (but not type-less, obviously). i wish i were back in ole beantown right now– craziness. i was there in ’86 when they pissed away that series, so i can just imagine the insanity now.
ok, but why i really wanted to comment? b/c i am in arizona right now, and am eagerly awaiting the arrival of said storm that is pounding your house right now, wil.
you cannot truly understand the love of violent rain til you live in a place where there just ain’t much water.
i may even be moved to blog if it pours on me tomorrow. (-;
The weather was supposed to be like that here, but it looks like it might miss us darn 🙂
I’m in Phoenix so it would be typical (just not monsoonal)..
it was NOT raining in his mind because I live in So. Pas. and it was POURING! i love it though.
im going to bug you until you tell us here in your hometown (i expect an amount of loyalty out of you mister) when your booksigning is in Huntington Beach… if that is even a real thing going on… maybe i just thought that up in my mind… right, Paul? 😉
Man, thunderstorms are sweeeeeeeeet!!! Unless it gets really bad… then I get scared. :oS
Lucky! we were supposed to get some storms like that today but they missed us here totally. 🙁
I love a good thunderstorm.
i love thunderstorms too. we’re supposed to get some here in dallas this weekend. glad it’s stopped there, i was about to say maybe you shouldn’t be on the computer if it gets too bad. 😉
i’m anxiously awaiting the full dallas recap as i was there and had the pleasure of meeting you.
I loved the AZ Reference! I live here in sunny Phoenix and I must agree, an Arizona-style thunderstorm is an impressive thing to see!
I just got your books in the mail yesterday and I’ve already read Dancing Barefoot and I’m 30 pages into Just A Geek! Huge Thumbs up Wil! This stuff is great! I could hardly pay any attention in my classes, all I wanted to do was break open your books and read! And I’m off to read some more now! Keep writing! You’ve made my day, week, month… heck, you’ve made my year (along with many others!) Later will.
As a wise customer of mine once said:
“Love, Peace, and Hair grease”
No thunderstorms here in southern Michigan last night, but a great view of the lunar eclipse. Spooky orange moon just in time for Halloween. -k
Heavy rainfall is all fine and dandy until your house floods.
The Trash Heap has Spoken!
I used to be absolutely terrified of thunderstorms, but the last few years I’ve toughened a bit and can stand them a bit more. We had one here about two weeks ago, we always get one more in October it seems. It was quite a doozy. In the paper the next day it showed a picture of this fellows spruce tree that was struck by lightning and pretty much blew up! Incredible the power and the beauty of nature!
It’s funny you’d mention that because I live in Phoenix AZ and at the moment I write this to you it is doing a full on Arizona style rain storm. It’s absolutely going full boogy over here right now…
(tosses his tantrum for the Linucon reports in with the rest)
As someone from Arizona, I know that when rain time rolls around once or twice a decade it can be pretty brutal. For about five minutes, then its over for another 5 years!!!!
hey – can you check the serial numbers on any of the yard waste bins? mine’s #028421 and was swept away in the storm. 😛
Wil is a good writer
And that storm is headed to Colorado!
I am in Nebraska right now and it is about 75, which is about 15 degrees above normal temperature for this time of year.
Hey Wil,
can’t wait for your Dallas report! 🙂
wanted to mention….talk about crappy weather. Houston rained nonstop in June (and ontop of that we got hurricane season here)-well in summer, tornadoes, flash flooding and get dangerous lightning. I love So. Cal b/c of the no rain!! I could live in pretty weather year round!
Who are you voting for??
Wow, I didn’t know it rained in that part of Cali. Thanks for the info.
Glad the rain is in CA, as I live in FL we have seen quite enough rain for a while. I spent last weekend ripping off a co-worker’s roof then we put down new felt. Shingles get here sometime next week we hope, at least I should be able to stand up again by then, I’m not used to all this manual labor.
There are still pretty blue tarps all over town (near the Space Center) that show just how many roofs got damaged, a lot of contractors are booked for 8 months or more (hence the amateur roofing hobby) so its going to be a while before we want to see rain.
I love thunderstorms. Sounds like a good one. I might check out Arizona after all. Of course, it’s a bit hot for my tastes most of the time.
PS: Clever spam protection, I’ll glance around the site for more info on it before I pester you with questions about it.
This is the best time of year in sydney to check out storms. Hail and electric are doing well this year and we have even been getting big lots of thunder and lightning but no rain, kinda all bark and no bite, Ahh gotta love springtime.
Anyway have been a big fan of yours for years mate…. Just wondering if you are going to turn up down under in Australia anytime soon…
Dude, at least you have drainage. I’m in china at the moment where they just don’t do drains. It rains for 10 minutes and the whole place floods. Not cool. Looking forward to the Dallas post.
hi will?
well …..actually i dont want to comment you
first of all…i’m fan to you
i’m big fan….
i’m korean…you know korea??
it’s located in east asia,….
so i’m not good at english…
but you will understand..right??
i got so moved touched to seeing your movie
stand by me….
that movie made me thinking…my childhood
and what i
i really really love this movie…
so i’m very glad to know here is your web site..
i know i know….i dont know what i’m talking …
i just tell you…
3 days ago i watched movie stand by me
especially your acting was very good
river phinix was very very cool…
other boy actor they are cool/…either…
anyway…let me tell you once again
i’m not good at english…
i will show movie “stand by me” to my child
at school….
i want they got moved
child hood…life..encourge….
i can do whatever i want
i really appreciate this message…
i wish your best day…really world..and web world….
good bye!!
Yuck. I hate rain. I’m from Florida and, contrary to popular belief, this ain’t the sunshine state (it’s only called that because it never snows here). It rains more during summer than winter.
Well, have a good day. Looking forward to your next entry!
-Vanessa Nichole