Home from Dallas. It’s cool but weird that I can travel over 3000 miles in under 24 hours. The world really is getting smaller.
High point: One of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen told me: “You are seriously hot.”
Low point: I had to rush through about 40 people because I had to race to the airport to make my plane yesterday.
Most annoying point: There was a window-washing scaffolding hanging against the wall outside my hotel room, and when the wind kicked up around 6am yesterday, the cables started to whack against the wall so hard it shook the “artwork” the hotel had hung on it. It was impossible to go back to sleep, so I got to enjoy the entire day on 5 hours of sleep.
Absolute favorite moment in the last 72 hours: When my plane took off from Dallas yesterday evening, we climbed up through fluffy orange clouds and flew toward the setting sun, which painted the entire city below us pink and gold.
Much, much more to come later . . .
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Mleh. No ones ever told me I was attractive. But then theres a reason for that…
FLying into the sunset. Wow, what I wouldnt give to have been in a wondow seat ont hat plane
It was nice meeting you. Thanks for making the time to come down here…
Wil — Thanks for telling me that I was totally not a dick to you in Austin. For a little while, I was afraid that my middle initial was going to become ‘F’ (as in WFS). 🙂
I was so nervous meeting you & Brent Spiner that I hardly said anything! But thanks for being so nice & for signing Just a Geek for me.
Your reading was fabulous and super funny! I really enjoyed hearing about your Star Trek:The Experience story, I could genuinely empathise with your emotions…it was all in how you read it.
Thanks for coming to Dallas!
You know, in addition to meeting Wil again (and I have to let you know that of the four ST:TNG people there he *was* the nicest and I’m not just saying that b/c we’re all on WWdN. Brent was a bit testy when I not only knocked over his bottles of hand sanitizer but had to make him take another pic w/ me when the first one came out dark. What?! I spent $60 getting him to sign old pictures, not even the new glossy ones. Do you know how many days of work $60 is for me? You *will* retake that picture, Mr. Spiner! 🙂 Michael Dorn and John De Lancie were very nice, but a bit removed. Understandably, but still. $30 for 60 seconds of time? Smile like you mean it!) I have to say meeting all the WWdN monkeys was very cool.
I saw one guy w/ the “Earnest Borg 9” shirt, I met people that I met in line at the Alamo drafthouse screening of Stand By Me, Barb who let me ride with her and who I had very fun conversations about slash fiction with, and new monkeys who called out to me in the autograph line by asking if I was a monkey. (I was so struck dumb by just meeting Brent and Michael that I couldn’t understand how they knew I was a monkey and not just a normal TNG fan. Then I realized it was probably the WWdN shirt I had on. Dumb me.)
Incidentally, Wil, I told my friends that you’d remembered my name from Linucon and called out “hey, angie k!” when I was waiting in line for brent and michael. One of them snorted and said, “Yea, as in… ‘Note to self: Remember creepy girl’s name for future restraining order.'” Which I did find funny, only for the very small grain of truth that lies in it.
So very cool. Hey, Wil, Brent read my shirt, too. The Klingon/Wesley comic. He thought it was short, but very effective. 🙂 Yay!
So where are the Texas monkeys I met?
I’ve been a very casual viewer of this site for a while now, occationally stopping by to see if anything interesting was going on.
However, after attending the Comi-Con in Plano this weekend, I think I’ll be stopping by more regularly.
I was extremely impressed with the reading at the show, and, unfortunatly, I didn’t get a chance to grab a copy of the book after the reading (what with the plane and all), but I plan to buy both of them off the site now.
Out of all the people there (ST and non-ST) Wil Wheaton seemed to be the nicest, and the most…non condicending…of the group.
Plus, I was impressed to see that the reading drew very, very close to Keaton numbers in the auditorium.
You feel more attractive simply because deep down you feel that the other person giving you the compliment is in some way better than you.
I’m a gay man and I think you’re seroiously hot also Wil.
Be careful not to drop that autograph pen. 🙂
As a Star Trek lover the last time I saw your picture was as little Wes (see, a lover, not a hard core fan who knows every breath taken by every cast member ever). And I have to say I agree. You are seriosuly hot. What a handsome gentleman you’ve grown into.
*Stops rambling and embarassing herself*
It must be something in the name… 😀
Again I must repeat the sentiments of everyone above. The show was great and Wil was wonderful. I got choked up during his reading. I am going to have to buy the audiobook as soon as it comes out, just because hearing Wil read the stories is so touching! I have been relaying my stories of this weekend to everyone. I also really enjoyed seeing some of the people I met in Austin again. It is great to have people to speak with who love everything Wil as much as I do, and get it when I gush!
Dammit Wil, next time you see beautiful scenery, TAKE A PICTURE!
Kidding. I woulda love to have seen that. I tried taking pics last time I was in an airplane. All I needed to do was Windex the outside of the window… oh wait, we’re at 30,000 feet? Hmmm…
I love flying through clouds too, planes usually freak me out a bit but the clouds totally make up for it. Am completely stoked to find your site, keep up the good work!
Completely unrelated:
You are aware that John Kovalic used Wesley in one of last week’s DorkTower strips, right? I’ve been waiting to read about it in your blog but now I’m wondering if you know about it.
(I’d have emailed you but I never know if you’re reading email sent to wilwheaton.net.)
Have you heard of NaNoWriMo? It’s a website for National Novel Writing Month (november). From midnight November 1 to midnight Novemeber 30, lots of writers try to write 50,000 words. A novel. There’s no prizes save the feeling of intense accomplishment and pride. Like how you felt about “Dancing Barefoot” and “Just A Geek”. It’s at http://www.nanowrimo.org, if you want to check it out.
Hey angie k, I was the guy in the “Earnest Borg-9” shirt. I had a great time at the con too, as did the rest of the monkeys in the group I was with (some of whom have posted comments here). If you want to meet up with us in the future, come to “teh Soapbox” which is the new version of what used to be Wil’s message board. You can find it by following the “soapbox” link on Wil’s main page. Once you get registered there (if you aren’t already), come to the Monkey Happenings forum and look for the thread about the con. We always welcome more Dallas/Fort Worth and other Texas monkeys!
Thanks for coming to Dallas/lovely downtown Plano. I hope you get to make the trip again sometime soon, and I am sorry to have missed you. Should you care to read my version of events, please go to
I swear it’s mostly true. Kinda.
Wil, I doubt you will read this far down the comments but I’ll take the chance anyway.
You were SUCH a joy to finally meet! You were so nice when we came through the line to get our signed copy of JAG, which I’m nearly done reading, in one day no less. You were really kind to me. I was suffering from a bit of Mommy Brain(tm). That
Even though I’d already read JAG, there’s something about hearing a book read by the author that makes you want to pick it up again.
This was also the first con ever for a friend of mine, and I think the WFS line almost gave him a cracked rib. 🙂
Woohooo, finally got to meet Wil.
Thanks for signing my books and posing with my monkey.
Photos at: http://www.travelingmonkey.com
Glad I was able to catch you before you had to catch your flight. It was fun talking poker with you and getting my books signed … and the reading was a riot!
Well, you are seriously hot…
I’ve always thought you’re seriously hot. Does that count? 🙁