Home from Dallas. It’s cool but weird that I can travel over 3000 miles in under 24 hours. The world really is getting smaller.
High point: One of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen told me: “You are seriously hot.”
Low point: I had to rush through about 40 people because I had to race to the airport to make my plane yesterday.
Most annoying point: There was a window-washing scaffolding hanging against the wall outside my hotel room, and when the wind kicked up around 6am yesterday, the cables started to whack against the wall so hard it shook the “artwork” the hotel had hung on it. It was impossible to go back to sleep, so I got to enjoy the entire day on 5 hours of sleep.
Absolute favorite moment in the last 72 hours: When my plane took off from Dallas yesterday evening, we climbed up through fluffy orange clouds and flew toward the setting sun, which painted the entire city below us pink and gold.
Much, much more to come later . . .
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Sounds like a productive trip. Usually I’m too scared on a plane to enjoy it, but that sounds nice. What were you doing in Dallas?
I want to hear about teh monkehs! 😛
okay.. I want to hear about everything.. so update soon, damnit wil!
I wonder why it is that it means so much more when an attractive person says that we’re attractive. It does, to me too, but I wonder why that is.
Anyway. Glad you’re home safely. Hope you get some sleep! — k
One of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen told me: “You are seriously hot.”
Must have been a hooker.
She wasn’t a hooker.
I hope you were just joking.
Glad to hear you made it home safe.
“we climbed up through fluffy orange clouds and flew toward the setting sun, which painted the entire city below us pink and gold.”
That’s the main reason I love flying quite so much, the sunsets are so much nicer when you’re 30,000 feet up.
PS – glad I’ve discovered your site, some inspiring reading….
I’m glad to hear that Texas has treated you well twice in a row now. Don’t hesitate to come back.
Will you be back in Austin for SXSW in ’05?
It was great seeing you at the con, Wil. Too bad the trip was so short; we might have been able to get a poker game together. Next time for sure.
Your reading was excellent, as usual. You won some new fans that I invited to the con and were quite impressed by your performance. I think a few more copies of your books will be sold as a result.
Come back soon!
Really interesting reading. I think your blog is very good and I like you being very honest in your opinions. With some of your comments on leaving Dallas, you seem to not care so much for the city. I lived there for several years, but employment took me away and that has been many years. It may have changed a lot since last visit. Keep up the good Blog.
Wil, you were absolutely fantastic at Comic Con. Hearing you read your own material was just a joy. As I walked out of the convention center afterwards, I thought about Mark Twain and Charles Dickenson and how they toured and read their own writings. A great tradition to continue!
You were also so very, very kind and charming when you autographed my copies of your books. I hope you have a chance to read the author I recommended (Lois Bujold).
Keep acting, keep writing — and we’ll keep watching and reading.
Hey Wil! I saw you in Dallas yesterday. It was my first time to go to one of these things and I had a great time. Your reading was animated and engaging, just like your writing. =) You got me all choked up during your epiphany on the Star Trek ride in Vegas and I’m sure I wasn’t the only one.
And, btw, you are a hottie, and an amazingly warm guy. I was kinda nervous asking for your autograph (why, because I’m a geek, of course!) And you were so cool about it. Thanks again for a wonderful afternoon!
Hope you drop back by Dallas again soon!
– MollyB
Ok. Um. I think that everyone is just jealous of you, Wil. The girls who think you are hot are jealous that it wasn’t they who had the opportunity to tell you in person. The dudes are jealous cuz they want hot girls to find them attractive. And everyone else is just jealous for their own reasons. So ;-P (i’m so mature)
Hey Wil,
Just wanted to say thanks again for coming to Dallas– So glad that I was able to get the new book and have you sign it.
You are hot!! as I said before–
Geez I hope I am one of the many for whom you refered to as hot–
Hey, Wil –
I really enjoyed hearing you read. It’s a real treat. Thanks a lot.
BTW, you are hot! That shirt looked good on you. Don’t tell Anne I said that (she probably already knows). I’ll be looking foward to the next con around here when you write your next book (it’s coming soon, right? 😉 ).
When are you coming to Houston?
Who is Charles Dickenson? Is he related to Emily? I better look him up.
I see your 3000 miles in 24 hrs and raise you 3400! (Seattle-Abu Dhabi, UAE is over 7400 as the crow flies, 20 hrs with a layover in Amsterdam.) Unless we have someone who’s done NY-Singapore or Johannesburg-Vancouver, I think I’m safe…
Welcome home!
I’m curious if you would ever consider coming to Arisia.
I guess I was the 41st person.
Thanks again, Mr. Wheaton, for taking a few minutes on your way out to sign the cast photo for my friend, and a copy of Dancing Barefoot for me.
I got to see you at the Convention yesterday and it was such a nice experience. That girl was right…you are seriously hot! Up until I got to meet you the convention had been a let down. You were the highlight of my time there. Thank you so much for being yourself, and such a nice guy. Also, thanks for the extra WWDN goodies you gave me. 🙂
First of all, welcome home! Second, update soon! Third… Next time, tell her you know this single guy who reads your blog alot and… Nevermind.
seasnail said Ok. Um. I think that everyone is just jealous of you, Wil. The girls who think you are hot are jealous that it wasn’t they who had the opportunity to tell you in person. The dudes are jealous cuz they want hot girls to find them attractive. And everyone else is just jealous for their own reasons. So ;-P (i’m so mature)
Ooh, ooh! Wait, what about all the gals (and guys) Wil met that he *didn’t* say were one of the most attractive people he’d ever seen? New catagory of being jealous? hehehe… LOL (JK)
Very cool. Not a native Texan, but so glad you liked it! Come back anytime. Linucon 2? SXSW? (Oh, and my mother did spend off moments the rest of the day telling me how you had the most sincere handshake she’d ever come across. Dude, even the parent liked you. Very cool.)
I love the way the sky looks sometimes as you fly over a city. The sun shining just the right way makes you want to keep flying forever….or at least until you realize the seat you are sitting in isn’t really all that comfortable and you would be much better off at home.
I’m sorry I missed you at the Dallas con. I had good reason, but still, I was looking forward to meeting you after reading your blog for a while. And buying a signed copy of your books!
I’m glad you had a good time down here.
Aw, despite the sleep-deprivation, it sounds like you had a good time.
We’d love a live reading in Chicago…
Oh, I almost forgot. I saw (forgive me if the title is wrong) Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! But I didn’t hear you, who do you voice? I hear Corey Feldman, he was the red monkey *snickers*. Are you a bad guy, good guy? Tell me something, please?
Sounds like you had a good time…….DESPITE the fact that it is the state of George W Bush!!!
Sounds like you had a good time…….DESPITE the fact that it is the state of George W Bush!!!
Looks like you had another great trip. I’m sure you will find a way to make up the sleep soon. It must be nice to fly into the sunset.
I thought you hated flying. Sounds like you’re learning to appreciate its beauty. I love to look down on the crop circles of west Texas.
Freeman 🙂
P.S. Don’t forget the big day, two weeks from today. Mark your calendar!
Hey Wil,
great meeting you (and please leave politics out of this) tired of people thinking that the entire state is messed up b/c of Bush!
not trying to sound rude but it gets annoying after a while hearing this over and over again!
But anyway YOU ARE HOT! I didn’t want to say anything because well I knew you were married! 😉
you get all the excitement dontcha?
Its like Dev (I fear spelling her name incorrectly) said…
“When are you coming to Htown, Space City, Houston, Bayou City????????”
For fun you can ride the Ferris Wheel at the Aquarium and pray it doesn’t break and possibly roll down the freeway going toward the medical center or downtown into the light rail! (yea i’m tired and a bit out of it LOL!) 😉
i read your book in the airport, VERY good reading!! 🙂 I can relate to alot of it!
btw Wil, if you go to Houston stay at the “Houstonian!” 😉 Its my uncle’s hotel!!! 😀
Anne would love the world famous “Trellis” spa!!!
(its one of the best in the country) -the spa is AND they got a nice golf resort, covered trees to relax under (during christmas its beautiful there!)
But its a BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL Property!! 🙂
hint hint!! LOL!
anyway glad to see your home safe and had fun at the opening of the bookstore!
“Viva Los Monkees!” 😉
hehe sound familiar?
Yes, Wil. You are seriously hot.
My Dallas High Point: Meeting Wil for the 1st time and have him explain the gift he just received (Pair of sixes or were they snowmen?…); the poker hand he lost to in Austin and then he talks to me about his other poker games as if I’m an old friend.
Low Point: Feeling like Ralph from a Christmas Story and thinking of all the things I wish I could have said to “Santa” instead of mumbling about how great I thought the readings were and that the copy of the Stand By Me DVD he was signing was for my dad’s birthday… all with a goofy smile on my face.
Wil – The readings were great and wished you could have stayed longer. I hope you and the wife enjoy the new fridge and I’m glad I could contribute a bit of cash towards it! -B
Of course Wil is good-looking. It must be trademarked or something *grins*
Wil, glad you had a good time (minus the scaffolding bit) and made it back safely. Looking forward to a more detailed report! Any chances you might travel to Florida someday?
Thanks for coming to Dallas. Hey, I can understand if you had to go. You gotta do what you gotta do, but I am grateful you did take the time to hop on a plane over here and hear you do some readings. BTW, my girlfriend liked the bit about William F–KING Shatner. She’d never heard it before.
And now I understand why Brent made you laugh. I saw him for the first time yesterday, and he had us in pain, we were laughing so hard.
Thanks again, and hope to see you soon.
(The “Jedi” in the front row)
I was really looking forward to heading out to plano for the comic convention, but was sidetracked by my wifes company halloween party. So that sucked since I would have liked to have met you. Hi light of the halloween party, a scavenger hunt in the neighberhood of the party, one of the items was a body part, some guy gave up a prosthetic foot, creepy…anyhow, im glad you enjoyed Dallas (minus the scaffolding), ps…the true color of the sun is peachy pink as set forth by NASA’s true black scale, but it was a beautiful weekend here in DFW, thanks for bringing some of California here with you, i sure miss it.
lol…Why does everyone seem to be on the subject of Wil being hot? Im not complaining tho… I agree! Wil, you are TOTALLY freaking hot!!!…I bet you beat the women off with a stick! ;)Dont ya…come on..just admit it!!! :)You are a double threat guy….a total babe and the brains to go with it! (hehe)
What a great read in Dallas! My first fancon in 20+ (mumblymumbly) years and you made it all worth the drive. 🙂 Thanks and good luck to you, enjoy your work….. Alley, Grand Prairie, Tx.
Sounds like you had a good time…….DESPITE the fact that it is the state of George W Bush!!!
Sounds like you had a good time…….DESPITE the fact that it is the state of George W Bush!!!
Sounds like you had a good time…….DESPITE the fact that it is the state of George W Bush!!!
One day, while flying out of some terribly raining grey weather, the plane leveled out above the clouds revealing a goregously sunny day and I thought: the sun is always shining somewhere even when you can’t see it through the clouds. This thought always makes me smile.
Scott T:
The State of George W. Bush is confused.
/obvious, I’ll sit back down now…
dude you are seriously hot. you are also way too humble for your own good. take care and its ok too toot your own horn everyonce in a while
Wil *flying*.
In addition to the grateful monkeyboxers in Dallas, there are some fans in New England who see it as a Sign.
Hey Wil,
Sorry I missed you in Dallas. When your first book came out, I said, “Wil, you need to come here for a book signing gig”. Then when you are here I missed ya.
You know how precious time with your children is. For me, it was a weekend with my own 12 yr old son.
Maybe next time 🙂
The whole thing about being able to be so far away in such a short period of time really does blow my mind. My mother now resides in Ireland, I’ve yet to go but my brother has. He goes to the airport and we go home, and in the span of a night the next morning we get a phone call telling us he’s there. It just seems incredible to me.
Will you gotta come to Wisconsin, Why? Because I want to meet you. Oh yeah I went to a friend’s house and brought along STAND BY ME, because she had never seen the movie and she really loved the movie, because she laughed, cried and she almost put her hands to her eyes when the leech part was on. I thought it was priceless. Anyway she wants me to tape the soundtrack for her and I’m thinking of giving her my VHS copy of STAND BY ME to her, since I have the special edition on DVD. (which includes the making of it, the music video and extras)I thought I’d let you know that. You have to come to Wisconsin Wil!
Hey Wil,
I’ll bet the hot chick was the one dressed like wonderwoman 🙂 I overheard her in the hall telling someone that she had to meet you !
Thanks for the books, autographs, talk and the pic. My wife’s comment on the picture, “I’m glad you finally got to meet him, You know? your head looks really big in this picture”
Hope you get a chance to come back soon !