Oh man, I am wiped out.
It took me almost 8.5 hours to drive home from gnomedex, and I’m going to go fall down for a little while.
Tomorrow, I’ll have a full report, which will include some poker, a lot of geeking, some really cool stuff that I think WWdN readers will like, and some thoughts on the future of this website.
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…and some thoughts on the future of this website.
I hate lines like that. It’s like news alerts with provocative announcements like, “and there is word of a massive E Coli outbreak at several area restaurants, details at 11.”
Dammit, I want the details now! [sigh]
Can’t wait to read what happened. And the future of this website??? Sounds ominous….. 🙂
Wil, was meant to attend, listened to your speach live instead, was great.
The future of the site is all cool stuff. Nothing to worry about . . . but I’m glad you care!
Heh, WWDN mentioned on bash.org 😉
Got an extra slash in that gnomedex url
Get some rest Wil! You deserve it! I am looking forward to the Gnomedex report! One of these days, hubby and I will make it over for Gnomedex. One of these days.
Hmmm, thoughts on the future of this website. I hope good thoughts!?
Take care, and get some rest!
Thanks, Jeremy fixed it.
Wil you are such a DORK!!!
Posted by
Got to agree that “thoughts on” stuff is like news teasers. Glad to hear it’s the lame teaser just to get you to watch, instead of the “you’re all gonna die but we’re making you wait until 10 to find out” teaser.
Well SOME of us are still here at the hotel. 🙂 We finished packing up all the Gnomedex gear already and getting hte Fedex labels in place, but the place ain’t the same without decent wireless access and hordes of geeks with laptops all over the place.
I came away with a lot of good ideas as well for website and blog updates, tons of RSS information and suggestions for feed updates. Some changes comin 🙂
-And- playing poker was cool 🙂
Welcome home, Wil! How cool is this…I’m just checking out your link to Gnomedex and noticed that on Friday from 2-3:30 PM, the keynote speaker was Steve Wozniak, and that at the same time on Saturday, you had the same 1.5 slot all to yourself.
I hope you got to talk to Woz. I’m sure he’s far from boring — just think of how things have changed since he was with Jobs back in their time.
I look forward to your report. The conference looks like it ewas pretty interesting. I’m jealous. Wasn’t it worth the 8 hour trip? I’m sure that you didn’t run into bumper-to-bumper traffic which must be common in your area of the country. Do you ever feel like you live in your car?
Hey Wil, did you see the “Letters” section of the new Entertainment Weekly?
They published one (only one, dammit) of the rebuttals your fans sent in about the “Whiner of the Week” bs.
It might make you feel a little better about that fiasco.
The future of the site is all cool stuff.
I’m glad to hear you had a great Geekout, but I totally agree with the ominousity of the “thoughts on the future of this website.”
Now I’ve read the “all good thoughts” that you posted, but still, it’s like hearing “Um. We Need To Talk….no no, don’t worry, but we need to Talk.”
You and your cliffhangers!!
The future of the site is all cool stuff. Nothing to worry about . . . but I’m glad you care! 🙂
Oh, good. I was worried after the soapbox shutting and everything, that you might pack in WWdN too.
Till now, I didnt know who to vote for, now because of that Repulican Spammer, its Democrats all the way for me………J/k
Well, not about the democrat part, about the part I wouldnt know who to vote for. Maybe the new President will go after Bin Laden instead of going after a leader that his daddy didnt finish.
Peace to the Soldiers, they should be home and safe
Heh, I really enjoyed your performance. It was one of the best I’ve ever heard at any conference (and I used to plan conferences for Fawcette and CNET).
I read your book on the way home tonight. Really great stuff. I’ll be checking into your blog a lot more often now. Don’t know why it never really got on my radar screen before.
I love that you signed my Tablet PC.
Ooooo, cool stuff in our future? Right on! Sounds like Gnomedex was fun and productive for ya! Good deal!
Welcome back, Wil 😀
Two of my favourite bloggers in the one picture…
Welcome home dude. I hope whatever you have for the future of the website is very good stuff, cause I’m happy to come on here and read it.
Relax dude, you deserve it and all I can say is take it easy for awhile, you know recharge those batteries and I can’t wait to read the next post up.
Hi Will I know you do voice acting for Teen Titans well Marvel are doing auditions on their website for voice actors for The Ultimates
Just thought I would let you know
Oops meant to call you Wil too many l`s
Okay how lame is it to flood someone’s comment box. Anyways! Wil you need to post up a list of some good poker books..nudge nudge.
First Wil said…”and some thoughts on the future of this website
Then Wil said… “The future of the site is all cool stuff. Nothing to worry about . . . but I’m glad you care”!
I thought we just might have to slingshot around the sun there for a minute.
Just wanted to pass along that it was a pleasure meeting you and getting a chance to play Texas hold-em. Although, you probably didn’t realize it (based on my quickly diminishing chip count early), you and Brad made my funds last at least a little longer.
Also I’m looking forward to seeing you recount the story of “Texas Hold-Em And The Man Called Chicago”. It sure made for a good time.
I was on a public computer the other day and I wanted to check out your site. By accident I typed wilwheaton dot org instead of your normal address. I was shocked at what I saw. I hope you take that jerk to court.
I hope you had a great time. Looking forward to seeing your pics. And i hope the news is good news about your website. And is there any news about your audition?
I’m glad you had a good time up here in Tahoe! Sorry about the weather over the weekend (cool, windy and gray). I sent the mojo, man, but I don’t think it reached it’s destination.
Can’t wait to hear what you did, and I’m really excited about the website! I would love to start my own now!
…ing with the queen of hearts…
(has anyone else seen this commercial)
I have terrible flu and you musn’t scare poorly people like that! Future of the website my ass! Change one little thing and I’ll send you my bug all the way through the internet.
…Sorry about the violent undertones, it’s the painkillers talking
Hey Wil
Good to hear you had a great time. But gutted you had to close the soapbox down. It had been a small; but very important part of my life over the last 3 years. You say the future of WWDN is all cool. I hope so. I feel like I’ve just been called into my boss’s office for a “Quiet chat”. Remember this website is a direct link between you and your fans.
To quote the great Tom Baker, “A world without fans is a world without any love”.
Take care Wil
I look forward to hearing about the poker and the plans for the site.
*waits patiently*
I can’t believe you didn’t say anything about the Dodgers making the playoffs!
It was great to meet you – here’s the one good photo of us (I didn’t use the dorky one, as per your request):
— Richard Barnet
Wil, I really enjoyed your readings and comments at Gnomedex this past weekend. I have been a big fan of blogging for years before it acquired a name. In the last few years of Byte magazine as a paper publication, the only reason I subscribed was to read Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Manor rants and reviews. You are carrying on in that tradition with your very personal and astute observations. I was about 5 people too far down in the book signing line, going home without your book or coveted signature. I had to resort to buying it from Amazon today. Keep up the good work on this website and your other writing. Also, keep doing to the auditions, Hollywood needs the edgy geek talent.
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