Since I’m already going to be in Austin for Linucon, O’Reilly got together with Bookpeople and the Alamo Drafthouse, and we’re doing what could possibly be my favorite event of all time: A reading and signing from Just A Geek, plus a screening of Stand By Me, followed by a Q&A. All that stuff that I would have put on the commentary track if they’d let me record one? Yeah, I’ve got that.
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My wife and I are really looking forward to this event. I’ve been meaning to buy Just A Geek and this made it painless. We probably would have gone to a movie at the Alamo this weekend anyway. See you on Sunday !
Hey Wil,
Could you please come to Toronto and do that?
Rub it in, why don’t cha?
Seems like so many people want an east coast visit…..DC is friendly….
Cool, I am having a friend that lives in austin swing by and get me a copy of your book.
Outstanding! I will be there for sure.
A question: the national headquarters for the Badnarik for President campaign is in Austin. Do you mind if me and a friend hand out Badnarik flyers at the event? I would only do it if you say that it is cool. (BTW the polls show that Bush has Texas locked up – sigh.)
Great news, I’ll gladly make the drive from San Antonio for this!
Can’t wait to see you Wil.
I’m the Sumo Florist, and flowers are my trade.
Alas but I won’t be able to make it. However, good luck in Celeb Munchkin – kick Evil Stevie’s butt!!!
That sounds so awesome! I would LOVE it if there was a DVD with your commentary on it, or even an add-on, if you will. I watch more commentaries than actual films, nowadays.
I know that doing book signings, etc, can be expensive and that your hotels and the like are paid for by whomever brings you out to the area, so I won’t beg for you to come to South Carolina. BUT, there are lots of cool indie bookstores here that get authors (Hillary Clinton came here!!!) for signings.
Also Comic Con in San Diego next July. I am going… and will be begging for you to come. I was told that they will see what they can do about requests.
It turns out I am a very good harrasser.
So have fun, pig out, drink lots of Guinness (and one for me as I have never had one, and anyways one beer is all it takes to get me wasted, so I don’t drink)and enjoy yourself!
I hope evryone has fun who goes, and if anyone can get me one of those fliers I will totally pay for it!
Not gonna make it, although my husband is going to try. (3 kids under 4 years old makes planning evening outings a bit daunting….) Going to try to see you at Linucon.
If you get the chance, check out Terra Toys on Anderson, just one or two shopping complexes east of the Alamo. 🙂
say dude, do you post on
Love that poster, Wil.
13 to 30+ and you still have the same friendly smile.
Hope ya never lose it.
I know lots of people who would love for you to come to Dallas. I’d go to Austin, but I teach school and I have to go to work on Monday at 7am. Still, wish I could be there. Enjoy Texas while you’re here.
Hey Wil,
I’m in Houston, want to come pick me up and take me to your book signing! 😉
Only a 2 1/2 hour drive!! Enjoy the Texas Tour!! (and when you come for Dallas’s convention too I might be there!!)
Take care and hope to meet ya one day!!
Peace, love and light
I just came back from Wil’s reading at Linucon, and HE ROCKED. I’ve read the stories he read from, so the material wasn’t new, but Wil’s delivery made it new. It looked like he was having a good time, and I know the audience was. Afterwards it was very cool to meet him and do the whole fan thing, signing books and talking to him for a bit.
And he kicked ass in Munchkin too!
I really love how I live 3 hours away from Austin, but I can’t go because I have to work until 6pm, and I have no money. Maybe I can work something out. HOPEFULLY I can work something out.
Austin thats great! But not for me because i actually live in LA like you.So when are you going to do a signing in Hollywood.Like maybe at that Borders on Vine right up the street form me? Huh… eh…
Tried getting AICN to post about this, seeing as how that’s their hometown and they love the Alamo, but I guess they only like to support propaganda “documentaries” and superhero movies anymore. Sorry, Wil…I tried.
I am really looking forward to this tomorrow. I am so glad I moved to Austin a month ago. And hey, Wil…Toy Soldiers is seriously one of my favorite movies of all time. Too bad they can’t show that too! 😉
Hrm…..well, if you can ever make a trip out here to the midwest for a book signing that would be cool. 🙂
Have fun this weekend…
Wanderley: In fact, I made sure Wil got Salt Lick BBQ as soon as he got here. We’ve also been to Magnolia Cafe, Thundercloud, and Katz’s.
Thanks, Andrew for taking care of Wil, and making sure he got some authentic Austin food. (and good luck with your new job).
Please visit my auction! We are auctioning a signed copy of just a geek, all proceeds go to the “Lukemia and Lymphoma Society”
Thank you, for helping us on the road to help fight all blood cancers.
So I went into the local bookstore, and there on the shelf with all the Star-Trek books was JAG.
So I pick it up and take a quick look. 25 BUCKS!!!!!!
TWENTY-FIVE EARTH DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111!!111
Why so harsh? =/
I second the motion for someone to record this and make it available to us. Please??? Most of us monkeys are too far away to go to this event and I love the idea of watching my own SBM and listening to Wil’s commentary.
Isn’t this the same place that had showings of the sub-teenager remake of the Indiana Jones movie? See if they’ve got a copy of it on hand to check out, I’d love to hear your take on how this came out, it seems right down your alley.
The good news: Book People got in 28 copies of JAG on Friday. I managed to get them to pull one for me on Saturday afternoon. I’m up to page 175.
More good news: The show sold out. Way to go Wil.
The bad news: I spent too much time reading and didn’t get there before they sold out. I arrived to see several families (parentals w/kinder) going the other way. Damn damn damn.
Now I’ll have to mail in my book to get it signed.
The movie is still *so* good! And now the whole writing theme is just too funny. F*ck writing? It’s a stupid waste of time? Ah, to hear it out of your mouth, admittedly through a character, is too funny now.
Thanks for rocking Austin the way you did! You should come back more often. I’m so glad I finally got to meet you among all the other fans. You totally rock, Wil!
Hey Wil,
Thanks so much for coming to Austin! We had a fantastic time at the showing tonight…you are absolutely “HIlarious”. And you’ve got such an ability to move a crowd through humour and sentiment. Thanks so much for sharing such a unique movie making experience with us.
Also…saw that you went to the Salt Lick! Ah, Texas bbq at its best and definitely one of the great things to do out here!
With 15 pieces of flair *snerk*,
We had a great time at the event at the Drafthouse this evening. Thank you so much.
Getting to see Stand By Me again, as an adult this time, was amazing. There was a whole ‘nother story there for me.
My husband, the girl we made friends with while waiting in line, all of us–we laughed and cried and had an awesome time.
Thanks again.
Just got back from the shin-dig, had a great time. Wil is a funny guy and a great story teller.
Thanks so much for coming to Austin, Wil. It was really swell of you to do this movie viewing/book signing thang.
I wish my goofy star struck self would have been able to say a bit more to you then I did. (Did I even say Hi? bah I dont remember…) Oh well, I did say “Thanks for coming to Austin.” So atleast I didnt forget to be polite. 🙂 In case your wondering I was the one wearing your “birthday worthy” t-shirt. 🙂
That was a *fabulous* time–I am *so* glad I went (and it was definitely worth skipping my meditation group for). You’re even more warm, intelligent, and funny in person.
I really enjoyed the gig at The Alamo, tonight! You were much fun! (I was *first* in line and was the fellow credit-junkie who commended you for delaying the Q&A till credits rolled)
I can’t wait to read JaG, since Dancing Barefoot was great!
I regret not having seen the movie before now, it was wonderful! Looking forward to your auxiliary commentary for it.
Thanks for your entertaining visit. Hope you enjoyed Austin and will return!
Excellent event! Thanks for coming to Austin and giving such a great Q & A. It was highly entertaining, and I left a bigger fan than when I entered. Sadly the picture I took of my wife with you came out so blurry that there’s no way to actually identify anyone in the picture. Doh! Come back to Austin again!
Thank you for a wonderful evening. My wife and I had a great time. We are really interested in listening to your commentary for Stand By Me.
Thank you so much for coming to Texas. It was well worth the drive up to Austin to see you. I met several other fans and it was so great to actually “meet” the friend I have have been “talking” to for all these years. The movie was great. The Q and A was wicked awesome. I loved that you made them put the credits back on! And you were truly a nice and warm person. Thank you so much for being so nice to all your fans. You are an inspiration to all the others in your craft! And the book was great…even though I read it when it first came back!
I just read this notice! I live in San Antonio and easily could have driven the 45 minutes to see you in Austin. Well, that’s what I get for not reading your blog everyday.
Sorry, Wil. Maybe next time!
Get your ass to Chicago dude… I want my book signed !!!
What? No Chuy’s?
tsk, tsk 🙂
-kytyn (of the black hat)
What? No Chuy’s? No Trudy’s, either?! You really should have taken him to Trudy’s. Their Mexican Martini’s rock.
angie k
Sounds great. I wish I lived closer. If you do any book signing in Chicago let me know.
Please do a few Canadian cities too! If you do, try to make it to the Toronto area. You won’t be sorry…
139 is the lowest on the comment list I have ever been. But it could be viewed as the highest. I could be gready and go for 140, but where is the fun in that.
Wow. The infamous 140. I feel honoured; but I bet no one will read this. Sort of makes me feel bad, and empty.
date rape