Since I’m already going to be in Austin for Linucon, O’Reilly got together with Bookpeople and the Alamo Drafthouse, and we’re doing what could possibly be my favorite event of all time: A reading and signing from Just A Geek, plus a screening of Stand By Me, followed by a Q&A. All that stuff that I would have put on the commentary track if they’d let me record one? Yeah, I’ve got that.
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sound like a hoot. I live too far away. oh well 🙁
Another good reason to go to Austin! Cool Wil. Too bad I can’t be there. Bring on the noise for me will ya?
Damnit I had to go and move out of Austin, grrr!
hey wil,
i wish i could be there, but being in the UK, its a bit too far to travel! however, if you were to come over this way, i would without a doubt travel to come see you!!! i think you should organise it!!!! we’d love to see you over on this side of the pond!
good luck and take care,
NICE. That’s all I’ve got to say. Too bad I live far away. I’m sure we’ll hear how it goes, though 🙂
What time will you be at Bookpeople? I live just outside of Austin, and I’d love to get my copy of Just a Geek signed. I’ll call Bookpeople and ask them, but if you know the times please post.
You rock dude!
Fellow nerd — Sambo
Okay, that’s not fair. I live all of an hour from Austin, and I JUST finalized plans for Sunday. You’re just going to have to stay longer.
I already have the book – can I still get in for free? 🙂
Hey Wil! You’re mentioned in the Goats comic strip at www dot goats dot com.
Sometime, you’ll have to make it to Chicago.
Aw man, that sounds like fun. We’d love it if you could come to the Midwest (say, Chicago, St. Louis or Indy) for an appearance. Maybe if we all clamor for it enough, someone could lure you across the country for an event! 🙂
do you ever get up to New England? it’s kind of cold here in New Hampshire, but what the heck.
I can’t wait! I will be there. It sounds like a lot of fun.
I love the poster! Great stuff. Sound like you’re gonna have a great time and I am glad about that.
Aw.. too bad I haven’t moved back to TX yet. Enjoy Austin, it’s fun!!
Don’t know if I’ll be able to come, but I’ve linked to the austincommunity on livejournal, so hopefully you’ll get some folks from that.
Sounds like a good time to be had by all.
Wow! That’s awesome! I wonder how long of a drive Austin is from Lafayette. Hmmm. I may have to look into that. My daughter would love to attend something like that! 🙂
Did you make that poster yourself? Its a riot. Hey- when are you going to get over to the East coast? There are people here that would be happy to meet you, too, you know. 🙂
Sounds like it’ll be a lot of fun, Wil. If only I lived closer to Texas…oh well. I’ll have to pick up a copy of JAG when I get a chance. Have a great time there in Austin, and let us know how it goes!
I found it pretty ironic to see a flyer with you watching “Stand By Me” and signing your new book as I had just written a blog about SBM the other day on my blog:
Sounds like it will be a fun time. When you get a gig on the east coast please come out here!
So you’re doing that on the East Coast when?
I’ll be there, and I live right down the street, so if you want to come over for a poker game after…mi casa es su casa… 😉
AGH! Why did this never happen when *I* lived in Austin! Now that I live in the middle of nowhere Wil comes to all the cool places I *used* to live. I am so sad! 🙁
The Book People event page for Wil’s visit is:
You should put out a cd with a commentary track so people can just play it along with the movie. 😛
I think the big question is whether Wil’ll be in the pie eating contest before the movie.
(Everything I know about English grammar, I learned from Anne McCaffrey.)
Dang… I really wanted to be able to make it too.. but I can’t. 🙁
I saw that poster when I was in Austin a couple of weeks ago. The Alamo is tremendous. I know you’ll have a great time.
Thats the cutest picture EVER!! sounds like a blast have a great time!!!
Yay! I’ve been hoping you were going to do a signing at Bookpeople, but being at the Alamo is even better, especially since it’s the one that’s right near where I live! I’ll have to skip my Buddhist group to attend, but you’re worth it!
I’ve got my tickets.
If I’m not mistaken the actual event is at the Alamo Drafthouse Village at 7pm. It’s sponsored by BookPeople and you can either buy a book from them and that purchase will be your admission to the screening or you can just buy tickets from Alamo and bring your own book. I don’t think anything is actually happening at the BookPeople location.
Holy Crap! Have you seen THIS? William F. Shatner HAS AN ALBUM!
available on iTunes…
Austin! I’m in Houston, so that’s only 3 hours. Are they selling advance tickets? It would suck to drive there and not get to go (although I could still see friends and family–some consolation).
I’ll come to your show if you come to my improv on Friday 😉
It’s in Houston, but I’d be willing to make the treck if you’d come out.
How cute is little Wil?! TOO cute for the world, let me tell you what. 😉
Woo! I’ll be there.
I’m lost on this one, Wil. Why aren’t you on the SBM commentary?
I don’t have a copy yet and am dismayed by this glaring omission.
Man that sounds like alot of fun!! You need to come up to Canada sometime and do something like that up here! Have a good time!
Hey Wil, do ya remember Introvision? What else would we hear about if you did a DVD style commentary track for Stand By Me? Was Chopper really viscious?
SWEET! You may not realize it, Wil, but you are teamed up with two of the very best institutions in Austin. The Alamo Drafthouse(s) are far and away the best little independent cinemas around (there are now 4 of them), and BookPeople is a rockin’ bookstore. Congratulations! (And thank you for supporting locally-owned independent businesses!)
Damn I wish I still lived in Austin… I suspect my college roomie Andrew Hackard will be there with bells on though!
Have fun!
You are gonna lurv the Alamo Drafthouse.
The one in downtown Austin is my fave, but the basic idea of all of them is still the coolest idea for a movie theatre ever. And they are run by truly fabulous people (if you get a chance to talk to Tim League, he’s aces).
And this is coming from a Minnesota native – that’s how cool this theatre is! People in Minnesota have heard of it!
I saw that poster up at the Alamo a couple of weeks ago. I am thinking about stopping by the Linucon, maybe I will see you there.
BTW, they have Guiness on tap at the Alamo (at least they have it at the 2 I usually go to up north).
Awesome!! Now, I just have to find someone who will drive me there.
Hey Wil,
Cool….I wish I can be there, but it’s too far for me. Wish you the best of luck.
I love the poster and would love to come — however it’s too far to drive. Are you ever going to tour the Midwest?
I love the combination of a book reading and screening of SBM. We don’t even have a bookstore where I live…maybe that’s because of
Good luck – you’ll rock!
PS I downloaded BitTorrent but I can’t find your Gnomedex performance. Has anyone shared it out? If so, please tell us where to find it.
Is it free? Can anybody get in or do you have to buy tickets in advance? Because I’d hate to get there only to get turned away!
That is AWESOME. Makes me wish I could get to Texas this weekend…
Do you think there’s going to be transcripts of the Q&A? I’d love to hear your commentary.
BTW – Love the picture. You were so cute back then. What happened? 😉
When are you coming to the United kingdom!?!!
Wish they would do some more cons over here:D
LOVE the poster! LOL
Have a blast!