Since I’m already going to be in Austin for Linucon, O’Reilly got together with Bookpeople and the Alamo Drafthouse, and we’re doing what could possibly be my favorite event of all time: A reading and signing from Just A Geek, plus a screening of Stand By Me, followed by a Q&A. All that stuff that I would have put on the commentary track if they’d let me record one? Yeah, I’ve got that.
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Good Luck with the reading it sounds like double the fun!
The Austin Chronicle, Austin’s weekly alternative newspaper, had a nice announcement (with picture) of the Alamo show, broken out from the usual film listings. Your signing is also listed in the “Litera” section along with other book-related events.
For those of you that can’t make it, I am going to ask Wil to sign several hundred blank index cards which you can paste into your copy of Just A Geek or Dancing Barefoot. It’s almost as good as having Wil actually sign it. Watch eBay for details (probable minimum bid of $8).
Robert: Actually, there are now FIVE Drafthausen; they opened one in San Antonio in, IIRC, July. Plus they’re building one on South Lamar just a bit down from Barton Springs — the sign’s already up.
Nugget: See you there.
Chuck: Damn skippy.
Everyone else: See you if you’re coming, miss you if you aren’t.
Stand by Geek?
Stand by Geek?
Austin!? Cool… I’ve been through parts O’Texas several times, but have yet to get to the kick ass live music buffet that Austin is.
Plenty of blues, rock, & country I’d imagine… any KROQ style [alt.] rock that Wil would be into, too? [Wonder if Boingo has ever played Austin???]
Have a great time!
Dear Wil,
I’ve been reading your journal for at least two years (via Avary site). Thanks for the entertainment and insights. I am also happy to see that people do evolve, you are a renaissance man!
I must tell you that my son’s English class started the year with “Stand By Me”. He is in his first year of high school, I think this is a great way to start the school year.
Say “Hi” to Laurentian Regional High School..would you? That’s in Lachute, Quebec.
Come up north for a visit someday, we buy books too, you know.
For those of you asking…they do sell advanced tickets. I know ’cause I just bought em. If you are like me and have owned your book since it came out….tickets are $10. I will be driving in from San Antonio (about 45 minutes) to see the show as I don’t know if Wil will ever be this close to me again! Best of Luck Wil and see ya Sunday!
Wil, it sounds wonderful! Have a great time. I love the picture.
Dude, that’s a great poster! Wish I could come and be part of your ‘posse’. Hah. I’ll second the request that you visit the UK. Heck, I’d fly over for that. We could call it “Monkeys Invade England!” Wheee!
Pity I won’t be there, but one of our EMinds conference hosts just moved to Austin not long ago. I forwarded her the link, just in case she’s interested.
Just when I move from Texas to New York, you make it down south. Bummer! Enjoy Austin. New music capitol of the south!
They wouldn’t even let you do a commentary? Jesus Fucking Christ! I’ll wait to by the version when they do have you one in.
BTW, I just put some cash in your pocket. I finally found your book at Borders and picked it up. You are fucking hilarious! And I mean that in a good way.
Good luck with everything! I’ll be looking out for any NYC appearances you ever make in the future.
Wow, sounds cool! Wish I could go, but… ya know… I live in Michigan and everything. Blah. I DID finally get a copy of Just a Geek, so at least I have that. 😮
That’s awesome. They should have a screening of Toy Soldiers next. It’s my personal favorite.
I have one question. Would it be possible to get an autographed picture as well as an autographed copy of JAG? My roommate and I are collecting pictures of our favorite actors and this would be an ideal opportunity.
Two and a half hours away and I still can’t go!! No fair.
Have fun, Wil!
I’ve never wanted to be in Texas more in my entire life…and now that I read that, I don’t like the way that sentence flows.
i would so dearly love to come! but i live in engalnd, thats right. its just off the coast of ENGLAND. can i still be part of the posse? please? and will (no pun intended! boom boom!hahahaha. sorry) you ever come over to ENGLAND?to do signings? that would be realy good. if you do you should visit ipswich. *crying* i realy want to go to the screening on sunday! but instead ima have to watch the dvd at the same time *sigh**hich*
Looks great. Have fun!
I distinctly remember you saying one time that you were thinking about recording your own commentary track anyway. That would be SO COOL.
You need to come to Canada for a book signing Wil!
BTW- I enjoyed your book.
solid gold!! too bad i no longer live in austin. but i’ll send all my peeps your way! bookpeople is my all-time favorite bookstore. and alamo drafthouse is an awesome place to catch classic flicks (with the added bonus of cheap popcorn and beer). have a blast!
LMAO!!! Love the self (ahem) promotion.
Have a great trip!
Absolutly not fair! Santa Barbara is much too far…. what a great event for you, Wil! Please let us in on the highlights. Seriously, if I didn’t have school next week I would go! Sounds like a great time. I’d love one of those fliers/posters though, I’ll try to get my hands on one. Have fun, Austin is a blast!
Great poster! Have fun! Too bad Austin is too far away for me to be a part of your posse. ;^) I would have really liked to hear your commentary to ‘Stand By Me.’ :^)
I’m no relation to the previously posted Clara up above.
Ooh! Ooh! I’m gonna be in Austin this weekend!! I’m gonna try my bestest to make it over there!
OH man… family heading down this way this weekend at S Padre Island. Much Luck and I hope that you dont get too much carpel tunnel from all the signing. :):) (pulling out Stand By Me from personal library to watch tonight) My sons fav scene is when Jerry O’Connell has the gun and was jumping at the sounds of the woods.. lol. Good Luck!!
Looks like a fun event. Make it a great trip.
My friends and I are obsessed with Stand By Me and even more obsessed with you! Unfortunately, I live in New York…… one day you’ll have to come up for a signing!
Good Luck Wil! One of these days you are have to come out to North Carolina. Me and the hubbage will drag you around Raleigh on the never-ending quest for the perfect palte of BBQ, Hush Puppies and chicken slicks.
Til then…Rock on..
i am so jelous…i grew up in austin, but have not been back in over a year. it is the best town in the world (especially during SXSW) and i cant waut to hear what you think of it.
Damn skippy!
Someone take a tape recorder. Maybe you can mp3 it and put it up? I really would like to hear Wil talk about Stand By Me.
Rock on! I just moved to Austin for grad school a year ago…and am a true devotee of the Drafthouse. What a great venue for such a neat event! Just got my ticket with the book…my roommate and I will be there with bells on! (And she’s never seen the movie, *gasps*, so I will be sure to razz her for that.)
All I can say, having grown up in Austin, is that having you come visit is waayyyyy cool! Especially to know that the Drafthouse/Bookpeople are hosting it! Don’t know if I can make it down there this Sunday or not, but I’ll certainly be there in spirit.
It is strange but having read your site for a few years now, it is like hearing that an old friend is coming in to town. I sure hope you have the time to check out some of Austin’s sites…it is a nice place to be.
Man, I wish I could be there. That would have been an awesome show to be at. I missed the Goonies showing with Corey What’s-His-Face.
Hey Wil, while you’re there, see if you can’t take in a Mister Sinus Theater showing. You’d probably appreciate the humor. Enjoy Austin, I know that my family misses the place.
Hi Wil and Co,
I was wondering about the commentary track for Stand By Me. If you get really ambitious, you could record your commentary as an MP3 and let us sync it up with the movie as we watch (a la the Wizard of Oz / Dark Side of the Moon).
Just a thought.
Damm, I wish i was in the area, it would be fun to goto. You, Jerry and Corey should get together for a re-release of stand by me, and do a commentary. I think that would be cool.
Killer poster!!
Stand by Geek?
Stand by Geek?
Stand by Geek?
Oh. I wish I had a car. I’m about an hour and a half away from Austin. If I had a car, I’d be there. It sounds like fun, though.
I’ll be there… wouldn’t miss it…
Rev. D.
Hey Will.
Since the Alamo Drafthouse has free wireless Internet, why don’t you post a blog entry live from there telling us everything?
I wish I could attend. I used to live in Austin and that city takes good care of its geeks.
If you’re going to stay there long enough to crave for the good Texas barbeque, you won’t regret if you pay a visit to Louis Mueller barbeque in Taylor (20 miles West of Round Rock). And I would probably invite a flame war if I didn’t mention The Salt Lick. Better yet, go to both places. 🙂
Best regards.
ah, i don’t live in atx anymore. enjoy austin, though. if you’re bored come up north to dfw! texas state fair!
I am SO jealous!!
That looks like fun! Kinda reminds me of the “Sing-A-Long Sound of Music thing that I went to here in Portland 🙂
Have fun everybody that gets to go!
That sounds like such a hoot Wil, but when will you come to the UK and do something similar. You have a lot of fans over here that would love to see you, and talk to you.
08.51am GMT
Hey Wil,
It’s funny that the pic of you in the poster is almost in the same pose as the pic of you in the top left of your site. You should do a morph or something with them.