Several months ago, I did an interview for a show called The Technofile, hosted by a guy named l a z l o w. Now, anyone who has played Grand Theft Auto 3 or Vice City knows that is a big part of both those games, so when I called him for our interview I was able to keep it together for about 75 seconds before I blurted out, “Oh man, I have to tell you how much I love Vice City, especially the soundtrack, and it’s just super cool that I get to talk with you!”
He was very gracious and endured my fanboy explosion, and we did our interview. When we were done, we chatted a little bit more, and somehow the topic of GTA: San Andreas came up. One thing lead to another, and lazlow asked me if I would be interested in being a caller on one of the radio stations.
I just about crapped my pants, and told him that I LOVE the GTA games, and I’d do any part at all just so I could be part of San Andreas. He told me that he’d bounce some ideas around, and get back to me about it.
A few weeks later, he called and offered me a part as a news reporter in the game. Of course I accepted, and back in summer, I got to spend the better part of an afternoon in a sound booth, bringing the character of Richard Burns to life. It was some of the most fun I’ve ever had, because lazlow, just like the producers of GR2, worked with me, and encouraged me to take some risks, improvise a little bit, and really push the limits of what we could get away with.
It’s super cool, man! Richard Burns is one of those characters that most people would probably say I couldn’t play, and most studios would have probably dismissed me out of hand, but lazlow believed in me, and took a big chance on me . . . and apparently it’s paid off, because about a month after I did my sessions, lazlow called me, and told me that he’d played my bits for some very important people at Rockstar Games, and one of the Really Big Important Dudes said something like, “I love Richard Burns!”
I haven’t been able to talk about this since I recorded it, because I signed an NDA. I haven’t discussed the details of my scenes with anyone, not even Anne or the kids, and none of my friends even knew that I was in it at all. Matter of fact, the only person who knew about it was my brother, and that’s because he’s also a talented voice actor who has a cameo on the game. But even when we talked about it, I couldn’t discuss specifics with him, and we kept calling it “The Project.”
It has been killing me to keep this to myself, because being in GTA: San Andreas is like being in Empire Strikes Back, but Rockstar was obviously very concerned about protecting the story, and I respect that. However, since it’s come out today (and it already breaking sales records, apparently) I can do the excited geek dance right here on WWdN –> w00000t!
As an actor, I always want to be part of projects that I am proud of, that I can confidently tell my friends about, and that doesn’t happen very often . . . I can’t believe that I get to be part of what is already being called “the single best title on the PS2 [the reviewer has] ever played.”
Again, I say: w00000t!
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Geek dance from the East Coast for Wil!
You amaze me every day, bud.
That rawks! I don’t play video games, but my hubby does, and I know about the GTA series. Good going!
i just saw a commercial for GTA:san andreas last night and wondered if that was the game you were in! it’s like i have espn…. 😉
super woot! I love the GTA games and can’t wait to hear you.
Schweeeeeeeeeeet! Go you “Mr. Burns!”
Not surprisingly, there were a ton of ads for GTA:SA during the season premier of Viva La Bam on MTV Sunday night. I was an absolute GTA3 addict, the only thing I didn’t finish was the ambulance mission. Vice City came out just after my daughter was born, so I never got very far into it. I think I had just burned myself out on the whole concept with GTA3.
I wasn’t planning on getting GTA:SA, but I might have to check it out now. I have to admit that the ads made it look awful damn good.
Congratulations Wil!
Can’t wait to hear ya 🙂
Wow Wil! rawk! I hadn’t planned on buying the next GTA, mainly cause I don’t like how they left out the PC market, but I’m willing to run down to the store after work and get a copy now (assuming it’s not sold out…. ohhh, so THAT’S what the game store was gearing up for last night!) That’s so super cool.
I have no idea how you kept your cool for so long.. dang!
Can’t wait to hear Richard Burns come to life in game. 😉
Wow, that is really cool! Now I just need a PS2…
Congrats!! The GTA games are my favorite PS2 games by far. I can’t wait to get my hands on my reserved copy!
I saw a commercial for GTA: San Andreas the other night and it looked really cool on it’s own. Really cool new GTA game and Wil Wheaton voicing a character in it? Double Bonus!
Very, very cool. Glad you didn’t burst from the excitement. Yay! An excuse to go get the game! 🙂
See, now I have to buy a PS2. I just wish Sony would make bigger controllers. Those tiny little things give me hand cramps.
OMFG, that’s awesome! Talk radio is pretty much the station I listen to on both GTA3 and GTA: VC. Rawk on, Dick Burns! (you might need to see a doctor about that)
Hey, if RockStar liked you that much, maybe you’ll be in the next one.
Congrats Wil! This is great news. Can’t wait to hear you bring Richard Burns to life!!
I remember you dropping a couple of “Holy shiats, I can’t wait to tell you about something big!” during the past few months and now I finally get to hear what all the hullabaloo was about!
Kick ass, Wil! Cannot wait to hear Mr. Burns as I’m being a total and complete reckless travelling disaster through the city streets! Great joerb!
(Rather than continue onward in all caps like I really want to, I’ll just stop there).
Wil –
for those of us that are planning on purchasing this game for someone for certain holidays that are encroaching….
A “Play” link to it on the right side *points* would be awesome, plus you can use your referral code with amazon.
awesome wil! i’m going to go to my local bestbuy at lunch time and HOPE there’s a copy left!
The last copy just sold out of Circuit City on my lunch break. I’ll keep an ear out for you when I get to play it in 2.5 hours (not that I’m counting mind you).
Rock! ON! I’m most certainly getting GTA:SA soon, and will be listening intently for one Richard Burns!
\m/ \m/
Congrats Wil!!! This is awesome news!!! I will definitely have to check that out 🙂
I can only imagine how hard it was for you to keep this project under wraps for so long.
Doing the Geek Dance in Tucson, Arizona for you 🙂
Heh. Is “Dick” any relation to Monty Burns?
Looks like I’ll have to buy a PS2 and GTA:SA just to hear you on it.
Wil, buddy, you’ve got to stop being so wickedly successful. It’s breaking my bank.
Thanks for giving me a huge grin.
Your enthusiasm is so infectious. My husband also loves those games. I stink at that kind of game. But I like to watch the story parts.
Go! Go! Richard Burns.
After reading this, and realizing that GTA:SA was actually out today, I rushed over to Best Buy. I grabbed the 6th to last copy (they started 2 hours earlier with about 200).
Can’t wait till after work to try this out, and I’ll be making sure to listen for Richard Burns! ^_^
That is awesome, kiddo. I am happy for you. It is wonderful to do work that you love and be loved for it, too. Happiness to you always. 🙂
I love that his name is Burns.
Oh my god! YOU’RE GOING TO BE IN THE GTA: SAN ANDREAS RADIO!!??? YOU LUCKY BASTARD! HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET TO BE IN GTA: SAN ANDREAS!? Man i love those games. Both of them and GTA2 too. I’M GONNA RIP YA TO SHREADS WIL! Obviously you’ll get a copy of the game for free. So, let’s talk now, shall we? you could always ask them for another free copy, Ahem.
So DANZA was right.
I’m so happy for you. I haven’t played the game yet, but when I do, I’ll be listening for you.
Way to go. Glad you were in there. I’ve been planning on getting a PS2 to play it. We’ll see.
geek dance from phoenix. goodonya wil! hey, pressure them to turn you into dick burns, reporter turned national shock jock for the next one. id love to hear you trying to be stern.
Righteous Wil. That’s a wicked cool gig there. Congrats from Sacramento ( hehe now I suppose there will be a GTA:Sacramento Valley, Battle of the Tweakers ).
My 14 year old son has all the previous GTA games…..can’t wait to hand him this one at Christmas and tell him Wil Wheaton is in it. I can picture it now..the rolling eyes….and the “Mom, you’re a fangirl!”…….yea, so?!
Keep up the great work Wil!
I certainly know who to tell my next secret to!
Don’t know how you kept that one in!
Woo-Hoo! Go Wil! So supercool! I can’t wait to hear your work!
Welcome to the Conspiracy of Burnses, Wil. Remember, our official Night is January 25, and you get to drink Scotch and look askance at people at will from now on.
On a related note, I called my Uncle Dick. He’s now buying the game based wholly on the fact that you’re cool and you have his name.
Yeah Wil,
I don’t think you’re gonna be right for this Richard Burns character.
We’re looking for someone a little more .. um .. ~edgy~.
Ducking and Running,
– bish
Aw man, that’s so great! I get your blog feed on LJ, and I was about to comment there, before realizing the futility of that. But I’m so freakin’ pleased and excited for you! Thanks so much for sharing all your geeklord triumphs – they really brighten my days.
So…. I guess you can talk about it now. 🙂
Big-ass w00t for the HM!
Fan-Fuckin-Tastic Wil!!!
Congratulations Wil. That kicks ten kinds of ass. Too bad I won’t be able to hear your (I’m sure) awesomely done Richard Burns until San Andreas comes out on the PC. I will, however, be the first in line for it when it does, and this news is definitely another reason for that.
This IS awesome… been so looking forward to San Andreas, now i’ll be listening out for Richard Burns too. Way to go Wil! =)
angie K, i had similiar complaints about the PS2 controllers… try the Logitech “Extreme Action” controller, they’re much more comfortable for larger hands. I’ve only seen the wireless models in stores, but a plain wired version (for $20 cheaper) is on
note that the analog sticks may go flaky on you, i had my first one go wonky after only four months… but the grip is MUCH more comfortable.
Awesome Wil, that’s truely awesome! Can’t wait to check that out! Congrats!
hoi hoi!
im real slow on those games and somehow keep messing them up for my sister. but i love to play them! we have the cheets book *smirk*.
i love that you are so down to earth and get so excited about the things you do, dont ever change!
i’ll make sure my sister gets that game for crimbo!does anyone know the relaese date for the uk?and on x-box?
congrats wil!
and clay-v.v.v.funny.
i dont know how the geek dance goes, but im dancing!!
love to all. xoxo
Oh wow! w00t, indeed, Wil! I was flipping through the “Radio Callers” listings in the back of my brand new GTA: San Andreas guide, and who’s name do I come across? Uncle Willie!
Congrats man!
Congrats, Wil! :^)
You’ve been outted on /.
Wil Rules!
Rock, Rock ON!
That is really great! Congratulations. I bet you wrote this post weeks ago and have been dying to post it. I’ve seen the GTA games but they didn’t really grab me (I feel guilty running over pretend innocents — whatever). I may have to check out this one just to hear your role.
Oh, crap. I forgot. I don’t have a PS2.
Sweet, now I just have to wait 6-8 months for it to make its way over to the PC so I can aim with a mouse and see everything in 1025×768.
Hey Wil! Congrats man. I’m already in love with this game and have always loved the series. The fact that a fellow farker is in it just makes it all that much better. I’m flipping around the radio stations as soon as I get the chance to see what you recorded 🙂
For all of the good quality work you’ve done I hate to say it but I think being in a GTA game is the most awesome all around 🙂