Several months ago, I did an interview for a show called The Technofile, hosted by a guy named l a z l o w. Now, anyone who has played Grand Theft Auto 3 or Vice City knows that is a big part of both those games, so when I called him for our interview I was able to keep it together for about 75 seconds before I blurted out, “Oh man, I have to tell you how much I love Vice City, especially the soundtrack, and it’s just super cool that I get to talk with you!”
He was very gracious and endured my fanboy explosion, and we did our interview. When we were done, we chatted a little bit more, and somehow the topic of GTA: San Andreas came up. One thing lead to another, and lazlow asked me if I would be interested in being a caller on one of the radio stations.
I just about crapped my pants, and told him that I LOVE the GTA games, and I’d do any part at all just so I could be part of San Andreas. He told me that he’d bounce some ideas around, and get back to me about it.
A few weeks later, he called and offered me a part as a news reporter in the game. Of course I accepted, and back in summer, I got to spend the better part of an afternoon in a sound booth, bringing the character of Richard Burns to life. It was some of the most fun I’ve ever had, because lazlow, just like the producers of GR2, worked with me, and encouraged me to take some risks, improvise a little bit, and really push the limits of what we could get away with.
It’s super cool, man! Richard Burns is one of those characters that most people would probably say I couldn’t play, and most studios would have probably dismissed me out of hand, but lazlow believed in me, and took a big chance on me . . . and apparently it’s paid off, because about a month after I did my sessions, lazlow called me, and told me that he’d played my bits for some very important people at Rockstar Games, and one of the Really Big Important Dudes said something like, “I love Richard Burns!”
I haven’t been able to talk about this since I recorded it, because I signed an NDA. I haven’t discussed the details of my scenes with anyone, not even Anne or the kids, and none of my friends even knew that I was in it at all. Matter of fact, the only person who knew about it was my brother, and that’s because he’s also a talented voice actor who has a cameo on the game. But even when we talked about it, I couldn’t discuss specifics with him, and we kept calling it “The Project.”
It has been killing me to keep this to myself, because being in GTA: San Andreas is like being in Empire Strikes Back, but Rockstar was obviously very concerned about protecting the story, and I respect that. However, since it’s come out today (and it already breaking sales records, apparently) I can do the excited geek dance right here on WWdN –> w00000t!
As an actor, I always want to be part of projects that I am proud of, that I can confidently tell my friends about, and that doesn’t happen very often . . . I can’t believe that I get to be part of what is already being called “the single best title on the PS2 [the reviewer has] ever played.”
Again, I say: w00000t!
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Wow, looking at the site made me a little seasick…
Wil FARKING Wheaton is in GTA: San Andreas?! Sweet jeebus. Wil, you are the epitome of cool right now. I only had mild interest in Vice City (mainly the soundtrack) when my fiance showed it to me, but once he picks up his copy of SA, I’m going to have to steal it from him. And your brother worked on it, too, huh? That’s awesome! I’m beaming right now. Thank you for sharing your news with us fellow monkeys 😀
Dick Burns?
Seriously – hella, hella cool. Congratulations.
Never played any GTA games
or own any game systems
but now I’ll have to crank open my wallet
kick ass, wil. seriously. i can’t wait to play that game!
By the way, I have a weekly comic starting in the Washington City Paper this week so I’ll be drinking Guinness and dancing down the east coast while you’re doing the same on the west…
I also have some new books put together. I’ll send em to you when I get a chance.
Get in touch with me sometime…
So, do I get to kill you in the game? Or is it one of those cut-scene things?
/evil bastard
Congrats Wil!!!!!!
w00000T? I love you even more now! *bows before you* some of this is for lazlow! GTA I love that game…I love you…lots of love to all!!!
In the words of Mr.Burns, “Eeexxxxxcellent!” 😉
oops wrong Mr. Burns! 😛
But great job wil! I played it today and LOVED it! I didn’t hear your part yet, but my brother already used out the cheat codes and is blowing people and stuff up!! I figure by the end of the month he’d win the game! he’s good at it. I play GTA for a little stress reliever!!
I called Devyn and told her buy I didn’t know she knew (and/or that you posted this) now I feel stupid 🙁
I read it out of the manuel and called her. oy!
Well glad to see ya got work! 🙂
and it worked out for ya!!! 😀
I got the biggest grin on my face reading this. CONGRATS! I’m so happy for you!
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is a terrible game. It sucks.
Ok, not really. But considering how things are going, I figure I’ll be the only person to ever say that, and any Google search for “Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas” and “sucks” will return only one entry. My comment on WWDN. 😀
hey, man, congratulations! Sounds like a sweet deal, and I enjoy the fact that there is such a wide variety of voice talent in the game. Where else can someone like you, MC Eiht, and Axl Rose all be found together? I would love to be involved in that game in any way, really. Even sweeping up the Rockstar North offices! lol, eazy!
GTA San Andreas sucks. And I will say that until Saturday, because I am small and petty and envious that I don’t have the time to pick up a copy until then.
Wil, congrats on being able to do this. I can’t wait to hear your part in this thing!
I’ve been listening avidly for your voice Wil.. According to the back of the manual, you’re only credited as a “Caller” into the radio stations.. it makes no mention of your name for news..
Is this intentional, or accidental?
Hi Wil!
That’s really cool that you’re a voice on GTA! I’ve never really played the game myself since I suck at those kinds of games, but I have listened to the radio portion. My boyfriend downloaded an mp3 of a whole hour’s worth of Lazlow’s talk show segments, complete with commercials, and our most favorite one is when Lazlow interviews this totally gay kung fu wannabe vegan dork with a lisp, and Lazlo’s making fun of him the whole time since the guy is obviously full of shit and doesn’t know a thing about kung fu. My boyfriend and I are in tears every time we play that segment.
I hope my boyfriend buys the game so I can get to hear you on it! Cheers!
Yeesh. With all the new requirements all the games are needing now, San Andreas probabnly aint any different. Perhaps when I get up to par for DooM3 *sigh*:(
Wil’s in San Andreas!? Now I *have* to tune into the talk station.
I just couldn’t force myself to switch off Axl Rose’s ‘classic’ rock. bahaha.
This game is now officially the most hip of all-time.
You didn’t tell anybody and spoil it until the right time. Good for you. I thought that you would be used to that part of the biz by now. Congrats.
So you’re…. *grimace*
‘Dick Burns’? owie
Now I remember why I quit playing video games. Okay, only after dusk.
Sigh. Now I have to rework my budget AGAIN ye bastid. Lessee… 1 license of GTA… skip on Office 2004 update… 😉 that’ll work!
My husband used to be a video game tester, and he couldn’t keep stuff from me very easily… he would at least vaguely hint at things. I don’t know how you kept it a secret from your family.
This makes me even more excited about GTA: San Andreas than I already was. Hopefully we can come up with the money to buy it soon.
Jade Hancock said: angie K, i had similiar complaints about the PS2 controllers… try the Logitech “Extreme Action” controller, they’re much more comfortable for larger hands. I’ve only seen the wireless models in stores, but a plain wired version (for $20 cheaper) is on
note that the analog sticks may go flaky on you, i had my first one go wonky after only four months… but the grip is MUCH more comfortable.
You’ll be needing to aim that at Matt as he’s the one who posted on that. (poster name under text) I have the tiniest hands ever. I actually need smaller controls. 😉
Yay for gaming!
I was reading the Internet Movie Database site today and looked you up –
It states that your birth name is Richard William Wheaton III which means that you share the first name with your video game personality. 🙂
I’m not a gamer so I don’t think I’ll ever hear see your character. Your post filled with enthusiasm which makes me happy.
Congrats on your latest break and being able to share the news with everyone!
PS Are you really writing a book about web design? There’s information about that at the bottom of your imdb profile.
God damn, how can I buy a game featuring this nerd and still hold my head up?
I didn’t need another reason to purchase GTA but you’ve just given me the BEST reason! Way to go Wil!!!
Your momma must be so proud – mine wouldn’t get it but that’s neither here nor there.
Fantastic! I love knowing these ‘insider’ things early on so I can say ‘Dude! Did you hear that Burns guy? Guess who’s voice that was! Wil Wheaton!
Good for you Wil..
-A fellow farker (sfgeek)
Dude I have no idea who you are, but Fark seems to love you a lot. I’m getting the game tomorrow (here in Australia) and I’ll listen out for Mr Burns.
Congratulations. I completely agree that being in GTA: San Andreas is like being in Empire Strikes Back.
Rock on.
Let me get this straight……you’re excited about playing a character named “Dick” Burns?
And what a great set of lines for you to read!
I bet you got a kick out of that one!
Also, I doubt you recorded at the same time as Ice-T, which is good in case he heard your comment about his drink being glorified water! yikes!
Sweet! Now I have 2 things I need to get you to autograph (well, assuming I ever get my hands on a Heart of the Anomaly…..)
that is really really cool. congratulations
Congratulations Will!
wil! oh my sweet lord! my boyfriend and i were playing it last night and he totally thought that richard burns was voiced by lewis black! i’m so happy for you – i’m so excited for you that i’ve got one of those goofy expressions that are so embarrassing to wear while at work. congrats!
I just picked up GTA:SA.
Ohhhh wowwwwww what a game. And i’m totally listening to WCTR half the time just to hear Richard Burns.
Quality work, my man. QUALITY.
Dick Burns?
I hear they have a shot for that!
Damn that’s awesome. I can’t wait to hear it in a year or two when they relase GTA:SA for PC or Xbox! 🙁
Let me tell you what happened yesterday, after I purchased GTA:SA. I was looking through the manual, looking for famous names littered through the cast(once I heard Sam Jackson in the intro sequence) And I spotted a few, like James Woods in there. But, as I flipped through the rest, and came upon the WCTR advert, I saw Wil Wheaton as Rich Burns.
And that amazed me more than any of the other names. All I could think was “Must tune in to WCTR to hear Wil do the news!”
Gratz on being in gaming history!
That is wicked cool that you are on GTA!! And you got farked from!
Also, I watched Toy Soldiers the other day…good show, even if you did get shot.
I just bought a PS2 today for this game. The first one that’s been worth it 🙂
Wil — you might want to see if you can get the IMDB record for GTA:SA to add your name to it. It’s not showing up right now.
That’s awesome. I’ll have to go out buy it now. Like, I wouldn’t have if you were not the voice of Richard Burns. Not!
Congrats anyway.
Congrats on being part of the new GTA!
And thanks for writing about this – now I know what to get my brother for Christmas this year.
(*doing happy little geek-dance on top of keyboard*)
That’s got to be pretty surreal – jacking someone’s car (or other conveyance…there are so many) and hearing yourself on the radio…any thoughts on it?
Great going Wil! I’ll look for you on the sound track. I think the music and talk radio segments of the other GTA games were some of the best parts of the game, so congrats for getting a part on GTA4! It’s a very, very cool gig.
Kewl. Wil is in GTA:SA. That’s pretty friggin’ awesome, mang. Did you know that there is a real Mr. Burns? Yeah – he has a game too… Richard Burns Rally! Unfortunately it is only available in the UK and other PAL friendly locations… Just a “Burns” link in case you were interested…
He is to the World Rally circuit what Jeff Gordon is to NASCAR… (here comes the sad part) or was before he was discovered he had [Astrocytoma(?)] and stopped racing. I hear he’s doing well – but the name of your character caught my attention. Perhaps the WWDN crew can wish him well?
I’ve played GTA3 but not VC, so I don’t know if Richard Burns was there or not. Anyrate – great job Wil. I’ll listen for you this weekend!
That’s really cool. I was going to buy this game, then when I got to the store it didn’t come out for two days still! That’ll teach me to pay attention. Picked up something else, but now I may just have to reach way down deep into the old wallet for Uncle Willy.
Hey Wil, congrats on your voicework! I’m going to have to wait until GTA: SA comes out on the PC to play the game, (if it isn’t already out… I’m a little slow), but I look forward to hearing ya!
Dear Wil,
I am so not a geek or a gamer, I don’t have a clue how really cool GTA is. I do know how cool a great voice over gig is. I do know that I’m happy when good things happen to good people. I do know that I am happy/sad/pissed/smug….. (pick appropriate emotion) when I tune in to your life every few days. That having been said, you didn’t CRACK? Even with your wife, your brother, God man are you made of trilithiam idiotto! (OK that was a crappy ST illusion). I apologize, however, you got a fantastic gig & you didn’t share that with your near & dear. Not for nuthin’ but, that’s the kind of stuff that makes geeks … well … less than layed! Anne, once again gets the prize for the most understanding, non geek chick in Gods green acre, … who get’s you & digs it! It would seem … YOU ‘DA MAN!
I am an ubernerd (albeit a cheap one) and ran out to rent GTA: SA as soon as it came out. Flipping through the manual, I gave an embarassing squeal to find your name as Richard Burns! Ah, yes, THAT is what the GTA series was lacking!
Right on!
We got the game at noon on Tuesday, being big GTA fans. The first thing I did was read through all the credits of voice actors and I was thrilled to see your name! I listened to the station until I heard you (and I started just after the news so I had to listen to it all). Great work Wil!