I stopped watching SNL years ago, because . . . well, because it’s thirty-five different kinds of sucks.
So I missed the whole Ashlee Simpson thing, until I read about it at daypop or blogdex or something earlier today. The Internets are abuzz with people slamming Ashlee Simpson, but I don’t think that’s the real story. I mean, anyone who is surprised that Ashlee Simpson would be lip synching on SNL (or any other time, really) would probably be surprised to learn that the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park were fake.
(I hope I didn’t ruin Jurassic Park for anyone . . . but if I did, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys.)
The real story, if you ask me, is more about SNL, and how it traded Andy Kaufman for Andy Dick. The real microscope shouldn’t be focused on Ashlee Vanilee Simpson, but should be focused on SNL, which used to be a reliable source of biting commentary and satire, but is now just another predictable, corporate, unimaginative stop on the flavor of the month’s publicity tour.
Tony Pierce, who keeps one of the greatest blogs on the planet, nailed the demise of SNL perfectly:
saturday night live used to be counterculture. it used to be punk rock. but it hasn’t been punk rock in decades and the other night night just put the last nail in your coffin. and good riddance i say. you are the establishment. you should do your lame open, show the cartoon, do weekend update, show the band, and get off the shitter. but you hate us. thats why you keep doing all this bad tv.
i know you hate us because you hired ashlee. thats not love. the highlight of most of the episodes of snl used to be the musical guests.
david bowie singing in a sarcophagus.
i remember the stones being on there, the dead, the replacements.
why don’t you take what happened saturday night as a hint that your show has jumped the shark. that you’re too old that you don’t care any more what is counterculture to america and the best way to realize that is by having jude law host and ashlee simpson “sing”.
Bingo, Tony.
afterthought: I wasn’t clear when I posted this last night: If I had declared that the show was a pile without having watched it at all for years, I would have earned a special “asshat” badge. When I said that I haven’t watched SNL in years, what I meant was I haven’t gotten in front of the TV every Saturday night at 11:35 pm and stayed there until 1 am, rocking with laughter at the show. What I meant was, there used to be a time when something big would happen in the news, and I’d turn to my friend Dave and say, “Man, I can’t wait to see what SNL does with this!” What I meant was, several times over the last few years, I’ve tuned in for at least the first 15 minutes (where they usually put their strongest material), and I’ve found it to be the opposite of funny, clever, or entertaining. But that’s just my opinion, and if you :heart: the show, I’m not going to argue with you about it. Finally, I am certain that the writers and actors on SNL are all talented, dedicated people who work as hard as they can to produce a great show, but it sure seems like the network won’t let them push the limits like they once did. That is what I meant by corporate and unimaginative.
And I know that Tony Pierce has said some unkind things about me in the past. He’s still a great blogger, and everyone should still read his site. If you doubt me, check out his photo essays. They’re incredible.
Okay. Now go watch Kids In The Hall. Seriously.
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LOL. This is why you should only watch reruns from many years ago when the show was good. I can’t even remember the last time I watched a current SNL. Hell, even MadTV is starting to look good next to current SNL. And I don’t like MadTV. *shudders*
Don’t worry, I missed the Ashlee thing, too. Until my entire Buddy list asked me if I’d heard. 😉 Yikes.
I havent found SNL to be entertaining in quite a few years. Probably around the time that Chris Farley was gone. Oh well, the only show I watch for laughs anymore is Family Guy…
Um… I don’t watch SNL either. What happened with Ashlee Simpson?
Well put.
It seems like Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show is our only hope…
Good commentary, Wil. Well-written.
I may click the set over to NBC at 10:35 on Saturday night (remember, Mountain time, I get stuff an hour earlier), but it doesn’t usually stay there very long. Most of the sketches have passed out of “funny” and gone straight to “crass.” And I’m not interested in most of the musical guests anyway. (Including Ms. Simpson. I didn’t see the lipsync malfunction in question. No big loss.)
I’d rather watch an episode or two of Dilbert…just got the box set.
you’re 100% dead-on. at least i don’t have to change alter my weekend plans to see snl anymore…
I switched over to MadTV years ago. Yes, it’s infintile and dirty, but at least it’s funny occasionally.
Once in a while there’s a good guest on and SNL shines a bit (surprisingly, Justin Timberlake was one of those) but I usually miss those episodes unless MadTV is a re-run.
Seriously, what happended?
i missed the ASHLEE SIMPSON fiasco for many of the same reasons you and TONY PIERCE mentioned…it is hard to maintain your edge when you’ve been cutting with it for 35 years…when i think of SNL now…i think of bad television parodies…loud, senseless, time consuming sketches that that seem to have been made to order copies of all that have been played out on SNL before…the ASHLEE episode is the kind of pop SNL used to avoid…such candy coated pop was a favorite SNL target for derisive humor…now the humor is lost in the parody of itself that SNL has become…is this a sign post that SNL can look to as a signal that a change is needed…or will the irony of it all be lost to them…at some point you have to have different aspirations than to be the 7,462th man on the moon…too many trips to the same old place…there are other planets out there to explore…is anyone ready to make the trip?
Some of us were around for the Golden Years of SNL, sitting bleary eyed watching from Day One. And ya know what? Everyone said it sucked then, too. And later, those sucky shows were “classic.” Years from now, people will be picking at it still, bemoaning the loss of the Really Good Stuff with Tina Fey and Jimmy Fallon.
What happened to Ashlee Simpson was humiliating for her, sure, but it’s nothing new, nothing astonishing, and it’ll happen again. And again. And probably on SNL, after which people will point out the suckiness of the entire show.
I weep for the first years of SNL that not only was infinitely more clever, but also had completely unexpected guest hosts like Broderick Crawford and Walter Matthau. (It was also the first time I ever heard the B-52s who were almost completely unknown in mainstream America).
SNL hasn’t been worth watching for longer than I can remember. It hangs on only by virtue of the fact that it’s been hanging on for so long.
And that’s no reason for it to hang around or to waste time watching it.
P.S. – I’m firmly of the opinion that someone in the background of SNL planned for “accident” of whatsername Simpson’s.
Such things don’t tend to happen on live TV by mistake.
Well said. Well, fucking, said. If anyone is surprised at any pop music being less than completely real needs a good solid reality check.
Great post Wil…great site you have here also…I’ve added yours to my LiveJournal.
I gave up all hope for SNL when Jimmy Fallon left. It used to be one of the funniest things on the tv to tune in…but alas, it’s dying a slow, painful death. Time to tune into much better things on tv (if there still are any…).
WORD. and the fact that Bowie was mentioned earns BIG CREDIT in my book. You both make excellent points.
Cheers, Wil.
Talking Heads played live. And it was incredible.
LOL! How long has it F***ing been since the Stones have been Anti-Establishment! If they started sending us checks, I might give them that but I think Keith Richards might have spent that money on his G*D DAMN hotel rooms he used to destroy.. pfft..
I’ll agree, SNL is a dinosaur.. but that is all..
I disagree with you. Nothing stays counterculture/”punk” forever..who could have expected SNL to never become mainstream?
While the show is hit and miss, there is certainly some funny stuff on there, and someone like you Wil who admittedly hasn’t watched it in years isn’t the best judge of its current state.
Just my opinion!!
I miss the days of Buckwheat…
Great Hitchiker’s reference in addition to a great point, Wil.
I have been reading your site for a little over a week. Thanks for putting this up Mr. Wheaton.
I am yet another fan from way back (Stand By Me) to present. (Had a serious crush on you when you were starring as Wesley)
Also missed the Simpson thing the other night.
But I totally agree with this poster.
Keep up the friendly, fun blog Mr. Wheaton. It’s much appreciated. 🙂
whoops… did something wrong up there…
I /agree with
“P.S. – I’m firmly of the opinion that someone in the background of SNL planned for “accident” of whatsername Simpson’s.
Such things don’t tend to happen on live TV by mistake.
Posted by ShelaghC at October 25, 2004 09:32 PM ”
I kind of go along with Andrew, that to criticize something without having really experienced that something as of recent is somewhat… eh, fallacious.
That said, having watched SNL on and off since I was old/young enough to appreciate the humor, the last time I watched SNL all the way through was never and the last time I did see some of it, I was thoroughly disappointed because I kept looking for something smart and funny.
Oh, well. None of this would have ever happened if she would have just kept on singing instead of getting all flustered. Sure, SNL shows a lot of crap, but the real point is personality — and a strong one. It’s just something Ashlee lacked on Saturday night and is something that has prompted everyone to point a finger and say, “Yes! It is true! Now if only this would happen to more!”
To me, what happened on SNL is a good thing — because hey… get all the lazy people out of the music business and make room for some real, hard working talent.
The Internets
Heh. I’ve been wanting to use that one since
I heard W say it but I didn’t think anybody would
get it. Guess that’s why I’m still an amateur.
BTW. Wayne & Garth play truth or dare with
Madonna. Best. Episode. Ever. IMHO.
I’ve been saying this stuff for years and I’m not even old enough to remember the good SNL in anything but reruns. The last good season of the show IMHO was the last season with Dana Carvey. After that it started going down hill and when the last remnents of that cast left it jumped off the damn cliff right into the suck pool at the bottom. TV is just crap now..and thats so sad.
Hey Wil !!!.
Like you ever get back to me…haha.
Just kidding..
So, is that “Your Face” they are using on the “Adam Sessler Ad” on the G4TechTV ad???
*I wish I could High Jack Adam Sessler’s Job for a day?*
Call me, we’ll do lunch.. 🙂
I enjoy SNL’s comedy. It may not be what it once was…but it’s hard for anything to not change after 35+ years. I do Miss Will Ferril’s Dubya impersonations. Those were golden.
I think the counter-culture and punk crowd have been ultra-elitists for a long time. Anytime something gets big and mainstream all of the sudden they “sold out” or forgot their roots.
If it makes you laugh whats the problem? If it doesn’t make you laugh then oh well…
I just saw a clip on Tough Crowd. I see what happened. How embarassing.
I stopped watching SNL years ago too. I knew I was in trouble when after the second or third skit I was questioning myself why I was even bothering to watch this crap! In Living Color was so much better and the show was on half the time that SNL was.
However, I have to say that “Schweity Balls” is one of my most favorite skits. Even if it was shown during the ‘dead zone.’
I stopped watching SNL years ago too. I knew I was in trouble when after the second or third skit I was questioning myself why I was even bothering to watch this crap! In Living Color was so much better and the show was on half the time that SNL was.
However, I have to say that “Schweity Balls” is one of my most favorite skits. Even if it was shown during the ‘dead zone.’
Its really sad. I used to love this show.. I used to look forward to it at the end of a long tedious week, and now.. I don’t even bother knowing who is hosting because I know it is going to suck and won’t be worth my time.
What the hell happened?
So Wil, does this mean hosting SNL is off your wish list for good?
So sad. SNL used to be good. Sometimes it still has a great sketch but mostly, it does suck. I think it’s doubly sad because SNL has some incredibly talented people. Maya Rudolph, Tina Fey, and Robert Smigel (not to mention others that are just as deserving of praise) are funny and intelligent.
It seems to me that the NBC network has sunk its (dumbed-down) talons into the show and nothing will ever bring it back to its former glory. Not even the exceptionally talented cast and crew it hires.
With the exception of MadTV, every sketch comedy show created since SNL has outdone it. KIds In The Hall, In Living Color, The State, Mr. Show.
Yes, I do believe it is time for SNL to hang up its hat. Sorry to see you go old friend.
The Daily Show realizes what SNL used to be. I mean, what Jon Stewart said on Crossfire was punk-rock. Totally.
The best part of SNL is Fred Armissen; he was on the Wilco documentary and slays every sketch he stars in.
wow… I couldn’t disagree more as it related to this last episode.
I am a person who has been turned off of SNL for the past few years. In fact, this Saturday’s SNL was the first I had seen in awhile… and it was VERY good.
I’ll be watching again regularly, as long as the writing is as good as it was on Saturday.
Knowing that this has been said, and most likely will be repeated… A-FUCKING-MEN!
SNL took a dive around the same time MTV started to get rid of the M and bring in teh Suck. When corporations decided that consolidation was key to the almighty dollar. They picked up every media outlet they could and turned them into outlets for material this and material that.
Over the last 15 years of my life, I’ve watched MTV de-evolve from Music Television to The Shiny Things and Pretty People channel. Wil calls it eMpTyVee for good reason: It’s shallow and empty, just like SNL.
For those who care to know what I honestly think of MTV, I offer this pic (page, Tripod, so, popups, sorry), taken on a trip to New York City earlier this year…
SNL hasn’t really been *consistently* funny since the 84-85 season (Martin Short, Billy Crystal). Corporate is the best description for what SNL has become. A former cast member (Tim Kazurinsky) once said that SNL used to be a show that felt like the network was taken over by young comic extremists for 90 minutes every Sat. night. Former writer/performer Mike O’Donoghue said the key ingredient was danger. Now NBC and Lorne Michaels use it as a power franchise (kind of like Paramount with Trek). One thing to do is cut way way back on the budget. The sets and production values are a bit too slick and a lack of money means you’ll get young, unknown hungry talent out to prove something. Finally, was at a video store looking to rent Best of Belushi, Aykroyd, etc. and only found Sandler, Farley, and Rock on the shelves. Depressing.
I’m actually annoyed that I know who Ashley Simpson is. I take pride in not knowing or caring who is on the top 40 pop charts. The only reason I heard about it was that it was on the news. There’s a war on, an election in a week, and people dying- but “Ashley Simpson lipsyncs on TV” is top news. What a sorry state of affairs we live in.
And for SNL, that went bad so long ago I don’t even bother anymore. I’ve got better things to do on my Saturday nights. Reminds me of MTV- it was good but then it started to suck and now has moved on to suck and blow.
Pop Quiz:
Q: How many times has SNL performed a “Killer Bees” skit? [back in the day with Belushi. John, not Jim.]
A: Just FOUR times. And anyone that’s seen any of ’em recall them as being damn hilarious.
Q: How many times has SNL performed those embarrassing cheerleader skits with Ferrell & that lady that I can’t recall? [just not memorable enough, I guess.]
A: Uh… dunno… lemme break out the abacus, here… slide a couple of these, flick a couple of those… = a shitload.
They keep retreading their skits because the writers/writing just aren’t good enough or bold enough to do something new. And that equals massive sucking.
Yes, SNL has had some fantastic moments [Schweddy Balls, anyone?!] since the first couple of casts had left, but any rotating dozen of us monkeys given a season’s worth of shows to do over 20 years… we’d hit the nail on the head just as many times.
Ok, Edwood… get off the soapbox and don’t make any sudden moves!
I have to agree, I sooooo fucking hate snl, mad tv is a much better show. snl pretty much went tits up for me when Adam Sandler left the show.
btw great blog I have become a regular reader, keep up the good work :)!
NO!!! No!!!!
Fake dinosaurs???? Tell me it’s not true, Wil!
My kids are gonna be devastated….
LeeB 🙂
Bang rocks together?!
Hey, doesn’t the Prime Directive have to do with non-interference? Great, now idiots in America will suddenly figure out warp technology.
Well, I agree that SNL jumped the shark eons ago.
However, comparing it to punk has its share of irony, as punk isn’t punk anymore either.
It has become driven by corporate money too. Damn near everything is these days.
It certainly isn’t the counterculture any more. Hasn’t for years.
The Trash Heap has Spoken!
Amen to that. The show was great when I was growing up. Watching re-runs of Chevy Chase and Steve Martin and Gilda Radner were awesome. Who could ever forget the Landshark.
Is there anything on there these days that anyone will be talking about 20 years from now? I doubt it…
Take Care, Love your journal, Don’t forget to smile…
Did Some Call Bingo?! I’m here to save the day, Opps, Wait, Too Late.
I couldn’t agree more. The last time SNL was good, Mike Myers and crew were on it. Ever since then it has just gotten worse.
The writing just isn’t as good as it used to be. Sheri Oteri, Will Farrell, Jimmy Fallon and of course Tina Fey are great, consistent comedians. But the writing just can’t support them like it should. Weekend Update with Tina and Jimmy was always, consistently funny. But that’s it.
It’s so sad. SNL used to be a goal for young comedic actors. It’s just not anymore. 🙁
Customer: uh, give me 3 cheeseburgers…
Belushi: Cheeseboiguh! Cheeseboiguh! Cheeseboiguh!
Akroyd: Cheeseboiguh! Cheeseboiguh! Cheeseboiguh!
Customer: and, uh, coke…
B: no coke! Pepsi! We switch!
I miss those two…
Punk Rock? Counterculture? Perhaps. I don’t care if SNL is punk. I don’t care if it’s counterculture. I really don’t even care if it’s Belushi and Radner or if it’s Will Farrell and whoever the current group of idiots are. I don’t care whether or not the musical guest is a popular modern act or a post-modern soon-to-be-type group.
All I really care is whether or not it’s funny. And these days? Not so much.
I stopped watching SNL years ago too. I knew I was in trouble when after the second or third skit I was questioning myself why I was even bothering to watch this crap! In Living Color was so much better and the show was on half the time that SNL was.
However, I have to say that “Schweity Balls” is one of my most favorite skits. Even if it was shown during the ‘dead zone.’
I stopped watching SNL years ago too. I knew I was in trouble when after the second or third skit I was questioning myself why I was even bothering to watch this crap! In Living Color was so much better and the show was on half the time that SNL was.
However, I have to say that “Schweity Balls” is one of my most favorite skits. Even if it was shown during the ‘dead zone.’
I stopped watching SNL years ago too. I knew I was in trouble when after the second or third skit I was questioning myself why I was even bothering to watch this crap! In Living Color was so much better and the show was on half the time that SNL was.
However, I have to say that “Schweity Balls” is one of my most favorite skits. Even if it was shown during the ‘dead zone.’